[ROM] Novo7 Aurora - Android 4.0.3 Essential Clean ROM v0.3

  • 6 Antworten
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Ich hab mal bei der Konkurenz geräubert und die Files bei anderen Hostern hochgeladen. Falls ich etwas falsch verlinkt habe oder bei anderen Fehlern, bitte melden!

Ich habe die Files und die Tutorials nur kopiert und noch nicht getestet, da ich noch auf mein Aurora warte.
Benutzung auf eigene Gefahr!

Hello SLD Users.

my personal customized rom released. based ainol official release 01-19-2012 firmware.
does not touch the kernel, performance is the same. but optimize apps and add gapps.
and some changes. please visit more details to list.

Base ROM:

Android 4.0.3 - 01-19-2012 Official Firmware.

Feature List:

Remove Chinese Application
Remove Games (AngryBirds,etc)
Remove Application (ES Files,Task,FileManager)
Add Google Apps (Sync Working!)
Google Photo (Picasa)
Market (Full Maket Access. Faked Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus)
WiFi Location Support
Nova Launcher
Default Language English
build.prop Modfication (Protect Apps Listed on Market)
Changed Default Wallpaper (Phase Beam Like)
Remove ainol boot animation
and more...​

Change List:

02-22-2012 - 4.0.3 v0.4 Release

  • Updated Base Rom to 02-21-2012
  • Less Touchscreen Shake Problem
  • Less Sleep Power Usage (Ainol say)
  • Improve Performance/Benchmark Score
  • Remove Status Bar Volume Keys
  • Updated LatinIME
  • Added LatinIME Dictionary Pack
  • Fixed Darker Camera

02-17-2012 - 4.0.3 v0.3 Release

  • Fixed "No Internet Connection" Issues
  • Added Status Bar Volume Soft Key (Volume Down so Laggy...)
  • Updated NovaLauncher
  • Updated GoogleBackupTransport, GoogleLoginService
  • Updated Email Application (Mark All Read Mod)
  • init.rc Tweak (Wi-Fi Optimization, external init.d Script Support)
    put a script for system/etc/init.d directories. NOT TESTED
  • Added Bravia Engine (Works?)
  • Remove Unused Library (OpenWnn)

02-14-2012 - Plus Package v0.2 Release

Fix Typo (Thanks Knyazev)​

02-13-2012 - Plus Package v0.1 Release

Flash Support Package (Opera Only)
3G Service Enabler
Wipe Dalvik Cache​

02-13-2012 - 4.0.3 v0.2 Release

Delete Unused Library (Fruit Ninja, The Last Defender, Flash Player and some pre-installed apps)
Full Market Access (Faked Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus)
"No Internet Connection" Strings Deleted (English Only, problem not solved)
Default launcher to switched NovoLauncer
coming back 2160p player and File Explore Apps
Market v3.4.4 Updated
3G Services are Stopped. (Enabler Include)​


same issues official rom.​


You can install using the Live Suit.​

Support Device:

Ainol Novo 7 Aurora (Tested)​

special thanks

and all developers​

sorry my poor english. have fun
Quelle: SlateDroid - User: android-kun - Original Thread

Download Android 4.0.3 Novo 7 Essential Clean ROM v0.4 for Aurora:

Download Android 4.0.3 Novo 7 Essential Clean ROM v0.3 for Aurora:

Download Android 4.0.3 Novo 7 Essential Clean ROM v0.2 for Aurora:

Download Android 4.0.3 Novo 7 Essential Clean ROM v0.1 for Aurora:

Download Plus Package v0.2:
Rapidshare MediaFire

Download LiveSuit v1.07:
Rapidshare Mediafire

Download USB-Driver for Novo7 Aurora:
Rapidshare Mediafire


1. Check the current baseband/firmware installed. Go to Menu > Settings > About Device.
Turn-On Tablet, go to Settings > Applications > Development. = For Gingerbread​
Turn-On Tablet, go to System Settings > Developers Option. = For Ice Cream Sandwich​
Turn-ON USB Debugging & Stay Awake.​

2. Connect the Tablet to PC and double-click "dpinst.exe" to install the required USB Driver for your OS.

3. After installation, disconnect your Tablet to PC and Turn it OFF.

4. Extract the Livesuit Pack into a folder on your PC. Place the Firmware .img file inside the Livesuit Pack folder and double-click Livesuit.exe:

1st pop-up window click YES.
2nd pop-up window click FORMAT.
3rd pop-up window click NEXT.
4th pop-up window click YES.
5th pop-up window locate your selected FW image file and click OPEN.
6th pop-up window click FINISH.​

5. On your Tablet, press and hold the Back Button and connect the Tablet to PC.

6. As soon as you connect the USB Cable to PC, rapidly press the Power button 5 times without releasing the Back button.

7th pop-up window click: (YES = Upgrade/Downgrade) (NO = Re-Flash to same Firmware)
8th pop-up window click: (YES = Upgrade/Downgrade)​

7. You can now release the Menu button and wait for the upgrading to get finished.

9th pop-up window click FINISH or OK.​

Gingerbread 2.3.4 After Finishing Firmware Upgrading:
1. Disconnect the tablet to PC and Power-ON your Tablet.
2. Go to Settings scroll down upto bottom and locate the [A] icon to change the Language.
3. Touch the very 1st option and choose English (US).
4. Go to Settings > Wireless and Networks > Wi-Fi Settings and Press Menu.
5. Click Advanced > Wi-Fi Sleep Policy and set it to NEVER.
6. Go to Settings > Applications > Development and turn-ON Stay Awake.
7. Go to Settings > Display > Screen Timeout and set it to 2mins above.
8. Go To Settings > Sound and disable Haptic Feedback (Vibrate).
9. Reboot your Tablet.​

IceCreamSandwich 4.0.3 After Finishing Firmware Upgrading:
1. Disconnect the tablet to PC and Power-ON your Tablet.
2. Go to System Settings scroll down upto bottom and locate the [A] icon to change the Language.
3. Touch the very 1st option and choose English (US).
4. Go to System Settings > Developers Option > Turn-ON USB Debugging & Stay Awake.
5. Go to System Settings > Display >Sleep and set it to 2mins above.
6. Go To Settings > Sound and set Vibrate to Never and Disable Vibrate on Touch.
7. Reboot your Tablet.​

IF Firmware Upgrading Fails, just press Power button + RECV button (using plastic stick on tiny hole) for 10seconds and do the Firmware Upgrading
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Laberistikus und druelf
Update auf v2.0 und Plus Package v0.2 hinzugefügt! :thumbsup:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
v0.3 hinzugefügt. :cool2:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: tshack

Ich wollte nur mal sagen, dass ich spitze finde, dass du dich jetzt schon um Roms kümmerst und uns hier auf dem Laufenden hältst.


Gesendet von meinem HTC Sensation XE with Beats Audio mit Tapatalk
Aktualisiert! :thumbup:
Hat das eigentlich schon jemand drauf gemacht? Hab mein Aurora ja noch nicht, aber der Beschreibung nach scheint es mir Sinn zu machen das zu nutzen. Bringt doch etwas mehr als die Skripte die am Original-ROM rumoperieren.

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