[AOKP-ROM] *10.05.12* bezke

  • 7 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum




Dev ist Bezke, nicht ich! Alle Spenden gehen somit an ihn! Danke für die geile Rom!

- Basiert auf 4.0.4 IMM76I
- Sources aus AOKP, CM9, CNA und IceColdSandwich Roms / andere Geräte
- Gapps müssen nachinstalliert werden, DownloadLink findet ihr hier im ersten Post

Achtung: Trotz sorgfältiger Recherche übernehme weder Ich, noch Android-Hilfe Haftung bei Schäden an euren Geräten! Diese Rom ist nur für das i9100, nicht für das i9100G!

Rom laden
ggf. Gapps laden
auf internen Speicher legen
ins Recovery booten
Nandroid Backup machen
wipe data/factory reset
wipe cache
wipe dalvik cache
format system (letzteres unter mounts and storage)
install .zip from sdcard
rom auswählen und yes install wählen
ggf. GApps flashen, wenn ihr die Google Apps möchtet

Info: Wer von Gingerbread kommt, muss definitiv alle o.g. Schritte ausführen, wer von einer anderen AOKP kommt, kann es versuchen, die u.g. Variante zu nehmen. Sollten Bugs auftreten, werdet ihr wohl nicht um einen factory reset und format systen herum kommen

Flashen eines Updates:
Rom laden
ggf. aktuellere GApps laden
auf internen Speicher legen
Rom flashen
GApps flashen
wipe cache
wipe dalvik cache



Hier der Original Thread auf xda
Bezkes geile Rom

Hier die Updates und Changelogs
updates und changelogs

Aktuelles Update

BEZKE empfiehlt für das Update auf Milestone5 einen Fullwipe. Laut einigen Usern funktionierte es bei ihnen auch ohne.

[AOKP-ROM] *10.05.12* bezke [milestone 5]

Google Apps

Hier MTP Treiber als .exe
MTP Treiber

Bekannte Bugs
Buglist KLICK

Button Beleuchtung AUS

Button Beleuchtung AN

Google music + fx.zip

Spenden an Bezke
Give me a beer

Kernel, die mit dieser Rom kompatibel sind:




Siyah Dualboot (in der Rom integriert)

Abyss ICS

codeworkx's Kernel funktioniert aktuell nicht richtig mit der Rom, wurde deshalb entfernt

Voku Kernel (basiert auf Siyah)

dorimanx Kernel

Links führen zu den Threads im AH Forum. Dort findet ihr wiederum die Links zum Original Thread (XDA)

Für die leute die die density runter regeln möchten:


ist die gemoddete phone.apk

ohne die wird das telefonieren kritisch
einfach nach /system/app drücken, rechte setzen und es funzt auch mit dem telefonieren

Hier der Link zum Thread
[HOW-TO]DPI-Einstellungen/Status 7 Fehler in der Recovery?

Danke für die Info an @ gewürzwiesel !!









Theme für die Rom:

Black Infinitum

gewürzwiesel`s Thread bei AH

Original Thread bei xda


Screenshots vom Theme:




Thema Bootanimation:

Da einigen Usern die bootani (rosa Einhorn)


nicht gefällt,

hier die aus Sakaschi`s Rom, danke hierfür!


Download Sakaschi`s bootani von wiesels dropbox :p

Thanks to:

Codeworkx's cm9 : [ROM][GT-I9100][4.0.4] CyanogenMod 9 nightly builds | DEVELOPMENT THREAD - xda-developers
Codeworkx's website and donation: codeworkx - android blog
Codenamedroid: http://codenameandroid.com/
AOKP Offical Website: AOKP | Forum Index
IceColdSandwich by Lord clockan: [ROM]18-04-2012 | IceColdSandwich - 7.3 - AOKP | FOXY LADY EDITION - xda-developers

Von mir Danke für die Hilfe bei der Erstellung des Openers und für die geilen Infos:
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: mecss und KingChaos
FM Radio, Changelogs und frühere Versionen

FM RadioApp FM Radio

Updates & Changelogs

Update AOKP build 35 @ 2012.05.10.
- removed Facebook sync (this had to happen. it was a hack and breaking Picasa sync. FB needs to fix this, not ROMs)
Added ability to hide sender and/or message body in notification'
Added dock battery display for tablets
Added Browser tab settings (max tab limit/whether to restore tabs on browser restart)
Added CM9 T-Mobile theme manager
Added Sense 4 style Task switcher (you have the option of choosing from stock/web os/sense 4 now)
Added ability to play boot sound (disabled by default)
increased default nav bar glow speeds for better user experience out of the box
-Abyss 1.8F2 kernel

Update AOKP Milestone 5@ 2012.04.30.
-Updated kernel to siyah 3.2. b 2-2 /solved wifi problem/

