[ROM][ICS] WeUI v2.0 (Updated: 8/2/2012) (MIUI4) - Multi [incl. DE]

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Ich oder Android-Hilfe.de übernehmen keine Haftung dafür! Ihr seid für euer Handeln selbst verantwortlich!!!


Banner from Signature Banners
Kernel - CWM Mod
Support ausschließlich beim Entwickler: nightshack0 /xda

1:18 Später ansehen Fehler

meine aktuellen Screenshots


v2.0 (Full ROM)

WeUI v1.0 German full Rom an pimpoo

kein Multisprachpaket (DE) integriert

MD5sum: 4f235ea18d957965297254e8d4a010ca

Change Log
Changes from last test version v2.0:
*Libs fixed (so many libraries are changed since last version so I'm now using the ones from miui.us)
*Updated drivers from each device
*Browser "hacked" to use Google as default
*AriesParts (Device Settings) and Camera working now
*It boots now, lol
* Customize Previous Installation feature redone
* Fixed kernel installation issues
* Fixed Wi-fi tethering
* Fixed many installer issues and improved some other stuff
* Updated to MIUI 2.4.13
* Fixes on Device Detection
* Fixed Semaphore app not installing on Galaxy S (i9000)
* Updated Apex Launcher
* Many other changes/fixes

v0.9.8 (Data wipe needed for this release)
* Installer now remembers your last installation settings if using "Customize Previous Installation" feature
* Fixed incoming calls and RIL problems
* Signed missing apks which resulted in missing apps like Gallery, Car Home, etc
* Installer script changes and fixes
* Updated Semaphore to 1.0.0 (Captivate)
* Updated NStools
* SuperSU icon changed to Permission Manager
* Some other changes

v0.9.5 (Data wipe needed for this release) * Updated to MIUI 2.4.6 * Device detection in the installer * Many installer fixes/changes * Installing from Gingerbread now works (if you get a kernel bootloop, reboot to recovery and open again, it will continue where it left off) * Updated completely to Android 4.0.4 * Changed some code in installer to remove old apps and avoid problems * Font changed in Installer * Binaries and other files updated to CM9 Nightly * Fix many problems from last version * Gmail, Exchange, and other FCs fixed * Updated Semaphore to latest 0.9.8s version (Captivate) with the 720p recording patch * Updated Semaphore to latest 1.0.0s version (Galaxy S) with the 720p recording patch * Updated Apex Launcher * Car Home installation (even if not selected) fixed * Updated MI File Manager (fixes FTP FC and adds/fixes features) * Removed init.d script for low storage which caused slow launching of apps and other problems * Replaced keyboard with stock CM9 keyboard and removed unneeded Dictionary Pack * Vibrant kernel fix again * Fixed Vibrant GPS * Misc fixes/changes

v0.9b (Patch)
* Includes Low storage /data script
* Fix a lot of FC problems

* UPDATED to MIUI 2.3.30
* New kernel for Captivate (Semaphore)
* Semaphore for Captivate and Galaxy S are bigmem versions (with 720p patch)
* Semi-updated to Android ICS 4.0.4
* Remove face unlock stuff for Captivate (no FFC)
* Fix many installer problems
* Optional apps now install in data (To free up some MB in /system partition)
* More changes

* Updated ApexLauncher
* Updated su binary and SuperSU app
* Fixed WeUI bootanimation
* Original Mms app from MIUI (has the new message button)
* Fixed installer issues
* Miui Compass as an option in the installer
* Misc installer changes
* "Customize Previous installation" in the installer should work now
* WeUI Feedback app icon re-added
* Monitor app added again as a default app instead of optional

* Fixed some FC problems (Network Type, MMS style, etc)

* Updated to 2.3.23
* Updated to Glitch Kernel Beta 6 (Released on March 24th) for all devices
* New Alarm, Clock, and Settings from MIUI
* Fixed Updater FC
* Added Updating support in the ROM from the updater app
* Better installer compatibility if coming from Gingerbread
* Reboot check in the installer
* More app options in the installer
* Another lib from MIUI
* New WeUI logo (thanks to fatjoez/publo)
* New bootanimation from new logo
* Possible performance improvement
* Old gallery as an option on installer
* Misc changes (ROM and installer)

andy25 from miui germany for xml strings
dev of this great rom

  • Email is not translated (still english)
  • Added MIUI Weather 1.0 from miui.es and added german translation
    apk is inside cus folder but doesnt show up in installer

- NightShack0 ( ME !)


