[ROM] InsertCoin HD Port - 720p REC|STABLE|FAST

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Since some of you might have problems to believe me that the rom is fluid i've made a video of my phone running InsertCoin + Carbon Sense Theme
YouTube - InsertCoin Rom - Desire HD Rom running on Classic Desire
pardon the quality - its made with my old fuji
- if you have better recording solutions maybe you can make a video of the rom running, so i can prove once and for all that if you read the instructions from this post and 2nd one properly the rom is very smooth!

I cooked this rom for real life usage not for benchmarkers. Although I'm not a very experienced cooker, I'm pretty exigent with my phone, and if the rom meets my demands on speed and stability probably will meet 90% of users desires

It has nothing removed, but some things like HTC Locations are saved to sdcard. after all space is pretty limited. In my subjective opinion rom performs in real life as fast as any froyo classic desire rom, maybe even better than some. If you like smaller fonts, new sense, htcsense.com you should try it, and if you decide its a keep push the thanks button or buy me a cup of joe
Please read this post and post 2 before asking questions. Thank You

- Rooted
- Latest busybox
- Lastest WWE Base - 1.84.661.1
- Working Camera - thx snq-; 720p recording is working - thx ownhere
- snq-'s chgrmod3 kernel - all modules in. tun.ko, cifs, gpu+, chargemod, sdcard speed fix, smartass cpu governor, OC upto 1190 via SetCPU.
- default governor is smartass: 245 to 998, when display is off the cpu will run at 245 mhz for battery saving.
- ROM Runs on standard HTC Desire NAND partitions. Core apks and libs are running from NAND (phone's memory) - this mean real life performance - no lags whatsoever.
- ALL (YES ALL) is included.
- A2SD (and yes YOU MUST HAVE an EXT Partiton after the FAT32 one)
- Stable!
- Adfree should work to anyone S-ON or S-OFF, if it does not update, please reinstall it and it will work
- Deodexed
- What I have forgot.

I advise a full wipe - of course nandroid backup before, backup your apks and apks data with Mybackup Pro or Titanium Backup
I also advise to backup using mybackup pro instead on titanium backup and try not to backup contacts, sync them instead with your google account. This recommendation is in order to avoid FCs
Don't worry I'm not suggesting you to spend 5 euros on the app, it is 30 day trial. but if you like the app and you start using it everytime you can support the developers
Please use Clockworkmod Recovery or newer, AmonRa 2.0.0 or newer in order to avoid problems since the rom's install script is now edify syntax !


- fixed bluetooth - for good
- flash from recovery WITHOUT wipe
- version changed to d to keep it clean
- customization pack works!

- rooted phone with working custom recovery (ClockWorkMod / AmonRa)
- ext2/3/4 partition AFTER the fat32 one. Minim 512 mB Recommended 1 GB . I recommend you use ext4 and I strongly advise against ext2. But should work on any ext filesystem.
- patience with the chef (me) im still new, but I'll do my best.


  • - backup ur apks and apks data with titanium backup or mybackup pro - not the people data, for that sync ur contacts with google account
  • - nandroid backup your current stable rom
  • - toggle verification off in recovery
  • - wipe davlik cache, user data and cache
  • - flash latest version.
In theory you can upgrade from an older version to a newer one without wiping.
But if you do that and you start getting FCs, wipe all flash again and only then if you still get FCs report in here, with logs.
Its common sense when the rom base is changed to wipe all before flashing so please stop asking same questions over and over again.