Update AOKP Milestone 5@ 2012.04.29.
-updated to IMM76I
-newest cm9 kernel 3.0.30
-FIXED STORAGE OPTIONS MTP+Camera+Usb into storage settings
which incorporates the fixes from IMM76I
fixed long press home on navbar being on by default
fixed volume zoom playing sounds with video camera
made flash-off indicator visible in camera
AVRCP: fixed soft reboots with certain players
fixed brightness slider jumping when toggling auto-brightness
sped up opening of init.d tweaks in RC
added description to LED setting on RC to be clearer on what it does
it only changes the DEFAULT LED color. Apps may override it, and most do.
attempted to fix freezing clock yet again
fixed wifi icon being cut off
fixed color multipliers being doubled
new gamma ranges from -100 to 100 defaulting to 0
your kernel (if it supports gamma tuning) might have a different default, so just keep that in mind (60 was the previous default)
fixed small icons when airplane mode & wifi are enabled
added shortcuts to toggle torch & toggle navbar
that means you can add these to nav bar as regular actions or long press actions, click “Custom app”, scroll down to “System UI”, toggle nav bar & torch should be there.
-can also add these shortcuts to your desktop. They do NOT work correctly from the lockscreen, yet.
-Fixed decrease lights in custom backlight settings
Some from build 34 and ..

-fixed mobile data toggle not updating for serious
-fix navigation buttons for tablets
-long press home options added to General Interface for phones that have -hardware buttons
-fix icon transparency being applied to right-side buttons (BT, etc)
-updated NovaLauncher to 1.1.1
-Add BT MAP Profile
-fix font sizing in statusbar
-fixed volume sliders not updating when volumes are linked
-many fixes for ColorPicker in ROM Control
-gradient showing properly
-color picker should fit in all screens now
-show color preview before opening dialog (in-line)
-fixed sound playing when volume zoom is enabled in camera
-last.fm AVRCP crash fixed
-contact pictures now displaying properly in notifications when receiving new sms
from build33:
bug fixes
- Bluetooth: Fixed memory leak and file handles leak
- Nav bar & tablet status bar FCs fixed
- Fixed some init.d scripts not running due to lack of bash
- Changing brightness by sliding on the top of the statusbar (if enabled) shouldn’t FC anymore
- Fixed Data toggle not updating properly
- Torch should be acting normally again
- ROM Control: Fixed scrolling cache not setting properly
- Weather will refresh whenever SystemUI starts instead of when the phone boots (so if it gets restarted, it should fetch weather again, it didn’t before)
- Lockscrens: Added lockscreen wallpapers to pin & pattern unlock screens
- Settings: fixed link mute states always being checked

supersonic: Updated files (thanks to evervolv), should boot! I’ve also included a “camera hack” so it should work, Video camera will FC, so will panorama mode. It is what it is
new features:
- Added another ROM Control shortcut that opens ROM Control
- Added ability to translate weather conditions (only German is translated for now I think)
- Mms: added ability to strip unicode (CM)
- Mms: added emoji icons (CM)
- Mms: added quick emoji button to left of input (option you must enable)
- Added warnings to fast charge (will notify you if it’s enabled on boot)
- Hide navbar feature for tablets
- More music players supported for AVRCP 1.3

Update AOKP @ 2012.04.16.
INITIAL AOKP BUILD 32. /Less some extra like 9+1 battery mod/
- Fix NavBar showing up in landscape lockscreen
- Fix long-press resetting custom NavBar icons
- Fix incorrect bluetooth address on some devices
- Fix lockscreen events showing up 1 day before
- Fix quickunlock not allowing passwords longer than 8 chars
- Fix centered clock not showing the correct time
- Other small fixes
New Features:
- Camera: Pinch and Volume Zoom
- General UI: Customizable rotation delay is back!
- Bluetooth: AVRCP 1.3+ support
- Lockscreen/NavBar: Allow shortcuts to specify their own icons
- NavBar: Allow tablets to use “hide NavBar” feature
- NavBar: Custom NavBar is now available for tablets as well!
- NavBar: Customizable glow color
- Quiet Hours: Configure the hours your device should be quiet and/or still
- Statusbar: Added ability to WeatherPanel to start a custom app
- Statusbar: Added ability to hide signal bars
- Statusbar: Customizable font size
- Statusbar: Customizable icon transparency
- Ststusbar: grey color modded
- kernel updated to 3.0.28 -more better battery life
- workable FM adio in 2nd post

Update AOKP @ 2012.04.12.
-Statusbar stability fixed
-fixed statusbar colors /grey-invisible/
-change the black circle to sexyblackyblue
-sgs2 settings back to settings
-back to exynos backlight /with some kernel the keylights works better/
-scripts modded
-modded power profile in fraework.res
-updated kernel
-updated camera

