[ROM][S.U.R.F.A.C.E. v1.3] ICS Sam's Ultra-lite ROM Fast And Completely Expandable

  • 33 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum



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  • Rom betreffendes Hier Posten und darüber diskutieren - Offtopics werden Hier gelöscht

Besten Dank für euer Verständnis!

  • Dieses Rom basiert auf
    CyanogenMod 9 by

näheres: Teamhacksung - Samsung Android Development


Changes in latest version
Changes in v1.3
Based on Teamhacksungs Build 13
- updated to TK-Glitch v14 Pre 5 kernel
- updated to latest XXJVU Modem
- updated ThunderBolt!
- updated hosts file
- new DeskClock.apk
- new Music.apk

Changes in v1.2
- Based on Teamhacksungs Build 12
- upgraded to TK-Glitch v14 Pre 3 kernel
- added latest Thunderbolt scripts
- added latest SuperCharger scripts
- changed DPI to 182
- updated Swype
- added CM Settings
- added DSP Manager
- added Dev Tools
- updated camera.aries.so (HD video recording, Zoom,...)

Changes in v1.1
- Based on Teamhacksungs Build 11
- Latest Pawitp linux v3.0.8 kernel (fixes GPS, Color,...)
- removed some useless stuff
- changed back to JVT modem
changed dalvik.vm.heapsize=128m
- updated Zeam Launcher (with ICS fixes!)
- updated Essentials Add-on (Spirit FM radio, Build 11 apps, Gapps7.1,...)

Changes in v1.0:

- APN settings correctly filled (updated APN list)
- added Rom Toolbox
- added Spirit FM Radio (essentials add-on)

  • Changes in latest version:
  • - APN settings correctly filled (updated APN list)
  • - added Rom Toolbox
  • - added Spirit FM Radio (essentials add-on)

    • Changes in RC3:

    - removed theming (separate CWM zip)
  • - calendar sync fixed (Essentials Add-on)
  • - face unlock fixed (Essentials Add-on)
  • - browser lag and white screens fixed (Essentials Add-on)
  • - exchange calendar sync fixed (Essentials Add-on)
  • - updated all Google apps and services (Essentials Add-on)
  • - optimized and zipaligned all Google apps and services (Essentials Add-on)

  • Features: Rom inklusive Apps & Addons

  • Base: ICS 4.0.3 (Teamhacksung's Build 13)
  • Phone:XXJVU
  • Apps and Framework carefully optimized
  • Apps and Framework Zipaligned
  • TK-Glitch v14 Pre 5 kernel (Live OC, Voodoo Sound, DIDLE, Init.d,...)
  • Latest SuperCharger (update9 rc3.2)
  • Latest ThunderBolt (v2.3.7)
  • Latest Superuser (v3.07)
  • Latest Busybox (v1.19.3)
  • Latest SQLite (v3.7.9)
  • Auto Zipalign @ Boot
  • Full SIP VoIP support (WiFi & 3G)
  • AOSP IML74K Browser (100%)
  • Swype (7 languages)
  • Updated Market (v3.4.4)
  • Updated Hosts file (block ads)
  • Updated Large APN List
  • Changed GPS config for Europe
  • Changed wifi.supplicant_scan_interval=60
  • No Theming (100%)
  • S.U.R.F.A.C.E wallpaper as default
  • Stripped down to The Bone (Ultra-Lite & Ultra-Fast!)


  • Zeam Launcher (by cloakt)
  • Adao File Manager
  • Superuser (by chainsdd)
  • DroidWall
  • Permissions (by stericson)
  • Rom Toolbox (by jrummy16)
  • Voodoo Control (by Supercurio)
  • DSP Manager
  • CM Settings
  • Dev Tools
  • NSTools


  • Calculator
  • Calendar
  • Camera
  • Email
  • File Manager
  • Gallery
  • HTML Viewer
  • Live Wallpapers (all)
  • Music Player
  • Stock Keyboard
  • Stock Launcher
  • Quick Search
  • Sound Recorder
  • User Dictionary
  • Visualization Wallpapers
  • Video Editor
  • Voice Dialer
  • ...


