Neues Mitglied
- 96

(the reason i created a new topic, is that, this ROM has so many modifications, that I consider it as a complete different one.)
- Baseado na ROM: CyanogenMod-7.2.0 -- benru89 - Android 2.3.7
- Pre-configured & optimized
- Compatible with U8510 (X3) & U8650
- Complete ICS look
- Build.prop cleaned and revised multiple times
- Android 4.0 Boot Animation
- Many Icons added, edited and revised
- 360 Launcher moddded to fit ICS LOOK
- Battery optimized (after you callibrate it, and using no-frills config that i recommend)
- ICS Animations
- FM, GPS, Bluetooth, 3G & Wi-fi working
- New Adreno200 drivers (thanks Dimon)
- Overclock stable up to 748 mhz
- ICS Ringtones
- ICS Fonts
-New Adreno200 drivers
-ZeamLauncher replaced by 360Launcher modded, modificado
-Winamp replaced by MIUI Music
-Added EMAIL, Spare Parts
-Titanium Backup Updated
- StatusBar transparency fixed
-Many icons edited
-joseph96 framework addded & edited
-Some joseph96 deodexed files added
-Some fonts changed
-Build.prop edited
-Added some scripts
-Many ICS Ringtones added
-Boot Logo changed
Recommended Spare-Parts config:
- Window animations e transition animations : FAST
- Font size: extra small
- Haptic feedback disabled

Recommended Spare-Parts config:
- Window animations e transition animations : FAST
- Font size: extra small
- Haptic feedback disabled

Benchmarks a 748mhz

Recommended config for better battery duration

1- Do all backups (contact, messages, etc..)
2- Turn off phone
3- Turn phone on by pressing the VOL+ button with the energy button at the same time.
4- Mount and storage
5- Format Boot, Format Cache, Format Data e Format System.
6- Back to the Recovery Clockwork main menu and select wipe data/factory reset e wipe cache partition
7- Select Advanced & wipe dalvik cache.
8- Back to the Recovery Clockwork main menu and select Install zip from sdcard
9- Select the first choice and search for ICS CM7 [by teammat3] DE.zip on your sd card
10- Reboot system
ICS CM7 [by teammat3] DE.zip
Thank you all that helped and supported me <3
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