Datenbank - Diskussionsplattform Kernel - für [AOSP] Jelly Bean & ICS/MIUI V4

  • 193 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum

Welchen Kernel favorisiert Ihr?

  • DerTeufel

    Stimmen: 116 43,0%
  • TK-Glitch

    Stimmen: 35 13,0%
  • Grooby

    Stimmen: 2 0,7%
  • Stockkernel von Pawitp

    Stimmen: 19 7,0%
  • Zacharias

    Stimmen: 16 5,9%
  • favorisiere keinen Kernel

    Stimmen: 32 11,9%
  • Nushor's

    Stimmen: 3 1,1%
  • Semaphore ICS

    Stimmen: 47 17,4%

  • Umfrageteilnehmer


Ich oder übernehmen keine Haftung dafür! Ihr seid für euer Handeln selbst verantwortlich!!!
Datenbank & Diskussionsplattform
Kernel Übergreifend

- für AOSP Jelly Belly - Roms

- mit Archiv für ICS & MIUI V4 Roms

Der Support findet ausschließlich bei den Entwicklern statt!


  1. Kernels
  2. Kernel Cleaning Script, Fix Recovery & Kernel Manager
  3. Wissenswertes / Know How
  4. System Architektur - Wofür ist der Kernel Zuständig?
  5. Anmerkungen

[1] Kernels
Hier in der Plattform betreut
Devil Kernels von DerTeufel für Jelly Bean mit Archiv ICS

bei Uns betreut: [KLICK]

[JB][ROM]Mackay ROM 1.0.4 (30-August-2012)
By Developer: kasper_h / xda
Kurzvorstellung in der Plattform: [Hier]

Extern betreut
NEU [KERNEL] Semaphore Jelly Bean by stratosk / xda
bei Uns betreut: [KERNEL][CM9] Semaphore ICS by stratosk / xda

nicht mehr Aktuelle Kernels[/SIZE][/FONT]
[2] Kernel Cleaning Script, Fix Recovery & Kernel Manager[3] Wissenswertes / Know How
Wer Wissenwertes hat in die Plattform Posten - wird von Mir dann Hier gelistet. Danke!
Kernel zip to tar to flash it with odin by exadeci / xdaIm separaten Beitrag kann man sich dazu austauschen
[OFFURL=""][KERNELS][ICS][I9000] The ICS Kernel Benchmarking Project by Pipperox / xda[/URL]Was bedeutet LiveOC? / Autor Sunra[REF][SCRIPTS] Android Optimization Tips - i9000[/OFFURL]
[URL=""][REF][TWEAKS] Kernel Governors, Modules, I/O Schedulers, CPU Tweaks [Reorganize Feb3]

Android CPU Governors "
Was ist ein Governor?"
Hier darauf aufmerksam gemacht von EddyRS und zu Lesen im Obihörnchen's Blog/ Besten Dank an dieser Stelle!
Deep Idle Modus
Akkulaufzeit der Android-Smartphones verbessern!


How To - Wollte Ich immer schon Wissen!

System Architektur -
Wofür ist z.B. der Kernel zuständig?

System Architektur

Auszug aus: Was ist Android?

Quellenverweis: What is Android? | Android Developers
Originaltext Englisch

What is Android?

Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications. The
Android SDK provides the tools and APIs necessary to begin developing applications on the Android platform using the Java programming language.

  • Application framework enabling reuse and replacement of components
  • Dalvik virtual machine optimized for mobile devices
  • Integrated browser based on the open source WebKit engine
  • Optimized graphics powered by a custom 2D graphics library; 3D graphics based on the OpenGL ES 1.0 specification (hardware acceleration optional)
  • SQLite for structured data storage
  • Media support for common audio, video, and still image formats (MPEG4, H.264, MP3, AAC, AMR, JPG, PNG, GIF)
  • GSM Telephony (hardware dependent)
  • Bluetooth, EDGE, 3G, and WiFi (hardware dependent)
  • Camera, GPS, compass, and accelerometer (hardware dependent)
  • Rich development environment including a device emulator, tools for debugging, memory and performance profiling, and a plugin for the Eclipse IDE
Android Architecture

The following diagram shows the major components of the Android operating system. Each section is described in more detail below.



Android will ship with a set of core applications including an email client, SMS program, calendar, maps, browser, contacts, and others. All applications are written using the Java programming language.

