[ROM][JB][4.3]Mackay ROM 3.3.5 (09-Oct-2013)

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Android JB 4.3 Makay ROM von kasper_h basierend auf den CyanogenMod Sourcen.


Changelog of 3.3.1 - 02-Oct-2013
-Updated CM10.2 codebase to 3-Oct
-Fixed the Settings>buttons FC
-Fixed translation error in Mackay Settings
-Removed reboottocwm.zip script as kernel is TWRP-only
-Added option for delayed SMS sending

Please read carefully, otherwise you will loose your data
When coming from Mackay ROM 3.0.0-3.0.5 or from a CM10.1 before 16 August, your device will be repartitioned!
The latest Mackay ROM will repartition your device, enlarging /system (+200MB) at the cost of /data (-200MB). To keep your data/apps/settings, follow the steps below:​

-make a nandroid backup
-flash ROM
-you will see an error
-flash ROM a second time, this time it will succeed
-flash gapps
-backup&restore -> advanced restore -> restore data of your latest backup​

-make a backup
-flash ROM
-you will see an error
-flash ROM a second time, this time it will succeed
-flash gapps
-restore -> select latest backup -> only select data (I saw an error that /data couldn't be mounted after flashing ROM/gapps, so I rebooted TWRP in between the flash & restore steps, but I think this is not necessary - the message was still there but harmless)​

This way, you don't loose anything. The data restore won't affect partition size. Next updates will be normal updates again: a simple flash & reboot​

Full changelog of 3.3.1 compared to stock CM10.2:
CM10.2 sources of 03-Oct-2013​

Download ROM:


Coming from stock Samsung ROM/CM7:
-The safest way is to flash CM9 first and then flash Mackay ROM. Going directly from Samsung ROM/CM7 to Mackay ROM may lead to loosing IMEI.​

Fresh install:
Can be flashed on top of any CyanogenMod build:
-Do a factory reset
-Flash ROM
-Flash a gapps packages of choice
-Reboot your phone​

-Flash ROM
-Reboot your phone
(no wipes or other things needed, just flash & reboot)​

-Custom kernels can be used only if specific for JB4.3

-Mackay kernel 0.507: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2397502
-Christopher86's cortex-A8 optimized Linaro toolchain (September version)
-O3 optimization
-updated to linux kernel version 3.0.97
-SLQB memory allocator (default, should be slightly faster)
-XZ compression of kernel & initramfs
-395MB RAM
-SIO scheduler
-Added Lagfree governor
-ROW scheduler (tweaked, default scheduler)
-FIOPS scheduler (tweaked)
-XZ compression of kernel & initramfs
-395MB RAM
-many improvements to IO schedulers in general
-Deadline tuning (thanks to DerTeufel)
-Ondemand tuned (updated based on code of stratosk)
-SmartassV2 governor
-Interactive governor (updated to android 3.4 code + fixes)
-Wheatley & Lulzactive governors
-Conservative tuned
-Call volume hack (use “Settings>Mackay Settings”* to set volumes)
-Reduced battery polling interval
-Fast charge (activate through “Settings>Advanced Settings”* or the QuickCharge toggle in MackayROM)
-WiFi PM_FAST mode selection (activate using “Settings>Mackay Settings”*)
-Battery life extender (set through “Settings>Mackay Settings”*)
-CustomVoltage (set using NSTools)
-USB OTG support (needs external power supply)
-1100-1400MHz OC steps
-Custom kernel splash (Thanks to Malcho)
-Updated charging logo to match open charger
-Disabled swap & zram
-Improve memcopy/memmove
-Improve the performance of memcpy and memmove
-Kill task closest in size to memory needed to free
-LOAD_FREQ (4*HZ+61) avoids loadavg Moire
-Entropy tweaks: Russell: Sources of Randomness for Userspace [LWN.net]
-backport CPUIDLE from 3.5
-arm/crypto: Add optimized AES and SHA1 routines
-Unaligned CPU access
-Improvements to RWSEM code
-Improvements to binder code
-Improvements to tmpfs
-Added frandom (much faster random number generator)
-Updated to lowmemorykiller with PID whitelist (thanks to stratosk)
-Many parts of the code build as module to reduce effective kernel size
-Updated wifi driver to
-Updated GPU driver to DDK 1.8@2198402
-Proportional Rate Reduction for TCP
-Introduce timer slack controller
ROM comes with stock colour. Version with voodoo colour can be downloaded from:
rootaxbox.no-ip.org - /kasper_h/kernels/JB43/

Kernel for switching internal & external SD
Because vold.fstab is no longer used and has been integrated in fstab.aries (which can only be changed before compiling the kernel, as it ends up in the ramdisk), I made a special kernel version with switched SD cards:

*Available through Settings>Mackay Settings

-Clear NSTools settings
-Clear init.d settings
-Show battery status in recovery
-Aroma FileManager
-Include using soft keys to navigate the menu (thanks fishears for the idea)
-Enable holding keys for repeated presses
-Themed orange

-Themed orange
-Run recovery-apps (zip files should be present in /system/mackay, launch them through advanced->run app)
-Build in a script to reboot from twrp to cwm*

*To use this feature from TWRP, tap advanced>run app>rebootcwm.zip. Then from the homescreen choose: reboot>recovery

Added apps:

Removed apps:
-VideoEditor & demo VideoFiles

-Adapt for custom MackayROM building (bootanimation, ROM&file name)
-Custom bootanimation (Thanks to Malcho)

-Added scripts for Mackay Settings
-Added AROMA FileManager
-Revert GPS blobs to CM10.1

-Sets app-close to 1000 ms

-F4k 720p patch for bigmem kernels

AriesParts (“Mackay Settings” in Settings menu):
Add mackay kernel settings options:
> WiFi PM mode selection
> BLX settings
> BLN activation
> Navbar selection
> Processor settings (governor/frequencies)
> IO scheduler
> Recovery selection

Changed USB page icon from Android to Cid
Set QS panel opening to outer 15% of statusbar
FastCharge toggle for QuickSettings/Powerwidget
RAM bar
SystemUI: Option to display Quick Settings when there are no ongoing notifications
FastCharge Tile & PowerWidget button
Call breath & MMS option
Battery bar
Active display

Breathing notification

Transparent incoming call screen
Breathing notification

Disable on/off toggle button for profiles on Settings main page
RAM bar
Added option to always pull down quick settings
FastCharge Tile & PowerWidget button
Call breath & MMS option
Battery bar
Active display

Google Apps
Goo.im Downloads - Browsing gapps

Kernel-Download (Voodoo-Colour):
rootaxbox.no-ip.org - /kasper_h/kernels/JB43/

Mackay splash screen (THX @Bejda)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
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Reaktionen: Shaddix, Radagast, acwob und 3 andere
So, 3.0.3 ist online, liebes Flash-Volk.

kasper_h schrieb:
Changelog of 3.0.3
-CM10.2 sources of 12-Aug-2013
-Updated kernel to 0.405 (updated RAMdisk for SELinux)
-Fix for Mackay Settings
-Fix for TWRP built-in app&script
-Small code fixes

  • Danke
Reaktionen: tobiasth, Radagast und Muppi
Bei mir hat alles auf zwei Geräten Problemlos geklappt, auch mit Root.
Bisher läuft alles, was ich probiert habe auch Fehlerfrei, außer den bekannten Problemen mit der focal App.

Den erhofften Performance Schub konnte ich bisher aber noch nicht spürbar feststellen...

Mal sehen, ich lass es erstmal laufen. Es scheint sich soweit stabil zu sein
  • Danke
Reaktionen: tobiasth und Muppi
Kasper_h war fleißig gestern. Auch diese Rom erhält ein Update.

kasper_h schrieb:
New build online!

Changelog of 3.0.4 - 14-aug-2013
-CM10.2 sources of 14-Aug-2013
-Updated kernel to 0.406 (updated to linux v3.0.90)
-Dalvik patch for low mem/hdpi devices

  • Danke
Reaktionen: tobiasth und Muppi
  • Danke
Reaktionen: tobiasth, eiscremeburger und Muppi
Update auf 3.0.6 - bitte die Hinweise beachten, sonst gehen Daten verloren!

kasper_h schrieb:
Please read carefully, otherwise you will loose your data when installing the new update

New version 3.0.6 online

This one will repartition your device, enlarging /system (+200MB) at the cost of /data (-200MB). To keep your data/apps/settings, follow the steps below:

-make a nandroid backup
-flash ROM
-you will see an error
-flash ROM a second time, this time it will succeed
-flash gapps
-backup&restore -> advanced restore -> restore data of your latest backup

-make a backup
-flash ROM
-you will see an error
-flash ROM a second time, this time it will succeed
-flash gapps
-restore -> select latest backup -> only select data (I saw an error that /data couldn't be mounted after flashing ROM/gapps, so I rebooted TWRP in between the flash & restore steps, but I think this is not necessary - the message was still there but harmless)

This way, you don't loose anything. The data restore won't affect partition size. Next updates will be normal updates again: a simple flash & reboot

  • Danke
Reaktionen: tobiasth und Muppi
Alles Reibungslos... Weiter so :p
Update auf 3.0.7

Zitat von kasper_h

Changelog of 3.0.7 - 18-aug-2013
-Updated CM10.2 codebase to 17-Aug
-Some small under-the-hood improvements
  • Danke
Reaktionen: teddy182, tobiasth und Bödi
gibt es die Möglichkeit die Bilder auch wieder auf der externen SD zu Speichern?
Focal geht nicht und die Kamera-App bietet mir diese einstellen nicht mehr.

