Diskussionsplattform & Newsletter - JB & ICS Roms - Zubehör Übergreifend

  • 673 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum

Welches der ICS Roms nutzt Ihr

  • CynogenMod 9 (TeamHackSung Build)

    Stimmen: 120 36,8%
  • Onecosmic (Paul Forde Build)

    Stimmen: 119 36,5%
  • [S.U.R.F.A.C.E. (auf CM 9 Build Basis)

    Stimmen: 3 0,9%
  • MyICS ( auf Onecosmic Build Basis)

    Stimmen: 9 2,8%
  • Codename Android

    Stimmen: 11 3,4%
  • Slim ICS

    Stimmen: 17 5,2%

    Stimmen: 1 0,3%
  • AOKP-Android Open Kang Project

    Stimmen: 46 14,1%

  • Umfrageteilnehmer
Anfrage Hier weitergeleitet
Monam7 schrieb:
hab seit gestern ICS auf meinem Galaxy, nur beim Nachrichten schreiben ist sonst immer rechts unten ein Zeilenumbruch gewesen,der nun weg ist und ein durch einen smile button ersetzt worden ist. Hab schon einige Keyboards aus Market probiert doch ich bekomm keinen Zeilenumbruch mehr, weis wer eine Lösung dafür?
habe ein kleines Problem
Wenn ich ein APP vom Market Kaufen will
kommt immer die Meldung

Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut

Ist dies ein Fehler vom Market oder vom APP
frei App kann ich installieren
Laut meinem aktuellen Wissen, ist das ein bekannter Bug, dass man keine Apps per Market kaufen kann. Vorläufige Lösung: Kauf von Apps per PC/Laptop/Browser ;o)
litzedumpf schrieb:
habe ein kleines Problem
Wenn ich ein APP vom Market Kaufen will
kommt immer die Meldung

Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut

Ist dies ein Fehler vom Market oder vom APP
frei App kann ich installieren

kann jemand mit deisem Fehler was anfangen
Auswertung mit adb
W/AccountManagerService( 222): caller uid 10007 is different than the authentic
ator's uid
E/Volley ( 5246): [533] 1.run: Caught SecurityException: caller uid 10007 is di
fferent than the authenticator's uid
D/Finsky ( 5246): [1] CheckoutPurchase.onErrorReceived: Could not retrieve Chec
kout auth token: caller uid 10007 is different than the authenticator's uid
E/Finsky ( 5246): [1] CheckoutPurchase.setError: type=UNKNOWN, code=-1, message
=Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.
es ist unter ICS ein Bug vorhanden, da hilft zur Zeit nur kaufen über nen PC abzuwickeln, das App anschließend über USB Kabel auf die Interne SD Karte zu kopieren.

Falls USB Verbindung noch nicht geht (ausgenommen MyICS, da geht es auch schon unter CWM Mod v5.5.04)

Dann über CWM Option mount USB storage wählen, um kopieren zu können.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: litzedumpf
Danke Danke ich suche schon 2 Stunden
Hallo litzedumpf,
deine Frage wurde eigentlich schon im Onecosmic Beitrag beantwortet, da Offtopic aber gelöscht!

Einfach in Zukunft darauf achten übergeordnetes Hier zu posten. Ok!

Originally Posted by caulton Hier enteckt

  • just created a bootanimation and wunted to share
looping preview: here
download: here
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Ich weiß nicht ob das ICS spezifisch ist, aber seit ich 4.0 drauf hab will Google Maps immer eine Berechtigung haben und/oder dass ich mich mit einem Google-Account anmelde was aber nicht funktioniert obwohl alles richtig eingegeben wurde.

Liegt das daran dass da noch ein fehler drin ist oder wie?

Ich nutze onecosmic RC2.11 mit Teufels Kernel 3.0-2 LED und deepIdle
[UPGRADE]Samsung Apps Upgrade for ALL Ice Cream Sandwich ROMS - Tested and working!!!