Application Framework

By providing an open development platform, Android offers developers the ability to build extremely rich and innovative applications. Developers are free to take advantage of the device hardware, access location information, run background services, set alarms, add notifications to the status bar, and much, much more.

Developers have full access to the same framework APIs used by the core applications. The application architecture is designed to simplify the reuse of components; any application can publish its capabilities and any other application may then make use of those capabilities (subject to security constraints enforced by the framework). This same mechanism allows components to be replaced by the user.
Underlying all applications is a set of services and systems, including:

  • A rich and extensible set of Views that can be used to build an application, including lists, grids, text boxes, buttons, and even an embeddable web browser
  • Content Providers that enable applications to access data from other applications (such as Contacts), or to share their own data
  • A Resource Manager, providing access to non-code resources such as localized strings, graphics, and layout files
  • A Notification Manager that enables all applications to display custom alerts in the status bar
  • An Activity Manager that manages the lifecycle of applications and provides a common navigation backstack
For more details and a walkthrough of an application, see the Notepad Tutorial.

Android includes a set of C/C++ libraries used by various components of the Android system. These capabilities are exposed to developers through the Android application framework. Some of the core libraries are listed below:

  • System C library - a BSD-derived implementation of the standard C system library (libc), tuned for embedded Linux-based devices
  • Media Libraries - based on PacketVideo's OpenCORE; the libraries support playback and recording of many popular audio and video formats, as well as static image files, including MPEG4, H.264, MP3, AAC, AMR, JPG, and PNG
  • Surface Manager - manages access to the display subsystem and seamlessly composites 2D and 3D graphic layers from multiple applications
  • LibWebCore - a modern web browser engine which powers both the Android browser and an embeddable web view
  • SGL - the underlying 2D graphics engine
  • 3D libraries - an implementation based on OpenGL ES 1.0 APIs; the libraries use either hardware 3D acceleration (where available) or the included, highly optimized 3D software rasterizer
  • FreeType - bitmap and vector font rendering
  • SQLite - a powerful and lightweight relational database engine available to all applications
Android Runtime

Android includes a set of core libraries that provides most of the functionality available in the core libraries of the Java programming language.

Every Android application runs in its own process, with its own instance of the Dalvik virtual machine. Dalvik has been written so that a device can run multiple VMs efficiently. The Dalvik VM executes files in the Dalvik Executable (.dex) format which is optimized for minimal memory footprint. The VM is register-based, and runs classes compiled by a Java language compiler that have been transformed into the .dex format by the included "dx" tool.
The Dalvik VM relies on the Linux kernel for underlying functionality such as threading and low-level memory management.
Linux Kernel

Android relies on Linux version 2.6 for core system services such as security, memory management, process management, network stack, and driver model. The kernel also acts as an abstraction layer between the hardware and the rest of the software stack.

[OFFURL=""]Darauf Aufmerksam geworden von [/URL]extralife[/OFFURL]
Übersetzung ins Deutsche von: [URL=""]Criminal23 /MIUI.CH

Was ist Android?

Android ist ein Software Paket für mobile Geräte, was ein Betriebssystem, Middleware und wichtigen Anwendungen enthält. Das Android SDK bietet die Tools und APIs die erforderlich sind, um mit der Entwicklung von Anwendungen auf dem Android-Plattform zu beginnen. Die Programmiersprache ist Java.


Application Framework ermöglicht die Wiederverwendung und den Austausch von Komponenten

Dalvik Virtual Machine für mobile Geräte optimiert

Integrierter Browser auf dem Open Source WebKit Engine

Optimierte Grafik versorgt durch eine benutzerdefinierte 2D-Grafik-Bibliothek; 3D-Grafik die auf den OpenGL ES 1.0-Spezifikationen (Hardwarebeschleunigung optional) basiert

SQLite für strukturierte Datenhaltung

Media-Unterstützung für alle gängigen Audio-, Video-und Standbild-Formate (MPEG4, H.264, MP3, AAC, AMR, JPG, PNG, GIF)

GSM-Telefonie (Hardware abhängig)

Bluetooth, EDGE, 3G und WiFi (Hardware abhängig)

Kamera, GPS, Kompass und Beschleunigungsmesser (Hardware abhängig)

Umfangreiche Entwicklungsumgebung inklusive Device Emulator, Werkzeuge zum Debuggen, Speicher-und Performance-Profiling und ein Plugin für die Eclipse IDE

Android Architektur

Das folgende Diagramm zeigt die wichtigsten Komponenten des Android-Betriebssystems. Jeder Abschnitt wird im Folgenden näher beschrieben.



