Diskussionsplattform & Newsletter MIUI Rom - MIUI/CM7 Zubehör Übergreifend

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MIUI Custom-ROM wird Open-Source
Beitrag von P-J-F News-Redakteur

With the rapid growth of our rom over the last few months, even we have been surprised at just how popular our rom has become. We honestly never thought it would ever get to this stage!

With the increase in popularity came more downloads, obviously. This has lead to increased costs of producing the rom for free, especially since this is now spread across 5 different servers! Since the costs have been rising, we have been looking at ways to make the rom at least pay for itself. As you all know we have the groupies, which was designed initially to use donations to cover costs and also to invest in new devices. This has been quite popular, but the donations we receive from people becoming groupies hasn't been enough to even cover our costs (and we have done our level best to keep them as low as can possibly be), and as a result, we've been thinking of ways to increase the income to at least let the rom pay for itself.

Now, I know you're probably cringing at the thought of us introducing paid services, but it's not actually as bad as you think. We've done our best to make this as fair as possible for everyone!

Since this is still a draft roadmap, it is subject to change at any time.

Cloud Based Storage

This will be a feature that will be a paid service. There will be a phone based app that will sync with the cloud server and you'll be able to store contacts, files, etc. remotely.

This will be sold on the Android Market, making it available to all Andorid users, not just GalnetMIUI users. The minimum term for this is a 12 month period, and is renewable annually.

As for groupies, those members who are currently groupies will be awarded one year of cloud storage as a thank you to them helping us keep going.

There will also be a new Groupie tier as well. The existing tier will be for those people who wish to become a groupie, but do not want cloud storage, and the new teir will include a one year cloud storage subscription by default.

All cloud stroage users will also get an @miuiscotland.co.uk email account as well!
More details on this will become available as they are finalised.

GalnetMIUI ROM Kitchen

We understand that quite a few of you like to spend time removing things that you feel bloat the roms that we produce each week, so this will be a way for you all to get the rom exactly as you want it.

A complete new set of Internet Solutions to be offered!

Since Galnet's and my skillset originates in the Internet Solutions Industry, we have decided to merge our companies and begin offering a full suite of solutions, with the merge name being GalnetMIUI.

This is an organic evolution of merging our businesses since the logo that you all have come to know is already a blend of Galnet Internet Services and Chameleon Webhosting.

The primary list of services that we intend to offer are as follows:

- Choice of 4 datacenters from around the world (UK, US, Sweden, and Australia) - This is to allow you to locate your site as close to your target audience as possible!
- Choice of Shared, VPS (Virtual Private Server), Semi-Dedicated, and Fully Dedicated hosting platforms
- Domain Management solutions, SSL, many more other hosting related services as well!

Web Design
- We will be offering a range of web design packages, all of which will be detailed in the future as details are finalised.

- We will be providing a service that allows people or companies who are trying to decide whether to simply redesign their site, or have a new site made up, to come to us for feedback. We will totally review the site in question and will report back on suggested changes that we feel would benefit your site and allow you to maximise its potential.

SEO services
- These days, good SEO is vital, and we're here to help. We will be aiming to provide top notch SEO services on top of everything else we provide.

More information will be added as details are finalised.

Broadband for UK Residents.
We will be offering a complete broadband package for all users who are resident in the UK. specs such as speed and cost are yet to be determined.

What does this mean for the ROM?

This is the bit I'm certain you'll all be worrying about the most, so I thought I'd explain it to put any worries/fears at rest.

How does this affect the rom: It doesn't.

Will the roms still be free?: Yes, absolutely. We have always said the final versions of the roms will be free, and we continue to stand by that.

Will there be any changes to the release schedules?: No. The weekly releases will still be released each Friday (where practicably possible), and the Stable releases will be updated when we feel that we have done enough to ensure an as close to bug free experience as possible.

Basically, this is all extra things that are being added alongside what we already do. While there was the avenue of charging per download, we felt this wasn't the best idea when looking at it from your perspective.


As I've said already, this is simply a draft roadmap of where we aim to go in 2012, and will be adding to this as things get finalised, and more detailed plans of each new service/feature as they are developed further. We may also add new features/services and remove others, so please don't take this as being set in stone yet. It's very early days as far as this list go.

Falls euch meine Arbeit gefällt, könnt ihr gerne
*jeweilige Liste die Euch gefällt, Informiert fühlt

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  • Danke
Reaktionen: Pascal87, Boogieman, Phil_Smith und 15 andere

Ich oder Android-Hilfe.de übernehmen keine Haftung dafür! Ihr seid für euer Handeln selbst verantwortlich!!!

Neueinsteiger bitte beachten:

vor dem Flashen genau die HowTo von Boogieman durchlesen. Danke!

4-Way-Reboot & VolumePlus by chillzz Danke!

1.1 - Aktuelle Beta Version
1.2 - Archiv 4 Reboot & Volume Plus

Download 4-Way-Reboot 1.12.2
Download 4-Way-Reboot & VolumePlus 1.12.2

letzte Beta Version
Download 4-Way-Reboot 1.11.25
Download 4-Way-Reboot & VolumePlus 1.11.25

letzte Beta Version

Download 4-Way-Reboot 1.11.18

Download 4-Way-Reboot & VolumePlus 1.11.18

Download 4-Way-Reboot 1.11.11

Download 4-Way-Reboot & VolumePlus 1.11.11

Download 4-Way-Reboot 1.11.4

Download 4-Way-Reboot & VolumePlus 1.11.4

Download 4-Way-Reboot 1.10.28

Download 4-Way-Reboot & VolumePlus 1.10.28
[Anm: Mod unterbindet eventuell die WakeUp-Funktion über die Lautstärketasten] [Dank an Ciddy]

Download 4-Way-Reboot 1.10.21

Download 4-Way-Reboot & VolumePlus 1.10.21


Download 4-Way-Reboot 1.10.14

getestet und geht


Download 4-Way-Reboot 1.10.7

Download 4-Way-Reboot & VolumePlus 1.10.7

letzte Beta Version

Download 4-Way-Reboot 1.9.30

Download 4-Way-Reboot & VolumePlus 1.9.30


Download 4-Way-Reboot 1.9.23

Download 4-Way-Reboot & VolumePlus 1.9.23

Für die über Handy Downloaden wollen

Klickst Du: Multiupload



Download 4-Way-Reboot 1.9.16

Download 4-Way-Reboot & VolumePlus 1.9.16

Download 4-Way-Reboot 1.9.9

Download 4-Way-Reboot & VolumePlus 1.9.9

Download 4-Way-Reboot 1.9.2

Download 4-Way-Reboot & VolumePlus 1.9.2

Download 4-Way-Reboot 1.8.26

Download 4-Way-Reboot & VolumePlus 1.8.26

Download 4-Way-Reboot 1.8.19

Download 4-Way-Reboot & VolumePlus 1.8.19

Download 4-Way-Reboot 1.8.12

Download VolumePlus 1.8.12

Download 4-Way-Reboot & VolumePlus 1.8.12

Download 4-Way-Reboot 1.8.5

Achtung: geht jetzt vollständig auch beim SGS


Download 4-Way-Reboot 1.7.29

Download VolumePlus 1.7.29


Download 4-Way-Reboot 1.7.22

Download VolumePlus 1.7.22

Download 4-Way-Reboot 2.3.4a


Bei dem Samsung Galaxy S geht
nur Normal & Hot Boot

In MIUI.us & Galnet MIUI schon integriert und geht vollständig

MIUI Layout Manager by MIUI.us
MIUI Layout Manager

by Nieylana

Published on 12-04-2011 06:45 PM


Here I present to you a little application I wrote that enables you to manage the layout of the icons on your screens via your PC and save the changes to you phone. This makes it much easier than doing them one-by-one on the phone.

Main Features:

Full drag-drop support for icons/widgets/folders
Modifying the Dock area, (up to 6 icons per MIUI's limit)
Highlighted Drop-Area*
Create/Rename/Delete Folders (can only delete empty folders)
Delete Widgets from screen
Create/Delete Screens (can only delete empty screens)

* - This feature seems solid on windows, it appears to be hit or miss on linux even though both use the same exe and framework, will work on improving this.

Setup Instructions:

Install the Mono Framework: Using Mono on Windows - Mono
Extract the files provided into their own directory
Run the setup file located in the Windows Setups folder (this installs sqlite onto your computer)
Run MIUI_LayoutManager.exe and enjoy!

Install the Mono Framework: Download - Mono
Extract the files provided into their own directory
give the adb file in the directory execute permissions (chmod 775 adb)
Run MIUI_LayoutManager.exe and enjoy!

Using the app:

The basic usage of this application will include pulling the configuration from the phone via ADB, modifying the layout on screen, and then pushing changes back to the phone.

When you pull the configuration from the phone it creates a launcher.db file in the main directory, any changes made in the application are immediately reflected in this database. If mess up something or wish to start over, simply redo the configuration pull.

Pushing the changes back to your phone causes your phone to do a hot reboot, be warned!


There seems to be a delay with MIUI, when making a change to the screens via the phone (example: adding a widget), the changes are not immediately reflected in the database, this could be an MIUI thing or more likely and SQLite thing. I am unsure how long it buffers the changes before commiting to the database, a suggestion would be so wait a while before using this, or try rebooting your phone (properly) a few times and see if that forces the commit.


This application was developed in my free time as a fun sidetrack from daily life. I will continue to improve this application as time permits. I welcome suggestions but please do understand that developing this
is not my main job. I genuinely hope that you will find this program useful and would love to hear from any of you about your experiences with this.

While the chances of anything going wrong with your phone due to this application are slim to none, one should always make a backup ( I cannot be held responsible for anything that goes wrong on your device )

to do a proper backup of the phone's files this application alters you can use miui's backup manager, nandroid, or manually pull /data/data/com.android.launcher/databases/launcher.db and keep it somewhere safe.

I have only tested this application on the Evo 3D (CDMA) using MIUI's stock launcher. I provide no other promises as to it's usefulness on any other phone/launcher. With that said it MAY work on other launchers (not ICS) that are derived from the stock AOSP launcher. Sense based launchers are NOT supported.

You can find the file here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10317008/LayoutManager.rar


Main Screen with a sample configuration loaded.


Folder Opened, showing contents:

Dragging an Item, showing Drop Area:

This article was originally published in forum thread: MIUI Layout Manager started by Nieylana View original post


Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Blacky2004, Radagast, Aschenbecher und 5 andere

Ich oder Android-Hilfe.de übernehmen keine Haftung dafür! Ihr seid für euer Handeln selbst verantwortlich!!!



  • Kernel - von Zacharias (Neu: mit eigener Liste) - Vorbeth - Glitch (derzeit nicht Aktuell) - FuguMod

  • Bootloader mit Installationshinweise

  • Scriptesammlung



1.0 -
Zur besseren Übersicht eine eigene von Zacharias selbst geführte und gepflege Liste
Klickst Du
"Logo Button" Platypus


Neo 18 - codename: funky fish

Neo XX.1 - codename: mighty rhino



Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Neo XX beta9 (noch als beta 7 benannt),

OC bis 1.6 GHz, aktualisiertes S98screenscaling_script, etc.

1.1 - FuguMOD by Renaud Allard

Latest stable version

Version 1985 Nov 25 10:40

Download SHA256: deb1c12f78194a20b189f563e7c8a0667d296d3755b286cbdab708be1c7b0ef4

Archiv FuguMOD

1.2 -
Glitch kernel
i9000 version : News & Changelog

1.3 -
[CM7 / Miui] Devil by DerTeufel

Autor: andidroid
bezüglich FugoMod Kernel

Achtung anderes Filesystem

-flash Fugu
Handy aus , zurück mit 3tastenkombi so das der Kernel aktiv ist
-Format data, system
-flash nighly oder MIUI
-flash Fugu


Wie Kernel Flashen

  • Kopiere dein gewählten Kernel (und bei Bedarf*) ein Cleaning Kernel Script auf die interne SD-Karte
  • Gehe anschließend in den ClockWorkMod und wähle "Choose .zip from SD-Card"
  • * wenn der neu zu flashende Kernel hat kein integrietes Cleaning Skript hat, vorher ein CleaningKernelScript (findet Ihr nachfolgend unter Scripte) flashen

  • Gehe zu der Datei "gewähltes Kernel zip" und flasht sie

  • Mache Reboot. Fertig



Ultimate Kernel Cleaning Script - 2.0 [UPDATED ON 20110713]

Since many users have complained about phone instability after flashing another kernel, I decided to make a Recovery Script to clean everything may cause instability.
As we know also zach made something like this, but his script deletes only init.d config files while many problems are generated by cache and dalvik-cache waste files.

So here I am with the Ultimate Kernel Cleaning Script.