(app/services from signed GAPPS-IML74K-121911)

  • Calendar
  • Camera
  • Email
  • Gmail
  • FlashPlayer
  • Maps
  • Market
  • Music Player
  • QuickPic
  • RealCalc
  • Polaris Office
  • Spirit FM Radio (by mikereidis)
  • Street View
  • Google Talk
  • Google Search
  • YouTube
  • Separate Essentials Pack provided!


  • AdAway
  • Android System Info
  • AppWidget Picker (/system) (by boombuler)
  • aTrackDog
  • BLN Control Free (by neldar)
  • Camcorder shortcut (/system)
  • Car Home Google (/system)
  • CF-Root EXT4 Tools (by chainfire)
  • CPU Spy (by Storm717)
  • Download All Files
  • Droidwall
  • GPS Aids (by ondoteam)
  • GPS Test
  • Market Enabler
  • Permissions (by stericson)
  • Record My Call
  • ROM Toolbox (by jrummy16)
  • Script Manager
  • SGS Kernel Flasher (by neldar)
  • SGS Tools (by wilsongis)
  • SMS Backup+
  • Spare Parts+
  • Tegrak Overclock (by Tegrak)
  • Terminal Emulator
  • Titanium Backup
  • TouchScreen Booster
  • Voltage Control (by xan)
  • Voodoo Control (by Supercurio)
  • Widgetsoid
  • Separate Add-on Pack provided!


  • Dropbox
  • eBay
  • Facebook
  • Flickroid
  • Google Docs
  • Google+
  • PayPal
  • Hacked Skype 2.1 v11 (by theos0o)
  • TuneIn Radio
  • Twitter
  • WhatsApp
  • xda tapatalk
  • Separate Add-on Pack provided!


  • Blue Gps icon when connected
  • Blue upload and download arrows
  • Blue main text in notification dropdowm menu
  • New % Battery (CM7)
  • Center Date in notification dropdowm menu
  • Shortcut for settings to the left side


  • ICS Trebuchet Launcher
  • 360 Launcher
  • Go Launcher EX
  • Nemus Launcher
  • Regina Launcher
  • LauncherPro
  • HomeSwitcher
  • Separate Launcher Pack provided!

  • Known Issues
  • 720p Video Recording laggy
  • Camera does not support scene modes
  • FM Radio does not work
  • Phone unnecessarily gets data connection on device encryption password enter screen.
  • Cannot format external SD
  • Sometimes duplicates listing of external SD files in the media database
  • Android OS battery usage display higher than normal.
  • Sometime wrong SMS selected for forwarding
  • Format internal instead of external SD when requested to format ext. SD
  • Transfer speed slows down when screen off

  • Speed things up a bit
  • enable "force GPU rendering" in settings/developer options
  • disable "windows animation scale" in settings/developer options
  • disable "transition animation scale" in settings/developer options
  • disable "sync" in settings/accounts & sync (better battery life)
  • disable "data usage" in settings data usage (better battery life)
  • remove Talk if you don't need it (more free memory and better battery life)
  • remove Maps if you don't need it (more free memory and better battery life)
  • remove Gmail if you don't need it (more free memory and better battery life)

  • Frequently Asked Questions

My calendar sync isn't working!
I'll fix this in Essentials Add-on RC2

Can I mount the phone as mass storage via USB?
The default configuration is to transfer files via MTP from within android. The below command can be used to change into USB Mass Storage mode (starting from BUILD6). USB Mass Storage mode is always used in recovery.
setprop persist.sys.usb.config mass_storage,adb
Please reboot after executing the command.

I can't adb into the phone!
The build currently uses Galaxy Nexus driver due to the MTP support. Please download the driver here: Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!. In mass storage mode (or recovery), the Nexus S driver should be used.

Can I flash other modems?
You may flash modem packages designed for CM7.

Does 3G work? Do I need to install a script for it?
3G works out of the box without the need for any script hack. If it doesn't connect, please check if you have the correct APN.

How do I take a screenshot?
The screenshot taking function is built into ICS. Hold volume down + power.

Can I use CM7 kernels?
No, the kernel has modifications to make graphics, camera, data counter and data limit work.

Can I disable LED Notification?
Yes. Untick Settings -> Display -> Pulse notification light.

Maps keeps asking me to sign in even though I'm signed in!
Ignore the sign in dialog and pull down the notification menu. Answer the request for permission. Do this a few times and Maps will work.

How do I enter Galaxy S Settings (Device Settings)?
Type "am start com.cyanogenmod.AriesParts/.AriesParts" from adb. Or starting from BUILD 7, it is available as an icon in your launcher.

How do I enter service mode?
Type "*#*#197328640#*#*" into the dialer.

Is there a Captivate/Vibrant version?
A captivate build from the same source (but with captivate config) is available here. We currently lack a developer/maintainer for Vibrant.

Does this work for I9000B?
No, the I9000B requires a different kernel configuration. A build for I9000B may be added later in the process.

What's working? Why is there only a list of issues?
Everything else not listed are supposed to be working (aside from the usual CM7 bugs). If they're not listed, please post so that they can be added to the list of issues. A list of issues is far more useful from a development standpoint.

Why am I getting notified that my data partition is getting full when I have 1+ GB free?
Your /datadata partition, a smaller partition, is getting full.

All credits to Teamhacksung's and Pawitp for providing CM9 Build 10!
Please keep in mind that this is a very early Test release of ICS and still in Alpha fase

ICS S.U.R.F.A.C.E. v1.0 RC2 is just for testing purposes only and to play around with

Disclamer: If you flash this customized ICS ROM you may not go to Pawitp´s thread to complain or report bugs!
In order to complain or to report bugs in the CM9 thread you need to be on Stock CM9!

  • Installationshinweis

  1. download Base + Essentials and copy them to your internal sdcard
  2. reboot into Recovery using 3-button-combo
  3. wipe data/factory reset + wipe cache partition + dalvic cache
  4. install the ROM from internal sdcard using ClockworkMod Recovery
  5. optionally install the Essentials Add-on
  6. wipe data/factory reset again or Calendar Sync will not work
  7. reboot into ICS S.U.R.F.A.C.E. v1.0 RC2



  • Rom
Base on beta 13
Base Updated 10/01/2012! (Multiupload)

Essentials Updated 10/01/2012! (Multiupload)


Base on beta 12

Updated 3/01! (Multiupload)

Essentials Updated 3/01! (Multiupload)

Base on beta 11

Base Updated 28/12! (Multiupload)

Essentials Updated 28/12! (Multiupload)

  • Kernel

Pawitp 3.08 kernel
Updated 3/01! (for reverting back)

weitere nachfolgend Untergebracht
Diskussionsplattform ICS Kernel Übergreifend

  • ICS Mods & Fixes
weitere Mods sind jetzt nachfolgend in Post 3 untergebracht

Die Diskussionen finden darüber auch in der Diskussionsplattform & Newsletter MIUI Rom - MIUI/CM7 Zubehör Übergreifend

Default Swype languages: Dutch, French, German, English, Spanish, Italian, Polish


n this roms the ICS Phase Beam not exist, for those need this animated wallpaper; Attached Files
ICSPhaseBeam.apk (732.4 KB, 0 views)

Superuser Fix


SU Fix

[APP] Nova Launcher Beta (ICS based)

System App Requires root
This lets you have Widgets-in-drawer just like the stock launcher.
Either manually move the APK to /system or use the NovaLauncherUpdate.zip . Once installed you can update like a normal app (either in app > Check for updates or an APK from this thread).

Uninstall System App:
Manually remove NovaLauncher.apk from /system or use the attached NovaUninstall.zip

Standard App Root not required
Easier to install, but no widgets-in-drawer. Just install the NovaLauncher_beta.apk like you'd install any other APK.