Android wird mit einer Reihe von Kern-Anwendungen einschließlich E-Mail-Client, SMS-Programm, Kalender, Karten, Browser, Kontakte und anderen herausgegeben. Alle Anwendungen werden mithilfe der Programmiersprache Java geschrieben.

Application Framework

Durch die Bereitstellung einer offenen Entwicklungsplattform bietet Android Entwicklern die Möglichkeit, extrem umfangreiche und innovative Anwendungen zu erstellen. Entwickler können die Vorteile der Geräte-Hardware: Zugriff auf Ortsinformationen, realisieren von Hintergrund-Diensten, Alarme einstellen,Benachrichtigungen an die Statusleiste fügen, und vieles, vieles mehr, nutzen.
Entwickler haben vollen Zugriff auf die gleichen framework APIs (API = Programmierschnittstelle), die von den Kern-Anwendungen verwendet werden. Die Anwendungs Architektur ist so konzipiert, um die Weiterverwendung von Komponenten zu vereinfachen; jede Anwendung kann seine Fähigkeiten veröffentlichen, und damit kann wiederrum jede andere Anwendung Gebrauch von diesen Möglichkeiten machen (je nach Sicherheits-Einschränkungen durch das Framework). Mit dem selben Mechanismus können Komponenten durch den Anwender ausgetauscht werden.
Basiswert aller Anwendungen ist eine Reihe von Diensten und Systemen, einschließlich:

Eine reichhaltige und erweiterbare Auswahl von Ansichten, die verwendet werden können, um eine Anwendung, einschließlich Listen, Grids, Textfelder, Schaltflächen und sogar einen Webbrowser zu erstellen

Content Providers, ermöglicht Anwendungen, auf Daten anderer Anwendungen (z.B. Kontakte) zuzugreifen, oder ihre eigenen Daten freizugeben

Ein Resource Manager bietet Zugang zu Nicht-Code-Ressourcen wie lokalisierten Zeichenfolgen, Grafiken und Layout-Dateien

Ein Notification Manager, erlaubt allen Anwendungen, benutzerdefinierte Warnungen in der Statusleiste anzuzeigen

Ein Activity Manager, der den Lebenszyklus von Anwendungen verwaltet und einen gemeinsamen Navigations backstack bietet

Für weitere Details und einer exemplarischen Vorgehensweise einer Anwendung finden Sie im Notepad Tutorial.

Bibliotheken / Libraries

Android enthält einen Satz von C/C++ Bibliotheken die durch verschiedene Komponenten des Android System verwendet werden. Diese Fähigkeiten werden den Entwicklern über die Android Application Framework frei gegeben. Einige der Kernbibliotheken sind unten aufgeführt:

System C library - eine BSD-abgeleitete Implementierung der Standard-C-System-Bibliothek (libc), für Embedded Linux-basierte Geräte abgestimmt

Media Libraries - basierend auf PacketVideo OpenCORE; die Bibliotheken unterstützen die Wiedergabe und Aufnahme von vielen gängigen Audio-und Videoformaten sowie statische Bilddateien, einschließlich MPEG4, H.264, MP3, AAC, AMR, JPG und PNG

Surface Manager - verwaltet den Zugriff auf das Display-Subsystem und nahtlose vermischen von 2D und 3D Grafik-Schichten aus mehreren Anwendungen

LibWebCore - eine moderne Web-Browser-Engine, welche sowohl die Android-Browser und eine bündig Web-Ansicht verarbeiten kann

SGL - die zugrunde liegenden 2D-Grafik-Engine

3D libraries - eine Implementierung, basierend auf OpenGL ES 1.0 APIs, die Bibliotheken verwenden entweder Hardware-3D-Beschleunigung (sofern verfügbar) oder die mitgelieferte, hoch optimierte 3D-Software Rasterung

FreeType - Bitmap-und Vektorschriftart-Rendering

SQLite - eine leistungsstarke und leicht relationale Datenbank-Engine für alle Anwendungen verfügbar

Android Runtime

Android enthält eine Reihe von Kern-Bibliotheken, die die meisten Funktionen in den Kern-Bibliotheken der Java-Programmiersprache bietet.
Jede Android-Anwendung läuft in einem eigenen Prozess, mit seiner eigenen Instanz der Dalvik Virtual Machine.
Dalvik wurde so geschrieben, dass ein Gerät mehrere VMs effizient ausführen kann. Die Dalvik VM führt Dateien im Dalvik Executable (.dex) Format aus, so das nur minimaler Speicherbedarf erforderlich ist. Die VM ist registergestützt und wird, compiliert von einem Java-Compiler, die in den .dex-Format mit dem mitgelieferten "dx" Tool verwandelt wurde, betrieben.
Die Dalvik VM basiert auf dem Linux-Kernel für die zugrunde liegenden Funktionen wie Threading und Low-Level-Speicherverwaltung.

Linux Kernel

Android basiert auf Linux Version 2.6 für Core-System-Dienste wie Sicherheit, Speicher-Management, Prozess-Management, Netzwerk-Stack und Treiber-Modell. Der Kernel dient auch als eine abstrakte Ebene zwischen der Hardware und dem Rest der Software.

Falls euch meine Arbeit gefällt, könnt ihr gerne
*jeweilige Liste die Euch gefällt, Informiert fühlt

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Hectic, FCB-Fan, golfri und 5 andere
Klarer Platzhirsch unter den Kernels

Bitte beachten: Erfahrunsberichte zu seinen Kernels können in der Plattform platziert werden,
Diskussionen und Support findet aber ausschließlich in seinen Beiträgen statt


Sein Custom Rom Port: [ROM] Helly_Bean [JB - 4.1.1], based on sources of cm10

Zitat Der Teufel: If you like my work, please
donate to me


[1] Kernelmanager

Kernel Config


für Jelly Bean

[4] für ICS

[4] Archiv für JB- & ICS

[APP]Devil Kernel Manager

[APP] Devil Kernel Config

Postet by philbring / xda

Aktuell Hier aufgeführt: für Jelly Bean Roms
Devil3 1.6.1 - 30/09/2012 - /derteufel/jellybean/


Archive für JB & ICS Kernels

JB Kernel

21/08/2012 23:49 120 Devil3_1.2.1_Jellybean_i9000_CFS_BLN_CMC_20120821.sha256sum

21/08/2012 23:50 6021120 Devil3_1.2.1_Jellybean_i9000_CFS_BLN_CMC_20120821.tar
21/08/2012 23:49 6315743

21/08/2012 23:47 119 Devil3_1.2.1_Jellybean_i9000_CFS_BLN_VC_20120821.sha256sum

21/08/2012 23:47 6021120 Devil3_1.2.1_Jellybean_i9000_CFS_BLN_VC_20120821.tar
21/08/2012 23:47 6315923

[/FONT]Zitat DerTeufel / xda
i just have started to upload the kernels.

changes since 1.1.0:

- use 200 mhz if gpu is active, but also 100 mhz if not (if you want the cpu to always run at higher than 100, you have to disbale lock_scaling_min at /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/lock_scaling_min)
- linux 3.0.40
- row i/o scheduler from linux 3.5
- tunings to deadline i/o scheduler
- switch do_fsync() to fget_light() (less overhead)
- optimized AES and SHA1 routines
- added Wheatley governor, thx to kasper_h
- compiled new bigmem libs for latest hw_composer changes
- Increase dpram semaphore wait timeout (cdma modem fix by Efpophis)
- disabled twrp recovery for now (not working with jellybean)
- compiled with "old" toolchain for now (at least for me, there was no performance difference, but more issues)
- new cm 10 partition layout (use onenand for /data)

kernels can be found here: - /derteufel/jellybean/
until i move them to the correct folder tomorrow
ICS Kernels - [Kernel][ICS] Devil3_1.1.0 [02/08/12] - i9000 and i9000B
Original Beitrag bei vom Entwickler: DerTeufel1980 / xda

Hier finden die Diskussionen zu den Devilkernels statt: [KLICK]

[FONT=&quot]02/08/2012 Devil3_1.1.0-ICS_i9000_CFS_BLN_CMC_20120802.sha256sum
02/08/2012 Devil3_1.1.0-ICS_i9000_CFS_BLN_CMC_20120802.tar
02/08/2012 Devil3_1.1.0-ICS_i9000_CFS_BLN_VC_20120802.sha256sum
02/08/2012 Devil3_1.1.0-ICS_i9000_CFS_BLN_VC_20120802.tar

Quelle: - /divers/ICS/i9000/110/

changelog 02.08.2012
- bug fix to bln, to prevent kernel panic in some situations (thx to thalamus)
- switched from deep_idle 2 to idle2 (also thx to thalamus)
- updated kernel to linux 3.0.38
- dockaudio sysfs for captivate and fascinate
- automated symlinking from data to system: if one wants to free up some space at /system, without removing an app completely, just copy it from /system/app to /data/sys-parts/app (create the folder if not there), and reboot. during reboot, the app from system gets deleted, and the app from /data/sys-parts/app gets symlinked to system. this is working for almost every app, but i don't recommend doing this with apps, needed for android to work (framework, media provider, settings,...)