Yes that's right. I have made a package that should install according to what version of Ice Cream Sandwich you are on. I have tested it on my SGS Running OneCosmic's RC3
This took most of today for me to figure out cause I am new lol and want to learn rapidly and maybe be considered for collaboration with other ROM projects

DOWNLOAD Lite Version:
OneCosmic "Lite version" (Samsung apps Market only)

ICS other than OneCosmic "Lite version" (Samsung apps Market only)

DOWNLOAD Lite + Sync:
Samsung Apps Market
Synching FB Twitter etc - **Note this is not fixes yet?**
OneCosmic "Lite version +Sync"

ICS other than OneCosmic "Lite version + Sync"

And just incase, for the teamhacksung users I can be confident this package should install and work for you all now - Glad I didn't bother pawtip yet and embarrass my self even more so

-Special thanks-
* Thanks XDA for getting me here. I have learnt so much from this place!
* MyUI ICS for generating the interest into the Samsung Apps and Synch
* OneCosmic And Teamhacksung and MyUI For giving us the fruits of Ice Cream Sandwich
* Romanbb For figuring out the whole process....which isn't quite sorted yet

* Perka &Chainfire Inspiring my scripting process -> Perka[MOD]ICS based on teamhacksung's ICS Port [20-01-2012] Updated!

************************************************** ************************************************** *************************************

- Whats included -

*Apps included in lite version
*Apps included in normal version
- System Apps -
AccountsAndSyncSettings (SGS2 Touchwiz)
SamsungApps - Working fine

- These Apps have now been removed - Users can download these apps from that market place them selves
GameHub - Not working
Kobo - Yet to test unsure?
Layer-samsung- Yet to test unsure?
Music-Hub_U1- Yet to test unsure / Maybe not?
PhotoRetouching - Yet to test unsure?
PolarisOffice - Working
PressReader - Yet to test unsure?
ReadersHub - Yet to test unsure?
SamsungIM - Yet to test unsure?
SocialHub - Yet to test unsure?

- Other things included -
Upgraded Samsung Touchwiz framework
Romanbb's sqlite and bootscript in init.d

Build Prop mods for those on OneCosmic builds to register to samsung apps - No tweaks applied or anything like that just a couple of lines that will enable the ROM to access the service.

In exchange I only ask other Devs to assit me in helping get Facebook synch to work?
I have ben wracking my brain for ages now and still cannot nut it out?
Forum users feel free to donate or refer me for DropBox if you think this has helped you out

Facebook synching in profiles but still no pictures or status showing up in contacts yet? Maybe there are issues still with Romanbb's script?



Not just GamesLoft Games peoples EA games are on board too!



Last edited by Jarmezrocks; Today at 05:20 PM..
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Aktuell Beta7
APP] Nova Launcher Beta (ICS based) by kevin@TeslaCoil/xda
Nova Launcher is a launcher replacement based on the stock ICS Launcher. It will not run on phones without ICS.


This is a normal launcher replacement, it can install alongside the stock launcher and should work on any ICS rom.
However in order for the widgets-in-drawer feature to work it must be installed as a system app. Instructions below.

  • Features
Features include:
- Custom grid size (default 5x4 on the Galaxy Nexus)
- Scrollable Dock
- User setting for auto-rotate
- Resize any widget
- All/New/Downloaded categories in App Drawer
- Widgets-in-drawer (requires install as a system app) or from system picker
- Shortcut or resizable information in Widget Drawer
- Edit App Shortcut icon and label (Supports ADW Icon Packs)
- Wallpaper scrolling options (Disabling scrolling improves performance of live wallpapers)
- Cube desktop effect
- Various other smaller tweaks/optimizations

I have more features planned and welcome feedback. Some features will be reserved for a pro version.

You can access Nova Settings by App Drawer > Menu > Nova Settings.

INTERNET/ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE/ACCESS_WIFI_STATE: Optional & Anonymous error/usage reporting. Download updates (Nova is not on the Market yet).
CALL_PHONE: Only used if you place a direct-dial shortcut on the homescreen. SET_WALLPAPER/SET_WALLPAPER_HINTS: Launcher/wallpaper interactions
VIBRATE: Long-press
BIND_APPWIDGET: Only get this if installed as a system app. Required for Widgets-in-drawer.
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Downloading updates.

System App Requires root
This lets you have Widgets-in-drawer just like the stock launcher.
Either manually move the APK to /system or use the NovaLauncherUpdate.zip . Once installed you can update like a normal app (either in app > Check for updates or an APK from this thread).

Uninstall System App:
Manually remove NovaLauncher.apk from /system or use the attached NovaUninstall.zip

Standard App Root not required
Easier to install, but no widgets-in-drawer. Just install the NovaLauncher_beta.apk like you'd install any other APK.

