[ROM][N9005][4.4.4] *28.06.2014* AOSB Project - The End Of The Line v1.3.6

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Durch das flashen dieser ROM wird euer KNOX Counter auf jeden Fall getriggert!!
Weder ich, noch Android-Hilfe.de, übernehmen eine Garantie auf Erfolg oder die Haftung für jegliche Beschädigungen an eurem Note 3.

Wenn ihr nicht sicher seid, was ihr macht, könnt ihr hier gerne Fragen stellen, aber wenn ihr danach immer noch nicht genau wisst, was ihr tut: Lasst es bleiben!
Daher flashen auf eigene Gefahr.

AOSB Project by codex,
basiert seit der v1.0.x Serie auf CyanogenMod

Hier der Link zum Original Thread auf XDA: Klick

Solltet ihr auf XDA angemeldet sein, vergesst bitte nicht dem Dev DANKE zu klicken. :winki:

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  1. OTA Support
  2. Android-4.4.3 r1.1 KTU84L
  3. AOSB Feature: Custom SmoothProgressBar with v0.4 API
  4. AOSB Feature: Control and customize "Toast Animation"
  5. AOSB Recent App with HTC Style
  6. AOSB Power Saver Manager
  7. Battery Saver mode included what user do to saving the battery life
  8. PA PEEK Notification with wake timeout && configurable timeout
  9. Launch as Floating notification from anywhere
  10. New CM Theme Engine
  11. DSP Manager with built-in Boeffla Sound Control
  12. GPS Optimizer , modify gps conf your country
  13. Advanced Kernel tweaker and device performance control
  14. Slim Recent App Bar
  15. Pinned (lock) app in recent app list
  16. On-The-Go Mode
  17. Battery level around unlock ring
  18. Time-context headers in the notification header
  19. Wakelock Blocker
  20. MSIM Network/Devices Support
  21. Dialer: WhitePages/YellowPages reverse lookup provider
  22. Dialer: lookup/nearby places, Google and OpenStreetMap
  23. AOKP Navigation bar menu in settings support hardware keys devices
  24. AOKP Animation Control
  25. ListView Animation
  26. Keyboard Animation
  27. Scrolling Animation
  28. AOKP Custom Navigation Ring
  29. AOKP Custom Navigation Bar
  30. ChameleonOS Gesture Anywhere
  31. ChameleonOS Screen Recording
  32. ChameleonOS Screen Recorder: add ability to record audio from mic
  33. TeloRadio (Connection Manager)
  34. Omni Audio Themes Settings
  35. OmniSwitch App
  36. Omni allow disabling call end sound
  37. Omni Audio : Stereo widening and Center frequency for Bass Boost
  38. AOSPAL LockScreen Notifications
  39. AOSPAL Lockscreen Blur
  40. Slim CRT animation: add scale down
  41. Slim IME options
  42. Slim DarkUI (system wide in black)
  43. Music Tile
  44. Flip to Mute/Reject Call
  45. Advanced BatteryBar
  46. Chainfire SU App
  47. User selectable camera click sound (disable camera sound)
  48. Quicktile row option:set 3,4,5 tiles per row
  49. LTE toggle support and Configurable up to user (LTE or 4G)
  50. Add Wifi name to notification drawer and option to enable/disable
  51. Frameworks: notification drawer background
  52. wide support for chinese language
  53. wide support for dutch language
  54. MediaScanner behavior on boot
  55. HALO
  57. HALO: make windows move able and scale able
  58. Mobile Network Battery Saver Mode
  59. Configurable up to user (LTE or 4G)
  60. Advanced Battery Bar
  61. FB sync abbility to connect facebook contacts into contacts app
  62. App sidebar
  63. IME switcher notification
  64. Navigation bar with custom dimensions
  65. Screen video recording
  66. Configurable init.d
  67. Build PropModder
  68. Incoming calls dialog
  69. RAM bar with custom colors
  70. Builtin Xposed Framework
  71. Xposed : Per-App Layout
  72. Network usage stats
  73. ChameleonOS Active display (s-view alternative)
  74. AD: Display Time out
  75. AD: Turn Off Display
  76. AD: Threshold to proximity
  77. AD: Sort notifications by newest to oldest
  78. AD: douple tab to sleep
  79. AD: limit notifications
  80. AD: display bypass, pocket and sunlight mods
  81. mms: iOS features
  82. mms: Emoji and Smiley support
  83. samsung kernel super charged
  84. Advanced low battery indicator options
  85. Custom Carrier Label


Beim flashen dieser ROM wird euer KNOX Counter auf 0x1 gesetzt!
EFS gesichert? Wenn nicht erst hier lang:Klick

Ab Version v1.2.9 ist dieses ROM mit dem alten UND neuem Bootloader flashbar! :thumbsup:
MD5sum der aktuellen Version (v1.3.6): 2ca978e8ba125e2b20fda59866ba4e7e
1. Bootet ins Recovery (Beispielsweise PhilZ)
2. Backup!!
3. Fullwipe
4. Installiere ROM zip, Gapps
5. Reboot und fertig

Android Kitkat 4.4.4r1 KTU84P
Merge CM Changes
Update SuperSu to v2.00
New Bootanimation
Base: iOS8, Bubble Recentes
Bubble: re-work the activities
Bubble: Fix NPE Fully and validate Contact ID/Image
Bubble: check caller name if empty && calculate time duration
Bubble: Make it optional
Recent: Make it compatible with Holo Dark and Multi DPI
Recent: Support landscape layout
FastChargeTile: support m8
Base: FastCharge & Touchpad Tile kernel feature toggle
Base: Sleep Timer for Media Tile
Base: Allow Power Notification Sounds For Wireless
Base: Notification Reminder
Base: Notification Reminder Interval
Base: Notification Reminder New layout
Themes: Use default_wallpaper for HOLO lockscreen wp
Themes: Use first asset entry for lockscreen wallpaper
PEEK: Sensors improvements
HOVER: Option to exclude topmost app
HOVER: notification timeout
HOVER: New Settings
HOVER: Improvements
HOVER: Match notification width on tablets too
HOVER: Theme Engine compatibilities
Settings: add lockscreen themes in interface
Settings: Pimp Custom Recent and Bubble Settings
Settings: HTC Reflection Effect or iOS Flat
Settings: Glowpad Torch
Settings: Partition information menu
Settings: Lockscreen Colors/Image
Settings: Remove ‘More device settings’ menu
Settings: Remove lockscreen slide delay option
dlx: update adreno from qdevnet 24 June 14 KOT49H
m8: add EasyAccessService
m7vzw: update blobs from 4.10.605.3
m7: Update proprietary files from Google Play edition
toroplus: add blobs
galaxysl: add blobs
d801: Enforce known good ADSP images
mako: Remove live wallpaper product entries
mako: Remove libacdbloader makefile entry

