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[ROM][AUG 07][Team Nocturnal] SinLessROM GPe v8.3.0 | Google Play Edition | 4.4.4
Hier eine der besten GPE Roms für unser HTC ONE M7.
Die Rom ist von jedem unnötigem SchnickSchnack befreit und kann somit individuell auf die Bedürfnisse angeglichen werden.
Wer auf die SenseHighlights verzichten kann und auf das pure Android steht der wird diese Rom mögen.
Nachdem Zoe endlich für alle Geräte zugänglich gemacht wurde, kann man dies natürlich über den Playstore installieren.( wer es mag
Hier der Link ins XDAThread: SINLESS ROM XDA
Ich habe keine Anteile an der Rom.
all credits goes to "mrjaydee82"
Features :
-Android 4.4.4
-Odexed Version (ART Works)
-Odexed Version TN Settings (Don't Use ART)
-Stock GPe Kernel
-Insecure boot.IMG
-APM + Screenshot
-Apply Theme Chooser Themes
-Team Nocturnal Settings with many options to choose (TN Version)
-Status Bar Options (TN Settings)
-Volume Wake optional (TN Settings)
-Lock screen options (TN Settings)
-App Ops
-Screen Recorder (Volume Up+Power In TN Version)
-Much more in TN Settings
-build.prop tweaks
-Map long press home for menu (GravityBox)
-All system apps zipaligned for better ram optimization
-Zipalign on boot data and system
-Debloted (Deleted Google Apps which can be installed via Playstore)
-Fast and Clean (Buttery Smooth)
-Some AOSP goodies: Calculator, Browser, Apollo
-Pie Controls (LMT or GravityBox)
-Mms with extra options including Emoji support (Inverted ver. In post 3)
-System Tweaks
-File Explorer
-Performance Enhanced Tweaks
-Zero Compressed system apks
-Sqlite3 Tweaks
-Better RAM Optimization Tweaks
-Fantastic battery life
-Sound Enhancements
-and endless/countless customizations
8.3.0 August 7th 2014
**All ROM Versions**
-Added Torch and Screenrecord to APM
-Screenrecord is full 1080p res
-Many files files edited
-Android L Animations added
-Added WhiteUI Theme (Left Dialer Stock, didn't want people to get upset lol..I have a theme copy if you want it)
-Data and System Tweaks
-Updated busybox
-Updated bin files
-Performance Tweaked
**TN Version**
-Added 5 new battery options to settings
-Added Misc. Options to TN Settings with a couple of options
-Linked Volume Control Panel (Collapsible)
-Added a toast notification when you delete screenshots from notification slide down
-more I can't remember (I'll add later)
8.2.0 July 3rd 2014
**ART Version No Changes**
-Added new Version of ROM called TN Version with TN Settings (DO NOT USE ART ON THIS VERSION)
-Added TN Settings
-Added battery options on the fly in TN Settings
-Added Heads Up Notifications in TN Settings
-Moved App Ops to TN Settings
-Added Clock and Date Options to TN Settings
-maybe more I'm forgetting...enjoy...
8.1.0 July 2nd 2014
-Enabled battery % in stock icon
-Changed font of the battery % and made bold
-Added Clear All Recents
-When apps call the nav bar it'll be android L navbar soft keys
-Updated quite of few google lib files
-Updated Google Search
-Updated Google Play Services
-Cleaned up lib files from the updated google apps
8.0.1 July 1st 2014
-Updated to new Android 4.4.4 Base
-ART Runtime Works
-Rooted with SuperSU
-Insecure Kernel with init.d
-Added SinLessMODs init.d script
-Zipalign data and system apps on 1st boot then ran once a week
-Sqlite3 tweaks
-Debloated ROM
-Added native APM (Advance Power Menu)
-Added Screenshot in power menu
-Enabled App Ops (In security settings)
-Added closed
-Added adobe flash (works with dolphin browser)
-Added Viper4Android
-Added GravityBox
-Added esfile explorer
-Added lmt launcher (PIE Controls)
-Added AOSP Browser
-Added Android L fonts
-Added Android L Keyboard
-Zero Compression on all APKs in system and data
-Performance tweaks
-Better RAM optimization tweaks
-Added SiLessROM Bottanimation
-Removed Security Verification
-and more...
Downloads über die Entwicklerseite :
Team Nocturnal
SinlessROM GPE v8.3.0 TN Settings
SinlessROM GPE v8.3.0 ART
Donate :
**Donations are appreciated but are not expected Donate Here or mrjaydee82@gmail.com on Google Wallet
**Just hitting thanks is greatly appreciated but also not expected...or even positive feedback..thank you to all running SinLessROM
Hier eine der besten GPE Roms für unser HTC ONE M7.
