[How-To] Cronos auf dem Milestone

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Fortgeschrittenes Mitglied
da ich begeistert bin von Cronos und da es z.B. für CM6 oder Miui How-To's gibt, dacht ich mir ich mach mal eins für Cronos ;)

Voraussetzung: Root,Kenntnisse von der Materie

PS: Alles auf eigene Gefahr, ich empfehle vor dem Flash eine Backup(Nandroid) zu machen.

Thanks to:
- Nadlabek
- Skrilax_CZ
- Feeyo


1. Ladet euch die Androidiani OR 3.3 herunter. (Link gibt es ganz unten)

2. Jetzt ladet ihr euch die entsprechende Cronos-Version herunter.(Link gibt es ebenfalls ganz unten)

3. Kopiert die heruntergeladene Cronos-Version nach SDCARD/OPENRECOVERY/UPDATES/

4. Startet nun in den Recovery-Modus.

5. Danach "Apply Update.zip".

6. Dann macht ihr einen Wipe sämtlicher Daten.(Backup am besten davor erstellen)

7. So jetzt wählt ihr "Apply Update" aus.

8. Wählt nun die heruntergeladene Cronos.zip aus.

9. Danach dürft ihr einen Reboot machen und euch freuen. :)


Androidiani OR 3.3 androidiani-openrecovery - Project Hosting on Google Code

Cronos 1.8.1 Cronos Android, Android on Steroids! • View topic - Cronos Froyo Milestone 1.8.1

andere Cronos-Versionen Cronos Android, Android on Steroids! • View forum - Official Releases
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: samboo
19 Jan 2011 | Cronos Froyo Milestone 1.8.1:
* Compiled based on a cleaner blobs setup.
* Compiled against some more Brazilian Leak prop files.
* Added EXT2 support. Thanks to Nadlabak and Skrilax_CZ.
* Fixed missing calls by under clocking.
* Fixed battery drain issue. (Hopefully)
* Added SqliteWAL. (Thank ComputerFreak for the tip)
* Fixed USB <-> PC issue.
16 Jan 2011 | Cronos Froyo Milestone 1.8.0:
* Updated source code to latest versions.
* Compiled it 2.3.1 toolchain. (4.4.3)
* Compiled with Full ARM Optimization flags.
* Default OC = 550Mhz.
* Updated kernel and prop. files to latest leaked (5 Jan).
* RePatched Fast Booting.
* RePatched Font rendering to render fonts nicer.
* Added latest CM Stuff.
06 Jan 2011 | Cronos Froyo Milestone 1.7.0 - 2.6.29 kernel.
* This will install the 2.6.29 kernel.
* EXT Partition Support
* Default 700Mhz
27 Dec 2010 | Cronos Froyo Milestone 1.7.0 Update 1.
* Updated kernel to latest leaked version.
* Updated Proprietary files to latest leaked ones.
Note: This is an update ONLY. Not a new build!
14 Dec 2010 | Cronos Froyo Milestone 1.7.0:
By Feeyo:
* Full new compile based on my completed toolchain.
* Fully updated Sources to latest.
* New DalvikVM Optimizations.
* Better Memory utilization.
* Latest GAPPS Added.
* LauncherPro 3D Cube fixed.
By Nadlabak:
* use prebuilt TI OMX libs, additional DSP libs.
* add MID camcorder video quality.
* expose AMR wideband audio encoder.
* add cpufreq_stats module
28 Nov 2010 | Milestone 1.6.1
* Recompilation: Battery Fix Try1.
26 Nov 2010 | Milestone 1.6.0 Update #1:
* Camera Improved.
* Fix for crash in PathBarLayer::recomputeComponents" Gallery3D.
25 Nov 2010 | Cronos Froyo 1.6.0:
* Full new compile based on my latest toolchain.
* Default Mail Client updated to support more IMAP + SSL
* getThumbnail memory leak fixed.
* Used JIT+ library optimizations.
* Sound Improvement.
* OpenCore improvements.
* SKIA (2D Render Engine) Improvements.
* New Kernel tweaks.
* Android System Tweaks.
* As always included CM external application sources.
* CM Parts are included default, but filtered and added as CM Extra in menu.
* A lot of DalvikVM changes. This bad boy is a monster now.
* Shutdown and Reboot Menu is now faster.
* Removed blending and blur, to speed up system.
* Fully optimized ARM flags compile.
* Allowed unaligned memory accesses on ARM targets that support it.
* Faster Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY and Z_RLE compression for images and other specialized compression.
* Latest GAPPS.
* Talking notification sounds.
* Default 700Mhz
* Included DroidReign app. We are officially supporting them.
Cronos Froyo Milestone 1.5.0:
* Fully cleaned the blob profile to make use of proprietary only and the rest are 100% compiled.
* Hopefully battery drain fixed.
* Fully updated to latest sources.
* Default 700Mhz
* Default governor "ondemand"
Cronos Froyo Milestone 1.4.0:
* Recompile everything again based on Nadlabaks vendor profile.
* Experimental java improvements
* Used JIT library optimizations.
* As always included CM external application sources.
* CM Parts are included default, but filtered and added as CM Extra in menu.
* DalvikVM changes to give it a bit more speed.
* Fully optimized ARM flags compile.
* Big improvement to Performance V8 and Webkit.
* Allowed unaligned memory accesses on ARM targets that support it.
* Faster Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY and Z_RLE compression for images and other specialized compression.
* Latest gapps added.
* New Talking notification sounds
* Fixed Bluetooth.
* Set default speed to 700Mhz.

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