Britisches Gericht: Samsung Galaxy Tab verletzt keine Patente des iPad

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Auch im Vereinigten Königreich von England sind die Patentklagen längst angekommen. Dort entschied zuletzt der High Court of England & Wales, dass die Serie Samsung Galaxy Tab die Design-Patente Apples auf "Tablets mit runden Ecken" nicht verletzt - und zudem, dass die Galaxy Tabs garnicht wie ein iPad aussieht. Das Gericht ist der Ansicht, dass die Samsung Tablets sich sehr wohl - entgegen der Idee Apples - optisch von den iPads unterscheiden. Weiterhin kommt das Gericht zu dem Schluss, dass die Tatsache, dass Apple ein Design-Patent auf die Form eines Tablets habe, unsachlich und falsch ist. Es gäbe mehr als genug Beispiele, dass die von Apple geschützte Tablet-Form lange vor dem ersten iPad vorhanden war. Effektiv hat sich Apple diese Form nur als erstes Unternehmen patentieren und sichern lassen. Nicht die feine englische Art - und entsprechend ging man im High Court mit der Klage Apples um.

Samsung hat der Internetseite eine Stellungsnahme zum Ausgang des Verfahrens zukommen lassen. Diese lautet im Original wie folgt:
"In a ruling on July 9, 2012, the High Court of England & Wales sided with Samsung that the designs of the Galaxy Tab series of products are 'different' from an Apple tablet design, and do not infringe Apple’s Registered Community Design No. 181607-0001. Samsung products subject to this trial were the Galaxy Tab 10.1, the Galaxy Tab 8.9, and the Galaxy Tab 7.7.
"Samsung had requested this voluntary trial in September 2011, in order to oppose Apple’s ongoing efforts to reduce consumer choice and innovation in the tablet market through their excessive legal claims and arguments. Apple has insisted that the three Samsung tablet products infringe several features of Apple’s design right, such as 'slightly rounded corners,' 'a flat transparent surface without any ornamentation,' and 'a thin profile.'
"However, the High Court dismissed Apple’s arguments by referring to approximately 50 examples of prior art, or designs that were previously created or patented, from before 2004. These include the Knight Ridder (1994), the Ozolin (2004), and HP’s TC1000 (2003). The court found numerous Apple design features to lack originality, and numerous identical design features to have been visible in a wide range of earlier tablet designs from before 2004.
"Equally important, the court also found distinct differences between the Samsung and Apple tablet designs, which the court claimed were apparent to the naked eye. For instance, the court cited noticeable differences in the front surface design and in the thinness of the side profile. The court found the most vivid differences in the rear surface design, a part of tablets that allows designers a high degree of freedom for creativity, as there are no display panels, buttons, or any technical functions. Samsung was recognised by the court for having leveraged such conditions of the rear surface to clearly differentiate its tablet products through 'visible detailing.'
"Samsung welcomes today’s ruling by the High Court, which affirms Samsung’s commitment to protect its own intellectual property rights while respecting those of other companies. Samsung believes Apple’s excessive legal claims based on such a generic design right can harm not only the industry’s innovation as a whole, but also unduly limit consumer choice."
Als Reaktion auf die Veröffentlichung dieses Statements hat sich Apple bei gemeldet und seine Version der Dinge dargestellt: "It's no coincidence that Samsung's latest products look a lot like the iPhone and iPad, from the shape of the hardware to the user interface and even the packaging. This kind of blatant copying is wrong and, as we've said many times before, we need to protect Apple's intellectual property when companies steal our ideas." Dazu sagen wir jetzt mal nichts mehr.


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Quelle: Samsung defeats Apple in British court over tablet design, understandably pleased about it - Pocket-lint
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