[ROM][KitKat][Linaro][10.03]Team Asylum Omni 4.4.2 - Slim,Fast,Black [OmniSwitch]

  • 49 Antworten
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Fortgeschrittenes Mitglied

Willkommen zu Team Asylum Omni 4.4.2, einer kleinen, aber kraftvollen, schnellen, schwarzen und geschmeidigen Rom.
Diese Asylum Edition benötigt weniger Speicher als die offizielle OmniRom.

Quelle: Team Asylum Omni 4.4.2 Thread auf XDA-Developer.com


ACHTUNG: Weder ich, noch Android-Hilfe.de oder die DEVS der Rom übernehmen keine Garantie auf Erfolg oder die Haftung für jegliche Beschädigungen an eurem "Note 2".
Wenn ihr nicht sicher seit, was ihr macht, könnt ihr hier gerne Fragen stellen, aber wenn ihr danach immer noch nicht genau wisst, was ihr tut: Lasst es bleiben!

Was bietet Asylum Omni?

-Unnötige Anwendungen wurden weggelassen
(können aber bei Bedarf nachträglich geflasht werden)
-Einstellungen, Tastatur, Telefon, InCallUI, Messaging, Kontakte, SystemUI und framework wurden geschwärzt, kein offizielles AOSP grau
-UI Tweaks
-mehr Keyboardsmilies
-Werbeblocker hosts integriert
-sehr gute Akkulaufzeit
-Kompiliert mit Linaro toolchain 4.7 (14.1) für bessere Geschwindigkeit und Geschmeidigkeit
- extra Benachrichtigungen auf dem Sperrbidschirm, indviduell konfigurierbar
-umfangreich konfig. Scrolling-, System- und Keyboardanimation
-Addon.d Skripte zur Sicherung der benutzerdefinierten DPI, Softkeys etc. inkl. Wiederherstellung nach einem full wipe
-weitere Kleinigkeiten die bisher in OmniROM fehlen
-Eine völlig verrückt Community
-Leider keine 23 Lockscreens, sorry :winki:
-demnächst mit Multiwindow


Weitere Bilder weier unten im 3. Post

aktuelles Update sie 2. Post

Wie oft kommen Updates?

Immer wenn neue Funktionen Einzug halten oder Fehler behoben wurden. Langfristig wir es auf wöchentliche Updates hinauslaufen, oft aber auch in kürzeren Abständen.

Wie sollte geflasht werden?

Ihr solltet das aktuellste TWRP Recovery installiert haben

Wenn Ihr von einer älteren Asylum Omni 4.4.2, oder der offiziellen OmniROM 4.4.2 kommt und die aktuellste Version drüber insallieren wollt (dirty flash):

1. In das TWRP Recovery booten
2. Rom flashen
3. Aktuellstes Super SU flashen
4. Neustart des Telefons

Wenn Ihr von einer vorherigen Asylum Omni 4.4.2 kommt und die Rom frisch aufsetzen wollt (clean flash):

1. In das TWRP Recovery booten
2. full wipe
3. Rom flashen
4. Aktuellstes Super SU flashen
5. Neustart des Telefons

Wenn Ihr von allen anderen Rom's kommt:

1. GApps, Super SU and Asylum Omni Zips auf die SD-Karte kopieren
2. Neustart ins TWRP Recovery
3. Wipe data und dalvik cache
4. Asylum Omni zip flashen
5. GApps flashen
6. Super SU flashen
7. Neustart

8. Wichtig: Bitte keine Wiederherstellung von System-Einstellungen und System-App's mit Titanium Backup, das schafft unweigerlich Probleme!!


Auf Bangsti's server

Auf Moepda's Mediafire Account


Verschiedene PA-Gapps 4.4 Pakte auf XDA

MoEpDa TinyGapps KitKat **Inversion update 06.02.2014**
1: Standard Version
2: Picasa Version
3: Google Version mit Launcher/Hangouts/G+
4: Voice (srec) Version
5: Alle obigen Versionen aber invertiert (Black) **KitKat-4.4-INVERTED**
Inverted (aosp/cm) Koontakte/Dialer/Nachrichten Apps ,Hangouts/g+ , Multi dpi Playstore...
Moepda Mediafire

TinyGapps ftp


Auf Bangsti's Server

Die Datei Removed-apks-flashable.zip enthält:

Apollo, DSP Manager,
Email, Exchange,
LiveWallpapers, LiveWallpapersPicker,
Photo Table, Pinyin IME,
SoundRecorder, VideoEditor

Öffnet bei Bedarf die Zip-Datei, geht in den Unterordner /system/app, löscht die Apps die Ihr nicht braucht und flasht dann diese Zip-Datei im Recovery.

