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tamilplaya schrieb:Ich habe cm 4.4.2.
Habe viper4android runtergeladen und habe zwei apks:
2.3_2322 und 4.x_2322...
Welche soll ich installieren und wo ist der unterschied?
Makki28 schrieb:Anscheinend wurde die Frage übersehen:
jedes mal wird bei mir, wenn ich die KH wechsle bzw. ein und austöpsle, der Mod automatisch auf Processing: No gestellt. Das heißt ich muss jedes mal die Treiber neu installieren.
Das kann nicht normal sein oder?
Maxyman schrieb:Okay my fellow Nexus 5 brothers and sisters, I have found a solution to V4A not working for some people. I give all the credit to a fellow user, nicknamed "JR", for reporting this fix and I hope everyone will find this helpful.
So, firstly, what's wrong? Some users have reported that V4A is not working, and by 'not working' it means that even when V4A is 'Enabled' within the app the app is NOT 'Processing'.
So to be clear, when I say V4A is not working the "Driver Status" within the App will report something like this.
Driver Version: XXXX
NEON Enabled: Yes
Enabled: Yes
Status: Normal
Processing: NO <-- Culprit
Type: XXXX
Sampling Rate: XXXX
Channels: XXXXX
So what to do to fix this? Firstly, let's start off with a CLEAN SLATE. Uninstall BOTH your Music Player and V4A (I used doubleTwist).
When both are uninstalled proceed to install V4A the normal way, HOWEVER, with a little variation.
Research from "JR" has stated that when USERS install V4A under System>App, the system still ends up killing the process hence why it no longer 'Processes' the audio stream. The reason for this is that under 4.4+ KK, System files are split into 2 different categories (am not 100% sure why). There is the SYSTEM>APP and there is SYSTEM>PRIV-APP. V4A should be installed in the latter (Priv-App) as this is the system folder that gets ignored from being killed by the Android System.
Make sure when you CUT and PASTE V4A into SYSTEM>PRIV-APP you change the PERMISSIONS to -rw-r-- r--
Once that is done then REBOOT.
After finishing reboot go into your SETTINGS. Under SOUND>Music Effects change it from MusicFX to V4A.
Once that's done then go to V4A App and install your preferred sound driver (Super, High, Batt Saver). REBOOT
After rebooting proceed to install your preferred 3rd party Music Player. Now this step is a little tricky as for me I had to delete a folder in my "SDCARD" called doubleTwist. I'm not sure of the process for any other Music Player. The trick is to make sure the APP is running as FRESH as possible, just like if you were to run it after a full wipe.
Once your music player is installed, try to play a song and let it play.
Go into V4A App whilst the song is playing and TICK ENABLE on the applicable heading (Headset, Speaker etc.)
Once you've enabled it then go to your Driver Status and CHECK if it says Processing: YES.
If that's the case then you're good! You're all set up. Having V4A under System>Priv-App and not in System>App will prevent it from being killed by the android system.
Hopefully this is helpful for my Nexus 5 comrades. I was about to give up on this app when that person told me how to fix it. Just spreading the love. :fingers-crossed: