[Root+Recovery] Sony Xperia Z3C - FW 23.5.A.0.575 (23.5.A.1.291) (MM 6.0.1) - LB - OHNE DOWNGRADE

  • 131 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum
Ich werds versuchen, danke!
Mfg. Jürgen
Erstmal vielen Dank für die sehr gute Anleitung.

Ich habe erfolgreich Root und Recovery auf Basis der Firmware 23.5.A.0.575 installiert.

Mein Plan war jetzt das update auf die Firmware 23.5.A.1.291 durchzuführen.

Leider läuft das "Xperia System-Update" nach dem Root und Recovery Vorgang nicht durch. (Das Telefon startet mit 23.5.A.0.575 neu und nach kurzer Zeit kommt die Meldung das das Update nicht erfolgreich durchgeführt werden konnte.)

Könnt Ihr mir ein Tipp geben wie ich jetzt am einfachsten das Update auf die Firmware 23.5.A.1.291 durchführen kann?
Mir ist klar, dass ich die Firmware 23.5.A.1.291 mit dem „flashtool“ flashen kann. Die Frage ist, ob beim flashen mit dem flashtool alle persönlichen Einstellung wie beim "Xperia System-Update" erhalten bleiben oder ob mein Telefon dann komplett neu im Werkszustand ist?

Kennt jemand eine Alternative zum flashen, bzw. einen Workaround damit das Update mit dem "Xperia System-Update" durchführbar ist?
Das Flashen mittels Flashtool wäre auch kontraproduktiv, da dann Root und Recovery wieder weg wären. Und ja, auch die persönlichen Daten wären dann gelöscht. Was du jetzt machen musst ist, mittels Recovery eine prerooted .291 ROM zu flashen. Erhätlich hier: [LIST][Flashable] Z3 compact pre-rooted firmwares (18 aug 2016) - Post #2

Nach dem Flashen dann halt nur Cache und Dalvik wipen, nicht jedoch "Data" (das käme sonst einem Factory Reset gleich).
Auch im Flashtool kann man Grundsätzlich die Wipes deaktivieren und überschreibt somit nur. Aber wie auch immer, der Root wäre dennoch hinüber.

Selbst wenn es mit dem Update von Sony klappen würde wäre dein Root wieder weg. Jetzt bleibt dir halt nur der Weg wie von "DroyFreak" beschrieben mit einer Prerooted Firmware als Update. Einfacher wäre es gewesen gleich die 291er zu flashen, kurz den 575er Kernel drauf, rooten und dann eben wieder 291er Kernel einspielen. Das wäre aber eigentlich alles auf der ersten Seite beschrieben, also warum schon wieder so umständlich an die Sache ran gehen?

Super, danke für Euere Hilfe und Erklärung.
Das Update mit einer Prerooted Firmware ist eine gute Option. Das geht ja auch recht leicht von der Hand. (Ich persönlich finde das flashen bei Sony mit dem Flashtool recht aufwendig.)

Mir war der Umstand nicht ganz bewusst dass das "Xperia System-Update" dann nicht mehr funktioniert und hielt es in dem Moment für den logischsten Weg. Aber aus Fehlern lernt man und jetzt bin ich schlauer…
Hallo, hast du das Problem gelöst? Wie? Ich hab nämlich genau das selbe: auch Handy erkannt, .575-Kernel erfolgreich geflashed, und dann steht das install.bat genau an der selben Stelle....
habs jetzt nach mehreren Stunden vorerst aufgegeben und auf .291-Kernel rückgeflashed.....
Ich hab mich an die Anleitung gehalten und es hat soweit alles funktioniert.

Jetzt möchte ich aber SLiMM Rom installieren... hab also auf den .575 Kernel zurückgeflashen... im TWRP die SLIMM installieren wollen und ich bekomme andauernd die Fehlermeldung, dass auf die Systempartition nicht existiert ( UUID Link to System Partition does not exist)

Nächste Option wäre, die Anleitung einfach nochmal komplett von oben nach unten abzuarbeiten.

