[ROM ICS][IMM76I] Android Revolution HD 4.0.1 | High Quality & Performance [10.06.12]

  • 6 Antworten
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Proudly presenting you Android Revolution HD series ROM for Samsung Galaxy Nexus...


Weitere Screenshots: Post 2 !!!


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Besten Dank für euer Verständnis und viel Spaß mit dem Rom!


Android Revolution HD

Anhang anzeigen Android_Revolution_HD_Super_Wipe.zip ---> siehe "how to flash"

This is fully ported from galaxy nexus, bugs will be fixed by time passes, please report bugs down there. thanks !!

original post: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1361348

Users experience with Android Revolution HD

"My phone is now perfectly smooth, fast, stable. I do not expect much more from my phone!"

"This release is amazing! ROM feels super fast! Great job Mike & the team! (...) Never noticed any lag. 1 word: brilliant."

"Feels a lot smoother in use - scrolling, swiping between sense screens. Much nicer feel. This is a real good one, Mike. Many thanks :)"

>>> Very fast, rock stable, stock look and great support <<<



All images in this thread including screenshots, headlines, banners, etc. are copyrighted and you can't use it without permission

If you appreciate my work, you can buy me a beer
All my ROMs have great popularity and are a 100% success

Donate to madflapjack:


System details:
  • Android 4.0.4 (Ice Cream Sandwich) - official Google IMM76I firmware
  • This is improved version of stock ROM - no visual changes!
  • Very fast, clean & stable!
  • Multi-language (WWE)
  • Full Arabic and Hebrew languages support! (ICS feature)
  • Thanks to Google for the base firmware
Included kernel details:
  • Stock 3.0.8 kernel (the best so far)
ROM details:
  • Removed software (CPU) rendering - full PowerVR SGX 540 (GPU) rendering
  • Fully optimized and tweaked
  • ROOT (su + SuperSu Permissions - Thanks to chainfire)
  • Unsecured boot.img
  • Newest BusyBox
  • RAM optimizations
  • Speed optimizations
  • Data, cache and system partitions mounting tweaks
  • Bloatware applications removed (Google Earth etc.)
  • All /system applications updated to latest available
  • All /data applications updated to latest available
  • Improved virtual memory management
  • Improved CPU governors performance
  • Most optimal system scheduler
  • Disabled kernel debugging for better performance
  • ZRAM ready!
  • Advanced Power Menu as add-on in the second post
  • Zipaligned (Improved RAM management)
  • Zipalign on boot (for user applications on data partition)
  • Fully de-odexed
  • init.d scripts (BusyBox run-parts) support
  • Auto init.d permissions set on boot
  • sysro/sysrw commands support
  • Excellent battery life!
  • Device partitions mounted & formatted as fast EXT4 with many optimizations and EXT4 alignment
  • OpenVPN support
  • Most up-to-date system files permissions
  • Adobe Flash Player support for Ice Cream Sandwich
  • You can replace Samsung boot animation with any custom one (or use ICS default)
  • Support almost 24h a day
  • ...and many more!
You need:
  • Samsung Galaxy Nexus GSM unlocked with fastboot oem unlock command
  • ClockworkMod Touch Recovery GSM
How to flash:
  • Download ROM and place it on your virtual SD card
  • Download "Super Wipe" script & place it on your virtual SD card (optionally if coming from earlier version of my ROM, obligatory if coming from stock or other custom ROM)
  • Boot your phone in recovery mode (vol down + vol up + power)
  • In main menu, select "install zip from sdcard"
  • Select "choose zip from sdcard" and browse to the location of "Super Wipe" script
  • Once again select "choose zip from sdcard" and browse to the location of Android Revolution ROM
  • After flashing process is complete, reboot the device

» Themes coming soon!

» You can easily customize my ROM and make it LITE by removing some components with ROM Cleaner by Patrics83



--- MD5 Checksum: 77F2FC0B97E4DE0B5487FAC9E8D1BCE2 ---
--- Direct link to 6 fast server that will randomly use one of our sources ---
--- Thanks to Thanks to Mavy170, Whiskey103, MarcoHD, Lizard, hoosbude, vinas1 & target5 ---


If you are Android Revolution HD user, feel free to use our special banner prepared for you:
--- User banner prepared by KID_1194, adsamcik, sigeltek & jotha ---







Q : When recording HD video, the playback of the clip keeps freezing. How to fix it?
A: This is probably SD card problem. Format your SD card (FAT32 recommended) to gain silky smooth playback.

Q : My CPU load is all the time nearly 100% and in most part it's used by system. What is the reason of that high CPU usage and how can I fix it?
A: Delete your htcsense.com account. It takes A LOT of your battery and CPU usage.

Q : I have some strange issues with my ROM that nobody reported before. What should I do in first place?
A: In first place you should check, if the MD5 Checksum is correct. Then flash ROM again and see if the issue is gone. A lot of strange issues can be solved this way.

Q : I can't send/receive MMS or I can't connect with mobile data connection. How can I fix it?
A: Please check your MMS settings or mobile data connection APN settings.

Q : My GPS signal is very weak or GPS is not working at all. How can I fix it?
A: There are some solutions:
1. You can download and install FasterFix to improve your signal strength.
2. You can download and install GPS Status & Toolbox to manage your GPS settings.
3. Turn off "Fast boot" under "Settings" ---> "Power" and reboot your phone.
4. Wipe the EFS data in your device. Read this for further instuctions. This is very effective solution.
5. Read this, this, this & this
6. [Trick] Speed Up Satelite Fix for GPS on Android

Q : My Quadrant score is not as high as on different ROM. What does it mean?
A: It means absolutely nothing. Benchmarks on Android System are more or less lottery and they are not showing the real system performance.
There are many settings that can force Quadrant to show more then 3000 points but it's faked performance, that actually can slow down your phone in some circumstances.
What I always emphasize is a real performance, the one you can feel under your fingers. Remember that I/O has some limit and surpassing it shows just a numbers without true ratio.
Also keep in mind that Quadrant has support for Android Gingerbread only in version 1.1.7 and higher.

Q : My Gallery app force close when I tap on any folder How to fix it?
A: Probably you removed Google+ application. Just restore it. (Thanks to Hunteres for the solution)


Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Screenshots, Changelog, Buglist & Addons





My thread (GSM) is also at RootzWiki.com, where you are more then very welcome!

Android Revolution HD 4.0.1
--- release date: 9 May 2012 ---

  • Removed navbars for galaxy s
  • Fixed auto-permissions on boot for init.d scripts
  • Facebook updated to latest 1.9.2
  • Google Maps updated to latest 6.6.0
  • Twitter updated to latest 3.2.1
  • Adobe Flash Player updated to latest
  • Other minor changes and fixes
- No need to use Super Wipe if you have 4.0.x already!

Android Revolution HD 4.0.0
--- release date: 28 April 2012 ---

  • Re-based using latest Galaxy Nexus IMM76I update
  • Tweaked interactive governor
  • Added small compability fix for GPU Performance Patch
  • Debugging only via the application's manifest for better performance
  • Persist adb service via USB
  • SuperUser by ChainsDD replaced with SuperSU by chainfire (latest version)
  • Zip-aligned using newest SDK r18
  • Google Play (Android Market) updated to latest 3.5.16
  • Google Plus updated to latest
  • Google Maps updated to latest 6.5.1
  • Adobe Reader updated to latest 10.2.0
  • Gmail updated to latest 4.0.5
  • Twitter updated to latest 3.1.2
  • Dropbox updated to latest 2.1.3
  • Facebook updated to latest 1.9.0
  • Maxthon updated to latest 2.6.2
  • Other minor changes and fixes
- Super Wipe is highly recommended due to new base!

Android Revolution HD 3.0.0
--- release date: 3 April 2012 ---

  • Re-based using latest Google update Android 4.0.4 (IMM76D)
  • Zip-aligned using newest SDK r17
  • Market (Play Shop) updated to latest 3.5.15
  • Google Music updated to latest 4.1.513
  • Facebook updated to latest 1.8.4
  • Maxthon updated to latest 2.6.0
  • Google Plus updated to latest
  • ES File Explorer updated to latest
  • Google Maps updated to latest 6.5.0
  • Adobe Flash Player updated to latest
  • Twitter updated to latest 3.1.1
  • YouTube updated to latest 3.5.5 and moved to data/app
  • Other minor changes and fixes

Android Revolution HD 2.1.5
--- release date: 5 February 2012 ---

  • Fixed Verizon apps for Galaxy Nexus LTE
  • barrier=0 for system, data, cache and efs partitions for better performance
  • Android ICS default bootanimation. You can download Samsung bootanimation from the 2nd post
  • Adobe Flash Player updated to latest
  • Google Plus updated to latest and moved to data/app
  • Google Maps updated to latest 6.2.0

Previous changelog is here

!!!!! BUG LIST !!!!!

  • emcc not mounting (know how to fix that)

  • camera cant connect (need help there)

  • t displays two bars of signal only but has more (i know its there in framework.jar) ril files

Wer die Add Ons hier schon gesehen hat, wurden wieder entfernt, waren nur für Nexus .....
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Linaro ist nicht offiziell. Es wird von den Cyanogenmoddevs noch geprüft

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9000 mit Tapatalk 2
Ja, SGS :D

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9000 mit Tapatalk 2
schon wieder... die liste der roms, die ich noch flashen muss, erweitertet sich auch täglich :lol: ich benötige einfach zwei sgs..

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