- 17.610
„Gut gebrüllt Löwe“ oder auch: „Klappern gehört zum Handwerk“. Qualcomms Marketingchef Anand Chandrasekher hat sich kurz die Zeit genommen, der Welt zu erklären, wer momentan die Hosen im mobilen Prozessorgeschäft an hat. Das schöne (und heute nicht mehr allzu oft vorgetragene) daran, der Herr versucht gar nicht erst, die eigenen CPUs abstrakt in der Rangliste mit anderen Unternehmen einzuordnen, sondern nennt den Hauptkonkurrenten (Nvidia) gleich beim Namen und sagt, was er von deren neuer Tegra 4-Plattform hält. Und wo überzeugend, wie Mister Chandrasekher das vorträgt, wer soll ihm da widersprechen?
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(im Forum "Android Allgemein")
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Jean-Baptiste Su - TechPulse 360 - Forbes
Qualcomm CMO disses NVIDIA: 'we clean Tegra 4?s clock'
Snapdragon S4 Pro is better, faster than the commercially shipping Tegra 3… On benchmarks published by Anantech, S4 Pro is twice as fast than the fastest Tegra processor commercially available.
Nvidia just launched their Tegra 4, not sure when those will be in the market on a commercial basis, but we believe our Snapdragon 600 outperforms Nvidia’s Tegra 4. And we believe our Snapdragon 800 completely outstrips it and puts a new benchmark in place.
So, we clean Tegra 4′s clock. There’s nothing in Tegra 4 that we looked at and that looks interesting. Tegra 4 frankly, looks a lot like what we already have in S4 Pro...
Yes, they [Nvidia] had the perception [of superior graphics] help them for some time, and that helped them for some tablet wins. I think that would change. The world is increasingly becoming aware that what we have in CPUs and graphics is beyond what anybody has. So usually that technical awareness happens at the OEMs and that takes a while for products to emerge…
Empirically, we completely beat them on graphics performance!
Diskussion zum Beitrag
(im Forum "Android Allgemein")
Weitere Beiträge auf Android-Hilfe.de
Jean-Baptiste Su - TechPulse 360 - Forbes
Qualcomm CMO disses NVIDIA: 'we clean Tegra 4?s clock'
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