Hat jemand noch eine Idee?

Recovery & Root for MM .575 & .291 LB - Post #573
Lag wohl nicht am TWRP... in der ZIP der SLiMM Rom gibt es wohl einen Fehler!!! Hat nun funktioniert!

Muss ich jetzt eigentlich wieder auf den .291 Kernel wechseln oder hat sich das mit der Installation von SLiMM Rom erledigt (die Bezeichnung beinhaltet ja den 291 Kernel).
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
@noideaforaname das mit dem Kernel hat sich damit erledigt.
Hallo zusammen,
ich als newbie habe mich gerade hier durchgekämpft. Ziel ist ein gerootetes Z3C von einer .291 aus. SuperSU und die beiden kernels habe ich bereits downgeloadet, brauche aber noch ein bischen Hilfe:
1. der link für die als Admin auszuführende Datei geht nicht.. Weiß da jemand was?
2. hab ich das richtig verstanden: Die Kernels.zip einfach umbenenne vor dem flash?
3. wozu brauchge ich SuperSU

1. Link wurde korrigiert, hättest dir die Datei allerdings auch einfach aus dem Originalthread holen können. Das hier ist ja lediglich eine Übersetzung der Anleitung ins Deutsche.

2. Jep.

3. Brauchst du damit Apps, die Rootrechte benötigen, diese auch "beantragen" können.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: grinsmaschine

hab da zwar gesucht , aber nicht gefunden..... sorry
Ich verstehe es einfach nicht.

Ich habe mich strikt an die Anweisung vom ersten Post gehalten. Mein Vorgehen war:
- mit FlashTool auf den kernel575.ftf down zu graden
- das TWRP Recovery mit der adb.exe installiert
- im TWRP die pre-rooted Version 23.5.A.1.291 von xda installiert

Nach all dem sollte ich doch nun root Rechte haben, ist aber leider nicht so.
Ich verstehe zwar nicht, warum ich dann hätte TWRP installieren können, aber für mich schaut es aus, als könnte ich in Wirklichkeit nie den 575er Kernel installieren. Liege ich da richtig? Ich habe mal das Flashtool-log angehängt.

