- 4.419
Sobald hier wieder so viel ot geschrieben wird, wird der thread zu gemacht!
So die erste ICS Version für das sgs2 ist nun verfügbar.
Development Build3:
Wi-Fi now works !
Download: http://aospsgs2.neo-utopia.eu/downloads/netchip-dev-build3.zip
Download (CWM ZIP inc. GAPPS): http://sakaschi.xda-hosting.de/down...ceCreamSandwich/IceCreamSandwichDevBuild3.zip
Info: Die zip habe ich angefertig für die cwm es ist alles enthalten einfach nur mit cwm flashen.
Die Dev3 erkennt kein usb im CWM Modus, daher müsst ihr erst mit odin nen anderen kernel flashen,
und dann euer nandroid zurückspielen.
Changelog Alpha7:
New apps from Galaxy Nexus
Fixed RIL
Download: Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
Changelog Alpha6.5:
We happened to fix the RIL ( CALL AND SMS )
Here is the new build
Download: Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
Changelog Alpha6:
Touchscreen fix implented!
Updated kernel (ty bio)
Made rom amazingly smooth and super fast!
Updated Android runtime
Updated Settings
Updated Build.prop
Updated libraries
Added Music2.apk
Added latest Android Market (not really important cuz we have no wifi >.<)
Download: Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
Changelog Alpha5:
Removed PinyinIME.apk (No need for Chinese ime for now)
Fixed Touchscreen (Driver modded)
Based on tegrak kernel
Download: Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
Original Thread:
[Port] Galaxy SII Ics port alive again with AOSP - xda-developers
Offizielle Homepage: Home
Chat: freenode Web IRC (qwebirc)
So die erste ICS Version für das sgs2 ist nun verfügbar.

Development Build3:
Wi-Fi now works !
Download: http://aospsgs2.neo-utopia.eu/downloads/netchip-dev-build3.zip
Download (CWM ZIP inc. GAPPS): http://sakaschi.xda-hosting.de/down...ceCreamSandwich/IceCreamSandwichDevBuild3.zip
Info: Die zip habe ich angefertig für die cwm es ist alles enthalten einfach nur mit cwm flashen.
Die Dev3 erkennt kein usb im CWM Modus, daher müsst ihr erst mit odin nen anderen kernel flashen,
und dann euer nandroid zurückspielen.
Changelog Alpha7:
New apps from Galaxy Nexus
Fixed RIL
Download: Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
Changelog Alpha6.5:
We happened to fix the RIL ( CALL AND SMS )
Download: Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
Changelog Alpha6:
Touchscreen fix implented!
Updated kernel (ty bio)
Made rom amazingly smooth and super fast!
Updated Android runtime
Updated Settings
Updated Build.prop
Updated libraries
Added Music2.apk
Added latest Android Market (not really important cuz we have no wifi >.<)
Download: Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
Changelog Alpha5:
Removed PinyinIME.apk (No need for Chinese ime for now)
Fixed Touchscreen (Driver modded)
Based on tegrak kernel
Download: Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
Original Thread:
[Port] Galaxy SII Ics port alive again with AOSP - xda-developers
Offizielle Homepage: Home
Chat: freenode Web IRC (qwebirc)
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