base: Protected App
base: Fix On-The-Go Tile
base: Add Battery/Power Saver Tile
base: New API From Mokee, phone number location support for chinese users
base: listview: ensure active views are filled prior than scrap views
base: Peek: Notification Helper fixes
base: Fix animator display
base: Gesture Device Lock
base: Second Clock
base: Add support for Peek external app
base: New Base Code for Active Display a lot of improvements
base: Fix light notification color picker force close
base: HOVER From PA
base:CM Themes, Add support for composed icons
base:CM Trebuchet, a lot of improvements
base: AOSB RecentApp v2
PS1: Fix the memory leak and more and reduce memory usage
PS2: Improvement thumbnail size also on landscape mode
PS3: Attach the default thumbnail size and prevent conflict with slim recents
PS4: ability to switch between 3 modes of recents
PS5: set height, width for each mode and each DPI
PS6: add standard clear app icon , instead of ugly icon
Settings: Launch only contacts picker for blacklist entry
Settings: Apps, Add blacklist interface
Settings: HALO, color customizations
Settings: listview,fix force close
Settings: Active Display, Double tap to sleep
Settings: Active Display, Hide Low Priority, Hide Non Clearable and Quiet Hours
Settings: Apps, Add black listed app for HOVER
Settings: Apps, Add black listed app for Peek
Settings: Gesture Lockscreen
Settings: Update Active Display
Settings: Add AOSB Support translations for hungarian
Settings: Fix FC “Settings – interface” on tablets like Flo
Settings: Recent, Switcher bettwen App
Settings: Recent, restart UI once in all cases
Settings: Fix Battery light FC
InCallUI: Hide Titlebar while loading InCallUI
InCallUI: do not use reflection
InCallUI: Store dialpad showing state
InCallUI: fix location of answer ring on incoming call
InCallUI: fix non-intrusive for RTL
InCallUI: Dialpad key digit color TRDS update
InCallUI: fix dialpad digits color while TRDS is on
InCallUI: fix landscape layout
Dialer: update TRDS for new 4.4.3 Dialer
Dialer: Update landscape layout to match 4.4.3 codebase
Dialer: Chinese Location Lookup
Dialer: Hide shadow overlay for contact tiles with letter tile avatars
Dialer: Fix force close if using chinese language
n7100: fixes unexpacted random reboots
sc03e: remove bloatware and not currently in-use
sc03e: add missing blob
jflte: use new device tree and kernel
hammerhead: use new device tree and kernel
vendor: Added apn settings for Mobitel and Etisalat, Sri Lanka

Update to Android 4.4.2_r2 (KVT49L)
Multi-user support for phones and tablets
Sound: Volume panel timeout
Sound: Live Volume Steps
Sound: Add battery level around unlock ring
Sound: add support for translucent volume panel
RecentApp: force clear caches on longclick
RecentApp: Improve UI Rotation and animation
NavBar: Handle navbar heights correct on dpi changes
NavBar: Fix landscape mode on tablet flo/grouper
NavBar: add landscape height options for tablets
Update to SuperSU v1.93
Port: Omni New Battery Saver mode included what user do to saving the battery life
SystemUI: time-context headers to the notification header
time-context evening time
SystemUI: Fix Quick pull
SystemUI: Fix notification header disappearing on tablets
SystemUI: fix volume panel more button transparency
SystemUI: Make text color orange if BatteryMeter <15%
SystemUI: improve DessertCaseDream immersive mode exit
SystemUI: Fix Screenshot rotation
SystemUI: Fix led pulse for samsung devices
Fix Xposed Backup Folder Location on dirty flash
Expanded Desktop : Fix Left handed navbar during landscape mode
LS Notifications: enable pocket mode and show always if activated
Browser: Implement client-side incognito mode
Settings: Multi-user support toggle in settings -> security
Settings: ProgressBar Accelerate and Interpolator
Settings: ProgressBar enable MirrorMode and Reversed if activated
Settings: ProgressBar Add reset default option
Settings: Wakelock Blocker
Settings: add CPU info overlay
Settings: AOSB Full Simplified Chinese translations
Settings: Build.prop Mods: Do some prereq’s before showing options
Settings: Automatically switch mobile network into what user choice and also disable mobile data IF wifi connected to an AP
Settings: Automatically switch mobile network and disable mobile data IF battery low (battery level can configure)
Settings: Support For Both GSM and CDMA devices
Screen Recorder: check for supported video encoder resolutions.
Screen Recorder: Fix lag !
Add ContentLoadingProgressBar support from AOSP
Contacts: Add support for import contacts to local phone storage
QS: Fix up Wifi Display tile for screencasting and reenable it
Dialer: Fix back (clear) icon colors on dark UI
Sensor: Enable the motion accelerometer for screen orientation change
Settings: statusbar reflect am/pm and clock color
Base: large fixes Zygote descriptor leakage problem
Camera2: tweak volume key zoom and cleanup
Camera2: Fix Power Shutter Exception
Camera2: add option to prevend autofocus cancel if preview stopped
Camera2: actually fix ArrayAdapter on MoreSettingsPopup
Camera2: AOSB Updated Simplified Chinese translations
Mms: Fix timestamps layout_width
Mms: Shrink the minimum bubble size
Mms: Locate the timestamps outside of bubbles
Mms: Remove send message gravity for RtL
Mms: Allow text input field to expand up to 9 lines
Mms: Fix received thumbnail size
Mms: improved mms bubbles
TRDS: Dark Mms again
OmniSwitch: Update Chinese translations and other Languages by aosb team
InCallUI: add decline and answer incoming call action on notifications
PhoneWindowManager: add ability to use EdgeGestureService for system gestures.
Move lockscreen buttons options to one place
Move all battery saver options in one place
Add more new APNs
Offical support for d2lte unified device
Offical support for jflte unified device
Offical support for hlte unified device