15/030/2017 22:30:58 - INFO - Flashtool Version built on 11-01-2017 15:12:00
15/030/2017 22:30:58 - INFO - Executing search strategies to find proxy selector
15/030/2017 22:30:59 - INFO - No proxy found for IE. Trying next one
15/030/2017 22:30:59 - INFO - No proxy found for firefox. Trying next one
15/030/2017 22:30:59 - INFO - No proxy found for java. Trying next one
15/030/2017 22:30:59 - INFO - Syncing devices from github
15/030/2017 22:30:59 - INFO - Opening devices repository.
15/031/2017 22:31:04 - INFO - Scanning devices folder for changes.
15/031/2017 22:31:09 - INFO - Pulling changes from github.
15/031/2017 22:31:10 - INFO - Quietly closing devices repository.
15/031/2017 22:31:10 - INFO - Devices sync finished.
15/031/2017 22:31:10 - INFO - Loading devices database
15/031/2017 22:31:10 - INFO - Loaded 94 devices
15/031/2017 22:31:10 - INFO - Starting phone detection
15/031/2017 22:31:15 - INFO - Device connected with USB debugging on
15/031/2017 22:31:16 - INFO - Connected device : Sony Xperia Z3 Compact
15/031/2017 22:31:16 - INFO - Installed version of busybox : BusyBox v1.24.2-jrummy (2016-04-14 07:07:14 PDT) multi-call binary.
15/031/2017 22:31:16 - INFO - Android version : 6.0.1 / kernel version : 3.4.0-perf-gc14c2d5 / Platform : 32bits / Build number : 23.5.A.1.291
15/031/2017 22:31:16 - INFO - Root access denied
15/032/2017 22:32:07 - INFO - Selected Bundle for Sony Xperia Z3 Compact(D5803). FW release : 23.5.A.0.575_R3D. Customization : stock kernel
15/032/2017 22:32:07 - INFO - Preparing files for flashing
15/032/2017 22:32:07 - INFO - Please connect your device into flashmode.
15/032/2017 22:32:12 - INFO - Device disconnected
15/033/2017 22:33:21 - INFO - Device connected in flash mode
15/033/2017 22:33:21 - INFO - Opening device for R/W
15/033/2017 22:33:22 - INFO - Reading device information
15/033/2017 22:33:22 - INFO - Phone ready for flashmode operations.
15/033/2017 22:33:22 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
15/033/2017 22:33:22 - INFO - Current device : D5803 - YT91107WD5 - 1289-4696_R5D - 1285-6521_23.5.A.1.291 - GLOBAL-LTE_23.5.A.1.291
15/033/2017 22:33:22 - INFO - Closing TA partition
15/033/2017 22:33:22 - INFO - Start Flashing
15/033/2017 22:33:22 - INFO - Processing loader.sin
15/033/2017 22:33:22 - INFO - Checking header
15/033/2017 22:33:22 - INFO - Flashing data
15/033/2017 22:33:23 - INFO - Loader : S1_Root_9c84 - Version : MSM8974AB_27 / Boot version : S1_Boot_MSM8974AC_LA3.0_M_3 / Bootloader status : ROOTABLE
15/033/2017 22:33:23 - INFO - Max packet size set to 512K
15/033/2017 22:33:23 - INFO - USB buffer size set to 512K
15/033/2017 22:33:23 - INFO - No flash script found. Using 0.9.18 flash engine
15/033/2017 22:33:23 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
15/033/2017 22:33:23 - INFO - Writing TA unit 00002774. Value : 01
15/033/2017 22:33:23 - INFO - Closing TA partition
15/033/2017 22:33:23 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
15/033/2017 22:33:23 - INFO - Closing TA partition
15/033/2017 22:33:23 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
15/033/2017 22:33:23 - INFO - Processing kernel.sin
15/033/2017 22:33:23 - INFO - Checking header
15/033/2017 22:33:23 - INFO - Flashing data
15/033/2017 22:33:25 - INFO - Closing TA partition
15/033/2017 22:33:25 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
15/033/2017 22:33:25 - INFO - Closing TA partition
15/033/2017 22:33:25 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
15/033/2017 22:33:25 - INFO - Closing TA partition
15/033/2017 22:33:25 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
15/033/2017 22:33:25 - INFO - Closing TA partition
15/033/2017 22:33:25 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
15/033/2017 22:33:25 - INFO - Writing TA unit 00002725. Value : 32 30 31 37 2D 30 32 2D 31 35 20 32 32 3A 33 33 3A 32 35 00
15/033/2017 22:33:25 - INFO - Writing TA unit 00002774. Value : 00
15/033/2017 22:33:25 - INFO - Closing TA partition
15/033/2017 22:33:25 - INFO - Ending flash session
15/033/2017 22:33:25 - INFO - Flashing finished.
15/033/2017 22:33:25 - INFO - Please unplug and start your phone
15/033/2017 22:33:25 - INFO - For flashtool, Unknown Sources and Debugging must be checked in phone settings
15/033/2017 22:33:25 - INFO - Device connected in flash mode

Neustart des Handys:

15/035/2017 22:35:18 - INFO - Device disconnected
15/036/2017 22:36:17 - INFO - Device connected with USB debugging on
15/036/2017 22:36:17 - INFO - Connected device : Sony Xperia Z3 Compact
15/036/2017 22:36:17 - INFO - Installed version of busybox : BusyBox v1.24.2-jrummy (2016-04-14 07:07:14 PDT) multi-call binary.
15/036/2017 22:36:17 - INFO - Android version : 6.0.1 / kernel version : 3.4.0-perf-g43ea728 / Platform : 32bits / Build number : 23.5.A.1.291
15/036/2017 22:36:17 - INFO - Root access denied
15/036/2017 22:36:18 - INFO - Device disconnected
15/036/2017 22:36:19 - INFO - Device connected with USB debugging on
15/036/2017 22:36:19 - INFO - Connected device : Sony Xperia Z3 Compact
15/036/2017 22:36:19 - INFO - Installed version of busybox : BusyBox v1.24.2-jrummy (2016-04-14 07:07:14 PDT) multi-call binary.
15/036/2017 22:36:19 - INFO - Android version : 6.0.1 / kernel version : 3.4.0-perf-g43ea728 / Platform : 32bits / Build number : 23.5.A.1.291
15/036/2017 22:36:19 - INFO - Root access denied
@Hans_Wurst Du musst definitiv root haben oder zumindest gehabt haben, sonst hätte das mit TWRP auch nicht geklappt. Was ich jetzt nicht ganz verstehe ist: was genau hast du da gemacht oder versucht zu machen, als dieser log entstanden ist?
Das Log hatte ich nochmal erstellt, nachdem ich zwar schon TWRP drauf hatte. Aber ich wollte damit zeigen können, welche Versionen ich auf dem Handy habe und welche ich versucht habe zu flashen. Ich dachte mit den Infos könnte man vielleicht etwas anfangen.
Nach meinem Verständnis hätte gedacht, dass man dort sieht, dass ich die Version 23.5.A.0.575 flashen wollte und (warum auch immer) nach dem Neustart trotzdem immernoch die Version 23.5.A.1.291 habe.

Was ich noch erwähnen sollte:
Wenn ich die install.bat (für adb.exe) ausführe sehe ich zwar, dass die Dateien zu Beginn der Ausgabe kopiert werden, allerdings die Ausgaben am Ende sehen dann reihen weise so hier aus:

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: match

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: match

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: match

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: match

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: match

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: match

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: match

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: match

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: match

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: match

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: match
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: match

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: match

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: match

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found
Installing of installbyeselinux.sh finished


Rebooting into TWRP recovery ...

Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .

Sind die vielen "not found" Meldungen eher warnings? Oder doch eher tatsächliche Fehler?
Viel mehr wäre es mal gut wenn du genau beschreiben (am besten auch verlinken) würdest was du da machst und abarbeiten willst. Auch wohin du genau willst und was wie vorhanden ist. Ich kann dir und deiner Vorgehensweise ehrlich gesagt nicht wirklich folgen, also liste doch mal deine Schritte genau auf!

Zu deiner Frage zum Kernel und dem was vom Flashtool angezeigt wird: Das Flashtool fragt die Stelle des vorhandenen Systems an anderer Stelle ab und liest in diesem Sinne nicht den Kernel selbst aus. Also wenn du wie hier nur mal eben den Kernel (575) alleine flasht, dann zeigt dir das Flashtool immer noch das 291 System als vorhanden an, was ja auch stimmt, weil sich ja nur der Kernel geändert hat, nicht aber das komplette System.

Willst du also kontrollieren ob das mit dem flashen des 575er Kernels geklappt hat musst du anders vorgehen. Öffne nach dem flashen des Kernels das Xperia Service Menü (*#*#7378423#*#*), gehe auf "Service Info" und dann auf "Software Info". Hier findest du jetzt unter Phone Software Version: die ....23.5.A.0.575 gelistet.
Unter File System Version: wird dir hier aber nach wie vor die....23.5.A.1.291 gelistet. Hätte das flashen des Kernels nicht geklappt, dann würde oben unter "Phone Software Version" immer noch der 291er Kernel gelistet werden.