Was funktioniert nicht?

Alles was im offiziellen OmniROM auch nicht funktioniert

Team Asylum auf XDA

antiochasylum, Rom creator, a nice guy and a genuine Texan straight shooter
chasmodo, most respected, friendly and classy n7000, mako, grouper & Xperia Z Jenkins
Jack The Ripper, our Linux scripting genius, a proper English gentleman with a penchant for getting kicked out of clubs
Sunny2303, n7100 (and variants), Find5 and Flo 2013 Jenkins
bangsti, the kindest man on God's Earth, LG Jenkins
Moepda, another genuine and ubiquitous English gentleman with a kind word for everyone

Asylum G+ Community

Special thanks goes to:

OmniRom team, obviously.
Entropy for sticking with us through thick and thin, a million thanks for that
antiochasylum - For being an unconditional support system & providing me this opportunity
chasmodo - For answering all my "innovative" questions & the support in making this dream a reality
CM team obviously
Gugelhupf for addon.d scripts, cool bootanimation, testing, Asylum header and all the lollary
bangsti for supplying fast mirrors and creating Asylum wallpaper app
kufikugel and SlimBean team for some blackout images
idcrisis for CrossBreeder
Moepda for fleshable zip for rotation & dual panel switch
amarullz for aroma installer
AA1973 for FAQs
Abhisahara, Ahalford, beerbong, betoNL, mithun46, sswagonman, Toxicthunder, Utacak™, Vet-Note for being inevitable part of my xda journey
And entire Asylum community for being such wonderful wackos and making this forum an incredibly enjoyable place

Wenn Ihr auf XDA-Developer registriert seid, wäre es schön wenn Ihr auch den DANKE Button im Ursprugs-Thread benutzt!

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: DirtyKlot
Update vom 10.03.2014:

Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140310_N7100_Linaro_O3.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

Rom compiled with Linaro 4.8 toolchain, kernel with Linaro 4.7
Build optimization upgraded from O2 to O3
MD5Sum c93c9abfcd9b94f3b57e69fa97c47f9d

New merges:
Lockscreen blur enhancements
OmniSwitch: only handle back key for hiding
Few under-the-hood fixes and functions

Cherry picks:
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation <--- now with toast animations
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications <--- new ones, from a different author (Settings/Security/Lockscreen)
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
SuperSU included in the build
Driving mode
Breathing missed call/sms/voicemail notifications in Settings/Bars
Double tap to sleep
Clock: font options
Immersive mode update
New and improved fix for slider and gov/iosched persistence in Performance control

Vorherige Updates:

Update vom 03.03.2014:

Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140303_N7100_Linaro_O3.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

Rom compiled with Linaro 4.8 toolchain, kernel with Linaro 4.7
Build optimization upgraded from O2 to O3

MD5Sum d4c132cb177e3ebdba3eb12d09d0b183

New merges:
Non-Intrusive InCall improvement

Cherry picks:
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
init.rc: Restored TCP performance tuning
SuperSU included in the build
Driving mode
Breathing missed call/sms/voicemail notifications in Settings/Bars
Speed up reboob after wiping dalvik
Double tap to sleep is back <--- new
OmniSwitch reworked
New and improved fix for slider and gov/iosched persistence in Performance control

Update vom 26.2.2014:

Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140226_N7100_Linaro_O3.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

Rom compiled with Linaro 4.8 toolchain, kernel with Linaro 4.7
Build optimization upgraded from O2 to O3

MD5Sum b5de8b452462e1ae754735458dede5eb

New merges:
ActiveDisplay for WifiOnly Devices fix
Bluetooth: Fix losing HF connection to car-kit after 5 seconds
Boobanimation: performance/speedup enhancements
Several recovery fixes