1.9d baadnewz.nice1.at - /1.9d/ flash on top of 1.9c without wipe.
1.9c download link: baadnewz.nice1.at - /1.9c/ - only flash on top of 1.9b without wipe
1.9b download link: baadnewz.nice1.at - /1.9b/

Desire HD Port (smaller fonts) Index of /Desire_HD_Base/InsertCoin
Desire Z Port (bigger fonts) Index of /Desire_Z_Base/InsertCoinZ -

Known bugs:
- EQ from music player does nothing - its a general port problem not rom specific afaik
- car home from google wont work due some hacks in the kernel, you can try leedroid 2.2f kernel and car home will work, car panel from htc works thou with the default kernel
- on Z rom, my location on weather doesn't work... dunno what wrong yet, please come with ideas if you have
- on 1.8g and 1.8h there is a new kernel, which now i know doesn't work properly on all phones, if after a full wipe g or h version doesn't boot for you flash the kernel from addons folder

If market Fcs please read http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...postcount=3392 (fixed in 1.8f+)
If you don't want transparency http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...postcount=3411(no trasparancy is by default in 1.8f+)
Arabic support http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...9&postcount=40 (updated) not tested by me but should work. Give feedback

If you experience issues like freezing and random rebooting or FCs, before posting and blame me or the rom, and other users for not sympathizing with your pain:
1. check if you have the stock speeds for cpu (998 tops -245 minium) - if you overclock maybe you did too much and phone can't handle it - this is for rebooting and freezing
2. did you flash any undervolt patch or kernel ? maybe your phone can handle less juice, the phone's cpu isn't a lightbulb, you will NOT gain much by undervolting. - this is for rebooting and freezing
3. in 90% of the cases the problem lies in sdcard, you can repartition your sdcard preferably with gpared: delete the whole parition table from sdcard, then create a fat32 one and after a ext3/4 one(this one must be between 512 mB and 1 gB). If this doesn't solve you issue, you can try and borrow a sdcard and see if that helps. if it is, maybe its time to invest in a new one. - this is for rebooting and freezing
4. FCs - did you wiped all before flashing ? (davlik cache / user data / cache) if no, please do and try again. Did you restore some apks data with Titanium Backup ? Yes? Please do not do that. use mybackup pro for that. i'm using it without problems. Last, clear that app data see if it still Fcs

Q: I can't change my bootanimation with update from UOT
A: Thats because the bootanimation.zip location has been changed in order to save some space on nand.
Extract bootanimation.zip from the zip from UOT and push it via adb: adb push bootanimation.zip /system/sd/.customize/resource or you can just use Android Commander, a friendly frontend for adb commands

Q:Hmm, ok ok, but how do i make an ext partition ?
A Dude use search and read, and if by now you dont know how to make one stay on stock, or better get an iphone, i heard it is nice and shit, wanna see you how you will jailbreak it mwhhaha

IRC: irc.freenode.org #baadnwz-roms

Many thanks to:

robocik for his awsome work on porting hd stuff to or good old desire
and letting me use his rom to inspire and use resources from them
snq- for best kernel for desire (my opinion) and for making the camera work in the 1st place
all others devs and users here that from their work and posts i inspired and learn the basics of android

And very very special thanks to rom donors. I didnt made this rom for donations but is nice to see people apreciate your work. Thanks alot

stoeckler kookysan rexypow lcdc Mr_Kruz shatdhehat dongerado shadeofblue golightlygl yordaniy latawa 2 times Decibelnet dimcus ozjubb faceN D3n1s Karukera Tsuneku kingqueen trikpa KuliX pjm77 kartoffel1212 gajow Broquen FiremakerP SpeedyCarv Yod-b kizuodoko Hardianto photovirus aaargh777 fran_ele

and all those who didn't want their name to be published here.
If I got your name wrong or forgot to add you to the list please PM me and I'll fix asap. Thanks

1st boot will take 3 to 10 mins, do not panic, just do some R&R

ROM is fast and stable, you will not notice any lags, it is the same smoothness as any standard rom.

If you like the rom or even hate it for some reason please give a vote to this thread. Its important to have feedback of any kind. Thanls.

