- 686
WICHTIGER HINWEIS: Weder ich, noch Android-Hilfe.de, übernehmen eine Garantie auf Erfolg, oder die Haftung für jegliche Beschädigungen an eurem "Acer Iconia TAB A50x". Wenn ihr nicht sicher seit, was ihr macht, könnt ihr hier gerne Fragen stellen, aber wenn ihr danach immer noch nicht genau wisst, was ihr tut: Lasst es bleiben!
- TAB muss gerootet sein HowTo
- ClockworkMod Recovery muß installiert sein HowTo
Taboonay - Die Features
Homepage: Homepage
Thread: xda-forum
Download: Full ROM / Update von 3.0 auf 3.0.1 / Wifi-Fix / Test-Update für A501
Hinweis: Bei folgenden Einstellungen, sollte ein Haken gesetzt sein:
- Einstellungen/Anwendungen/Unbekannte Herkunft
- Einstellungen/Anwendungen/Entwicklung/USB-Debugging
- Einstellungen/Anwendungen/Entwicklung/Aktiv lassen
- Einstellungen/Anwendungen/Entwicklung/Falsche Standorte
ACHTUNG: Denke daran ein Backup zu erstellen!
Full-Backup mit dem ClockworkMod Recovery erstellen
Tipp: Alle USER-Apps plus zugehöriger Daten, können mit der App TitaniumBackup im Batchverfahren gesichert und nach der Installation des Custom-ROM wieder eingespielt werden. Die App ist kostenplichtig!
Taboonay Installieren (Erstinstallation)
Taboonay updaten
E N D E - E N D E - E N D E - E N D E
Taboonay v3.0.1
(Update vom 28.02.2012)
(Update vom 28.02.2012)
- TAB muss gerootet sein HowTo
- ClockworkMod Recovery muß installiert sein HowTo
Taboonay - Die Features
- Based on Acer_AV041_A500_0.009.00_WW_GEN1
- Stock Kernel (2er)
- Rooted
- Deodexed
- optipng'ed & zipaligned apps to reduce size & memory usage
- Busybox, Bash, Nano, sqlite3...
- sysro, sysrw
- Patch kernel from drellisdee
- Insecure boot (adb remount)
- Removed Acer bloatwares
- VM tweaks
- Ext4 tweaks
- Modded host file for ads filter
- Dalvik tweaks
- Updated Apps
- Acer Iconia Tab Bootanim
- Asus Weather widget
- Asus Task Manager widget
- Asus eMail widget
- Moto Weather Widget (from Xoom2)
- Acer UI available (Acer Ring + Unlock Screen) disable by default
- Launcher, SystemUI, Framework-res and Settings tweaks
- Enabled more dev options in Settings
- Added Acer Print with Browser and Galery support
- New Acer Bookmarks widget
- Added LiveWallpapers
- Added TerminalEmulator
- init.d support
- PolarisOffice moved to /data
Dev: vache- Stock Kernel (2er)
- Rooted
- Deodexed
- optipng'ed & zipaligned apps to reduce size & memory usage
- Busybox, Bash, Nano, sqlite3...
- sysro, sysrw
- Patch kernel from drellisdee
- Insecure boot (adb remount)
- Removed Acer bloatwares
- VM tweaks
- Ext4 tweaks
- Modded host file for ads filter
- Dalvik tweaks
- Updated Apps
- Acer Iconia Tab Bootanim
- Asus Weather widget
- Asus Task Manager widget
- Asus eMail widget
- Moto Weather Widget (from Xoom2)
- Acer UI available (Acer Ring + Unlock Screen) disable by default
- Launcher, SystemUI, Framework-res and Settings tweaks
- Enabled more dev options in Settings
- Added Acer Print with Browser and Galery support
- New Acer Bookmarks widget
- Added LiveWallpapers
- Added TerminalEmulator
- init.d support
- PolarisOffice moved to /data
Homepage: Homepage
Thread: xda-forum
Download: Full ROM / Update von 3.0 auf 3.0.1 / Wifi-Fix / Test-Update für A501
[FONT=Arial Black]Changelog[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][B]Version 3.0.1[/B] [SIZE=1][URL="http://vache-android.com/v1/download.php?fileID=144"]update auf 3.0.1[/URL][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Red]ACHTUNG: Voraussetzung Taboonay v3.0[/COLOR][/SIZE]
- Added FaceLock
- Added WiFi Add-Hoc support (thx to civato)
- Including fixed boot
[B]Version 3.0[/B]
- Intitial release
- ICS 4.0.3
- Based on Acer_AV041_A500_0.009.00_WW_GEN1
[B]Version 2.2[/B] [SIZE=1][URL="http://vache-android.com/v1/download.php?fileID=113"]download update for 2.1 & 2.1b[/URL][/SIZE]
- Added back WiFi Fix from Acer for DHCP lease