Asylum specific:
New lockscreen handle (thanks once again @ukicar

Cherry picks:
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
init.rc: Restored TCP performance tuning
SuperSU included in the build
Driving mode
Breathing missed call/sms/voicemail notifications in Settings/Bars
Double tap status bar to sleep
Under/übervolting in Performance control <--- new
New and improved fix for slider and gov/iosched in Performance control <--- new
Battery Saver <--- ejected from the Rom

Update vom 25.2.2014:

Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140225_N7100_Linaro_O3.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

Rom compiled with Linaro 4.8 toolchain, kernel with Linaro 4.7
Build optimization upgraded from O2 to O3

MD5Sum 3962d9f27b7503b36bfe165cf046c888

New merges:
Add an option to change the device hostname
Factor out preference-in-storage check to overridable method
Updating policy list after switching mobile data switch
smdk4412: Boeffla Sound 1.6.5
DSPManager: Boeffla sound control

Cherry picks:
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
init.rc: Restored TCP performance tuning
SuperSU included in the build
Driving mode
Breathing missed call/sms/voicemail notifications in Settings/Bars
Battery Saver
Double tap status bar to sleep

Update vom 24.2.2014:

Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140224_N7100_Linaro_O3.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

Rom compiled with Linaro 4.8 toolchain, kernel with Linaro 4.7
Build optimization upgraded from O2 to O3

MD5Sum acf6473b45405bd4c277671e1d622a72

New merges:
bionic: call stdio cleanup on exit
ActiveDisplay: Fix for flo and other devices
ActiveDisplay interface reworked
ClockView ActiveDisplay fix
Improve QuickSettings and bugfix
SamsungQualcommRIL: make mQANElements adjustable

Asylum specific:
Second symbols now visible on LatinIME keys
Landscape white fonts on white background fixed in Contacts

Cherry picks:
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
init.rc: Restored TCP performance tuning
SuperSU included in the build
Driving mode
Breathing missed call/sms/voicemail notifications in Settings/Bars
Battery Saver <--- new patchsets
Double tap status bar to sleep

Update vom 23.2.2014:

Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140223_N7100_Linaro_O3.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

Rom compiled with Linaro 4.8 toolchain, kernel with Linaro 4.7
Build optimization upgraded from O2 to O3

MD5Sum cbb99d3ebe90b58bd9fa9f7fff86bdd0

New merges:
Quiet hours fixes
Allow devices to specify certain ro. props via TARGET_UNIFIED_DEVICE
smdk4412: enable cpufreq sliders in Performance control
Update RIL header to v9

Cherry picks:
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
init.rc: Restored TCP performance tuning
SuperSU included in the build
Driving mode
Breathing missed call/sms/voicemail notifications in Settings/Bars
Battery Saver
Double tap status bar to sleep
Custom lockscreen color fill or wallpaper is out of the Rom, it broke the build today

Update vom 22.02.2014:

Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140222_N7100_SaberMod_O3.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

Rom compiled with SaberMod 4.8 toolchain, kernel with SaberMod 4.7
Build optimization upgraded from O2 to O3

MD5Sum 4d780135d029eb24f12ccd9233fceef6

New merges:
Reflect location mode in different QS drawables

Cherry picks:
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
init.rc: Restored TCP performance tuning
SuperSU included in the build
Driving mode
Breathing missed call/sms/voicemail notifications in Settings/Bars
Storage fix
Battery Saver
Double tap status bar to sleep
Custom lockscreen color fill or wallpaper <--- new, however it appears that custom wallpaper is set correctly only at stock DPI; it gets distorted at custom DPIs

Update vom 20.02.2014:

Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140219_N7100_Linaro.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

MD5Sum 48b003b4031095a79292de50ca9cd591

Changelog: https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/q/status:merged,n,z

New merges:
Lockscreen blur fixes

Cherry picks:
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
init.rc: Restored TCP performance tuning
SuperSU included in the build
Driving mode
Breathing missed call/sms/voicemail notifications in Settings/Bars
Storage fix
Battery Saver
Double tap status bar to sleep
smdk4412: Provide available freq sysfs for exynos (Performance control cpufreq slider finally works) <--- new