If you like my work you can buy me a cup of joe by clicking the Donate button below

[ROM] [09 DEC] newSense DHD baadnwz RC1 Runs from NAND, fastest DHD Rom available - xda-developers


Download Server für das ROM:

Index of /Desire_HD_Base/InsertCoin


Batterie_Mod für die 1.8 (unsigniert)

Anhang anzeigen InsertCoin1.8d_UOT-ZC-01-29-00-09-1.zip


Batterie_Mod für die 1.9(signiert)

Share-Online - dl/SR7GEGGLFA


PowerControl mit Battery-Mod für alle 1.72.405.2 Versionen (unsigniert)

Anhang anzeigen DHD-PowerControl-1.72.405.2-Batt_Mod.zip


Trackpad to Unlock

[MOD][New Sense][28/01] Flashable trackpad-to-unlock for 1.72 ROMs - xda-developers

iNsertCoin-1.9 Bettery Mod




iNsertCoin-1.9-powerwidget-Battery Widget zum Nachflashen nach dem Powerwidget

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Axileo, blackmail, Dersimbabo und eine weitere Person
werde die rc1 auch morgen mal testen. hab im moment noch die v02 drauf. ist auf jeden fall schlanker geworden. bin gespannt...
Mhh...ich nimm die mit HTC location. Aber was ist TrackPad to Unlock?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
android31 schrieb:
...Aber was ist drackpat to unlock?

Wo hast du das denn her??

Das soll heißen TrackPad to Unlock. Mit dieser Option kannst du den Bildschirm mit dem TrackPad "einschalten", was sonst nur per Powertaste am Desire möglich ist.
habs getesetet... was ist daran schnell? ich bleib bei defrost
Hab noch die V0.4 drauf. Läuft gut, ruckelt an manchen stellen aber noch.
Bin sonst aber zufrieden.
Wie ist der speed im Vergleich zu einem guten sense rom wie auraxtsense in etwa so.
Der Rom ist ja noch in der Entwicklung, aber die HD Roms sind allgemein im Vergleich zu einem gut optimierten Sense-Rom noch etwas langsam.
Hab jetzt das PAY HD ROM und dieses hier getestet, bei beiden funktioniert
bei mir kein exch. active sync!

Es kommt immer falscher Benutzer/Passwort obwohl es auf dem modaco einwandfrei läuft.

Habt ihr das Problem auch oder läuft bei euch alles?
Dissonanz schrieb:
habs getesetet... was ist daran schnell? ich bleib bei defrost

Tja deine Scorewerte reichen wohl nicht für das ROM
Dissonanz schrieb:
habs getesetet... was ist daran schnell? ich bleib bei defrost

Für eine SenseHD ROM ist es schnell. Defrost hat kein Sense und ist deshalb schon etwas schneller. Man kann die beiden ROMs nur bedingt vergleichen.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Sh0X31
RC 2 ist draußen

- Removed flash player, adobe reader, facebook,twitter, street, youtube they can be installed from market - This way you'll have the lastest version and no FCs.
They can be download from Removed_Apps folder if you dont want to use your mobile data connection and download from the market. Install as any regular apk
(check Menu -> Settings -> Applications ->Unknow Sources)
- added Market Access
- again moved some apps for better performance and compatibility with Diaz's theme
lol und ich wollte mir gerade die rc1 flashen. ich hoffe der bringt jetzt nicht täglich neue updates raus ;)
ging mir ähnlich
Solange keine Stable Version fertig ist muss man jeden Tag mit neuen Updates rechnen.
stimmt, besser als wenn fehler ewig vorhanden sind
Wollte vor 2 Stunden den RC1 runterladen... Bin froh es nicht getan zu haben ^^
Bis jetzt bin ich auch von der Akkulaufzeit begeistert. Nur die Reaktionszeit müsste noch besser werden. Wenn ich was aus dem Store installiere hängt das Desire für ein paar sekunden :crying:
rc2 läuft sehr gut bei mir jetzt. hatte davor die v02 mit richards kernel und irgendwie wurde nach dem kernel flash das rom immer ruckeliger. würde ich jetzt nicht so empfehlen, den nach zu flashen. falls jemand andere erfahrungen gemacht hat, dann korrigiert mich bitte.
Mit dem Original Kernel der dabei ist läuft die RC richtig rund

Nur TB Spinnt etwas rum
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