- 601

Noch eine Rom von aways
Hier gehts zu Original Thread auf XDA
Die Rom steht für Maximale Stabilität und hohe Geschwindigkeit. Die Rom basiert auf AOSP und den CyanogenMod Code.
+- Add Share ThinkingBridge ROM into DeviceinfoSettings
+- Support Ad-Hoc (IBSS) mode
+- Support new devices
+- Screenshot rotaion
+- Status Bar Network Traffic Indicator
+- Improved SystemUI layout
+- Optimize Low-end devices
+- Hide statusbar clock also for DashClock
+- Update screenshot toggle
+- Remove lag when launching an app
+- Fixed Photosphere/Camera FCs
+- Fixed memory leaks
+- Fixed after change signal type or text color
+- Fixed many bugs
Fully Functional Features:
Features Offered By ThinkingBridge ROM
+- Add Share ThinkingBridge ROM into DeviceinfoSettings
+- Support Ad-Hoc (IBSS) mode
+- Support new devices
+- Screenshot rotaion
+- Status Bar Network Traffic Indicator
+- Improved SystemUI layout
+- Optimize Low-end devices
+- Hide statusbar clock also for DashClock
+- Update screenshot toggle
+- Remove lag when launching an app
+- Fixed Photosphere/Camera FCs
+- Fixed memory leaks
+- Fixed after change signal type or text color
+- Fixed many bugs
Fully Functional Features:
- RIL (Calls, data and texts)
- Wifi
- Bluetooth
- Touch UI
- Contacts
- Browser
- Lockscreen
- Settings
- Notification drawer and toggles
- Gallery
- Quick Toggles
Features Offered By ThinkingBridge ROM
- ThinkingBridge Welcome App (About the Team, Changelogs & Contacts us)
- ThinkingBridge Wallpapers App
- CyanogenMod FileManager
- DSP Manager
- Trebuchet Launcher
- ROM Settings
-General UI (Add Custom Boot Animations, Custom Carrier Label, StatusBar Brightness slider, Transparency Settings, UI Mode etc.
-Power Menu (Select what to show up in Power Menu and other Power Menu settings)
-Navigation Bar (Enable/Disable NavBar, Add/Remove buttons, change colors, configure widgets etc.)
-Navigation Ring (Set NavBar Ring targets)
-Hardware Keys (Enable custom actions and enable 3-dot overflow menu)
-Pie Controls (Enable/Disable pie, change colors, Trigger Area, Size, Alignment, Gravity etc.)
-Toggles (Add/Change/Remove toggles, change toggle style etc.)
-Battery (Change the battery icon on StatusBar, change colors, battery bar etc.)
-Clock (Change the Clock icon on StatusBar, change colors, AM/PM Style, Alignment, clock actions etc.)
-Signal (Change Signal icon on StatusBar, change colors, hide Signal bar etc.)
-Lockscreen (Change lock options, modify widgets, change colors etc.)
-Custom Shortcuts (Set custom shortcuts to the lockscreen)
-Custom Targets (Add custom targets to the lockscreen)
-Lock Clock Widget (Modify/change/remove the clock on the lockscreen)
-Sound (Enable volume panel, flip phone settings, headphones and bluetooth headset otpions etc.)- Theme Engine Support
- Parition Info (Information about /System, /data, /cache, /sdcard and EXT partitions)
- CPU Settings (Change Governor, Min/Max CPU freq., scheduler)
- Koush's Superuser App
- New Custom Toggles (Favourite contact, Clock toggle, Fast Charge, Pie, Quick record, Quiet hours, Screenshot, Signal, Sleep, Sound state, USB tether, WiFi tether, Current user)
- Custom Camera features
Above are the features clearly visible to your eyes but still a full list of Kernel and script optimizations is still not mentioned.

- Wenn du die Rom zum erstenmal flashst (oder von einer anderen Rom kommst): Mache bitte, wipe /data (factory reset) /cache, dalvik-cache and /system
- Wenn du diese Rom nur Updatest (eine neue Version der Rom auf eine ale Version der Rom flashst] wipe /cache and dalvik-cache
- "Install zip from sdcard" > "choose zip from sdcard" > makier die Rom und flashe
- danach genau so die Gapps flashen
- wenn du dann fertig bist dann startest du das Handy neu
Speicial Thank's to Team BRIDGE:
- htchoi5609
- woorim98
- black9
- DJBhardwaj
- Akibingbing
- Here Is Github
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