Entwickler kasper_h hat überlegt, die Basis der Rom auf Carbo Rom umzustellen, aaaaaber...
kasper_h schrieb:
The test folder was indeed for uploading a test-ROM based on CARBON. I had build it last night based on the positive response in this thread. I have been running today all day. But it feels to memory-hungry to me. I normally don't feel the phone slowing down in regular use with Mackay ROM 3.0.7, but I did feel that several times when running Mackay CARBON. So based on that, I have decided to stop this test flight early and stay with CM10.2 as base. New ROM will be build soon as compensation, with an updated kernel as well...

Basis bleibt also erstmal CM 10.2 und ein Update kommt bald.

@Muppi: Magst du vielleicht mal Thread-Titel und Eingangspost anpassen? :)
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Reaktionen: tobiasth
Was stimmt denn mit dem Eingangspost nicht, Bödi? :)
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Reaktionen: Bödi
Äh, da war ein Schreibfehler... Glaube ich. Sorry - die Stimmen in meinem Kopf waren so laut gestern Abend.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Radagast und Muppi
Zwei neue Test-Versionen online: 3.0.9 und 3.1.0

kasper_h schrieb:
Two TEST builds:

-codebase 25-aug-2013
-kernel 0.410 (regular approach with 2 recoveries, updated to latest linux kernel version, some small other updates)

-codebase 26-aug-2013
-kernel 0.500 (only CWM - latest CWM + TWRP do not fit together in one kernel. latest patches included that solve most issues with recovery)

In both builds, recovery selection has been removed from Mackay Settings.

Both are TEST builds, because I had to do many changes to merge the latest codebase (removal of powerwidget). And for 3.1.0/0.500 there is also a big change in kernel (recovery).

I have tested both myself for several hours and both worked fine.

  • Danke
Reaktionen: Radagast, ted27, Muppi und eine weitere Person
Habe gestern noch die 3.1.0 geflasht und bin sehr beeindruckt. Echt schnell und flüssig.
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Reaktionen: FalconX und tobiasth
Die Test-Versionen sind nicht mehr verfügbar, aber:

Zitat von kasper_h

...This were test version. A real release will be done hopefully later today...
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Radagast, tobiasth, Bödi und eine weitere Person
Update auf 3.1.2 ist da.

kasper_h schrieb:
Changelog of 3.1.2 - 28-aug-2013
-Updated CM10.2 codebase to 28-Aug
-New kernel 0.502 (comes with updated CWM only, no more TWRP), includes some other optimizations (see github)
-Latest CWM will backup by default in .tar.gz format. Smaller, but restoring is not supported on older CWM kernels. Default backup format can be chosen by the user in CWM.
-CMAccount added (beta)

Please read carefully, otherwise you will loose your data
When coming from Mackay ROM 3.0.0-3.0.5 or from a CM10.1 before 16 August, your device will be repartitioned!
The latest Mackay ROM will repartition your device, enlarging /system (+200MB) at the cost of /data (-200MB). To keep your data/apps/settings, follow the steps below:

-make a nandroid backup
-flash ROM
-you will see an error
-flash ROM a second time, this time it will succeed
-flash gapps
-backup&restore -> advanced restore -> restore data of your latest backup

-make a backup
-flash ROM
-you will see an error
-flash ROM a second time, this time it will succeed
-flash gapps
-restore -> select latest backup -> only select data (I saw an error that /data couldn't be mounted after flashing ROM/gapps, so I rebooted TWRP in between the flash & restore steps, but I think this is not necessary - the message was still there but harmless)
Download hier: http://rootaxbox.no-ip.org/kasper_h/roms/JB43/
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
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Reaktionen: FalconX und Muppi
Update auf 3.1.4:

kasper_h schrieb:
Changelog of 3.1.4 - 28-aug-2013
-Updated CM10.2 codebase to 29-Aug
-Main change is that otablock has been added - prevent google services from preventing deepsleep & causing immense battery drain (which was an issue for 3.1.2)

  • Danke
Reaktionen: Radagast und Muppi
und wie flüssig läuft diese Version nun?
Bin am überlegen bald zu updaten, weil der letzte Build von 4.2.2 auf meinem SGS nicht mehr wirklich flüssig läuft, aber immerhin ohne Probleme.
Läuft gut. Hab aber mit einigen apps zur Zeit ein paar force close... Kann aber noch nicht ganz genau beurteilen, ob es an der Rom oder die den apps liegt.... Vielleicht auch an der Kombination :eek:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Shaddix

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