  • Change Log
To install an update either:
1) App Drawer > Menu > Nova Settings > Scroll down to "Nova beta, Check for updates..."


2) Manually install the NovaLauncher_beta.apk from above. (No need to do the update.zip again).

Beta7 Jan 3 2012
  • Fixed FC introduced in beta6

Beta6 Jan 3 2012
  • Added Voice Search and Nova Settings actions.
  • Added Settings button to Add to homescreen title.
  • Added system settings in menu for devices with a menu button.
  • Fixed items not sticking on pages 5 & 6
  • Fixed icons not scaling up when selected as files
  • Fixed drop down menus not dismissing
  • Fixed various force closes
  • Various minor optimizations.
Beta5 Dec 22 2011
  • Fix landscape/tablet FC introduced in Beta4

Beta4 Dec 22 2011
  • Screen Previews and add/remove/rearrange screens (Max of 7)
  • Backup/Restore
  • Toggle Status bar action
  • Fix Quick Search Bar widget weirdness
  • Fix wallpaper scrolling for real
  • Restored haptic-feedback on all-apps-button
  • Fix a few FCs

Beta3 Dec 18 2011
  • Option to show the Quick Search Bar
  • Quick Search Bar implemented as a desktop widget
  • Dock pages max to 7, folder icons scale down to fit.
  • Merged changes from Android 4.0.3, optimizations, bug fixes, etc. Awesome.
  • Fix folders created on dock behaving oddly
  • Fix wallpaper centering when scrolling is disabled
  • Fix graphical glitch with dock when pressing Home button from all apps
  • General cleanup/optimizations

Beta2 Dec 14 2011
  • Multiple dock pages, launcher action for App Drawer
  • Fix for icons and widgets not always saving properly
  • Fix a few force closes

Known issues
  • Tablets. Primary focus is phones right now. You can report bugs with tablets, but don't expect any action taken until Nova for phones is a bit more finished.
  • Graphic corruption/font corruption. I believe this is a bug in the Android OS related to hardware acceleration. Hopefully Google fixes it, if not I'll investigate into it further at a later date. Restarting the launcher or device should fix it for now.
  • Home button action not saving
  • Downloaded/New catalogs not working

Feature Requests

Lots of feature requests, which is great, but I'm unable to continue replying to them individually.
Commonly requested ones I'll post here with a response. Also note that some features might only be in the Pro version.

Planned features (no guarantees though, and don't ask for ETAs):
  • Gestures (General and dock swipe)
  • Infinite scroll (Desktop and dock)
  • Hide apps in drawer
  • Custom margins
  • Different drawer styles
  • App labels not showing in landscape

Under consideration:
  • Folders in app drawer
  • Group widgets in drawer

Not planned:
  • Replying to every comment in this thread. Sorry, please note I have a fair amount of work to do (did you see that Planned Features list above?). I read the thread, that is good enough.
  • Gingerbread Support: No. Sorry. This is built off the stock ICS launcher which uses the new ICS/Honeycomb APIs in so many places. Likewise, my modifications are making use of the new stuff. It's sad it doesn't run on this-gen devices, but it's better in the long run.
  • Things beyond the scope of a launcher (soft keys, notification bar, system theme, etc. This not what a launcher does. Only desktop and app drawer are part of the launcher.)

  • Download links:

Download links:

Wallpaper credit: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/spaceimages/...hp?id=PIA09412

support by xda


If you LIKE my Graphical Tweaks, please consider to BUY ME a drink! I put many efforts in this project and a donation will make me working faster, better and longer! THANKS A LOT!

Thank you :)
Before apply any MOD here check what version of ICS are you running.
Choose Onecosmic's ICS if you have this version or CM9 if you have this one


auch für RC4.1 Kompatibel - von Lippol94 nicht offiziell bestädigt

eventuell zu beachten:
KLICK by xda

Battery Percentage MOD

OneCosmic's ICS [RC3.1 - 4.1] | | CyanogenMOD9 [BUILD15]

Battery Percentage MOD - B Version

OneCosmic's ICS [RC3.1 - 4.1] | | CyanogenMOD9 [BUILD15]

Circle Battery Percentage MOD

OneCosmic's ICS [RC3.1 - 4.1] | | CyanogenMOD9 [BUILD15]

Stock Battery with % MOD

OneCosmic's ICS [RC3.1 - 4.1] | | CyanogenMOD9 [BUILD15]

Disabled Scrolling Cache MOD (Will improve smoothness in scrolling!)

