- 6.180

A C H T U N G :: Das Herunterladen und Flashen/Installieren der Roms erfolgt selbstverständlich auf eigene Gefahr und weder ich noch android-hilfe.de noch der Entwickler dieser Roms oder bspw. der Base (Slim Bean)haften für Schäden, die an eurem Handy entstehen könnten.

Launcher Features
- Folder icon styles: stacked, grid, or carousel
- Folder sorting: alphabetically, reverse alphabetically, or by usage
- Icon scaling in app drawer and on homescreen
- Home screen previews, rearrangable homescreens
- Set default screen from previews layout
- Add or remove homescreens from previews layout
- Slide homescreens with a second finger while holding widgets and icons
- Gestures: Pinch to show previews, spread to show launcher settings
Theme Manager
- Based on MIUI's theme engine
- Mix and match different themes on the fly
- Theme options: Icons, Status Bar, Boot animation, Font (requires reboot), Messaging, Framework, and Ringtones
- Applies native ctz files, but also will apply MIUI mtz files, not all elements will theme properly with mtz packages
- Animated boot animation preview
- Boot animation resolution scaling
Status Bar
- Customizable toggles, compact or page view (or off)
- Extended volume panel in page view toggles
- Access status or navigation bars while in fullscreen apps by touching the edge of the screen
- Reads custom notification tones from Contacts
- Revised layout: Added messaging bubbles, removed avatar icons from conversation and put one in the action bar, quick shortcut for emojis
- Manage installed apps' permissions
- ...and more!

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