Anbei mal noch zwei Bilder wo alles ein wenig besser nachvollziehbar ist.
Screenshot_20170118-221658.png Screenshot_20170118-222659.png

Hans_Wurst schrieb:
Ich habe mich strikt an die Anweisung vom ersten Post gehalten. Mein Vorgehen war:
- mit FlashTool auf den kernel575.ftf down zu graden
- das TWRP Recovery mit der adb.exe installiert
- im TWRP die pre-rooted Version 23.5.A.1.291 von xda installiert

Was ich ausgehend hiervon vor allem nicht verstehe: wo genau war jetzt eigentlich das Problem? Denn eigentlich bist du doch mit dem Flashen der prerooted 291 erfolgreich ans Ende der Liste gelangt?! Du hast den rootbaren Kernel geflasht - check. Du hast das Recovery installiert, demzufolge auch root gehabt - check. Zu guter letzt hast du noch die prerooted geflasht und hast somit wieder die aktuellste ROM inklusive root, das normalerweise abschließende Flashen des 291er Kernels entfällt also in dem Szenario. Eigentlich ist doch dann alles so, wie es sein soll?!

Zunächst erst mal ein riesen Dankeschön, dass ihr mir hier versucht weiter zu helfen. Das ist echt toll.

Ich werde mal Schritt für Schritt dokumentieren, was ich gerade mit meinem Handy mache:

1. Ausgangszustand:
Screenshot_20170218-154158.png im Anhang

2. Flashen des 575'er Kernels:
- Das file kernel575.ftf:

- Sony Mobile Flasher --> Flash device --> Flashmode --> Content = boot_delivery.xml und kernel.sin --> Flash
18/048/2017 15:48:13 - INFO - <- This level is successfully initialized
18/048/2017 15:48:14 - INFO - Flashtool Version built on 11-01-2017 15:12:00
18/048/2017 15:48:14 - INFO - Executing search strategies to find proxy selector
18/048/2017 15:48:15 - INFO - No proxy found for IE. Trying next one
18/048/2017 15:48:15 - INFO - No proxy found for firefox. Trying next one
18/048/2017 15:48:15 - INFO - No proxy found for java. Trying next one
18/048/2017 15:48:15 - INFO - Syncing devices from github
18/048/2017 15:48:15 - INFO - Opening devices repository.
18/048/2017 15:48:20 - INFO - Scanning devices folder for changes.
18/048/2017 15:48:25 - INFO - Pulling changes from github.
18/048/2017 15:48:26 - INFO - Quietly closing devices repository.
18/048/2017 15:48:26 - INFO - Devices sync finished.
18/048/2017 15:48:26 - INFO - Loading devices database
18/048/2017 15:48:26 - INFO - Loaded 94 devices
18/048/2017 15:48:26 - INFO - Starting phone detection
18/048/2017 15:48:31 - INFO - Device connected with USB debugging on
18/048/2017 15:48:32 - INFO - Connected device : Sony Xperia Z3 Compact
18/048/2017 15:48:32 - INFO - Installed version of busybox : BusyBox v1.24.2-jrummy (2016-04-14 07:07:14 PDT) multi-call binary.
18/048/2017 15:48:32 - INFO - Android version : 6.0.1 / kernel version : 3.4.0-perf-gc14c2d5 / Platform : 32bits / Build number : 23.5.A.1.291
18/048/2017 15:48:32 - INFO - Root access denied
18/006/2017 16:06:19 - INFO - Selected Bundle for Sony Xperia Z3 Compact(D5803). FW release : 23.5.A.0.575_R3D. Customization : stock kernel
18/006/2017 16:06:19 - INFO - Preparing files for flashing
18/006/2017 16:06:19 - INFO - Please connect your device into flashmode.
18/006/2017 16:06:28 - INFO - Device disconnected
18/006/2017 16:06:57 - INFO - Device connected in flash mode
18/006/2017 16:06:57 - INFO - Opening device for R/W
18/006/2017 16:06:57 - INFO - Reading device information
18/006/2017 16:06:57 - INFO - Phone ready for flashmode operations.
18/006/2017 16:06:57 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
18/006/2017 16:06:57 - INFO - Current device : D5803 - YT91107WD5 - 1289-4696_R5D - 1285-6521_23.5.A.1.291 - GLOBAL-LTE_23.5.A.1.291
18/006/2017 16:06:57 - INFO - Closing TA partition
18/006/2017 16:06:57 - INFO - Start Flashing
18/006/2017 16:06:57 - INFO - Processing loader.sin
18/006/2017 16:06:57 - INFO - Checking header
18/006/2017 16:06:57 - INFO - Flashing data
18/006/2017 16:06:58 - INFO - Loader : S1_Root_9c84 - Version : MSM8974AB_27 / Boot version : S1_Boot_MSM8974AC_LA3.0_M_2 / Bootloader status : ROOTABLE
18/006/2017 16:06:58 - INFO - Max packet size set to 512K
18/006/2017 16:06:58 - INFO - USB buffer size set to 512K
18/006/2017 16:06:58 - INFO - Parsing boot delivery
18/006/2017 16:06:58 - INFO - No flash script found. Using 0.9.18 flash engine
18/006/2017 16:06:58 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
18/006/2017 16:06:58 - INFO - Writing TA unit 00002774. Value : 01
18/006/2017 16:06:58 - INFO - Closing TA partition
18/006/2017 16:06:58 - INFO - Phone boot version : S1_Boot_MSM8974AC_LA3.0_M_2. Boot delivery version : S1_Boot_MSM8974AC_LA3.0_M_2
18/006/2017 16:06:58 - INFO - Boot delivery up to date. Nothing to do
18/006/2017 16:06:58 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
18/006/2017 16:06:59 - INFO - Closing TA partition
18/006/2017 16:06:59 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
18/006/2017 16:06:59 - INFO - Processing kernel.sin
18/006/2017 16:06:59 - INFO - Checking header
18/006/2017 16:06:59 - INFO - Flashing data
18/007/2017 16:07:00 - INFO - Closing TA partition
18/007/2017 16:07:00 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
18/007/2017 16:07:00 - INFO - Closing TA partition
18/007/2017 16:07:00 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
18/007/2017 16:07:00 - INFO - Closing TA partition
18/007/2017 16:07:00 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
18/007/2017 16:07:00 - INFO - Closing TA partition
18/007/2017 16:07:00 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
18/007/2017 16:07:01 - INFO - Writing TA unit 00002725. Value : 32 30 31 37 2D 30 32 2D 31 38 20 31 36 3A 30 37 3A 30 31 00
18/007/2017 16:07:01 - INFO - Writing TA unit 00002774. Value : 00
18/007/2017 16:07:01 - INFO - Closing TA partition
18/007/2017 16:07:01 - INFO - Ending flash session
18/007/2017 16:07:01 - INFO - Flashing finished.
18/007/2017 16:07:01 - INFO - Please unplug and start your phone
18/007/2017 16:07:01 - INFO - For flashtool, Unknown Sources and Debugging must be checked in phone settings
18/007/2017 16:07:01 - INFO - Device connected in flash mode
18/007/2017 16:07:46 - INFO - Device disconnected
- Handy neu gestartet

3. TWRP installieren (Ich weiß, habe ich schon drauf. Aber trotzdem nochmal um den Weg zu zeigen):
- USB-Debugging aktiviert
- Die flash-tools:
- install.bat als Administrator gestartet
* server not running *
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *

Device Detected!

Installing ...