OneCosmic's ICS [RC3.1 - 4.1*] | | CyanogenMOD9 [BUILD15] * nicht kompatibel

Transparent Widgets MOD (Calendar, Email, PowerControl)

OneCosmic's ICS [RC3.1 - 4.1] | | CyanogenMOD9 [BUILD15]

Inverted Colour Apps (Contacts and Mms)

Compatible with every ICS release

Clean ICS Bootanimation by Caulton

Compatible with every ICS release

Launcher ICS Icons (Not a CWM pack, unzip it and place into sdcard)

Compatible with every ICS release

  • Fix transparent widgets MOD for Onecosmic's ICS
  • Black Background SMS App Done!
  • Transparent Email and Calendar widget Done!
  • Stock Battery with percentage Done!
  • Scrolling Cache Disabled - improved smoothness in most complex app Done!
  • Circle Battery Percentage Done!
  • Trasparent power control widget Done!
  • Trasparent status bar with percentage not possible for now

If you want any MOD for ICS by Onecosmic ask for it in this thread. I'll do my best to provide it as soon as possible. Cheers!

  • Download any MOD from above
  • Place it into your phone
  • Reboot to recovery
  • Flash like a normal ROM
  • Reboot

Flash last flashable package file from this thread (unaffiliated with this project). Thanks jenablinsky!

- htzs for icons for battery percentage MOD
- brut.all for his amazing apktool
- AndroidON for his Scrolling Cache MOD
- UOT Kitchen for XMLs and Circle Battery icons
- 2k4ever for stock icons with %
- caulton for his ICS bootanimation
- gbzbar for battery percentage - version B icons​

  • Fixed Bootanimation pack. Please redownload!

  • Updated all MODs to match TeamHacksung Build15
  • Fixed Inverted Contacts app glitches
  • Fixed Inverted Mms app glitches
  • Fixed Clean BootAnimation installation

  • Added Inverted Apps MOD (Black Contacts and Mms)
  • New to do: Fix Transparent Widget MOD for Onecosmic's ICS

  • Added teaser of Black background Mms and Contacts apps!

  • Re-added all MODs! Thanks for waiting "patietly"
  • Added Transparent Widgets MOD!

  • Updated MODs for CM9 Build 14
  • Updated MODs for OneCosmic's RC3.1

  • Added all CM9 MODs
  • Reworked Thread!!

  • Fixed Stock battery with % MOD (bad icons during charging)
  • Added Battery Percentage MOD B Version (Roboto font!!)
  • Added ICS icons for launchers

  • Added ICS Clean Bootanimation
  • Added Stock battery with % MOD

  • Added Cicrle Battery MOD
  • Added Disable Scrolling Cache MOD

  • Re-worked thread
  • Added Transparent PowerControl widget (Settings.apk)
  • Initial release

(click on image to expand it)

Battery Percentage MOD

Battery Percentage MOD - B Version

Transparent PowerControl Widget

Circle Battery Percentage MOD

Clean ICS Bootanimation

  • Projects: [ROM / I9000] MIUI Mint Berry Edition - We just make MIUI better (link) |
  • Ultimate Kernel Cleaning Script for SGS (link) |

  • [MOD] Graphical tweaks for ICS (link) |

  • [MIUI] Vexillum Theme Project - Best MIUI Icon theme ever! (link) |

  • ADW Theme CyanogenRevamped (link)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Spawnhl, Meikel_61, Bavaria_Blues und 2 andere
Hört sich gut an. Performance und besseres Aussehen ist doch das was ICS bringen soll und das scheint dieses Value Pack auch zu bringen :) Falls ich mich nicht verlesen hab ^^
Perka[MOD]ICS based on teamhacksung's ICS Port [20-01-2012] Updated!