Thanks to
- MIUI, Teamhacksung, Glitch, MIUIAndroid.com for translation, DemonWav/TeamICSSGS for wipe script

(Please donate as a thanks for the ROM and what I have done)

an pimpoo für die German Full Roms
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Radagast
Features - was geht, was nicht - FAQ


To install properly and avoid any problem follow these steps:

(OPTIONAL)1. Flash to any CM7/MIUI/ICS rom
2. Reboot to recovery
3. On the installer choose your device, and select "Data Wipe"
3. Install the ROM
4. Reboot and wait because first boot can take a bit.

Why themes are not working for me?!?! OH MY GAWD
They should be working without any changes, but if you see this happen, create a folder on "/data/system" called "theme" with full permissions, and please report it on the thread because it SHOULD work without any manual fixes

I found a bug or problem in your ROM, what should I do? OMG BBQ MACARONI
Try to read the thread for possible solutions, and if you can't find anything, then post the problem without complaining and try to describe as much as you can the problem and when it happened, etc. Please use the "Report MIUI" option if you experience a force close which will open the "WeUI Feedback app" and it will automatically add the logcat information of that force close.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Android-Hilfe.de App

720p recording isnt working for me! Why?!

It should be working without any changes, but if you see this happen, flash http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1575485 and report that it didn't work at first.

Was geht - was nicht:

Für die kürzere Darstellung: Was geht nicht (noch nicht vollständig)

Email is not translated (still english)
Added MIUI Weather 1.0 from miui.es and added german translation
apk is inside cus folder but doesnt show up in installer
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

* Customize Previous Installation feature redone
* Fixed kernel installation issues
* Fixed Wi-fi tethering
* Fixed many installer issues and improved some other stuff
* Updated to MIUI 2.4.13
* Fixes on Device Detection
* Fixed Semaphore app not installing on Galaxy S (i9000)
* Updated Apex Launcher
* Many other changes/fixes

v0.9.8 (Data wipe needed for this release)
* Installer now remembers your last installation settings if using "Customize Previous Installation" feature
* Fixed incoming calls and RIL problems
* Signed missing apks which resulted in missing apps like Gallery, Car Home, etc
* Installer script changes and fixes
* Updated Semaphore to 1.0.0 (Captivate)
* Updated NStools
* SuperSU icon changed to Permission Manager
* Some other changes

v0.9.5 (Data wipe needed for this release)
* Updated to MIUI 2.4.6
* Device detection in the installer
* Many installer fixes/changes
* Installing from Gingerbread now works (if you get a kernel bootloop, reboot to recovery and open again, it will continue where it left off)
* Updated completely to Android 4.0.4
* Changed some code in installer to remove old apps and avoid problems
* Font changed in Installer
* Binaries and other files updated to CM9 Nightly
* Fix many problems from last version
* Gmail, Exchange, and other FCs fixed
* Updated Semaphore to latest 0.9.8s version (Captivate) with the 720p recording patch
* Updated Semaphore to latest 1.0.0s version (Galaxy S) with the 720p recording patch
* Updated Apex Launcher
* Car Home installation (even if not selected) fixed
* Updated MI File Manager (fixes FTP FC and adds/fixes features)
* Removed init.d script for low storage which caused slow launching of apps and other problems
* Replaced keyboard with stock CM9 keyboard and removed unneeded Dictionary Pack
* Vibrant kernel fix again
* Fixed Vibrant GPS
* Misc fixes/changes

v0.9b (Patch)
* Includes Low storage /data script
* Fix a lot of FC problems

* UPDATED to MIUI 2.3.30
* New kernel for Captivate (Semaphore)
* Semaphore for Captivate and Galaxy S are bigmem versions (with 720p patch)
* Semi-updated to Android ICS 4.0.4
* Remove face unlock stuff for Captivate (no FFC)
* Fix many installer problems
* Optional apps now install in data (To free up some MB in /system partition)
* More changes