IDLE2 can be enabled with the following command:

echo 0 > /sys/module/cpuidle/parameters/idle2_disabled
IDLE2 can be disabled with the following command:
echo 1 > /sys/module/cpuidle/parameters/idle2_disabled
Stats can be obtained from the standard cpuidle interface, which, for
IDLE2 is located at:
where * = 1, 2, 3

[FONT=&quot]07/08/2012 12:59 120 Devil3_1.1.3_JellyBean_i9000_CFS_BLN_CMC_20120807.sha256sum

[FONT=&quot]07/08/2012 13:02 6225920 [FONT=&quot]Devil3_1.1.3_JellyBean_i9000_CFS_BLN_CMC_20120807.tar[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
07/08/2012 13:04 6519487 [/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT][FONT=&quot]

07/08/2012 13:02 119 [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=&quot]Devil3_1.1.3_JellyBean_i9000_CFS_BLN_VC_20120807.sha256sum

[FONT=&quot]07/08/2012 13:04 6225920 [FONT=&quot]Devil3_1.1.3_JellyBean_i9000_CFS_BLN_VC_20120807.tar[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
07/08/2012 13:06 6519752 [/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT][/FONT]

Quelle: - /derteufel/jellybean/i9000/113/

[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot] 02-Aug-2012[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot] 02-Aug-2012 [/FONT][/FONT]
changelog 02.08.2012:
- bug fix to bln, to prevent kernel panic in some situations (thx to thalamus)
- switched from deep_idle 2 to idle2 (also thx to thalamus)
- updated kernel to linux 3.0.38
- dockaudio sysfs for captivate and fascinate

IDLE2 can be enabled with the following command:

echo 0 > /sys/module/cpuidle/parameters/idle2_disabled
IDLE2 can be disabled with the following command:
echo 1 > /sys/module/cpuidle/parameters/idle2_disabled
Stats can be obtained from the standard cpuidle interface, which, for
IDLE2 is located at:
where * = 1, 2, 3
Change Log

changelog 25.07.2012 part2:
- fixed cwm backup and restore for kernels without /datadata partition

changelog 25.07.2012:
- updated recovery (no "sdcard format"-bug anymore, external sd card is named correctly)
- vibrant: hopefully fixed froyo ril
- jellybean: galaxy s settings working now

Download: 25/07/2012 i9000
Bitte beachten: diese Kernels können nicht auf einem ROM-ICs und auch nicht auf älteren ROMs als diese verwendet werden
22/07/2012 21:48 6751230

22/07/2012 21:51 6751736 - /divers/Rc5_kernel/
Index of /Rc5_kernel 6.07 MB
6.01 MB
6.01 MB
6.01 MB

Attachments - xda-developers

ICS Kernel

Support by: [Kernel][ICS] Devil3_0.79 [18/06/12] - i9000 and i9000B / by xda & Hier bei

[Kernel][ICS] Devil3_0.79 [18/06/12] - i9000 and i9000B
- [Click for QR Code] (5.77 MB, 496 views)
- [Click for QR Code] (5.77 MB, 241 views)
- [Click for QR Code] (5.77 MB, 50 views)
- [Click for QR Code] (5.78 MB, 38 views)


changelog 18.06.2012:

- some changes to load balancing
-added ultra ksm (metioned by zach
thx for this my friend)
- readded fiops io scheduler (still experimental and could cause instablilities)
- using snappy compression for zram now (2 times faster, but only 2% less compression)
- added the possibility to change zram size (at /data/local/devil/zram_size, with valid values: 50, 75, 100 and 150 (all in mb))
- fixed the applying of user_min/max freq after reboot
- vibrant: fixed gps
- fascinate: fixed nandroid in cwm recovery

what is ksm?
uksm is more optimized and also working for single core systems. using this should give much better ram usage, but at the cost of more cpu usage