AOSB Recent App iPhoney UI
AOSB PowerSaverManager !
RecentApp: Pinned (lock) app in recent app list
Mutliwindow: Follow Recent UI Changes
NavBar: Dynamic navbar heights and width
NavBar: Left handed navbar during landscape mode
Settings: start the PowerSaver service if activated
Telephony: Open source google dialer and more
Status bar: clock and date customization (center clock, am/pm, clock color)
Dialer: lookup/nearby places, Google and OpenStreetMap
InCall: full screen photo
InCallUI: add decline and answer incoming call action on notifications
Telephony: Incoming Call in Background
DownloadProvider: remove launcher icon
DownloadProvider: Add transfer speeds in notification
Camera: Fix saturation, contrast, sharpness
Camera: Powerkey shutter
Camera: fix crash on screen off-on on preview screen
System Media: audio_route: fix crash with unsupported control types
Fix icons overflowing status bar view in center clock and date layout
SamsungServiceMode: add support for OEM API version 2
Update missing google UI changes for 4.4
MMS: Fix The slideshow can’t be shown in the message
MMS: Resize the image in background
LockBeforeUnlock the new way
Settings: Add an option to reset custom user preferences
Settings LightSettingsDialog: update led on text change
Bring back Camera widget option for tablets
Show Navigation bar menu for every device now
DisplaySettings: Add hardware-framework support for tap-to-wake
OmniSwitch hide from launcher
OmniSwitch: rambar cleanup and layout rework
OmniSwitch: UI tweaks
VoicePlus Enable app op to write SMS
fix led Make sure to turn off led after pulse
start the PowerSaver service if activated
LockBeforeUnlock the new way
Lockscreen Notifications: Custom Background color
Lockscreen Notifications: try to fix occasionally SystemUI FC on boot
Lockscreen Notifications: fix FC when an expanded notification
Lockscreen Notifications: Add “Clear All drawables” for NavBar
Lockscreen Notifications: Custom Background color
Lockscreen Notifications: dismiss all button, improve animations
QS: give animation love to network mode and wifi tiles

Merge CM lasts Changes
SystemUI: Keep force close on some devices when change languange
YouTube: Fix glitch and some audio issues
AOSB Exclusive Feature Custom SmoothProgressBar:
Note3 : update to new kitkat bootloader
early data connection fix
Remove KeyguardTestActivity Hope this improved battery life
AOKP Navigation bar menu in settings for all devices now
Quick Record tile
AIO AOKP custom system animations
AOKP Animation Control
ListView Animation
Keyboard Animation
Scrolling Animation
Add OmniSwitch to Setting
DarkUI: fix search textfield
DarkUI: fix number picker blue line and highlight
Lockscreen Notifications: rewrite add notification logic
Lockscreen Notifications: make dynamic width a device overlay setting
Lockscreen Notifications: Show all notifications when waking device
SoundPack: Audio Themes Settings
SoundPack: Create SoundPack in SD Card if not exists
SoundPack: Update AOSB Default SoundPack to iOS Pack
Dialer: Fix chinese Dailer Crash
Settings: Fix NL Crash
Settings: Fix RU Crash
Settings: Fix BR Crash
Camera: Add Burst mode
Camera: Add indicator icon for burst mode
Camera2: Enable 10MP and nHD pictures modes
Camera2: Set default video quality to the highest
Camera2: New Storage configuration options
Mms: There is no reason to use ugly Icons
Mms: Display message type properly for MMS and SMS
Mms: Fix the send button disappearance after selecting the forward recipient
Mms: Update widget to fit kk
Revert PowerSaverManager
Revert center clock
fix wifi not connecting, once the APN gets disabled state
Add double tap sleep feature to secure lockscreens

