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Welcome to a #teamBAKED production.

Original Thread auf XDA
Backed Blackbean 8
- Fully rebased to latest android-4.2.2 sources
- Baked Settings (clone of aokps rom control made our way)
- Includes Powerwidgets (cm10.1) may be removed in the future.
- Includes CMs custom led control (cm10.1)
- Lockscreen shortcuts 5 phone 8 tablet (cm10.1)
- LockClock widget app cloned from cm10.1 and modified by baked
- Full customized Mms app (baked)
- Includes DSPManager (cm10.1)
- Includes CMFileManager (cm10.1) inverted of course
- All system apps and Gapps fully inverted for your pleasure (baked)
- Many many more features in and even more stuff planned to come
- Big thanks to Partimus Prime on the new baked boot animation
Rom und Gapps
Anregungen und Wünsche zu neuen Versionen bitte im Original Thread Posten oder Direkt an das Team.
Wer das Team in seiner Arbeit mitverfolgen will kann das gerne hier machen
Google +
Flashen geschieht wie immer auf eigener Gefahr, weder das Team, Android Hilfe.de oder Ich und sonstige übernehmen eine Garantie dafür.
- All credit first and foremost goes to Google for making android and making it open source.
- CyanogenMod obviously for giving onto the hacking community everything they have given.
- AOKP for there amazing work on aosp.
- Big thanks to faux for his kernels are our kernls of choice.
- Pretty much everyone else that we either cherry picked code from or borrowed from to make things work THANK YOU.
- If you are left out and feel you should receive credit please PM or tweet us and we will include credit.
- @travp624
- @termleech
- @B_boyTM
- @mastur_mynd
- @nycbjr
- @Drgravy1
- @Dreamsforgott3n
- @jdlogan151
- @dhrb23
- @ebs512
- @CliffWade(TeamBAKED PR Rep.)
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