############# most probably not working (yet)##############

i have added seperate gpu oc from jt1134's galaxy_tab (to switch between 200 and 250 mhz), but i did not get any improvements in antutu...further tests needed
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/pvr_oc/pvr_oc (for 250 mhz)
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/pvr_oc/pvr_oc (for 200 mhz), no reboot needed

and also have changend default screen refreshrate from 60 to 56, with the possibility to change it:

echo 1 > /sys/kernel/refreshrate/enable (60 hz)
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/refreshrate/enable (56 hz)
################################################## #### - [Click for QR Code] (5.92 MB, 238 views)
- [Click for QR Code] (5.92 MB, 121 views)
- [Click for QR Code] (5.93 MB, 18 views)
- [Click for QR Code] (5.92 MB, 14 views)

changelog 10.06.2012:
cwm recovery:
- fixed mounting of external sd card to pc


- picked two commits from linux 3.0.32 (avoid a possible memory leak, small fix to ext4 driver)


- fixed wrong mount points


changelog 09.06.2012:

- updated Zram and Zcache from linux 3.3
- updated android binder driver from linux 3.3
- fixed restoring of backups within TWRP recovery
- added virtual buttons to cwm recovery (Attention: they still don't work!)
- call vol hack from tk glitch (take a look at init.d folder and edit the script to make changes to call vol hack)
- bigmem values get applied at first boot after power on (if there is a value at /data/local/devil/bigmem, 1 for 391 mb and 2 for 403 mb (the last one breaks 720p)
- prevent phantom key presses (from tk glitch)
- [Click for QR Code] (5.92 MB, 191 views)
- [Click for QR Code] (5.93 MB, 137 views)
- [Click for QR Code] (5.92 MB, 17 views)
- [Click for QR Code] (5.93 MB, 14 views)

24/05/2012 21:03 109

24/05/2012 21:05 7055011

24/05/2012 23:27 6758482

24/05/2012 21:06 108

24/05/2012 21:08 7059055

24/05/2012 23:26 6758481

changelog 24.05.2012:

- Smooth_ui included to ondemand, conservative, smartass, lulzactive, lagfree and lazy governor (only one setting for activating/deactivating it in general)
- 3 cpu governor presets (smooth, normal, powersave) for ondemand, conservative, smartass, lulzactive, lagfree (only one setting for switching the mode in general)
- no need for activating/deactivating of selective live_oc anymore --> just change target low and target high
- BLX back in
- fixes to devil idle to be more stable while in call
- 1,5 mb more ram (thanks to mialwe)
- added aroma filemanager to cwm recovery
- added fully working TWRP recovery optional to cwm recovery (to use TWRP, just create a file named "twrp" at /cache)
- added option to select ram config in kernel --> no need for flashing an other kernel to get more ram (thanks to stratosk)

01-May-2012 10:09 109
01-May-2012 10:10 5.0M

01-May-2012 10:08 112
01-May-2012 10:09 5.0M

01-May-2012 10:07 115
01-May-2012 10:08 5.0M

01-May-2012 10:06 108
01-May-2012 10:07 5.0M

01-May-2012 10:05 111
01-May-2012 10:06 5.0M

01-May-2012 10:03 114
01-May-2012 10:04 5.0M

720p.recording-fix (stock).zip 14-Apr-2012 02:20 226K
14-Apr-2012 02:32 4.9M
14-Apr-2012 01:31 4.9M
14-Feb-2012 08:33 0
14-Feb-2012 08:33 0



- new b versions (only stock ram) changend to 377 mb, VC version needs the 720p fix from my ftp server. cmc version already patched

13/04/2012 01:23 109
13/04/2012 01:17 5130571
13/04/2012 01:22 112 Devil2_0.67_i9000_CFS_BLN_CMC_XL_20120413.sha256sum
13/04/2012 01:23 5130316
13/04/2012 01:21 115 Devil2_0.67_i9000_CFS_BLN_CMC_XL_bm_20120413.sha256sum
13/04/2012 01:22 5130628
13/04/2012 01:20 108 Devil2_0.67_i9000_CFS_BLN_VC_20120413.sha256sum
13/04/2012 01:21 5131329
13/04/2012 01:19 111 Devil2_0.67_i9000_CFS_BLN_VC_XL_20120413.sha256sum
13/04/2012 01:20 5131800
13/04/2012 01:18 114 Devil2_0.67_i9000_CFS_BLN_VC_XL_bm_20120413.sha256sum
13/04/2012 01:19 5138503