Merge CM lasts Changes
CRT animation: add scale down
List animation: views and interpolator
Dialer: Flip to Mute/Reject Call
Dialer: allow disabling call end sound
Dialer: Add Facebook contact sync support
InCallUI: fix non intrusive incallui layout
InCallUI: UI from blue to white
InCallUI: fix card call incoming colors in BlackUI
Bluetooth: Fix phonebook sync problems on some car kits
Bluetooth: GAP: Avoid adding device to cached device list
Settings: AOSB new Settings icons thanks lolations!
Settings: AOSB DE translations thanks mirco !
Settings: AOSB DE translations grammar fixes thanks Marcus!
SystemUI: Always show translucent decor on recents panel
Frameworks: many fixes for memory leak
add new AOSB Wallpapers thanks +Tareq Halaby
add new AOSB BlackUI
add new AOSB Bootanimation
White-ify tab colors
Add Music Tile
AppOps Minor Fix
Fix UserTile
Fix SystemUI FC at bootup
Fix expanded desktop options
Fix battery icon in status bar after reboot
LS Notifications dinamic width & blacklist options
Losckscreen Notifications fixes
Lockscreen Notifications: fix phone turning on in pocket
LS Notification dinamic width & blacklist options
added national roaming info for Tuenti Movil in Spain
added national roaming for Orange in Austria
added national roaming for BOB in Austria
BlackUI: change alert dialog to new 4.4 UI guidelines and add
BlackUI: global menu follow new 4.4 UI
BlackUI: correct seeker fb style for 4.4
Xposed update and built from source
Xposed installer hide from launcher
m7-common: Update sensor binaries
hlte: update adreno blobs
n7100: enable ZSL mode
n7100: audio: don't disable back mic upon voice call end
hammerhead: Remove bug report shortcut
hammerhead: Enable volume button wake
hammerhead: Add stereowide effect
Base: The Netherlands national Roaming
Camera : sdcard-storage option


Merge Lastes CM Changes
Update to Lastes Gapps
Settings: Custom CRT Animation
Settings: enable/disable wifi name from notification drawer
Settings: Enable AppOps
Settings: add development animation transition mode 0.75 and 0.25
Settings: User-selectable camera click sound
Settings: Mobile Network Battery Saver Mode
Settings: Configurable up to user (LTE or 4G)
Settings: Don't set a null alias before unpairing
Settings: Advanced BatteryBar
Settings: New Navigation bar/ring
Settings: Add text plain battery style
Settings: fix led pulsespeedoff disable behaviour
Frameworks: Delete media tests
Frameworks: speed up statubar/notification drawer
Frameworks: squash of leak & race fixes
Frameworks: Facebook Sync Dirty Hack
Frameworks: Add CPU boosting hooks
Frameworks: Hot reboot (Quick)
Frameworks: show more info in boot dialog
AOKP: Custom Navigation Ring
AOKP: Custom Navigation Bar
HALO: make windows move able and scale able
Gallery: Storage configuration options
Remove old NavigationBar/Ring
Dialer: Fix Dialpad Text Color when PiB is enabled.
Dialer: restore full compatibility with theme chooser
Dialer: DarkUi update
Dialer: Goodbye blue dialpad ,Consistent white dialer
tile: LTE toggle support
add screen record to power menu
screenshot: quick delete action
Fix: Lockscreen Blur Rotation
multiwindow: Fix NullPointerException
Fix multi-user issues
SystemUI: Allow theming battery via theme chooser
too many translations was added
hlte: use samsung's gps libloc api.
hlte: Update adreno libraries
hlte: Update adreno libraries
hlte: update adreno blobs
m7 : Update graphics libraries
Add new APN