With this new 2.0 I've included some features taken from the awsome modded CWM made by Vorbeth, so thank him


- Place the zip file in your internal SDCARD
- Flash it as a normal package from ClockworkMOD recovery
- Flash any kernel (zach's, tkglitch's or bilboa's)
- Reboot

Everytime you need to change/re-flash a kernel, just apply this before

Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Thank you so much



Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: anpittiplatsch, Aschenbecher, zacharias und 7 andere
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: m_stippi, Zwerkel, Radagast und 6 andere

Es gibt keinen vernünftigen Grund, sich über die zu erheben,
die noch genau so unwissend sind, wie du vor ein paar Jahren.




vom Redakeur quercus. Danke an dieser Stelle!

Samsung engagiert CyanogenMod-Entwickler für Android


Auszug aus CyanogenMod für Android – über 500.000 Installationen Redakteur quercus. Danke!


Für all jene die noch neu im Android-Geschehen sind, eine kurze Erklärung zu Cyanogen-Mod (Wiki):
Der CyanogenMod (CM) ist eine Aftermarket-Firmware-Distribution für eine Reihe von Mobiltelefonmodellen.

Es ist ein Abkömmling des von der Open Handset Alliance entwickelten freien Mobiltelephon-Betriebssystems Android, der von der Android-Gemeinde erstellt wurde und gepflegt wird.

Namentlich vor allem vom namensgebenden Schöpfer Cyanogen (Steve Kondik).

Der CyanogenMod bietet für die unterstützten Geräte gegenüber den mitgelieferten Firmwares zusätzliche Funktionen und behauptetermaßen Verbesserungen der Leistung und Stabilität.

Es ist mit hunderttausenden Nutzern die beliebteste angepasste bzw. Community-basierte Android-Distribution.

Unter den zusätzlichen Merkmalen findet sich Unterstützung für den Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC), Multi-Touch, die Möglichkeit zur Speicherung und Ausführung heruntergeladener Anwendungen von der microSD-Karte, Datenkomprimierung für den Cache (compcache), eine große APN-Liste, ein Neustartmenü, Unterstützung für WLAN, Bluetooth und USB-Tethering.

CyanogenMod war auch das erste Betriebssystem für Mobilgeräte, das für die Prozessverwaltung den Brain Fuck Scheduler (BFS) einsetzt – eine Änderung, die in experimentelle Zweige des offiziellen Android-Codebaums übernommen wurde.

Auch Versionen für das HTC LEO (auch HTC HD2) sind verfügbar.
Zum Beispiel HD2One von Kouno.Takaaki oder die CM+ Everyday Builds von Michiprima.

Kurz nach der Einführung des Mobiltelefonmodells HTC Dream im September 2008 wurde eine Methode gefunden, um allumfassenden administrativen Zugriff auf das Linux-Subsystem von Android zu erlangen; in der Android-Gemeinde bekannt als „Rooten“.

Diese Entdeckung erlaubte zusammen mit der quelloffenen Natur des Betriebssystems Android das beliebige Ändern und Neuinstallieren der Firmware des Gerätes.

Diese Modifikationen sind bei manchen Geräten wie dem Android Dev Phone und dem Nexus One unnötig, die dafür vorgesehen sind, die Entwicklung zu unterstützen und Modifikationen durch Benutzer nicht zu behindern.

Die Firmware CyanogenMod basiert derzeit auf Android 2.3 und enthält eine bedeutende Menge eigenen Codes vom CyanogenMod-Team.
Die Anpassungen des CyanogenMod gegenüber Android sind hauptsächlich von Steve Kondik geschrieben, enthalten jedoch zunehmend auch Beiträge von der xda-developers-Gemeinschaft (wie ein verbessertes Anwendungsstarterfeld, Wählvorrichtung und Browser) und auch anderen Quellen (wie BusyBox in der Shell).

Kondik ist auch der Pfleger eines in Verbindung mit dem CyanogenMod verwendeten „Recovery-Images“.

Der Recovery-Mode ist ein spezieller Bootmodus, der dem Sichern oder Wiederherstellen des Festspeicherinhaltes des Gerätes und der Reparatur oder Aktualisierung der Firmware dient.

Cyanogens Recovery-Mode ist Bestandteil der „Ein-Klick-Root“-Methode zum Rooten der Mehrheit derzeit erhältlicher Android-Geräte.

Eine Anwendung namens CyanogenMod Updater ermöglicht CyanogenMod-Nutzern das Empfangen von Mitteilungen über die Verfügbarkeit neuer Aktualisierungen sowie das Herunterladen und Installieren dieser auf das eigene Gerät.

Sie ist über den Android Market verfügbar. Sie wurde erstellt und wird gewartet und betreut von den xda-developers-Mitgliedern Garok89 (Ross McAusland) und Firefart (Christian Mehlmauer) und basiert auf dem JF-Aktualisierer von Sergi Velez. Anfang 2011 wurde die Entwicklung von CyanogenMod in der Version 7 mit Android 2.3.2 (Codename „Gingerbread“) fortgesetzt.
Die ersten Release-Candidate-Versionen sind seit dem 16. Februar 2011 verfügbar. Im Juni 2011 wurde CyanogenMod auf die Version 7.1 mit Android 2.3.3 upgedatet.



  • Cynogenmod 7

  • GalaxySense

  • NEU GalaxyComp (Honeycomp)

  • Erfahrungsberichte
  • Videos

Ergebnis der letzten Umfrage


Der Platzhirsch unter den CM7 Roms ist natürlich


Weitere AOSP Roms


SuperAosp 8.6 - AW


eine weitere Spielart von beidem
( MIUI & CM7 ) Nicht mehr Aktuell!!!

bei xda: KLICK



GalaxySense Gingerbread 2.3.3 / betreut von quasimodo (Meine Wenigkeit) bei xda: KLICK
Unser Fach kompetente Alesto007 steht Euch auch gerne zur Seite bei Fragen zu dem GalaxySense[[[KLICK]]]

GalaxyComp (Honeycomp 3.0)

Screen shots:

& weitere Videos

von Chiledog76 (Beta 0.3)


Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: mmuuhh, d_jaxx, macspoiler und eine weitere Person



  • Handy FAQ by handy-faq.de
  • was genau macht fix permission?

  • How To - Tips & Tricks
Akku Calibrieren - Neues von Lazy Rich zum Thema Ackuverbrauch mit Lösungsvorschag
Wie komme Ich an die Themes, Lockscreens, Wallpaper eines anderen Custom Roms? -
In Bezug auf das neue MIUI Update 1.7.15
- Was hat sich geändert? -

  • Neu - Hinweislink zur FAQ unterteilt in - Apps Probleme - Hartware Probleme - Tipps & Tricks - von Boogieman. Danke!

  • Häufig gestelle Fragen - Befindet sich noch im Aufbau!


Was genau macht Fix Permissions?

Auszug aus: was genau macht fix permission?
fix_permissions ordnet und Repariert die Dateistruktur neu, ähnlich wie wenn Du am PC die Registry säuberst.



Samsung i9000 Galaxy S

Samsung i9100 Galaxy S2


Archiv Wissenswertes

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Phil_Smith, powerzumsel, skodaslx und 7 andere
MIUI skins qvga


  1. rooted device

how to install:

  1. Download the apk.
  2. Put the APK on SDCard
  3. copy to system/apps/* using rootexplorer.
  4. set permissions to 644.
  5. Done! reboot! enjoy!

[*]Stock(blue) like miui music player QVGA

[*]W8 walkman like skin(perfectfit)

Coming soon: blackskin,angrybirds spl

Playing with your phone at this level can be dangerous if you don’t know what you are doing,i'm not responsable for briked devices, You choose to install this. Use at own risk

Last edited by lijinc; 10th July 2011 at 08:09 AM.

hab es mit Super Manager hinbekommen....


[Theme][Miui]Ultimate iPhone theme! The best one!~ Updated

Version 6.0(IN WORK):
-better music controls theme
-fixing the 4g dock
-adding more 4g icons
-theming the notication bar
-Imprvoed batteries in lockscreen
-and maybe more..
Version 6.0Beta:
-New style to the 4G icons - they now have shadow, it also means that there is two different sizes to the 4g and 3g icons..
-Added new music controls to the lockscreen
-Changed batteries size in lockscreen..
-Added slide to sms (when there is unread sms - though their might be problems with the slide to phone blocking that)
-Imprvoed tabs (MUCH BETTER) credit to china-imprvoed slider - credit to china
-New backgrounds
-New settings icons
-New iCons PSD!

Version 5.9:
-Better lockscreen - , new charging animations, slide to phone when theres a missed call (mms will be added in 6.0) .
-Revamped icons, still havent done with all but most icons were resized and got new gloss..
-Unthemed icons will look much better from now on..
-Added some icons.
-Page indicatiors - only for 4G, because the 3g dock blocks it.. (if someone can resolve it, ill be ggreatful)

-New 4g dock, There are 3 other docks in the "com.android.launcher" folder to your choice!
-New buttons
Version 5.8:
-Lockscreen wallaper are working!
-themed the sms and call notificions in the lockscreen iOS5 style.
-New icons (Requested icons and,Chainfire3D,Cut the rope, Digital clock.)
-Deleted some unnecessary stuff.
-and more XD

*if you want, you can use the auto modder by roenano for wallpaper scroll disabling.. it helps to the feel of iPhone theme click here
, and in addition, heres a nice wallpaper for that purpose :

[MTZ new format]4G ver :Click here
[MTZ new format]3G ver : Click here

-Download: NEUSTE!!!!! ab 23.07.2011

Tolymatev MODS

6.0 Full
4G - 6.0Full-Blank.mtz .. LINK :: 4G - 6.0Full-Blank.mtz
4G - 6.0Full-PhoneContactsBrowserSms.mtz .. LINK :: 4G - 6.0Full-PhoneContactsBrowserSms.mtz
4G - 6.0Full-PhoneGmailBrowserMusic.mtz .. LINK :: 4G - 6.0Full-PhoneGmailBrowserMusic.mtz
4G - 6.0Full-PhoneGmailBrowserSms.mtz .. LINK :: 4G - 6.0Full-PhoneGmailBrowserSms.mtz

6.0 Beta5.1:
4G ( 100Themed icons ~) : Click here
3G ( 380Themed icons ~) : yet unavailable
6.0 Beta4.1 MMS bug fixed:
4G ( 100Themed icons ~) : Click here
3G ( 380Themed icons ~) : Click here

-Download: NEU NEU NEU
6.0 Beta4.1 MMS bug fixed:

4G ( 100Themed icons ~) : Click here

3G ( 380Themed icons ~) : Click here

-How to make your own glossy dock with your own apps on it! (Requires Photoshop)

1.Download the dock.psd and open. (Click here to download (Fixed))
*If you want the wooden dock click here
2.Using the text tool chaneg the "name" to your desired app name.
3.Pull out from the theme the icon of the app and put it at the CS window
4.Before you place it, flip it verticly
5.Put the icon on the exact place where the previous icon was.
6.Set opacity to 30%
7.save as hotseat_background.png in the both folders
com.android.launcher > res > drawable-en-hdpi and
com.android.launcher > res > drawable-hdpi
8.Apply the zip via theme manager =]
*If you need help just post a comment.

-iCons PSD! (Requires Photoshop) UPDATED! (9/7)

Download: Click here
Pay attention - this PSD wasnot created to creat icons from scratch but to create consistency in the size of the icons.
you can get icons here or just use google, you should also check that it is an iphone icon and not an android one..
(if you need help just tell me)
NEW !- Please if you are making a new icons make it for both 4g and 3g versions

-Page Indicator mod for iPhone 3g only!


Download: Click here
after you have downloaded the wallpapers you would have to download the "MultiPucture Live wallpaper" from the market, after you did, go to the settings of it and add 4 individual screens settings (you will see big green plus) then in each individual screen setting select the right wallpaper with the right dot.
-For pro's, here the PSD to add as many as dots you wish: click here

Hier noch ein sehr HEISSES THEME:

Vorsicht Suchtgefahr :)

Gadget Desire

Und noch ein Paar schöne Uhren :

My MIUI Clocks
Here are my analog clock mods to mimic the miui. this is my collection and I thought it'll be nice to share them all with you. Originally this is the Analog clock made by mjdev. All I did was the modded the images. I hope you guys like it and enjoy it.

what I did was loaded the file and choose the color clock I wanted to use, and if I wanted to change the new one will over-ride the old one.


Attached Files
Modd clocks.zip - [Click for QR Code] (540.4 KB, 433 views)


Theme Collection ... vielleicht ist ja was für den einen oder anderen dabei:cool2:

Link: [Themes] MIUI 0.11.19 Themes Collected *update 12-03-2010* - xda-developers


HTC Sense Theme for MIUI 1.7.8 and above
After lot of effort and sleepless night created this HTC Sense Theme. Well not everything was created by mw, shamelessly copied from different themes
(too many to remember).

I have tested the theme as much i could but may have missed many things so do let me know if you find anything off.

Download Here HTC Sense.zip

Slate by Thnikk can be downloaded here http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1147693

Custom Lockscreens can be downloaded from here http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...34657&page=101


[THEME][MIUI] iOS5 looklike [v 2.4.279] with themed lockscreen!
Theme iOS5 looklike
(update every few)


compatibility updated 1.7.8
iOS5 default lockscreen and desktop
178 icons of different apks
dockbar iOS5
status bar notification paddles edited
fileexplorer icons themed
settings icons themed
contacts and text app themed
desktop (music, ui, find) themed
iOS themed lockscreen (beta)
apple dark bootanimation

editing paddle ON-OFF
editing statusbar icons
editing settings icons
editing thememanager icons
add, add and add even more apk icons

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Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Black MIUI Music Player

I made a black mod MIUI music player a while back, never got around to releasing it. Its been sitting in my mediafire account taking up space, figured I should at least show it off a little so those that may want it can get it.

You don't need MIUI rom to run this, you don't even need to be rooted. This is just an apk, download it and click on it and you can install.


Id like to give a big thanks to the folks behind MIUI and all those working on porting it and translating to english, all I did was a little reworking of the images.

Download here...
Black MIUI Music Player

This app is simply amazing so i thought id share it, i found it on a gala s forum but it works fine. Note this is root only as you have to flash in recovery.

Some features:
Automatic lyric finder
Album art finder
File size designator: you can choose what size files are considered "music"
Playlist maker
Beautiful UI!!!




Attached Files
MiuiMusic CWM Flash.zip - [Click for QR Code] (788.1 KB, 369 views)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: donlongi
[ROM] MIUI 7.15.11 Beta 7

MIUI 7.15.11


This week highlights:
FM works. Let me know your experience, YMMV. Thanks to lithid for pointing me in the direction of that service.
This ROM is deodexed and translated to English. Please verify md5 before flashing.
New "Evolution" UI. See front page post for more screens.
Bug fixes and optimizations - for a complete list see here

b3c4de06773268220f5e8470f05600e6 miuiandroid-7.15.11.zip
Hate wallpaper scrolling? Launcher2.apk Push via adb or explorer.

For support visit #miuiandroid @ freenode.net
For support visit #miuiandr

QUELLE:[ROM] MIUI 7.15.11 Beta 7
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
bei dem neon gt theme gibt es ja das neue clock widget.

weiß jemand wie ich es auswähle? habs per cwm installiert, es taucht aber unter den widgets nich auf. ich finde dort nur die normale neon gt uhr. danke!
Ist das GT Theme kompatibel mit dem Aktuellen 1.7.15?
Ist es möglich den Samsung stock browser mit der tab Übersicht in den kleinen Fenstern zu installieren? Und gibt es nun eine Möglichkeit den Stock Kalender mit der Eigenen Kalender Auswahl zu installieren?
So weit Mir bekannt,

gehen Samsung Stock Browser, Kalender, etc, nicht unter AOSP Roms!
quasimodo schrieb:
Ist das GT Theme kompatibel mit dem Aktuellen 1.7.15?

edit: ja ist kompatibel. habs so versucht wie es da steht. ich wähle das widget analog uhr 2x2, klicke oben rechts auf das symbol. sehe dann zwar die neongt uhr, aber nur in orange und nicht grün. :-( hier der link... http://forums.miui.us/showthread.php?t=1192

noch ne frage, kann ich geburtstagserinnerungen vom stock kalender abstellen? weil ich allen kontakten das geb. datum habe.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Da das Problem leider immernoch besteht und Versionsübergreifend ist,schreib ich´s jetzt mal in die Übericht..

Ich habe in letzter Zeit, beim flashen der Roms, extrem Probleme mit BLN.

Selbst nach einer kompletten Neuinstallation (Froyo usw.) muss ich öfters 3-4 mal das Rom flashen, bis dann auch die BLN Funktion funktioniert. LED Funktion ein/ausschalten ; reboot, Kernel Cleaning script vor dem nochmaligen flash usw. hab ich erfolglos getestet..

Geht das nur mir so ? Und hat jemand einen Tipp ?

Edit.. Beispiel
V3 von Vorbeth -> kein BLN
V2 von Vorbeth -> BLN
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
vorbeth v4 getestet? damit gehts bei mir.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
auf der ersten Seite ist leider nur der V3 zu finden.. falls du einen Link zum V4 hättest..wäre super

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