10/04/2012 00:10 109
10/04/2012 00:08 5129197
10/04/2012 00:08 112 Devil2_0.65_i9000_CFS_BLN_CMC_XL_20120409.sha256sum
10/04/2012 00:09 5129486

10/04/2012 00:09 115
10/04/2012 00:10 5128938


- updated wifi driver

- user interface to switch wifi mode (pm_fast better batterie, pm_max better signal)
echo 0 > sys/module/bcmdhd/parameters/uiFastWifi (pm_fast)
echo 1 > sys/module/bcmdhd/parameters/uiFastWifi (pm_max)
- user interface to disable fsync (this gives more performace, at the risk of data loss on a crash, taken from ezekeel, so it should be ok
), default is off, to be safe
echo 1 > /sys/devices/virtual/misc/fsynccontrol/fsync_enabled (fsync enabled)
echo 0 > /sys/devices/virtual/misc/fsynccontrol/fsync_enabled (fsync disabled)
to make this settings apply after reboot, select them from recovery --> devil --> misc

- fixed voodoo color kernels (these have the VC in their names)



- fixed bug in selective live_oc, which caused the target high not taking affect to the highest freq, if highest freq equals target high
- fixed another bug in selective live_oc, which could lead to gpu crashes due to overclocking the ram, but not the cpu freq (for low steps)
- added a switch to change between "normal" and selective live_oc
(can be changend in recovery, devil menu --> performace --> liveoc,
or by (this won't stay after reboot):




no time for detailed changelog...have to sleep..

stock mem kernel has 379 mb ram

"slim" (XL) kernel comes with 390 mb
XL_BM is coming with 402 mb ram, but breaking 720p

while flashing the kernel, the modded rom files are also flashed, so you don't need to flash a new rom to get 379 or 390 mb

added new frequency: 1080 mhz (1100 does not like live_oc)

fixed SmartassV2 for live_oc (after changing live_oc value, you have to change the smartass values, too, but then they automatically apply to the live_oc value (although you can also select 800 mhz in nstools (for example)

also implemented touch recovery with custom devil menu (for some reason it takes a few seconds to load the first time)

more to come tomorrow...


07-Mar-2012 07:18 104 07-Mar-2012 07:20 7.0M Devil_1.1.6b_BFS_BLN_VC_20120307.sha256sum 07-Mar-2012 07:20 103 07-Mar-2012 07:21 7.0M Devil_1.1.6b_CFS_BLN_CMC_20120307.sha256sum 07-Mar-2012 07:21 104 07-Mar-2012 07:23 7.1M Devil_1.1.6b_CFS_BLN_VC_20120307.sha256sum 07-Mar-2012 07:23 103 07-Mar-2012 07:24 7.1M

05/03/2012 20:01 103
05/03/2012 20:01 7522600
05/03/2012 20:03 102 Devil_1.1.6_BFS_BLN_VC_20120305.sha256sum
05/03/2012 20:03 7524094
05/03/2012 19:57 103 Devil_1.1.6_CFS_BLN_CMC_20120305.sha256sum
05/03/2012 19:57 7558521
05/03/2012 19:59 102 Devil_1.1.6_CFS_BLN_VC_20120305.sha256sum
05/03/2012 19:59 7559725



- updated sio i/o scheduler to latest version
- small updates to ondemand and conservative governor from linux 3.2
- bettter performance for CFS kernel due to tuning and patches
- tuning to deadline scheduler
- better i/o performance
- changed bootlogo (probably not the last time

Screenshots: [1] Kernelmanager [2] Kernel Config [3] akueller Kernel


  • DKM.png
    8,3 KB · Aufrufe: 870
  • DKC-0.7.gif
    238,6 KB · Aufrufe: 1.238
  • Screenshot_2012-07-27-22-55-15.png
    37,7 KB · Aufrufe: 987
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: pannes, photofarmer und imperianer


===> - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Mirror (thanks to Dfolt !): on [not yet mirrored]

Features & characteristics:

- based on pawitp's 3.0 kernel port

- currently running with onecosmics initramfs (init-files support ?)