* Updated ApexLauncher
* Updated su binary and SuperSU app
* Fixed WeUI bootanimation
* Original Mms app from MIUI (has the new message button)
* Fixed installer issues
* Miui Compass as an option in the installer
* Misc installer changes
* "Customize Previous installation" in the installer should work now
* WeUI Feedback app icon re-added
* Monitor app added again as a default app instead of optional

v0.8.6 (Flash on top of v0.8.5)
* Fixed some FC problems (Network Type, MMS style, etc)

* Updated to 2.3.23
* Updated to Glitch Kernel Beta 6 (Released on March 24th) for all devices
* New Alarm, Clock, and Settings from MIUI
* Fixed Updater FC
* Added Updating support in the ROM from the updater app
* Better installer compatibility if coming from Gingerbread
* Reboot check in the installer
* More app options in the installer
* Another lib from MIUI
* New WeUI logo (thanks to fatjoez/publo)
* New bootanimation from new logo
* Possible performance improvement
* Old gallery as an option on installer
* Misc changes (ROM and installer)

* Fixed Video Camera FC
* Fixed "New Contact" FC
* Fixed External SD connection

* Fixed Galaxy S and Vibrant issues

* Updated to 2.3.16
* Updated Glitch Kernel for Galaxy S and Captivate
* Device-specific fixes
* Added CM9 kernel for all devices
* Ad-blocking added (optional)
* Fixed possible acore or other force close issues
* NStools now for all kernels
* Fixed online themes force close
* Monitor app is now optional in installer
* Added new MIUI Gallery
* New wallpapers added
* Added old lockscreen (if you experience issues with the new one, change it to this one on Themes - > Lockscreen)
* Misc changes or fixes

v0.7.8 (Flash after v0.7.5)

* Fixed Signal Strength, Airplane mode and RIL issues
* Added 3-way reboot (Thanks to AndyThomson)
* New updater app (Goo-inside.me), and themed (working on it, it's themed really badly right now)
* Themed NSTools
* Fixed Tethering Force Close
* Fixed Front-Facing Camera
* Fixed Home Button issues
* Updated lockscreen

v0.7.5b Galaxy S Fix (Flash after v0.7.5)
* Fixed Front-Facing Camera
* Fixed Home Button issues
* Updated lockscreen

v0.7.5 (or preview of v0.8)
* Updated to MIUI 2.3.9
* Removed Permission Manager which was causing problems
* Added SuperSU as a root manager instead
* Added missing libs from MIUI
* Added and themed Package Installer from CM9
* Themed AriesParts and renamed to "Device Settings"
* Multi-device support (Captivate, Galaxy S, Vibrant)
* Multi-kernel support (Glitch and Semaphore)
* Integrated "Data wiping" and "Cache wiping" in installer (Thanks to DemonWav/ICSSGS for wipe data script)
* New Bootanimation
* New lockscreen
* External SD mounting in computer (USB Storage option)
* Edited framework to change default wallpaper (and remove the live wallpaper as default)
* Added back the MIUI sounds
* Added new CM9 ringtones and notification sounds
* Removed double Calendar and double keyboard
* Removed Google Feedback
* Updated AROMA Installer to 1.63
* Roboto font in Installer
* TouchWiz4 Launcher, Apex Launcher as launcher options in installer
* MI File Explorer added as an option in installer