Merge Lastes CM Changes
base: mutliwindow: notify split view if layout changed
base: improve dialogs and menu popups
base: HALO notification should open in floating window mode
Settings: lock screen camera widget configurable
Settings: notification drawer background
Settings: TRDS some tweaks and fixes
Settings: Remove ZRAM settings
Settings: new sound settings
Settings: Stylus gestures features
Lockscreen: Make the lock screen camera widget configurable
Lockscreen: LockScreen Notifications by AOSPAL
Lockscreen: See through
Lockscreen: Lockscreen Blur
Notification drawer: full swipe to switch detection
Advanced reboot enabled by default
Statusbar: double-tap to sleep
Gallery: Darker Gallery
Gallery: Optimized images
Camera: Darker Camera
Camera: White panorama ui
Camera: bring back support for Samsung HDR format
phone: Add option for setting device phone number
Mms: Mms Bubbles
Mms: Dark Mms
Mms: Breathing SMS Notification
Sound: Control Faux123's Sound Control Kernel Modules
Sound: Revamp DSP Manager
Support note3 family
Improve translations for all packages
ProBAM Full Dutch Translations
ProBAM updater was fixed






Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: djplacebo, gewürzwiesel, Shuya und 2 andere
Sorry! Wurde natürlich gleich geändert. Guckst vielleicht nochmal? Download geht bei mir...
  • Danke
Reaktionen: gewürzwiesel
Link passt jetzt, aber mit keinem meiner Browser kann ich was downloaden
Gerade mit Chrome getestet und geht. Ad Blocker aktiv?
Ahhhh...moment...Nope, daran liegts nicht
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Dann haste kein Speicherplatz mehr. :D Nein weiß auch nicht. Mit Stock Browser geht's auch. Hab jetzt schon zweimal runtergezogen. Komisch...
Mir würde 1x schon reichen
Nabend habe das ProBAM KK drauf auf mein Samsung note 3 läuft sehr schnell alles iO bis jetzt .:thumbsup: Sieht sehr schön aus
Einzige S-Pen Funktionen sind nicht mehr vorhanden , was man in kauf nehmen muss bei dem ProBAM KK Rom. :D
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bastizpunkt
Multiwindow in CM ROMS? Jetzt wirds interessant. :D
Hat jemand Lust ein paar Screenshots vom Multiwindow Feature zu posten? Vielen Dank im Voraus.
Morgen habe ich nicht zum laufen bekommen Multiwindow:confused2:
Wie jetzt? Ging gar nicht MultiWindow?
wie ich geschrieben habe bei mir geht das nicht oder ich finde es nicht wo ich es aktivieren oder einstellen kann MultiWindow.
Aktivieren wie bei Sammy Roms wird es nicht. Man öffnet die zuletzt geöffneten Apps(Recent Apps), hält die App die man dem MultiWindow hinzufügen möchte gedrückt und dann öffnet sich ein Auswahlmenü. Dort klickt man denn add to split view. Das selbe mit der zweiten App. Ja ist nicht so schön wie bei den Sammy Roms, ich weiß. :D
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Chritian1966
Werden nur zwei Apps im Splitmode unterstützt?
Ja nur zwei.
Habe ein Problem, wenn ich das Rom installieren will zeigt er mir immer an es ist für das SM-9005 und danach bricht er ab
Hört sich nach falschem Recovery an. Welches nutzt du? Md5sum gecheckt?
aosp lässt sich im moment nur mit der normalen CWM flashen (chenglu cwm)
Ah ok jetzt weiß ich wohl warum... nutze twrp
Kann es damit zusammen hängen?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

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