- 652
Hi Leute,
ich bin am porten doch nun hab ich einige Fehler die mir logcat auswirft.
Danke im Voraus
ich bin am porten doch nun hab ich einige Fehler die mir logcat auswirft.
10-03 19:20:55.428: E/AndroidRuntime(1216): *** FATAL EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS: android.server.ServerThread
10-03 19:20:55.428: E/AndroidRuntime(1216): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: [generic]
10-03 19:20:55.428: E/AndroidRuntime(1216): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
10-03 19:20:55.438: E/OMXCodec(1183): wrong state to free OMXCodec 1
10-03 19:20:55.729: E/installd(170): eof
10-03 19:20:55.729: E/installd(170): failed to read size
10-03 19:20:56.389: E/ExtendedExtractor(1262): Failed to open MM_PARSER_LIB, dlerror = Cannot load library: reloc_library[1290]: 1262 cannot locate '_ZN7android11MediaSource23getNumberOfVideoBuffersEv'...
10-03 19:20:56.389: E/ExtendedExtractor(1262):
10-03 19:20:56.389: E/ExtendedExtractor(1262): Failed to open MM_PARSER_LITE_LIB, dlerror = Cannot load library: load_library[1096]: Library 'libmmparser_lite.so' not found
10-03 19:20:59.142: E/BatteryService(1304): overloadPath not found
10-03 19:20:59.142: E/Sensors(1304): Sensors sensors_poll_context_t++
10-03 19:20:59.202: E/Sensors(1304): could not open the accel irq device node
10-03 19:20:59.202: E/MPL-mlsl(1304): Cannot open file "/data/misc/mpumfg.bin" for read
10-03 19:20:59.212: E/MPL-mlsl(1304): Cannot open file "/data/misc/cal.bin" for read
10-03 19:20:59.212: E/MPL-mlsl(1304): Cannot open file "/data/misc/mpuuser.bin" for read
10-03 19:20:59.212: E/MPL-storeload(1304): MLLoadCalibration, Could not read the User calibration,file not exist
10-03 19:20:59.212: E/Sensors(1304): could not open MPL calibration file
10-03 19:21:03.977: E/lights(1304): [LedErr] open_lights no mattched name bluetooth
10-03 19:21:03.977: E/LightsService(1304): [LedErr] get_device bluetooth is reutrn NULL
10-03 19:21:03.977: E/lights(1304): [LedErr] open_lights no mattched name wifi
10-03 19:21:03.977: E/LightsService(1304): [LedErr] get_device wifi is reutrn NULL
Danke im Voraus