Die Rom ist von jedem unnötigem SchnickSchnack befreit und kann somit individuell auf die Bedürfnisse angeglichen werden.
Wer auf die SenseHighlights verzichten kann und auf das pure Android steht der wird diese Rom mögen.
Nachdem Zoe endlich für alle Geräte zugänglich gemacht wurde, kann man dies natürlich über den Playstore installieren.( wer es mag
Hier der Link ins XDAThread: SINLESS ROM XDA
Ich habe keine Anteile an der Rom.
all credits goes to "mrjaydee82"
Features :
-Android 4.4.4
-Odexed Version (ART Works)
-Odexed Version TN Settings (Don't Use ART)
-Stock GPe Kernel
-Insecure boot.IMG
-APM + Screenshot
-Apply Theme Chooser Themes
-Team Nocturnal Settings with many options to choose (TN Version)
-Status Bar Options (TN Settings)
-Volume Wake optional (TN Settings)
-Lock screen options (TN Settings)
-App Ops
-Screen Recorder (Volume Up+Power In TN Version)
-Much more in TN Settings
-build.prop tweaks
-Map long press home for menu (GravityBox)
-All system apps zipaligned for better ram optimization
-Zipalign on boot data and system
-Debloted (Deleted Google Apps which can be installed via Playstore)
-Fast and Clean (Buttery Smooth)
-Some AOSP goodies: Calculator, Browser, Apollo
-Pie Controls (LMT or GravityBox)
-Mms with extra options including Emoji support (Inverted ver. In post 3)
-System Tweaks
-File Explorer
-Performance Enhanced Tweaks
-Zero Compressed system apks
-Sqlite3 Tweaks
-Better RAM Optimization Tweaks
-Fantastic battery life
-Sound Enhancements
-and endless/countless customizations
8.3.0 August 7th 2014
**All ROM Versions**
-Added Torch and Screenrecord to APM
-Screenrecord is full 1080p res
-Many files files edited
-Android L Animations added
-Added WhiteUI Theme (Left Dialer Stock, didn't want people to get upset lol..I have a theme copy if you want it)
-Data and System Tweaks
-Updated busybox
-Updated bin files
-Performance Tweaked
**TN Version**
-Added 5 new battery options to settings
-Added Misc. Options to TN Settings with a couple of options
-Linked Volume Control Panel (Collapsible)
-Added a toast notification when you delete screenshots from notification slide down
-more I can't remember (I'll add later)
8.2.0 July 3rd 2014
**ART Version No Changes**
-Added new Version of ROM called TN Version with TN Settings (DO NOT USE ART ON THIS VERSION)
-Added TN Settings
-Added battery options on the fly in TN Settings
-Added Heads Up Notifications in TN Settings
-Moved App Ops to TN Settings
-Added Clock and Date Options to TN Settings
-maybe more I'm forgetting...enjoy...
8.1.0 July 2nd 2014
-Enabled battery % in stock icon
-Changed font of the battery % and made bold
-Added Clear All Recents
-When apps call the nav bar it'll be android L navbar soft keys
-Updated quite of few google lib files
-Updated Google Search
-Updated Google Play Services
-Cleaned up lib files from the updated google apps
8.0.1 July 1st 2014
-Updated to new Android 4.4.4 Base
-ART Runtime Works
-Rooted with SuperSU
-Insecure Kernel with init.d
-Added SinLessMODs init.d script
-Zipalign data and system apps on 1st boot then ran once a week
-Sqlite3 tweaks
-Debloated ROM
-Added native APM (Advance Power Menu)
-Added Screenshot in power menu
-Enabled App Ops (In security settings)
-Added closed
-Added adobe flash (works with dolphin browser)
-Added Viper4Android
-Added GravityBox
-Added esfile explorer
-Added lmt launcher (PIE Controls)
-Added AOSP Browser
-Added Android L fonts
-Added Android L Keyboard
-Zero Compression on all APKs in system and data
-Performance tweaks
-Better RAM optimization tweaks
-Added SiLessROM Bottanimation
-Removed Security Verification
-and more...
Downloads über die Entwicklerseite :
Team Nocturnal
SinlessROM GPE v8.3.0 TN Settings
SinlessROM GPE v8.3.0 ART
Donate :
**Donations are appreciated but are not expected Donate Here or mrjaydee82@gmail.com on Google Wallet
**Just hitting thanks is greatly appreciated but also not expected...or even positive feedback..thank you to all running SinLessROM
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