- Fixed Market Download
- Added automatic zipalign at boot for new APK
- Added DB cleanup script
- New Acer bootanimation
- Updated Market
- Updated Adobe Flash Player
- Updated Maps
- Updated SuperUser
[B]Version 2.1b[/B] [SIZE=1][URL="http://vache-android.com/v1/download.php?fileID=98"]download update[/URL][/SIZE]
- Fix SU permissions with some apps
- Fix GTalk FC on video call
[B]Version 2.1[/B] [SIZE=1][URL="http://vache-android.com/v1/download.php?fileID=97"]download Full-ROM[/URL][/SIZE]
- Based on Acer_A500_7.006.01_COM_GEN1 & Acer_A501_4.027.15_COM_GEN1 for A501 support
- APK's optimized as usual
- Deodexed
- Rooted
- Fixed build.prop issue during flash
- Added eMail, bookmarks and calendar widgets from Lenovo dump
- Added USB Tool from Lenovo dump
- Added Social Touch from [URL]http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...=1252957Lenovo[/URL] dump @kitchen
- Fixed ad-hoc support
- Fixed WiFi country
- Added some tweaks from this topic
- GPS Patch from crypted
- Added BarcodeScanner
- Updated Maps, ES File Explorer, Adobe Flash Player
- Updated ApInAp and nemoPlayer @kichen
- Added Lenovo buttons @kichen
- Updated VM & lowmemkiller settings
- WiFi disconnect fix
- New bootanim by JaeKar99
- Added 3G USB support for A500
- Using Villain Kernel 3.4 with autoload modules
- Using ondemand as default governor for lag free
- ro.carrier=wifi-only set as default for A500 only (use TabooTools to enable 3G support if needed)
- Added RIL Restarter for 3G USB
[B]Version 2.0[/B] [SIZE=1][URL="http://vache-android.com/v1/download.php?fileID=90"]download Full-ROM[/URL][/SIZE]
- Based on HC 3.2 A501 dump (thx to Piter1225), Acer_A501_4.015_COM_GEN1
- Rooted (Updated SuperUser app and binary)
- Deodexed
- Insecure boot
- Zipaligned & optipng'ed
- Busybox, bash, nano...
- Added compatibility for Samsung apps (avalaible in the kitchen)
- Asus Weather widget
- Samsung Dual clock
- Change the bootanim
- Change default wallpaper
- Removed most Acer crap (avalaible in the kitchen)
- New TabooTools app (Manage scaling script freqs, download removed apps, enable/disable ads filter, export logs for debug....)
- Redesign scaling script and tweaks
- Compatible with A500 & A501 (Model check during flash, build.prop is adapted)
- Optimized wallpapers
- Updated FlashPlayer
- Updated Maps
- Updated apps/games in the kitchen
- Added Videos app
- Tun module
- Added DriveMount for NTFS HDD
- Added PolarisOffice
- Added Terminal Emulator
[B]Version 1.1[/B] [SIZE=1][URL="http://vache-android.com/v1/download.php?fileID=87"]download Full-ROM[/URL][/SIZE]
- Fix issue with CPU scaling script that overwrite SetCPU settings
[B]Version 1.0.9[/B]
- Added needed libraries for Samsung PhotoEditor
- Added Samsung PhotoEditor to the kitchen
[B]Version 1.0.8[/B]
- Fix an issue with auto CPU Freq when screen On/Off
[B]Version 1.0.7[/B]
- Added needed libraries for added apps/games in the online kitchen.
Added to the kitchen :
- Asphalt 6
- Backgammon
- Quickoffice
- Samsung weather
- Sim City Deluxe
- Solitaire
- Toshiba Media Player
[B]Version 1.0.6[/B]
- Fix app install
[B]Version 1.0.5[/B]
- Try to fix 3G (tell me)
- Fix Bookmarks Sync (Help post)
- Now using ESFileExplorer
- Working FlashPlayer (only in full version)
- Added FixWifi service from last Acer OTA
- Updated xbin binary
- Updated some apps
- Keep XT9 Keyboard (new version is nice)
- Updated APN list from A501
- New bootanim (had to remove the other one)
[B]Version 1.0.4[/B]]
- New lowmemkiller settings
- New kernel tweaks
- Added new script to change automaticaly CPU Freq and governor based on screenstate
- Screen On : 216Mhz-1200Mhz interactive governor (1200Mhz only avalaible with thor kernel)
- Screen Off : 216Mhz-216Mhz conservative governor
[B]Version 1.0.3[/B]
- Revert to stock kernel, using kernel without sources is warez...