Update vom 19.02.2014:

Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140219_N7100_Linaro.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

MD5Sum 85f4e2181572fa0aec5484df2dd8f17f

Changelog: https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/q/status:merged,n,z

New merges:
Change DNG threshold from -60 dB to -78 dB
QuietHour start time fix
SeekBarPreferences improvement
OmniSwitch recents integration for multi-user fix
System/core fixes

Cherry picks:
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
init.rc: Restored TCP performance tuning
SuperSU included in the build
Driving mode
Breathing missed call/sms/voicemail notifications in Settings/Bars
Storage fix
Battery Saver
Double tap status bar to sleep (Settings/Bars) <--- new
Update vom 17.02.2014:

Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140216_N7100_Linaro.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

MD5Sum b81f8a9af62142c732c09bd1ebe5aee0

Changelog: https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/q/status:merged,n,z

New merges:
Don't display prompt when card inserted/removed
Telephony: Introduce config item for Hot Swap support
Add custom periods for data usage measurement
SeekBarPreferences tweaks

Cherry picks:
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
init.rc: Restored TCP performance tuning
ueventd.rc: Change owner of graphics drivers to system
SuperSU included in the build
Driving mode
Breathing missed call/sms/voicemail notifications in Settings/Bars
Second function added to every key in LatinIME
Storage fix
Battery Saver

16.02.2014 Update:

Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140216_N7100_Linaro.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

MD5Sum 8c834f94c083f3de98b8b6883c59fdb0


New merges:
TWRP fixes and enhancements
Android 4.4.2_r2 (KVT49L)

Cherry picks:
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
init.rc: Restored TCP performance tuning
ueventd.rc: Change owner of graphics drivers to system
SuperSU included in the build
Driving mode
Breathing missed call/sms/voicemail notifications in Settings/Bars
Second function added to every key in LatinIME
Battery Saver is back <--- new

15.02.2014 Update:

Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140215_N7100_Linaro.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti'sCompiled using Linaro toolchain 4.7 (14.1) for better Rom optimization and hopefully more fluidityMD5Sum 2704ddff5397bbb25d292c6805af96c6

Changelog: https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/q/status:merged,n,z

New merges:
OmniSwitch: fixed drag handle placing in immersive mode
Settings: Volume panel timeout

Cherry picks:
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
init.rc: Restored TCP performance tuning
ueventd.rc: Change owner of graphics drivers to system
SuperSU included in the build
Driving mode
Breathing missed call/sms/voicemail notifications in Settings/Bars
Second function added to every key in LatinIME
Storage fix

14.02.2014 Update:

Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140214_N7100.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

MD5Sum e33fc72bcb920000040a4cad405e3028

Changelog: https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/q/status:merged,n,z

New merges:
New icons for OmniSwitch and Torch
Recover last location state during on/off switch
Camera: add support to high and low video quality
Camera: preview needs to be stopped when changing resolution
Settings: add ADB Paranoia mode (Developer options)
DownloadProvider: transfer speeds in notification

Asylum specific:
Asylum Easter egg added (thanks once again, Markus)

Cherry picks:
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
init.rc: Restored TCP performance tuning
ueventd.rc: Change owner of graphics drivers to system
SuperSU included in the build
Driving mode
Breathing missed call/sms/voicemail notifications in Settings/Bars
Second function added to every key in LatinIME

Battery Saver's latest patchset managed to break the build, so it's out for today

13.02.2014 Update:

Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140213_N7100.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

MD5Sum c6169ed44db336ed72dc244424a3f86d

Changelog: https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/q/status:merged,n,z

New merges:
Lots of TWRP merges: https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/q/status:merged+project:android_bootable_recovery,n,z

Cherry picks:
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
init.rc: Restored TCP performance tuning
ueventd.rc: Change owner of graphics drivers to system
SuperSU included in the build
Driving mode
Breathing missed call/sms/voicemail notifications in Settings/Bars
Battery Saver mode in Settings/Battery
Second function added to every key in LatinIME
Multi widows is out of the build, too buggy ATM

Update 12.02.2014:

Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140212_N7100.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

MD5Sum 2912c83bf247587c802f493b189eb4cc

Changelog: https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/q/status:merged,n,z