Update AOKP @ 2012.04.10.
-Maybe fixed micro sd storage problem
-Added 9+1 Battery mods

Update AOKP @ 2012.04.09.
Fixed long pressing home button not working on capacitive buttons
Fixed FC when clearing market data through the LCD density changer in RC
Fixed lockscreen icons not setting properly
Fixed battery bar showing incorrect battery percentages and not showing in the proper orientation
Fixed Calendar FC in ROM Control
Changed back to stock framework animation speed as the faster ones weren't properly configured and made things "stutter"
+ back the dialerfix
+ back the mp4 - stereo video record
+ AOKP themed Nova launcher /good wallpapers/
+ fixed keyboard from prev version
+ back dsp manager
+ sgs2 settings like in begining /no in the settings -more stabile settings/

Update AOKP @ 2012.04.08.
-Fixed MP4 and Stereo Video recording /sorry for prev/
-added back the sgs2 spec settings into base settings
-added updated nova launcher
-FULL RE-OPTIMIZED THE APK's PNG's for Better Performance

Update AOKP @ 2012.04.07.
-Fixed T9 Dialer -- "Haha it was fixed before by me / bezke/ ... "
-Fixed ROM Control issues with saving images (should be fixed for ALL devices)
-Navigation bar overhaul (ability to set custom actions/icons and long-press actions)
-Sped up default animation speeds
-Removed OpenWnn from builds (Japanese IME)
-Added option to disable camera sounds (Settings -> Sound)

Update AOKP @ 2012.04.05.-2
-dialer estetic fixed
-phone answer bug fixed
-added mp4 an 2 chanel /stereo/ video record settings
-and maybe ext sd into /sdcard/external_sd/ - need testers and feedbacks because I havnt got microsd...

Update AOKP @ 2012.04.05.
-Full sourcework 4.0.4 CM9 + AOKP
-3.0.27 CM9 Bootimage /kernel/ for better touch and battery friendly
-Added gps Patch /find sign under 10 sec/
-Full workable keys backlight /with any kernel/
-Replaced camera.apk /Power shooott + better img/
-added google music, map, youtube, OIfile browser, ics trebu and nova launcher,
-USB=MTP - so faster. /if it will not connect delete the prev. drivers and reconnect / -choose the mtp on statusbar....
-and many...

Update AOKP and CNA @ 2012.03.24.
- full rebuilt base
- opensource hw codecs
- Siyah kernel b6 /smoother, bln, oc, uc, .../

Update AOKP and CNA @ 2012.03.21. - The Best AOKP - CNA EVER
-MTP file Transmitter FIXED /AOKP and CNA/ use this driver package: http://downloadcenter.samsung.com/co...r_v1.4.6.0.exe
-Updated some apps /maps, youtube, trebuchet/
-Full tested init.d Scripts-
-Fixed GPS /sirfgps/

Update @ 2012.03.20.-2
Added Start up /init.d tweaks/
-MTP file Transmitter /AOKP and CNA/

Update @ 2012.03.20.
Added lockscreen color changer
Added 'traditional' toggle layout [where the toggles are on the very top] (Stevepear426) -- find in RC > Statusbar General > Layout
Added AOSP lockscreen style (Whitehawkx)
Added extra volume slider options (Stevepear426, tmoskowite on gummy)
Added lockscreen calendar options (!!!) (sethyx)
Removed any trackball support the ROM had, was only throwing errors, not properly implemented
Improved brightness slider under toggles, doesn't jump anymore
Improved brightness slider (when sliding your finger across the statusbar if enabled). MUCH more responsive now
Added fast charge toggle for maguro/toro for kernels that support it (Zaphod-Beeble)
Added ability to set custom lockscreen image for targets. Click picture in RC to set.
Also increased size of custom lockscreen images to more match the normal icons
Including AppWidgetPicker to help organize widgets
Added digital clock widget to desk clock
battery bar should no longer disappear when in the navigation bar

Update @ 2012.03.15.
Mainly changes from cm9:
- kernel based on Samsung sources

Update @ 2012.03.15.
Mainly changes from cm9:

Update @ 2012.03.09.
Mainly changes from cm9:
-base: allow user to choose internal storage
-Croatian LatinIME keyboard layout and spellchecker support
-Fix CTS failure
-SamsungRIL: Fixes for CDMA data reconnection failures due to stale pppd
-fixed mms feedback
-more stability

