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ich habe ein Problem beim Flash mit Heimdall.
Ich will mein SGS aus einem Bootloop (ohne Recovery) befreien. Downloadmode funktioniert. Udev Regel ist angelegt. Weiß wer Rat?
ich habe ein Problem beim Flash mit Heimdall.
heimdall flash --kernel boot.img
Heimdall v1.3.2, Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Benjamin Dobell, Glass Echidna
This software is provided free of charge. Copying and redistribution is
If you appreciate this software and you would like to support future
development please consider donating:
Initialising connection...
Detecting device...
Claiming interface...
Setting up interface...
Checking if protocol is initialised...
Protocol is not initialised.
Initialising protocol...
Handshaking with Loke...
ERROR: Failed to receive response!
heimdall print-pit --verbose
Heimdall v1.3.2, Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Benjamin Dobell, Glass Echidna
This software is provided free of charge. Copying and redistribution is
If you appreciate this software and you would like to support future
development please consider donating:
Initialising connection...
Detecting device...
Manufacturer: "SAMSUNG"
Product: "Gadget Serial"
length: 18
device class: 2
S/N: 0
VID:PID: 04E8:6601
bcdDevice: 021B
iMan:iProd:iSer: 1:2:0
nb confs: 1
interface[0].altsetting[0]: num endpoints = 1
Class.SubClass.Protocol: 02.02.01
endpoint[0].address: 83
max packet size: 0010
polling interval: 09
interface[1].altsetting[0]: num endpoints = 2
Class.SubClass.Protocol: 0A.00.00
endpoint[0].address: 81
max packet size: 0200
polling interval: 00
endpoint[1].address: 02
max packet size: 0200
polling interval: 00
Claiming interface...
Attempt failed. Detaching driver...
Claiming interface again...
Setting up interface...
Checking if protocol is initialised...
Protocol is not initialised.
Initialising protocol...
Handshaking with Loke...
ERROR: Failed to receive response!
Re-attaching kernel driver...
Ich will mein SGS aus einem Bootloop (ohne Recovery) befreien. Downloadmode funktioniert. Udev Regel ist angelegt. Weiß wer Rat?