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v2.0 (Full ROM)
WeUI v1.0 German full Rom

kein Multisprachpaket (DE) integriert
MD5sum: 4f235ea18d957965297254e8d4a010ca
Change Log
Changes from last test version v2.0:
*Libs fixed (so many libraries are changed since last version so I'm now using the ones from miui.us)
*Updated drivers from each device
*Browser "hacked" to use Google as default
*AriesParts (Device Settings) and Camera working now
*It boots now, lol
* Customize Previous Installation feature redone
* Fixed kernel installation issues
* Fixed Wi-fi tethering
* Fixed many installer issues and improved some other stuff
* Updated to MIUI 2.4.13
* Fixes on Device Detection
* Fixed Semaphore app not installing on Galaxy S (i9000)
* Updated Apex Launcher
* Many other changes/fixes
v0.9.8 (Data wipe needed for this release)
* Installer now remembers your last installation settings if using "Customize Previous Installation" feature
* Fixed incoming calls and RIL problems
* Signed missing apks which resulted in missing apps like Gallery, Car Home, etc
* Installer script changes and fixes
* Updated Semaphore to 1.0.0 (Captivate)
* Updated NStools
* SuperSU icon changed to Permission Manager
* Some other changes
v0.9.5 (Data wipe needed for this release) * Updated to MIUI 2.4.6 * Device detection in the installer * Many installer fixes/changes * Installing from Gingerbread now works (if you get a kernel bootloop, reboot to recovery and open again, it will continue where it left off) * Updated completely to Android 4.0.4 * Changed some code in installer to remove old apps and avoid problems * Font changed in Installer * Binaries and other files updated to CM9 Nightly * Fix many problems from last version * Gmail, Exchange, and other FCs fixed * Updated Semaphore to latest 0.9.8s version (Captivate) with the 720p recording patch * Updated Semaphore to latest 1.0.0s version (Galaxy S) with the 720p recording patch * Updated Apex Launcher * Car Home installation (even if not selected) fixed * Updated MI File Manager (fixes FTP FC and adds/fixes features) * Removed init.d script for low storage which caused slow launching of apps and other problems * Replaced keyboard with stock CM9 keyboard and removed unneeded Dictionary Pack * Vibrant kernel fix again * Fixed Vibrant GPS * Misc fixes/changes
v0.9b (Patch)
* Includes Low storage /data script
* Fix a lot of FC problems
* UPDATED to MIUI 2.3.30
* New kernel for Captivate (Semaphore)
* Semaphore for Captivate and Galaxy S are bigmem versions (with 720p patch)
* Semi-updated to Android ICS 4.0.4
* Remove face unlock stuff for Captivate (no FFC)
* Fix many installer problems
* Optional apps now install in data (To free up some MB in /system partition)
* More changes
* Updated ApexLauncher
* Updated su binary and SuperSU app
* Fixed WeUI bootanimation
* Original Mms app from MIUI (has the new message button)
* Fixed installer issues
* Miui Compass as an option in the installer
* Misc installer changes
* "Customize Previous installation" in the installer should work now
* WeUI Feedback app icon re-added
* Monitor app added again as a default app instead of optional
* Fixed some FC problems (Network Type, MMS style, etc)
* Updated to 2.3.23
* Updated to Glitch Kernel Beta 6 (Released on March 24th) for all devices
* New Alarm, Clock, and Settings from MIUI
* Fixed Updater FC
* Added Updating support in the ROM from the updater app
* Better installer compatibility if coming from Gingerbread
* Reboot check in the installer
* More app options in the installer
* Another lib from MIUI
* New WeUI logo (thanks to fatjoez/publo)
* New bootanimation from new logo
* Possible performance improvement
* Old gallery as an option on installer
* Misc changes (ROM and installer)
*Libs fixed (so many libraries are changed since last version so I'm now using the ones from miui.us)
*Updated drivers from each device
*Browser "hacked" to use Google as default
*AriesParts (Device Settings) and Camera working now
