[Galnet MIUI] Jetzt "Miui Scotland" V4 – 2.4.16 - Builds (ICS Android 4.0.4)

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Werds mir jetzt mal draufhaun :D

BHuvan goyal schrieb:
Beta 5 changelog-

*updated base to 2.1.20 official MIUIv4 for nexus s , no more galnet based.
*EXTERNAL SD CARD NOW WORKS properly, detected by gallery app and can be unmounted.
*data usage option works in settings.
*new kernel --glitch v14 b1
*zip aligned.
*removed many brain master tweaks because they clashed with glitch kernel.
*build.prop tweaks.
*ril issues fixed -- hope so.
*wifi fix removed.
*using all stock apps that come in 2.1.20 base.
*more stable and better battery life.

known issues-

*external SD card can't be accessed through PC if you connect via USB .

*themes work though not everything is changed as per theme when u apply it cause themes aren't modified to work with MIUIv4.

*signal bars in notification bar has graphical glitches.

*phone takes a lot of time to detect networks. :( ....needs to fixed.

*some MIUIv4 bugs and graphical glitches.

* more which maybe unknown .

  • Danke
Reaktionen: caipi75
Hallo Zusammen, Ich werde Diesen Beitrag nicht mehr weiter betreuen.

Bedanke Mich bei allen die Mich Hier Unterstützt haben Recht Herzlich.

An die Moderatoren: der Beitrag kann geschlossen werden
An die Moderatoren: der Beitrag kann geschlossen werden

Aber erst,nachdem ich mich für die Mühe und Arbeit die du hier hattest bedankt habe.:thumbup:

Ich find es schade das du nicht weitermachst,alle Info's schön säuberlich zusammengetragen und übersichtlich präsentiert mit allen Info's die es auch für einen Neueinsteiger einfach gemacht haben!!! - einfach Klasse!!

Danke für die Zeit die du geopfert hast,deine Geduld ,auch zum hundersten Male dieselbe Frage zu beantworten!

bis dahin
Habe Mich entschlossen, Rein mit dem Aktualisieren von Post 1 weiter zu machen,ohne Mich aber an Diskussionen mit zu beteiligen. Bleibe Euch zunächst so weiter erhalten!
Gibt es denn mittlerweile ein deutsches Sprachpaket dafür?
MIUIv4 Dark Theme

Okay so I have been Contemplating on whether or not to start a Dark Theme for MIUIv4 as I have heard rumours that MIUI were in the midst of developing one themselves but I heard that around mid-January and its now March so I thought I may start development on it as the White theme for MIUIv4 doesn't really suit my needs. As of right now the "Theme_values.xml" aren't applying so I can't change the text to white where necessary. But that doesn't mean I can't start creating all the necessary changes elsewhere to create a dark theme and then once the "Theme_values.xml" are applying it will only be a case of setting those up and applying them.

It will most likely being a Dark and Grey theme so all the Orange will be Grey. I may in the near future do other colours to suit other peoples needs. I will keep you all updated on the Progress. Hopefully I can get this done soon as I have quite a lot of free time. If anyone wants to help on setting all the "Theme_values.xml" to the right codes that would be grateful as I'm not the best at that.

Look forward to working with you all!

Browser - Converted most of the Orange to Gray
MMS - Converted most of the necessary Png's to suit a dark theme, still needs work though.
FileExplorer - Few changes to icons and Press colours.
DeskClock - Added a Dark Clock

Remember even though I have been creating the Dark theme the "Theme_values.xml" are still not operating correctly so don't expect any uploads soon, sorry.

More to come.

2.3.19 V4 – I9000 - Online & steht in Post 1 zum Download bereit!

What Works
Everything bar FM Radio, you tell us..!
- SD Car Internal and External
- USB Mounting Internal and External
- RIL correctly implemented and working
- WIFI Scanning and I.P acquiring
- Auto Brightness
- Motion sensors
- Proximity sensors
- Loads more…..
What Doesn’t Work
- FM Radio
- TV Out
2.3.20 V4 – I9000 - Online & steht in Post 1 zum Download bereit

Change Log

- Removed 4 way reboot
- Improved Samsung TouchWiz support
- Implemented changes to permissions across rom
- Improved ram handling
- Upgraded to Glitch V14 Rom (BLN support)
- Quick SD Card read and write
- Fixed Gallery FC and Rotation Issues
- Gallery Widget FC fixed
- Other small tweaks..!


MIUI V4 – 2.3.27 Build Online - steht in Post 1 zum Download bereit

ICS I9000 2.3.27 Updated

  • Resolves issues with 2G/3G selection
  • Resolves issues with applications not seeing /emmc folder
  • Resolves issues with screen lock security fc
  • Kernel swapped to Semaphore 0.9.7
  • USB mounting on both Internal and External when connected to PC
  • Additional ram available thanks to new kernel
  • 4 Way reboot added thanks to Andy Thomson
  • Additional under the hood tweaks

  • Danke
Reaktionen: sUsH667
hey, gibt es ein deutsches sprachpaket? soll das Miui einer Freundin updaten :)

It is with our deepest regrets that as from today Galnet MIUI Scotland will be closing.
This is for a number of reasons, but the main one being I don't have the time or resources to continue to support everyone. Over the last year, people have became more demanding and bombarding my mail box with requests, with YOU MUST fix this or repair that. Truth be told, I've NEVER had to do anything..!
MIUI China is also starting to provide the roms with English translations included, and we get not funding or support from China, and when I report issues with the rom (Even providing Logcats etc) I get no reply, so it feel's like it goes un-noticed and un-thanked..!
We started development on the I9000 a year ago, and fixed many issues with the rom, and these also got transferred across into the main Chinese builds, we started ports of V4 into I9000 and many of these are included in MANY of the roms across the platform without thanks, we are simply not willing to do this any more.
We wish all the MIUI community the best of luck in the future, and we will continue to monitor situations, we would also like to thank our fan base, and apologise for this closure notice.

Take care everyone,
Galnet MIUI Scotland.


Von Beginn an habe Ich Galnets Rom Hier bei Android-Hilfe.de betreut,
am 31.03.2012 feierte man noch das 1 jähriges Bestehen.

Galnet & sein Team hat die MIUI Gemeinde mit Zahlreichen Inovationen bereichert. Herzlichen Dank von Mir an dieser Stelle!

Danke auch an die hiesige Galnet MIUI Gemeinde, für die Gute Zusammenarbeit.
Euer Qasim

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Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
hallo ich habe ein plm und zwar auf diese video von scootland miui steht sd card unter einstellung 13 gb ich habe unter einstellung nur 5,74 GB was musst ich tun damit ich auch 13 gb habe besitze zwar nicht miui scootland sondern von andy miui 2.5.25 bitte hilf mir.



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