[ROM] GalnetMIUI - 2.3.23 Weekly & Stable 2.3.2b (2.3.7)

  • 330 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum
Happy New Year Everyone: 1.12.31 rom's now available for download

  • Brand New Galnet Stats Application and website: http://miuistats.galnetmiui.co.uk (Thanks to Vorbeth)
  • Rebuild of Infuse Rom
  • Management and Power Tweaks
  • Other small tweaks

With the rapid growth of our rom over the last few months, even we have been surprised at just how popular our rom has become. We honestly never thought it would ever get to this stage!

With the increase in popularity came more downloads, obviously. This has lead to increased costs of producing the rom for free, especially since this is now spread across 5 different servers! Since the costs have been rising, we have been looking at ways to make the rom at least pay for itself. As you all know we have the groupies, which was designed initially to use donations to cover costs and also to invest in new devices. This has been quite popular, but the donations we receive from people becoming groupies hasn't been enough to even cover our costs (and we have done our level best to keep them as low as can possibly be), and as a result, we've been thinking of ways to increase the income to at least let the rom pay for itself.

Now, I know you're probably cringing at the thought of us introducing paid services, but it's not actually as bad as you think. We've done our best to make this as fair as possible for everyone!

Since this is still a draft roadmap, it is subject to change at any time.

Cloud Based Storage

This will be a feature that will be a paid service. There will be a phone based app that will sync with the cloud server and you'll be able to store contacts, files, etc. remotely.

This will be sold on the Android Market, making it available to all Andorid users, not just GalnetMIUI users. The minimum term for this is a 12 month period, and is renewable annually.

As for groupies, those members who are currently groupies will be awarded one year of cloud storage as a thank you to them helping us keep going.

There will also be a new Groupie tier as well. The existing tier will be for those people who wish to become a groupie, but do not want cloud storage, and the new teir will include a one year cloud storage subscription by default.

All cloud stroage users will also get an @miuiscotland.co.uk email account as well!
More details on this will become available as they are finalised.

GalnetMIUI ROM Kitchen

We understand that quite a few of you like to spend time removing things that you feel bloat the roms that we produce each week, so this will be a way for you all to get the rom exactly as you want it.

A complete new set of Internet Solutions to be offered!

Since Galnet's and my skillset originates in the Internet Solutions Industry, we have decided to merge our companies and begin offering a full suite of solutions, with the merge name being GalnetMIUI.

This is an organic evolution of merging our businesses since the logo that you all have come to know is already a blend of Galnet Internet Services and Chameleon Webhosting.

The primary list of services that we intend to offer are as follows:

- Choice of 4 datacenters from around the world (UK, US, Sweden, and Australia) - This is to allow you to locate your site as close to your target audience as possible!
- Choice of Shared, VPS (Virtual Private Server), Semi-Dedicated, and Fully Dedicated hosting platforms
- Domain Management solutions, SSL, many more other hosting related services as well!

Web Design
- We will be offering a range of web design packages, all of which will be detailed in the future as details are finalised.

- We will be providing a service that allows people or companies who are trying to decide whether to simply redesign their site, or have a new site made up, to come to us for feedback. We will totally review the site in question and will report back on suggested changes that we feel would benefit your site and allow you to maximise its potential.

SEO services
- These days, good SEO is vital, and we're here to help. We will be aiming to provide top notch SEO services on top of everything else we provide.

More information will be added as details are finalised.

Broadband for UK Residents.
We will be offering a complete broadband package for all users who are resident in the UK. specs such as speed and cost are yet to be determined.

What does this mean for the ROM?

This is the bit I'm certain you'll all be worrying about the most, so I thought I'd explain it to put any worries/fears at rest.

How does this affect the rom: It doesn't.

Will the roms still be free?: Yes, absolutely. We have always said the final versions of the roms will be free, and we continue to stand by that.

Will there be any changes to the release schedules?: No. The weekly releases will still be released each Friday (where practicably possible), and the Stable releases will be updated when we feel that we have done enough to ensure an as close to bug free experience as possible.

Basically, this is all extra things that are being added alongside what we already do. While there was the avenue of charging per download, we felt this wasn't the best idea when looking at it from your perspective.


As I've said already, this is simply a draft roadmap of where we aim to go in 2012, and will be adding to this as things get finalised, and more detailed plans of each new service/feature as they are developed further. We may also add new features/services and remove others, so please don't take this as being set in stone yet. It's very early days as far as this list go.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Official GalnetMIUI Scotland

We're pleased to announce that work has begun on implementing many elements of our 2012 Roadmap! We're getting excited simply working on it, we hope you all enjoy our work once it's ready to launch!