*It boots now, lol
* Customize Previous Installation feature redone
* Fixed kernel installation issues
* Fixed Wi-fi tethering
* Fixed many installer issues and improved some other stuff
* Updated to MIUI 2.4.13
* Fixes on Device Detection
* Fixed Semaphore app not installing on Galaxy S (i9000)
* Updated Apex Launcher
* Many other changes/fixes
v0.9.8 (Data wipe needed for this release)
* Installer now remembers your last installation settings if using "Customize Previous Installation" feature
* Fixed incoming calls and RIL problems
* Signed missing apks which resulted in missing apps like Gallery, Car Home, etc
* Installer script changes and fixes
* Updated Semaphore to 1.0.0 (Captivate)
* Updated NStools
* SuperSU icon changed to Permission Manager
* Some other changes
v0.9.5 (Data wipe needed for this release) * Updated to MIUI 2.4.6 * Device detection in the installer * Many installer fixes/changes * Installing from Gingerbread now works (if you get a kernel bootloop, reboot to recovery and open again, it will continue where it left off) * Updated completely to Android 4.0.4 * Changed some code in installer to remove old apps and avoid problems * Font changed in Installer * Binaries and other files updated to CM9 Nightly * Fix many problems from last version * Gmail, Exchange, and other FCs fixed * Updated Semaphore to latest 0.9.8s version (Captivate) with the 720p recording patch * Updated Semaphore to latest 1.0.0s version (Galaxy S) with the 720p recording patch * Updated Apex Launcher * Car Home installation (even if not selected) fixed * Updated MI File Manager (fixes FTP FC and adds/fixes features) * Removed init.d script for low storage which caused slow launching of apps and other problems * Replaced keyboard with stock CM9 keyboard and removed unneeded Dictionary Pack * Vibrant kernel fix again * Fixed Vibrant GPS * Misc fixes/changes
v0.9b (Patch)
* Includes Low storage /data script
* Fix a lot of FC problems
* UPDATED to MIUI 2.3.30
* New kernel for Captivate (Semaphore)
* Semaphore for Captivate and Galaxy S are bigmem versions (with 720p patch)
* Semi-updated to Android ICS 4.0.4
* Remove face unlock stuff for Captivate (no FFC)
* Fix many installer problems
* Optional apps now install in data (To free up some MB in /system partition)
* More changes
* Updated ApexLauncher
* Updated su binary and SuperSU app
* Fixed WeUI bootanimation
* Original Mms app from MIUI (has the new message button)
* Fixed installer issues
* Miui Compass as an option in the installer
* Misc installer changes
* "Customize Previous installation" in the installer should work now
* WeUI Feedback app icon re-added
* Monitor app added again as a default app instead of optional
* Fixed some FC problems (Network Type, MMS style, etc)
* Updated to 2.3.23
* Updated to Glitch Kernel Beta 6 (Released on March 24th) for all devices
* New Alarm, Clock, and Settings from MIUI
* Fixed Updater FC
* Added Updating support in the ROM from the updater app
* Better installer compatibility if coming from Gingerbread
* Reboot check in the installer
* More app options in the installer
* Another lib from MIUI
* New WeUI logo (thanks to fatjoez/publo)
* New bootanimation from new logo
* Possible performance improvement
* Old gallery as an option on installer
* Misc changes (ROM and installer)
andy25 from miui germany for xml strings
dev of this great rom
- Email is not translated (still english)
- Added MIUI Weather 1.0 from miui.es and added german translation
apk is inside cus folder but doesnt show up in installer
Hinweis: Infowars Animations kompatibel mit V11
- Post 2 - Features - Was Geht, Was noch nicht - FAQ
- Post 3 - Change Log
- Post 4 - Screenshots
- Post 5 - Archiv
- NightShack0 ( ME !)
Thanks to
- MIUI, Teamhacksung, Glitch, MIUIAndroid.com for translation, DemonWav/TeamICSSGS for wipe script

(Please donate as a thanks for the ROM and what I have done)

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