Dies habe Ich rein zur Info reingestellt - selbst noch nicht getestet!
Everyone is allowed to make changes to the VMWare image and re-upload it. If you re-upload the VMWare image with the made corrections, post the download link(s) in this thread. I will update the first post.
If there is a AOSP Developer that is willing to make a complete tutorial, please make one that works and is up-to-date with 2.3.7
The more people we have working on making ROMs, the better.
This VMWare image is:
- Base: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
- ICS ready
- Gingerbread ready
- Fully updated
- Eclipse with ADT Plugin
- Android Kitchen Integrated
Latest changelog (Coming soon)
- Based on 10.04 LTS instead of 11.10
- Different approach
Download link:
Bypass 24h wait time, limit reached --> Solution? Reset your ip! In Belgium this is easy by restarting your modem/router. This may be different in other countries.
more mirrors will come!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
My Multidownload - geht schneller!
Image is extracted, where do I start?
Continue from this link
Feel free to donate me if you like my work!
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