New merges:
MediaScanner: Don't delete entries of secondary storage on shutdown
MediaProvider: allow write access to external SD
Clock tweaks (Settings/Bars)
OmniSwitch: simplify and cleanup

Cherry picks:
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
init.rc: Restored TCP performance tuning
ueventd.rc: Change owner of graphics drivers to system
SuperSU included in the build
Driving mode
Breathing missed call/sms/voicemail notifications in Settings/Bars
Battery Saver mode in Settings/Battery
Second function added to every key in LatinIME
Multi widows added back <--- there's been two new patchsets, tell me if you feel it should be included in the Rom from now on

Update 11.02.2014:

Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140211_N7100.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

MD5Sum e4b9cf910d51dcbbd0b252b4cd2faa55

Changelog: https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/q/status:merged,n,z

New merges:
I9300 update12 display components in the kernel
NTFS support

Cherry picks:
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
MediaScanner/Provider fixes
init.rc: Restored TCP performance tuning
ueventd.rc: Change owner of graphics drivers to system
SuperSU included in the build
Statusbar clock tweaks reverted to patchset #4, working now
Driving mode
Breathing missed call/sms/voicemail notifications in Settings/Bars
QS Ribbon style
Battery Saver mode in Settings/Battery
Second function added to every key in LatinIME <--- new

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Screenshots vom Team Asylum OmniRom Build 16.02.2014




Weitere Screenshots hier:







Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: McMiller
15.02.2014 Update:

Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140215_N7100_Linaro.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

Compiled using Linaro toolchain 4.7 (14.1) for better Rom optimization and hopefully more fluidity

MD5Sum 2704ddff5397bbb25d292c6805af96c6

Changelog: https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/q/status:merged,n,z

New merges:
OmniSwitch: fixed drag handle placing in immersive mode
Settings: Volume panel timeout

Cherry picks:
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
init.rc: Restored TCP performance tuning
ueventd.rc: Change owner of graphics drivers to system
SuperSU included in the build
Driving mode
Breathing missed call/sms/voicemail notifications in Settings/Bars
Second function added to every key in LatinIME
Storage fix
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
16.02.2014 Update:

Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140216_N7100_Linaro.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

MD5Sum 8c834f94c083f3de98b8b6883c59fdb0

Changelog: https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/q/status:merged,n,z

New merges:
TWRP fixes and enhancements
Android 4.4.2_r2 (KVT49L)

Cherry picks:
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
init.rc: Restored TCP performance tuning
ueventd.rc: Change owner of graphics drivers to system
SuperSU included in the build
Driving mode
Breathing missed call/sms/voicemail notifications in Settings/Bars
Second function added to every key in LatinIME
Battery Saver is back <--- new

Ich bin vom aktuellenn Build (16.2.2014) total begeistert. Läuft sehr schnell und gescheidig, bei sehr gutem Akkuverbrauch.

Alle angehängten Screenshots mit Stockkernel, Wifi ständig aktiviert unter normalen Gebrauch. Savebattery Modus war nicht aktiviert.
Ist also noch Luft nach oben. :thumbsup:
Ausserdem würden die Akkuwerte bestimmt noch besser aussehen wen die Rom einige Ladezyklen im Gebrauch wäre, aber bei den Täglichen Updates :rolleyes2: :biggrin:

Kann jedem empfehlen die Team Asylum OmniRom mal zu testen. Rückmeldung und Fragen gerne hier im Thread.


  • uploadfromtaptalk1392621989508.jpg
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  • uploadfromtaptalk1392622006304.jpg
    62,1 KB · Aufrufe: 412
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Das nächste Update:

Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140217_N7100_Linaro.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

MD5Sum b81f8a9af62142c732c09bd1ebe5aee0

Changelog: https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/q/status:merged,n,z

New merges:
Don't display prompt when card inserted/removed
Telephony: Introduce config item for Hot Swap support
Add custom periods for data usage measurement
SeekBarPreferences tweaks

Cherry picks:
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
init.rc: Restored TCP performance tuning
ueventd.rc: Change owner of graphics drivers to system
SuperSU included in the build
Driving mode
Breathing missed call/sms/voicemail notifications in Settings/Bars
Second function added to every key in LatinIME
Storage fix
Battery Saver