Update @ 2012.03.08.
Weather panel updates (sethyx, Zaph, tgwaste, and many more!)
new more compact layout that fits at the top of your screen
ability to hide it in your statusbar
added lockscreen weather to tablets
Added statusbar transparency (rob43)
Added alternate notification drawer layout (toggles/date on bottom instead of top)
Added day of the week before clock style option (rob43)
Signal text reading improvements (Zaph)
Added option to show lockscreen before secure unlock
Simplified nav bar hide/show code => should be working on all devices properly
Added PhaseBeam alongside UnicornPorn
Fixed all weird tablet FCs (was caused by that messy nav bar code )
give back camera app /power shoot/
give back softkeys

Update @ 2012.03.07.
- add some advanced settings in romcontrol: /9 battery, statusbar-weather options, etc.../ Thx to LorD ClockaN and the IceColdSandwich rom.
- Full tested smdk4210 /samsung sgs2 ics/ Ril what is working Great from previous version.
- based on cm9 03.05. /with this known bugs/
-added GMap, youtube, and live wallpapers.

Update @ 2012.03.05.

- fully fixed the ril /signal works great
- fully fixed mms/sms will work @ first sending too

Update @ 2012.03.03.
-integrate Fixed hw video codecs /youtube is beautifull/
-maybe fixed mms app /i replaced telephonyprovider/ havn't tested yet, please report
- ril better, but not the best /more stable data but signal isnt work/ - i will contact codeworkx to give me advice.

Please read the 2nd post, i will add a subscription how to remove virtual navigation bar from display.

Update @ 2012.03.01.
- some little fix /gps better, maybe ril fixes - after first start you must wait for 4-5 minute to set,/
- fix mms/sms app sometimes got error after send sms...
- fixed some video color issues
- added trebuchet launcher
- added more languages to keyboard
- added music fx / dsp manager
- added google music
- AOKP based on build 27.


-04,28.: http://www.mediafire.com/?ey3yw3a4l16d57l
-04.12.: http://www.mediafire.com/?hkti24yj8nkt14n
-04.10.: http://www.mediafire.com/?yb2fe4i18bg7e0b
-04.09.: http://www.mediafire.com/?09it7e9mdxjalcd
-04.08.: http://www.mediafire.com/?ncfcrwz67c4f48u
-04.05-2: http://www.mediafire.com/?ycg256s7j0djh56
-03.25.: http://www.mediafire.com/?aygaa3osgt4cvr7
-03.22.: http://d-h.st/ZaY
-03.21.: http://d-h.st/Dci
-03.20.: http://d-h.st/aqd
-03.19.: http://d-h.st/Kog
-03.15.: http://dev-host.org/pvw
-03.09.: http://www.mediafire.com/?4abbdo5w08w7kyr
-03.08.: http://www.mediafire.com/?ed267usonaj63eo
-03.07.: http://www.mediafire.com/?qce7patl613mdxg
-03.05.: http://www.mediafire.com/?je6yd77d176rx6e
-03.03.: http://www.mediafire.com/?0bsj9rx3pezrnqe
-03.01.: http://www.mediafire.com/?k8vdfvwixkt7r2h
-beta 1.1:http://www.mediafire.com/?cgz2tgenuoon0e0


-03.09.: http://www.mediafire.com/?44enk52w11f40lw
-03.06.: http://www.mediafire.com/?2zjucs95bal51gy
-03.03.: http://www.mediafire.com/?ck18d24dd7syakk
-beta 1.1:http://www.mediafire.com/?a5crsz9lah8l1uh
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Hier gehts weiter mit Bezke nachdem Chaos-PC sein Thread ab gegeben hat.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: derpennerwinter und crumbs
Bin mal gespannt ob bezke wirklich weiter macht nach der fail-rom :rolleyes:

...zugestellt per taptalk aus den Tiefen der Galaxie S2
crumbs schrieb:
Bin mal gespannt ob bezke wirklich weiter macht nach der fail-rom :rolleyes:

...zugestellt per taptalk aus den Tiefen der Galaxie S2

also "milestone 5" läuft noch immer top :)

Nur schade, dass bezke einfach so inaktiv ist... hoffentlich macht er bald mal n update für AOKP Build 37...

(aber ja B36 war n riesen-fail... hab gar nicht erst geupdatet)
Zitat von bezke:

All my followers.
Sorry, but I have now some exams.
The final exams in my school, so these are the most important...
Please be patient, after my last exam /19.06./ I will come back.

Wird wohl frühestens Ende Juni wieder was kommen.
Heute ist der 19.06., er hat also seine letzten Prüfungen hinter sich.
Vllt kommt da bald wieder was :)
thx all.
I passed all my exams, at saturday come my language exam too, but I finished my schoolllll!!!!

No more school in the near future.

The ORIGINAL AOKP is coming, after I set back my pc to develop /from lean/
1-3 days
Please be patient!

Bald geht es weiter :thumbup:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: KingChaos

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