* Updated to MIUI 2.3.2
* Fixed Permission Manager
* Replaced Superuser with MIUI's now fixed permission manager
* Enable non-market installation as default
* Added latest Gapps package
* Browser now has Google as default search engine (Second attempt = Success)
* Changed AriesParts icon
* Added WeUI Feedback app
* Changed Notes "Pressed new note" image
* Added default note in Notes app (Welcome to WeUI)
* Added Monitor again
* New WeUI logo in settings
* Setting shows "WeUI" and the version instead of a "MIUI" prefix
* Ported again from scratch with a different method
* MIUI Package Installer fixed
* Removed temporary CM9 Package Installer
* Updated to Icy Glitch Beta 5
* A lot of stuff more

v0.6.6 (Flash over v0.6) (Read: THIS)
* Fixed Hot Reboot after USB Mount
* External SD support (appears on Music, etc)
* Browser now has Google as default instead of chinese Baidu

* Market lag fixed
* UPDATED TO MIUI 2.2.3 (Changelog HERE)
* Misc random changes
* Package Installer force close fixed (again)

* Added Glitch Kernel
* Fixed Themes
* Fixed Data Usage Error
* Included AriesParts from CM9 (Thanks to MIUIPT)
* Changed name to WeUI to avoid any confusion
* Reverted some themed stuff which conflicted with Themes now that they're working
* Added back Live Wallpapers which I forgot last update
* Added MIUI Music
* Removed Voodoo Control
* Added Terminal Emulator as a user app (can be uninstalled if you don't need it)

v0.5 and v0.5.1
* Fixed Sound settings Force Close
* Fixed incoming calls not having sound
* Added v0.4.5 update fixes
* Added DeskClock from CM9
* Google Search orange icon

v0.4.5 (Flash over v0.4)
* Fixed Package Installer force close error
* Changed to Glitch Kernel pre-5
* Added NSTools to change Glitch Kernel features
* Fixed Root (again)
* Themed Google Search textfield to MIUI-orange color

* Added CM9 Music beta app
* Completely themed the Music app to fit MIUI color ( even the Easter egg, try to find it :p )
* Removed MusicFX
* Added DSPManager from Teamhacksung's ICS
* Fixed SuperUser.apk missing
* Partially Themed Google Search
* Added Voodoo Control
* Changed Superuser icon to MIUI's security app
* Partially themed Superuser

* Updated base to latest MIUI Nexus S release (with working File manager, and other stuff)
* Updated kernel to Teamhacksung's build 13
* Updated libs to Teamhacksung's build 13
* Fixed translation on Notes app
* Updated to Google Apps v7.1
* Returned to MIUI File Manager
* Returned to original Music
* Changed default lockscreen since themes don't work
* Themed the Calculator to fit MIUI orange color
* Fixed updater_script (older one was extracting system multiple times)
* Removed Telocation files
* Removed more NFC libraries and Tag.apk
* Removed MIUI Feedback app (I don't think MIUI needs feedback from an unofficial port)

* Fixed ROOT
* Added latest superuser binaries and superuser app
* Removed MIUI Permission Manager
* Fixed Camera
* Replaced File Manager with OI File Manager
* Removed NFC libraries
* Added all Live Wallpapers that were missing
* Fixed keyboard suggestions

* Initial Release (with all the changes to make it work and some extras)

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Android-Hilfe.de App
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: -MaD-
Reserve 3

Gesendet mit der Android-Hilfe.de-App
0.9.8 German WIFI Tether Fix included
German full ROM 0.9.8 incl. WIFI fix

Credits: andy25 MIUI Germany & nightshack0

an pimpoo

v0.9.8 (Full ROM && Requires data wipe)
TinyURL.ms - TinyURL.ms

v0.9.5 (Full ROM && Requires data wipe)
TinyURL.ms - TinyURL.ms

v0.9b patch (Flash after v0.9)

v0.9(Full ROM)

v0.8.7 (Full ROM)

Quelle: xda-developers - View Single Post - [ROM][ICS4.0.3] WeUI v0.8.7 (Updated: 3/27/2012) (MIUI4)

0.8.7 German
German Translation for v0.8.7 (full rom)


v0.8.6 (Flash after v0.8.5)