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Wichtigste Frage für mich:

1. Funktioniert die Kamera zu 100%?

2. Keine ota-updates?

3. Regelmäßige Abstürze?
sixtynine schrieb:
Wichtigste Frage für mich:

1. Funktioniert die Kamera zu 100%?

2. Keine ota-updates?

3. Regelmäßige Abstürze?

1. Kamera funktioniert bei mir zu 100%

2. OTA-Updates kommen erst noch

3. Rom läuft super stabil, keinerlei Abstürze

Die OmniRom Developer versuchen alle Nightlies so stabil wie möglich zu machen und das Team Asylum optimiert diese weiter. Ich bin bisher vom Ergebnis sehr begeistert.

Klein, stark, schwarz.... Asylum Omni :biggrin:

Update vom 19.02.2014:

Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140219_N7100_Linaro.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

MD5Sum 85f4e2181572fa0aec5484df2dd8f17f

Changelog: https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/q/status:merged,n,z

New merges:
Change DNG threshold from -60 dB to -78 dB
QuietHour start time fix
SeekBarPreferences improvement
OmniSwitch recents integration for multi-user fix
System/core fixes

Cherry picks:
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
init.rc: Restored TCP performance tuning
SuperSU included in the build
Driving mode
Breathing missed call/sms/voicemail notifications in Settings/Bars
Storage fix
Battery Saver
Double tap status bar to sleep (Settings/Bars) <--- new


Gesendet von meinem GT-N7100
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Denowa
Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140220_N7100_Linaro.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

MD5Sum 48b003b4031095a79292de50ca9cd591

Changelog: https://gerrit.omnirom.org/#/q/status:merged,n,z

New merges:
Lockscreen blur fixes

Cherry picks:
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
init.rc: Restored TCP performance tuning
SuperSU included in the build
Driving mode
Breathing missed call/sms/voicemail notifications in Settings/Bars
Storage fix
Battery Saver
Double tap status bar to sleep
smdk4412: Provide available freq sysfs for exynos (Performance control cpufreq slider finally works) <--- neu

MoEpDa TinyGapps KitKat **Inversion update 060214**

1: stock version
2: picasa version
3: Google version with launcher/hangouts/G+
4: Voice (srec) version
Inverted (aosp/cm) contacts/dialer/messaging apps ,hangouts/g+ , multi dpi playstore...

Moepda Mediafire

TinyGapps ftp
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Reaktionen: Denowa
Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140222_N7100_SaberMod_O3.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

Rom compiled with SaberMod 4.8 toolchain, kernel with SaberMod 4.7
Build optimization upgraded from O2 to O3

MD5Sum 4d780135d029eb24f12ccd9233fceef6

New merges:
Reflect location mode in different QS drawables

Cherry picks:
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
init.rc: Restored TCP performance tuning
SuperSU included in the build
Driving mode
Breathing missed call/sms/voicemail notifications in Settings/Bars
Storage fix
Battery Saver
Double tap status bar to sleep
Custom lockscreen color fill or wallpaper <--- new, however it appears that custom wallpaper is set correctly only at stock DPI; it gets distorted at custom DPIs

Startpost aktualisiert.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Denowa

Update vom 23.2.2014:

Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140223_N7100_Linaro_O3.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

Rom compiled with Linaro 4.8 toolchain, kernel with Linaro 4.7
Build optimization upgraded from O2 to O3

MD5Sum cbb99d3ebe90b58bd9fa9f7fff86bdd0

New merges:
Quiet hours fixes
Allow devices to specify certain ro. props via TARGET_UNIFIED_DEVICE
smdk4412: enable cpufreq sliders in Performance control
Update RIL header to v9