ROM Download File-Size


Prost, Gezondheid, Skål, Kippis, Santé, Salud, Salute, Saude
Cheers, Sláinte, Slaandjivaa, Na zdorovje, Chukbae, Gan bei, Kampai, Fisehatak
Apki Lambi Umar Ke Liye

Lettering and logo made by trikkeuh - Name chosen by woolf club

All credits to Teamhacksung's for providing CM9 build!
Please keep in mind that this is a very early Test release of ICS and still in Alpha fase

Falls euch unsere Arbeit gefällt, könnt ihr gerne
*jeweilige Liste die Euch gefällt, Informiert fühlt

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: 1n2du5t, Mike's_Note, peppi63 und 7 andere


Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:


Alright folks,

After playing around with the latest ICS Build 10 from Teamhacksungs, I decided to strip it down, optimize and zipalign it, trowed out the memory sucking launcher and replaced it by Zeam Launcher, added the working Superuser binary, added the huge APN list, updated the Hosts file, changed GPS config for Europe, a new wallpaper,... all the usual stuff to make it ICS s.u.r.f.a.c.e. v1.0

Included Apps

[*]Zeam Launcher
[*]Adao File Manager
[*]Titanium Backup
[*]Latest Swype
[*]Voltage Control
[*]Voodoo Control
[*]AppWidget Picker

Essentials Add-on

[*]Desk Clock
[*]Music Player
[*]QuickPic (or gallery)
[*]Polaris Office
[*]Street View
[*]Tape Machine
[*]Google Talk
[*]Google Search

Removed Apps

[*]Desk Clock
[*]File Manager
[*]HTML Viewer
[*]Live Wallpapers (all)
[*]Music Player
[*]Stock Keyboard
[*]Stock Launcher
[*]Quick Search
[*]Sound Recorder
[*]User Dictionary
[*]Visualization Wallpapers
[*]Video Editor
[*]Voice Dialer


[*]download Base + Essentials and copy them to your internal sdcard
[*]reboot into Recovery using 3-button-combo
[*]wipe data/factory reset + wipe cache partition + dalvic cache
[*]install the ROM from internal sdcard using ClockworkMod Recovery
[*]optionally install the Essentials Add-on
[*]wipe data/factory reset again or Calendar Sync will not work
[*]reboot into ICS S.U.R.F.A.C.E. v1.0 RC2

Bin von Cm9 gekommen ohne Probleme. Stock sollte auch gehen. Wenn Bootloop einfach nochmal wipe und neu flashen.
Bei mir war der Launcher ohne Dock Leiste. Launcher fehlte scheinbar.,Nova-launcher installiert und funktioniert. Die Version ist letzendlich ne veränderte cm9, mit angepassten apps u.a. implementierung der fixes für Build 10.
Gesendet von meinem GT-I9000 mit Tapatalk
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: iSad, mendiculus und Radagast
Und schon die nächste:


Battery life is better then CM7 but not as good as Samsung ROM's...

ICS S.U.R.F.A.C.E. v1.0 RC2


Gps icon turns blue when connected
Upload and download arrows are blue
Main text in notification blue
New % Battery
Center Date
Short cut for settings to the left of date
Thanks to Perka for this Mods

Fix for data disabled on boot (and hopefully other RIL crashes)
Thanks to Pawitp for this fix

Download Base

Download Essentials


[*]download the two files and copy them to your internal sdcard
[*]reboot into Recovery using 3-button-combo
[*]wipe data/factory reset + wipe cache partition + dalvic cache
[*]install the ROM from internal sdcard using ClockworkMod Recovery
[*]optionally install the Essentials Add-on
[*]wipe data/factory reset again or Calendar Sync will not work
[*]reboot into ICS S.U.R.F.A.C.E. v1.0 RC2

All credits to Teamhacksung's for providing CM9 build 10!
Please keep in mind that this is a early test release of ICS and still in Alpha fase

ICS S.U.R.F.A.C.E. v1.0 RC2 is just for testing purposes only and to play around with

Happy Flashing!

Edit: if you got bootloops at first try, don't panic. Pull out battery, go into recovery mode and flash again

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9000 mit Tapatalk
der zeam launcher gefällt mir nicht. wo find ich den originalen launcher.

danke schon erledigt
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Bitte Doppelposts vermeiden, dafür gibt es die Editierfunktion. Danke!

