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Newletter by Twitter: Official MIUIScotland
Meine ScreenshotsWelcome to MIUI Scotland
Are you after an Android Rom which is faster, reliable and easy to customise and change to your liking? Then look no further MIUI is the rom for you. Its super fast, and very reliable, and better still with its built in theme manager you can change your phones theme to your liking each day.

- Rom
MIUI Scotland V4 Downloads 2.6.8
Samsung I9000 Version 2168.5 MiB
Sprachpaket für (Andy's) MIUI V4 by Benson 17
Rom Archiv
Hinweis: Infowars Animations kompatibel mit V11
Installationsanleitung - Bitte vor dem Flashen Lesen!
- Wer vom CM9- oder onecosmic Rom kommt geht folgend vor
- Kopiere MIUI SCOTLAND V4 Build auf die Interne SD Karte
- gehe in den CWM Mod - mache einen Fullwipe - flashe das Galnet Rom
- Reboot - Fertig!
These builds are not what we would class as being stable builds at present. The include the new MIUI V4 layout, and come with an array of issues.
- Anleitung von Galnet
1. To flash on the I9000 / I9100 you must do a FULL WIPE, including Dalvik Cache
2. You must flash again after flashing the first time
3. The phone will now boot (First boot may take about 4 minutes)
4. Give the phone time to boot, go make a coffee or tea, and then come back
5. Reboot once MIUI v4 boots.
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