You can still download thor kernel from his website (sorry i can't provide link)
[B]Version 1.0.2[/B]
- Updated to last thor2002ro kernel
- Fix GPS icon (thx to thor2002ro)
- Fix ADB commands (ex.: adb install)
- Removed modules from /system (now included in kernel)
- Updated terminfo
- Added Asus Weather Widget
[B]Version 1.0.1[/B]
- Fix missing Galery
- Removed Flash Player (make browser crash) Download it from the market
[B]Version 1.0[/B]
- Based on last update (deodexed and optimized)
- Now using last thor2002ro kernel with O/C (v1.1)
- Updated Maps
- Updated Flash Player
- Updated AntTek File Explorer
- Added Google Music 3.0.1 (missing in v0.9.x)
- Added compatibility for some Galaxy apps (Apps avalaible at the online kitchen (more to come))
- Added themed buttons to kitchen (Asus & Samsung)
- Added DualClockWidget
- Fix an issue with modules for 3G (thx to thor2002ro)
- Optimized Acer wallpapers
- Updated TweetComb and FriendMe (kitchen)
- Somes icons from Samsung ROM
Hinweis: Bei folgenden Einstellungen, sollte ein Haken gesetzt sein:
- Einstellungen/Anwendungen/Unbekannte Herkunft
- Einstellungen/Anwendungen/Entwicklung/USB-Debugging
- Einstellungen/Anwendungen/Entwicklung/Aktiv lassen
- Einstellungen/Anwendungen/Entwicklung/Falsche Standorte
ACHTUNG: Denke daran ein Backup zu erstellen!
Full-Backup mit dem ClockworkMod Recovery erstellen
(1) in das CMR booten
(2) backup and restore > Full Backup
(3) reboot system now
(4) nachsehen, ob das backup geschrieben wurde
Hinweis: Nach Fertigstellung des Full-Backup solltest Du prüfen, ob das Backup auch tatsächlich geschrieben wurde. Der Ordner mit den Backupdateien liegt auf der Ext.-SD und heißt clockworkmod/backup/jjjj-mm-dd.hh.mm.ss. In diesen Ordner liegen dann die Backupdateien.(2) backup and restore > Full Backup
(3) reboot system now
(4) nachsehen, ob das backup geschrieben wurde
Tipp: Alle USER-Apps plus zugehöriger Daten, können mit der App TitaniumBackup im Batchverfahren gesichert und nach der Installation des Custom-ROM wieder eingespielt werden. Die App ist kostenplichtig!
Taboonay Installieren (Erstinstallation)
(1) Taboonay runterladen und auf die Ex.-SD speichern
(2) in das ClockworkMod Recovery booten
(3) wipe data/factory reset
(4) wipe cache partition
(5) advanced > wipe dalvik cache
(6) install zip from sdcard > choose zip from sdcard > zip-Datei suchen und auswählen > Yes
(7) jetzt wird das ROM installiert
(9) reboot system now
----------(2) in das ClockworkMod Recovery booten
(3) wipe data/factory reset
(4) wipe cache partition
(5) advanced > wipe dalvik cache
(6) install zip from sdcard > choose zip from sdcard > zip-Datei suchen und auswählen > Yes
(7) jetzt wird das ROM installiert
(9) reboot system now
Taboonay updaten
(1) Taboonay runterladen und auf die Ex.-SD speichern
(2) in das ClockworkMod Recovery booten
(3) wipe cache partition
(4) advanced > wipe dalvik cache
(5) install zip from sdcard > choose zip from sdcard > zip-Datei suchen und auswählen
(6) jetzt wird das ROM installiert
(7) reboot system now
----------(2) in das ClockworkMod Recovery booten
(3) wipe cache partition
(4) advanced > wipe dalvik cache
(5) install zip from sdcard > choose zip from sdcard > zip-Datei suchen und auswählen
(6) jetzt wird das ROM installiert
(7) reboot system now
E N D E - E N D E - E N D E - E N D E
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