Weekly BUILDS – 2.1.6 ist eigentlich Online

Der Sever ist aber zu Zeit Down!
Aktuell: Galnet MIUI Forum wieder Aktiv und erreichbar

jetzt auch gelistet
Weekly 2.1.6
Samsung Galaxy S
File Size: 119MB
Languages Supported: English

Kann es sein dass bei galnet der interactive Kernel nicht mehr richtig unterstützt wird? Ich hab das Problem dass ich seit dem ich die neuen Kernel von fugu oder auch platypus auf der 3.0.8 Basis drauf interactive dauerhaft auf 1000 bzw 800 MHz läuft.er regelt nicht mehr runter. Weiß jemand woran das liegt?
Dear Users:

Our forums and site has now been fully repaired, and we are happy to announce that things are back on track. We need to thank Xiahost, and not forgetting myself, working through tonight in order to get everything back up.

Xiahost host is now providing backup's for us to prevent such a long outage from reoccurring.

We thank all our users for their patients throughout this time.

Kindest Regards,
Official GalnetMIUI Scotland

We know our map for stats isn't ideal for viewing the information on a mobile device, so we have a "NEW Application" which we will provide with this weeks builds in order to make the process easier!

The application includes the following:

- Our mobile installation stats
- Information about what is collected and displayed
- Direct interaction with our facebook page
- Direct interaction with our twitter page, including the ability to forward our tweets via email or sms to your friends

We will be adding extra features to this application in time allowing us to start implementing some of the changes we have planned.

Galnet MIUI Scotland Team

http://www.facebook.com/r.php?fbpage_id=209920115741943&r=111 vor 4 Stunden ·
Weekly MOD 2.1.13 Online und gelistet

  • New Galnet MIUI Application Added
  • 4 Way Reboot
  • System Tweaks
  • Improv
galnetmiui galnetmiui

Well I'm on the mend, as such rom's will start to be released, and everything caught up within the next few days..! Regards, Mathew.

4:14 AM Jan 30th

2.2.1 Stable steht in Post 1 zum Download bereit!

Es gibt noch kein Sprachpaket für Stable 2.2.1

Sprachpaket zunächst immer nachfolgend suchen!

Multi-Language Support

Stable Change Log



Network Modifications:

  • Improved WIFI and Data Speeds
  • Improved FM Radio Scanning and Signal Issues (On Supported Devices)
Framework Modifications:

  • Improved power consumption whilst sleeping
  • Improved scrolling effects and toggle layout
  • Android Market (Scroll via images leading to FC fixed)
  • Improvement in Galnet Video Player playback
  • Fixed Updater Script Force Closing on Reboots
  • Updated to use MIUI China 2.1.20 (2.3.7) Framework
  • Corrected issues with NS builds and implemented (2.3.7 Framework)
  • Corrected Touch Response on Motorola Devices
  • Fixed Issue Which Required You To Be On A Weekly Before Flashing
UI Improvements

  • 4 Way Reboot issues resolved
  • Improved Sharpness and Display on all Devices
Camera Improvements

  • Improved ISO settings
  • Improved Focus
  • Improved Shutter Times

  • The battery calibration will kick in straight away once flashing this rom, therefore you will find that the battery drains quicker than before. Please allow it to drain to around 5% before recharging fully back to 100% for the perfect calibration.
  • Phone call recording (This is something that we won’t support due to legal issues within the UK, please don’t expect it).
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Hallo Zusammen, Ich werde Diesen Beitrag nicht mehr weiter betreuen.

Bedanke Mich bei allen die Mich Hier Unterstützt haben Recht Herzlich.

An die Moderatoren: der Beitrag kann geschlossen werden
An die Moderatoren: der Beitrag kann geschlossen werden
Aber erst,nachdem ich mich für die Mühe und Arbeit die du hier hattest bedankt habe.:thumbup:

Ich find es schade das du nicht weitermachst,alle Info's schön säuberlich zusammengetragen und übersichtlich präsentiert mit allen Info's die es auch für einen Neueinsteiger einfach gemacht haben!!! - einfach Klasse!!

Danke für die Zeit die du geopfert hast,deine Geduld ,auch zum hundersten Male dieselbe Frage zu beantworten!

bis dahin
Stellvertretend für alle Threads...DANKESCHÖN!

Habe Mich entschlossen, Rein mit dem Aktualisieren von Post 1 weiter zu machen, ohne Mich aber an Diskussionen mit zu beteiligen. Bleibe Euch zunächst so weiter erhalten!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Sunnesching, caipi75 und WM6.5_war_gestern
2.2.10 Weekly Online & in Post 2 gelistet
2.2.19 Weekly Online & in Post 2 gelistet
MODS 2.2.19

  • Improved Galnet MIUI Application
  • System Tweaks
  • Correctly Implemented OTA via Updater Script ( So OTA will work correctly again once you update to this rom)
  • Improved About Phone, and OTA Graphics
  • Keyboard Key Press Vibration Fixed
galnetmiui galnetmiui

Once you have updated to 2.2.19 all future updates will be pushed to your handset once available! True OTA is back. :)

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