Cherry picks:
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
init.rc: Restored TCP performance tuning
SuperSU included in the build
Driving mode
Breathing missed call/sms/voicemail notifications in Settings/Bars
Battery Saver
Double tap status bar to sleep
Custom lockscreen color fill or wallpaper is out of the Rom, it broke the build today
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Denowa
Ach dieses ROM erinnert mich immer an das Note 1. War seiner Zeit mein daily driver. :rolleyes: Es scheint hier ja genauso gut zu laufen da niemand über Probleme berichtet. :D
Fleißig fleißig. :thumbup: und sorry für OT...
Ja, auf dem N7000 hatte ich Team Asylum auch lange Zeit drauf und auch auf dem N7100 zieht mich Asylum, trotz vieler "Ausflüge" zu anderen Rom, wieder in seinen Bann.
Ich finde das Team macht nen guten Job. Freu mich immer wieder schnell und Akku-schonend das "kleine schwarze" läuft.
Auch mit meine BT (Samsung Headset und XqBeats-Box) Geräten arbeitet die Rom sauber und ohne Aussetzer, was nach meiner Erfahrung nicht immer selbstverständlich ist.

Unser täglich Update gib uns heute.... :biggrin:

Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140224_N7100_Linaro_O3.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

Rom compiled with Linaro 4.8 toolchain, kernel with Linaro 4.7
Build optimization upgraded from O2 to O3

MD5Sum acf6473b45405bd4c277671e1d622a72

New merges:
bionic: call stdio cleanup on exit
ActiveDisplay: Fix for flo and other devices
ActiveDisplay interface reworked
ClockView ActiveDisplay fix
Improve QuickSettings and bugfix
SamsungQualcommRIL: make mQANElements adjustable

Asylum specific:
Second symbols now visible on LatinIME keys
Landscape white fonts on white background fixed in Contacts

Cherry picks:
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
init.rc: Restored TCP performance tuning
SuperSU included in the build
Driving mode
Breathing missed call/sms/voicemail notifications in Settings/Bars
Battery Saver <--- new patchsets
Double tap status bar to sleep
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Denowa
Update vom 25.2.2014:

Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140225_N7100_Linaro_O3.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

Rom compiled with Linaro 4.8 toolchain, kernel with Linaro 4.7
Build optimization upgraded from O2 to O3

MD5Sum 3962d9f27b7503b36bfe165cf046c888

New merges:
Add an option to change the device hostname
Factor out preference-in-storage check to overridable method
Updating policy list after switching mobile data switch
smdk4412: Boeffla Sound 1.6.5
DSPManager: Boeffla sound control

Cherry picks:
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
init.rc: Restored TCP performance tuning
SuperSU included in the build
Driving mode
Breathing missed call/sms/voicemail notifications in Settings/Bars
Battery Saver
Double tap status bar to sleep
Update vom 26.2.2014:

Asylum_Omni_4.4.2_20140226_N7100_Linaro_O3.zip and removed apps are up on Bangsti's

Rom compiled with Linaro 4.8 toolchain, kernel with Linaro 4.7
Build optimization upgraded from O2 to O3

MD5Sum b5de8b452462e1ae754735458dede5eb

New merges:
ActiveDisplay for WifiOnly Devices fix
Bluetooth: Fix losing HF connection to car-kit after 5 seconds
Boobanimation: performance/speedup enhancements
Several recovery fixes

Asylum specific:
New lockscreen handle (thanks once again @ukicar

Cherry picks:
Unified scrolling, system and keyboard animation
More KK white in SystemUI and keyboard
Lockscreen notifications
More keyboard smilies
Performance menu revamp
init.rc: Restored TCP performance tuning
SuperSU included in the build
Driving mode
Breathing missed call/sms/voicemail notifications in Settings/Bars
Double tap status bar to sleep
Under/übervolting in Performance control <--- new
New and improved fix for slider and gov/iosched in Performance control <--- new
Battery Saver <--- ejected from the Rom
So, hab mir nun auch mal diese ROM gegönnt, muss sagen läuft echt topp.
Auch meine Bluetooth Gerätschaften wie Kopfhörer, Kopplung mit Auto sowie Pulsmesser funktionieren einwandfrei. Akku ist auch ok.

Gesendet von meinem GT-N7100 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
  • Danke
Reaktionen: McMiller
Kann es sein, dass mit der aktuellen Version die Screen Off Funktion per Doppel Tab in der Benachrichtigungsleiste nicht mehr funktioniert, ich finde auch die Möglichkeit zum Einstellen dieser Funktion nicht mehr.

Gesendet von meinem GT-N7100 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App

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