WeUI 0.8.6 by NightShack0.zip
v0.8.5 (Full ROM)

v0.8c Patch (Flash after v0.8)
WeUI v0.8c patch by NightShack0.zip
v0.8c * Fixed Video Camera FC * Fixed "New Contact" FC * Fixed External SD connection
v0.8b * Fixed Galaxy S and Vibrant issues
v0.7.8(FLASH AFTER v0.7.5)
v0.7.5b Galaxy S fix (FLASH AFTER v0.7.5)




Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Eine super ROM. Allein der Installer ist es wert, die ROM zu installieren :D Was mich stört ist die fehlende Unterstützung verschiedener Sprachen, darunter auch Deutsch, sowie der Bug mit der Empfangsleiste.
Ich werde sie dennoch erst mal nutzen. Es ist alles schön flüssig :)
v0.7.8 Online - steht in Post 1 bereit zum Download!

Change Log entnehmt Ihr Ihr auch in Post 1
Da freue ich mich doch :)

Habe die ROM jetzt ein Weile im Test und bemerke leichte Probleme mit der Akkulaufzeit (auf jeden Fall im Vergleich zu anderen ICS-ROMs).
Wenn du die ROM drauf hast kannst du mal n paar screenshots hochladen ?
Wie ist die geschwindigkeit ? Abstürze ?

Kannst ja evtl. Mal n kurzen bericht schreiben ;) danke...
Wenn du die ROM drauf hast kannst du mal n paar screenshots hochladen ?
Wie ist die geschwindigkeit ? Abstürze ?

Kannst ja evtl. Mal n kurzen bericht schreiben ;) danke...
Dann mal hier ein kleiner Testbericht:

Nachdem ich die ROM geladen und in CWM ausgewählt hatte, die erste Überraschung: Die ROM kommt mit einem grafischen Installer, der echt Eindruck macht.

Nach der Installation habe ich natürlich ein wenig rumgetestet und festgestellt, dass die Themes noch nicht zu 100% funktionieren, für mich (habe versucht das Theme der SMS-App zu ändern, wurde aber nicht komplett übernommen. Das Ändern des Bootscreens, des Lockscreens und der Icons funktionier hingegen einwandfrei).

Bezüglich FCs und Reboots kann ich sagen, dass ich ab und zu das Problem habe, dass das Handy sich plötzlich neu startet. FCs hatte ich bisher nur beim "ES Dateieexplorer", der absolut nicht starten wollte.

Die Geschwindkeit ist klasse. Kein Ruckler, kein nichts. :)

Mit 0.7.8. wurde auch endlich das Problem mit der Empfangsanzeige gefixt. Wenn jetzt nur noch ein deutsches Sprachpaket kommt, bin ich 100% happy :D

Screens brauchste eig nicht. Wenn du schon mal eine V4 MIUI gesehen hast, weißt du, wie die ROM aussieht :D
  • Danke
Reaktionen: -MaD- und GalaxyRoad
GalaxyRoad schrieb:
Wenn du die ROM drauf hast kannst du mal n paar screenshots hochladen ?
Wie ist die geschwindigkeit ? Abstürze ?

Kannst ja evtl. Mal n kurzen bericht schreiben ;) danke...

Du solltest es flashen und sofort kriegst Du antworten. Sehr einfach.
WeUI v0.8b steht in Post 2 zum Download bereit

Viel Spaß beim Flashen!
WeUI v0.8c steht in Post 2 zum Download bereit

Change Log : v0.8c

* Fixed Video Camera FC
* Fixed "New Contact" FC
* Fixed External SD connection

Viel Spaß beim Flashen!

gibts schon ein deutsch sprachpaket?
[ROM][ICS4.0.3] WeUI v0.8.5 (Updated: 3/25/2012) (MIUI4)

Online - steht in Post 1 zum Download bereit

Viel Spaß beim Flashen!
V 0.8.6 ist online .... Wird im Post changelog bald geändert:

v0.8.6 (Flash on top of v0.8.5)
* Fixed some FC problems (Network Type, MMS style, etc)

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9000 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
Aktuelle Update jetzt auch in Post 1 gelistet!​

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