OnePlus X: Ab jetzt dauerhaft ohne Invite zu haben

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Anfang dieser Woche haben wir euch noch über das Oxygen OS-Updates für OnePlus X und OnePlusOne berichtet, heute nun tritt das OnePlus X in die Fußstapfen des OnePlus 2 - und wird dauerhaft ohne Invite zu haben sein: Eine frohe Kunde brachte da Carl Pei in die OnePlus Forums, als er kürzlich verkündete, dass auch das OnePlus X keine Invites mehr für einen Kauf benötige. Wir erinnern uns kurz: Das OnePlus X ist ein Mittelklasse-5-Zoller für 269 Euro, dessen Testbilder einen soliden Eindruck machen. Offenbar hat sich nun auch dieses Smartphone soweit eingependelt und für das Unternehmen kalkulierbar gemacht, dass man das leidige Thema "Einladung" jetzt mit einer großen Geste vom Tisch fegen konnte. "Freut euch, liebe Kunden, ihr dürfte nun ganz normal bei uns Einkaufen!" Wow, super toll. Begeis... (sorry, bin vor lauter Glück vom Stuhl gefallen^^). Zusammen mit der Invite-Freiheit des OnePlus X hat OnePlus auch noch einige Rabatte ausgerufen, unter anderen gibt es Cases für OnePlus 2 und OnePlus X derzeit deutlich günstiger. Falls ihr also gerade spontan Lust habt, eure Gerätesammlung um ein paar Gadgets oder auch um ein Smartphone zu erweitern, schaut einfach beim OnePlus Store vorbei, den wir euch unter dem News-Text verlinkt haben. Unter dem Link findet ihr zudem noch den kompletten Post von Carl Pei.


As we continue to move our business forward, we will never stop looking for exciting new ways to reinvent ourselves. That’s why we’re excited to announce that as of today the OnePlus X is completely invite-free.

We’re extremely excited to be making the OnePlus X invite-free more quickly this time around. With every device we release, we grow more mature and more adept at handling the demands and expectations of our community. We largely owe our success to your unrelenting support, so we hope that this development will make the process of purchasing your very own OnePlus X as smooth and effortless as it can possibly be.

It’s been almost two years since the OnePlus One saw the light of day, firmly putting our fledgling mobile startup on the map. The invite system was integral to our approach at the time, allowing us to scale our operations, while giving fans an engaging way to get involved with the product. One year, some successes, and the occasional bump in the road later, we were able to make the OnePlus One available for purchase without an invite.

Unlike its predecessor, the OnePlus 2 was invite-free approximately four months after its release. With the OnePlus X going invite-free in even less time, this is a trend that we mean to continue.

While you’re checking out the OnePlus X, don’t forget to take a look at all of the accessories we have on offer. As of today, select colors of your favorite OnePlus 2 and OnePlus X cases and covers are 20% off! Click here to see what’s on sale.

Another change is coming to the OnePlus Store. Since its launch, each OnePlus Power Bank has been sold at a small loss. However, due to increased costs in both the manufacturing and operations of the Power Bank, our accessory will see a slight price increase, from $14.99 to $19.00. For new prices in other regions, see the list below. This change will come into effect seven (7) calendar days from today, so you still have time to get your hands on a Power Bank before the price hike hits.

As recently announced, standard shipping is now free for all orders over $100. Shipping regulations prohibit single orders of more than two Power Banks, so the maximum number of units you can order from is four, which will be automatically split into two separate orders. If you want to reap the benefits from our free standard shipping service, our store is brimming with plenty of other exciting products that are worth a look.

You’ve been with us from the start, and we couldn’t have wished for better company as we anxiously anticipate what’s next in this wild ride.

Never Settle.

Pics: OnePlus

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