Habe soeben Post 1 Aktualisiert

Edit: Kurze Erläuterung meinerseits zum Rom

  • Rom basiert auf CM9 Build 10 (4.03)
  • Launcher (6 Wählbar) - muss aber nachinstalliert werden, da das Base Rom keinen Launcher enthält
  • optionale Wahl Addon Packs
  • der aktuelle Kernel von DerTeufel ist auch hier kompatibel - in Post 1 Linksverweis zu seinem Beitrag

Beachtet genau die Installationsanweisung

powerzumsel geht in Post 3 sicher noch mal näher darauf ein
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Ein paar Screenshots. Optisch nicht groß anders als andere ics Ports. Lauscher ist der Nova-Lauscher. Steht zwar unter Telefoninfo rc1, ist aber rc2.

Und mal ein Video. Widgetlauncher hakt wie immer ein wenig. Durch screencast noch ein, wenig mehr.


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9000 mit Tapatalk


  • uploadfromtaptalk1324374239698.png
    52,6 KB · Aufrufe: 723
  • uploadfromtaptalk1324374260463.png
    22,2 KB · Aufrufe: 674
  • uploadfromtaptalk1324374274156.png
    22,8 KB · Aufrufe: 575
  • uploadfromtaptalk1324374288665.png
    17,8 KB · Aufrufe: 683
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Radagast
so, jetzt müsstes gehn.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9000 mit Tapatalk
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
habe ich gerade geflasht. soweit funktioniert alles, außer kalender.
habe wipe durchgeführt, wie beschrieben, aber es wird nur gmail und die kontakte synchronisiert.

beim aufruf des kalenders kommt die meldung dass man google konto hinzufügen soll, aber danach gleich die meldung dass das konto bereits vorhanden ist.

habe auch den standard -ics-launcher installiert und der funktioniert bis jetzt ohne probleme. die anderen mag ich nicht.

ps: 360 launcher kann gar nicht gestartet werden. bringt nur das ganze system zum "stecken"

ps2: sync über exchange funktioniert ohne probleme (mail, kontakte und kalender)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Der ist auch nicht schlimmer als andere...
So ist das halt.

Nichts mehr teilen :D
Oder halt anständig darauf hinweisen, dass das meiste nicht auf dem eigenen Mist gewachsen ist, und die Originalautoren entsprechend in den Credits erwähnen.
Dann würde perka auch net so einen Wind machen.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: mobilkom
War ein ganz netter Anfang. Zwar noch nicht sonderlich schnell und KalenderSync funzte tatsächlich noch nicht.

Schade. Das wäre bestimmt eine gute Rom geworden. Ich mochte bereits s.u.r.f.a.c.e. jvr sehr.
So, es kann weiter gehen, der xda Beitrag ist wieder Offen!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: mendiculus
Irgendwie hatte ich mich gestern schon gewundert, als ich wieder in den Thread wollte. Der Thread ging bereits gestern Nachmittag wieder. Nur der "single post" wurde gelöscht.
Changes in latest version:
- APN settings correctly filled (updated APN list)
- added Rom Toolbox
- added Spirit FM Radio (essentials add-on)

Changes in RC3:

- removed theming (separate CWM zip)
- calendar sync fixed (Essentials Add-on)
- face unlock fixed (Essentials Add-on)
- browser lag and white screens fixed (Essentials Add-on)
- exchange calendar sync fixed (Essentials Add-on)
- updated all Google apps and services (Essentials Add-on)
- optimized and zipaligned all Google apps and services (Essentials Add-on)

Post 1 aktualisiert!
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Radagast
läuft diese ics rom besser als die rom von onecosmic?

wollte mal testen
habe aber keine lust alles neu einzurichten
Liegt im Auge des Betrachters, gefühlt läuft Onecosmic besser ist aber meine persönliche Einschätzung und nicht zwingend richtig.

Dieses Rom baut auf CM9 auf und ist derzeit bei Build 10, interessant hier sind die vielen
Features und sicher ein Test wert.

Um das neue Einrichten wirst Du aber nicht umher kommen, das gilt wohl für alle ICS Roms!

was gibt es denn für features?

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