[100%] /data/local/tmp/mm_twrp_recovery_install/boot_twrp_recovery.sh
[100%] /data/local/tmp/mm_twrp_recovery_install/busybox
[100%] /data/local/tmp/mm_twrp_recovery_install/byeselinux.ko
[100%] /data/local/tmp/mm_twrp_recovery_install/chargemon.sh
[100%] /data/local/tmp/mm_twrp_recovery_install/install_twrp_recovery.sh
[100%] /data/local/tmp/mm_twrp_recovery_install/iovyroot
[100%] /data/local/tmp/mm_twrp_recovery_install/modulecrcpatch
[100%] /data/local/tmp/mm_twrp_recovery_install/recovery.twrp.cpio.lzma
[100%] /data/local/tmp/mm_twrp_recovery_install/wp_mod.ko
iovyroot by zxz0O0
poc by idler1984

[+] Changing fd limit from 1024 to 4096
[+] Changing process priority to highest
[+] Getting pipes
[+] Allocating memory
[+] Installing func ptr
[+] Patching address 0xc1234b68
[+] Start map/unmap thread
[+] Start write thread
[+] Spraying kernel heap
[+] Start read thread
[+] Done
...dann rattert alles zu schnell durch, um zu kopieren...
module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: match

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: match

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: match

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: match

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: match

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: match

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: match

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: match

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: match

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: match

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: match
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: match

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: match

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: match
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: match
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: match

modulecrcpatch (by zxz0O0)

module_layout: not found
memcmp: not found
kallsyms_lookup_name: not found
__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0: not found
call_usermodehelper_exec: not found
call_usermodehelper_setfns: not found
call_usermodehelper_setup: not found
printk: not found
Installing of installbyeselinux.sh finished


Rebooting into TWRP recovery ...

Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .

4. neues Betriebssystem installieren:
- TWRP --> Install --> CustomizDErecrootV4_23.5.A.1.291_1289-4696_R5D.zip
- Das file "223.5.A.1.291 - Unbranded - Germany (1289-4696) - RecRoot v4 + SuperSu + Bloated + Odexed":
[LIST][Flashable] Z3 compact pre-rooted firmwares (18 aug 2016) - Post #2

Ein paar Ausgaben im TWRP:
Error finding archive entry 'rpm.sin'
Kernel flashed.
script succeeded...

- Bis auf diese eine Error-Angabe, keine Auffälligkeiten.
- kein! Wipe
- Install TWRP app as a System App
- Reboot System

5. eigende Einstellungen am System:
- Nach meinem Verständniss sollte nun ein völlig neues System zu sehen sein. Allerdings sehe ich keinen Unterschied und selbst die eigen installierten Apps, sowie "desktop"-Einstellungen sind noch geblieben. Ich hätte nun die default-Einstellungen vom geflashten CustomizDErecrootV4_23.5.A.1.291_1289-4696_R5D-file erwartet.
- Installation von SuperSu aus dem "Play Store"
- Starte SuperSu --> New user --> Antwort: "No root detected"
- Auch die Angaben über "Service Menü" (*#*#7378423#*#*) haben sich nicht gegenüber den Ausgangszustand geändert (Screenshot vom Anhang)


  • Screenshot_20170218-154158.png
    28,1 KB · Aufrufe: 266
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Also dass das System bzw die Einstellungen nicht zurückgesetzt wurden ist nicht weiter verwunderlich, da du ja keinen wipe durchgeführt hast, was ja auch nur optional ist, da du ja immer auf der gleichen Android Version bleibst. Würdest du jetzt z.b. von KitKat oder Lollipop auf Marshmallow springen wäre ein wipe schon eher empfehlenswert aber auch da nicht zwingend erforderlich. Worauf ich mir allerdings KEINEN Reim machen kann ist, warum das mit dem root nicht will. Eigtl ist vom Ablauf her alles richtig.
Eine Info könnte ich noch ergänzen, die ich verschwiegen habe, da ich dachte, dass es unwichtig sein würde. Aber vielleicht ist es ja doch relevant:
Vor dem ganzen hatte ich bereits schon root und auch TWRP auf dem Handy. Nachdem ich Probleme hatte wollte ich das OS neu überspielen und auch das TWRP musste neu aufgespielt werde, da es nach der Reparatur vom "Sony Xperia Companion" weg war. Das alles war also noch VOR dem ganzen bereits beschriebenem.

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