Governors im CyanogenMod

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[SIZE=+1]7. CPU Scaling Governors[/SIZE]
CPU governors control exactly how the CPU scales between your “max” and “min” set frequencies. Most kernels have “ondemand” and “performance.” The availability

  • ondemand – Available in most kernels, and the default governor in most kernels. When the CPU load reaches a certain point (see “up threshold” in Advanced Settings), ondemand will rapidly scale the CPU up to meet demand, then gradually scale the CPU down when it isn't needed.
  • interactive – Available in newer kernels, and becoming the default scaling option in some official Android kernels. The interactive governor is functionally similar to the ondemand governor with an even greater focus on responsiveness.
  • conservative – Available in some kernels. It is similar to the ondemand governor, but will scale the CPU up more gradually to better fit demand. Conservative provides a less responsive experience than ondemand, but can save battery.
  • performance – Available in most kernels. It will keep the CPU running at the “max” set value at all times. This is a bit more efficient than simply setting “max” and “min” to the same value and using ondemand because the system will not waste resources scanning for CPU load.
  • powersave – Available in some kernels. It will keep the CPU running at the “min” set value at all times.
  • userspace – A method for controlling the CPU speed that isn't currently used by SetCPU. For best results, do not use the userspace governor.
  • smartass – Included in some custom kernels. The smartass governor effectively gives the phone an automatic Screen Off profile, keeping speeds at a minimum when the phone is idle.
SetCPU for Root Users

CPUFreq governors in the Android Kernel

+ performance
The CPUfreq governor "performance" sets the CPU statically to the highest frequency within the borders of scaling_min_freq and scaling_max_freq.

+ powersave
The CPUfreq governor "powersave" sets the CPU statically to the lowest frequency within the borders of scaling_min_freq and scaling_max_freq.

+ userspace
The CPUfreq governor "userspace" allows the user, or any userspace program running with UID "root", to set the CPU to a specific frequency by making a sysfs file "scaling_setspeed" available in the CPU-device directory.

+ ondemand
The CPUfreq governor "ondemand" sets the CPU depending on the current usage. To do this the CPU must have the capability to switch the frequency very quickly. There are a number of sysfs file accessible parameters: sampling_rate, show_sampling_rate_min, up_threshold, ignore_nice_load, sampling_down_factor.

+ conservative
The CPUfreq governor "conservative", much like the "ondemand" governor, sets the CPU depending on the current usage. It differs in behaviour in that it gracefully increases and decreases the CPU speed rather than jumping to max speed the moment there is any load on the CPU. This behaviour more suitable in a battery powered environment. The governor is tweaked in the same manner as the "ondemand" governor through sysfs with the addition of: freq_step & down_threshold

+ interactive
The CPUfreq governor "interactive" is designed for latency-sensitive, interactive workloads. This governor sets the CPU speed depending on usage, similar to "ondemand" and "conservative" governors. However, the governor is more aggressive about scaling the CPU speed up in response to CPU-intensive activity. The tuneable value for this governor are: min_sample_time & go_maxspeed_load

+ smartass (By erasmux@XDA)
The smartass governor is a complete rewrite of the interactive governor. CPU spends much more time at the lower frequencies for improved battery life. It gives the phone an automatic Screen Off profile, keeping speeds at a minimum when the phone is idle.

+ savagedzen (By jsseidel@XDA)
SavagedZen is a governor based on the Smartass governor. With tweaks to paramaters which control how much and how fast cpu ramps up/down. Main difference versus Smartass is that cpu ramps down not in fixed steps, but based on cpu load heuristics, i.e. when cpu load falls below threshold (min_cpu_load), cpu immediately ramps down to a frequency derived from the measured load.

+ interactiveX (By imoseyon@XDA)
Modified version of interactive with suspend code which locks at lowest clock speed when screen is off. Has a sleep+awake profile, meaning you don't need to set up manual profiles, it will lock at your minimum frequency during screen off
xda-developers - View Single Post - [Q] Difference between different governors
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Die Governors findet man unter Einstellungen ==> CyanogenMod ==> Leistung ==> CPU-Einstellungen

Ich hab meine Handy lange mit dem voreingestellten "ondemand" laufen gelassen; hab dann mal "smartass" getestet, aber da gab es Probleme mit dem Musicplayer; seit kurzem benutz ich "interactiveX" mit "Undervolt" und "Compcache-Speichernutzung 18%", daß soll wohl im Moment der beste Mix aus Batterielaufzeit und Geschwindigkeit sein.

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