If you don't have a written permission from me you may not use my MOD or any part of it in your MOD, ROM or theme.
For ppl on Onecosmic´s port:
This is for captivate but should work as it has the same system files

Or you can ask Fergie to make you a mod, you need to upload SystemUI.apk and framework-res.apk
Credits :

htzs for the awsome battery icons
Zatta for help with security and install script
pawitp for the ICS port!
fergie716 for the guide and code
DAGr8, for all the help with the porting
sicopat, for the Guide
$omator, for the help with porting, odexing, source files
raziel23x for APK manager 5
UOT Kitchen
evilisto for softbutton guide

ofc to all involved in Android

Team Members :

Perka, founder, owner.
htzs, icon expert
DaxIΠFIΠITY, theme expert

If you flash my MOD you can not go to pawitp´s thread and complain or report bugs!
In order to complain or report bugs in cm9 thread you need to be stock cm9!

Having problems compiling SystemUI?? Look Here
Fergie has made a guide so you can now make your own MOD have a look here

If you want to support me and my work,
donate towards my notebook fund.
Perkas Notebook Fund
People who has donated, a HUGE THX!

I need help!!! Pls sign up for DropBox with this link so I get more space, as you have seen we are now 3 members working on PerkaMOD and we are ofc using DB to share work folders, so my space is getting low

And as for now there is 2000 users so some of you must be able to help me.

Help me help you

Have a spare mail adress? Sign up here pls.¨

Ps. You need to complete the steps, if not we dont get 250mb extra.

Give me more space in dropbox <---- link!

Flash only on Build 14
New progress bars and removed GB leftovers
New Framework by DaxIΠFIΠITY Screenshots Changelog
Notification bar 85% transparent
Stock battery no numbers, but has accurate filling

Blue powerwidget Icons made by htzs
Gps icon turns blue when connected
Download arrows are blue
Main text in notification blue
Center Date
Short cut for settings to the left of date
Png Optimized
No Screenshot

Flash only on Build 14
New progress bars and removed GB leftovers
New Framework by DaxIΠFIΠITY Screenshots Changelog
Notification bar 85% transparent

NewBorn3 Battery with ICS font made by htzs
Blue powerwidget Icons made by htzs
Gps icon turns blue when connected
Download arrows are blue
Main text in notification blue
Center Date
Short cut for settings to the left of date
Png Optimized

Flash only on Build 14
New progress bars and removed GB leftovers
New Framework by DaxIΠFIΠITY Screenshots Changelog
Notification bar 85% transparent

Ring4 no numbers Battery
Blue powerwidget Icons made by htzs
Gps icon turns blue when connected
Download arrows are blue
Main text in notification blue
Center Date
Short cut for settings to the left of date
Png Optimized

Flash only on Build 14
New progress bars and removed GB leftovers
New Framework by DaxIΠFIΠITY Screenshots Changelog
Notification bar 85% transparent

Stock % Battery with ICS font made by htzs
Blue powerwidget Icons made by htzs
Gps icon turns blue when connected
Download arrows are blue
Main text in notification blue
Center Date
Short cut for settings to the left of date
Png Optimized

Flash only on Build 14
New progress bars and removed GB leftovers
New Framework by DaxIΠFIΠITY Screenshots Changelog
Notification bar 85% transparent

cm7 % Battery with ICS font made by htzs
Blue powerwidget Icons made by htzs
Gps icon turns blue when connected
Download arrows are blue
Main text in notification blue
Center Date
Short cut for settings to the left of date
Png Optimized

Flash only on Build 14
New progress bars and removed GB leftovers
New Framework by DaxIΠFIΠITY Screenshots Changelog
Notification bar 85% transparent

Eclipse Battery with ICS font made by htzs
Blue powerwidget Icons made by htzs
Gps icon turns blue when connected
Download arrows are blue
Main text in notification blue
Center Date
Short cut for settings to the left of date
Png Optimized

juxli125 added his favorite battery icons, get the mod here CLICK ME!

If you dont like my MOD you can flash this to get back to stock.
Stock UI Restorer
I did not make this, so I take no responsibility.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
ist ja ganz schön verwirrend irgendwie... welches ist derzeit am weitesten und funktioniert soweit?
diddsen schrieb:
ist ja ganz schön verwirrend irgendwie... welches ist derzeit am weitesten und funktioniert soweit?

ganz oben steht das neuste,mit jvt machste nix verkehrt und um es ganz genau auszudrücken,es hängt auch extrem vom aufenthaltsort ab...
die antwort ist also probieren geht über studieren

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