- no OC/UV tweaking ability yet (besides ADC/RAM undervolting which is not changable)

- using linaro 4.5 toolchain: more efficient
- hardfloat: up to 40% more performance in certain situations
- several hardening features enabled [re-enabled memory randomization, stack-protector, dis-allowed access to devmem, devkmem]: more security against attacks & data theft attempts etc.
- battery polling set to 30 seconds: less polling = less overhead = less work to do for the CPU = (in theory, here marginally) more battery
- timer slack subsystem: in certain workloads less battery consumption
- parts of CK-patchset: more efficient memory usage
- alternative memmove & memcopy implementation: more efficient in certain workloads
- improved USB writing performance
- FIX: less data loss and corruption when removing microSD cards [-> already sent to upstream kernel]
- quiet binder [no unnecessary error-messages in dmesg anymore]
- FIX: pmem: buddy free memory corruption -> no memory corruption in this case anymore [-> already sent to upstream kernel]
- lib/crc; crc32 improvements
- cpu scheduler tweaking & improvements: smoother phone [maybe some less high benchmark scores - others are higher]
- undervolted ADC + RAM: less battery consumption
- unaligned cpu accesses: more performance in certain cases
- more governors: ondemand, ondemandX, interactiveX, smartassV2 [ondemandb currently not available]
- Deep Idle V2 port from Ezekeel: less battery consumption when cpu is busy (working - but needs more testing)

Changes for alpha 5:

- deepidle v2 needs to be enabled by nstools (from Market) [hardly lower performance & maybe some barely noticable higher latency]
- some experimental new memory mapping settings [might break stuff, once this doesn't hurt anything - will try to add additional stuff to get even more RAM - provided it works]


- short battery runtime when using ondemand governor: use ondemand for smoother operation, ondemandx in case for old ondemand behavior with better battery life

- media process is going crazy, the phone is not usable: known ICS problem: adb shell -> killall
[more info: forum post on that problem]

- phone is only showing 1 GHz - it doesn't downclock, gets hot and reboots on its own: stupid phone issue [seemingly not everyone has this - currently under investigation]:
1) flash the kernel & modules through cwm
2) flash the kernel [boot.img] only a 2nd time through heimdall (does Odin also work ?)
via heimdall flash --kernel boot.img
after that it should work

- with which ICS ROMs is this compatible with ? according to feedback it works, make sure that you upgraded from samsung stock to onecosmic and not from teamhacksung build to onecosmic's ICS port - otherwise camera and other stuff might not work

- feel like wiping /cache partition or have trouble with some apps ? wiping of /cache & dalvik cache has been disabled due to potential association of data loss (contacts, apps, system state, etc.) - so do it manually from recovery

- where is superuser / root gone ? this is an issue for some ROMs - currently under investigation what causes this [need feedback]
- deep idle not working - same/similar battery life like on stock ? deep idle needs to be enabled via nstools from android market - please install

Awesome sauce:

Link to NEO-ICS_3.0.8_a5 branch

kudos to:

- Tk-Glitch, sixstring & Efpophis, ...
- DerTeufel
- teamhacksung
- pawitp
- nikademus
- all others who are working on the GT-i9000, Telus Fascinate, Captivate, Vibrant, Fascinate phones

slow development [studies need a big portion of my time]

TalonDev (for Samsung stock ROMs, SGS/i9000, Captivate)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
[KERNEL][CM9][24/03/12] Icy Glitch V14 - BETA - LiveOC - Voodoo - DIDLEv2 - USBhost

Note : These kernels are only compatible with CyanogenMod 9 based roms.
Use them on any other rom at your own risks.

These kernels are provided as-is without warranty. I'm not responsible for any problem you can encounter with your phone or if your cat suddenly dies.
Although, don't expect support even if I will eventually help since I love cats.
Overview :
- 3.1.10 linux base
- LiveOC
- Custom Voltage
- Battery Life eXtender
- Voodoo Sound 10
- PMFAST mode for best wifi performance (different low power mode than default, using a bit more power).
- USB host mode support
- 342MB RAM
- Various tweaks for more speed and battery saving​

  • Download

Glitch kernel (CWM flashable only)
Glitch Kernel Updater app now available on the Android market to support us !

& ChangeLog ausschließlich bei Tk-Glitch/xda

  • FAQ, Change Log

FAQ, Changelogs

24/03/2012 - BETA 6 :

- Upstream sync (modemctl, compass fix..)
- Fixed BLN, and added blink support (available through NSTools)
- Disabled Samsung sleep patches from Teamhacksung to prevent SODs
- Fascinate : Ported ssewk2x phantom keypress filter code from Glitch V13.1
- Vibrant : Merged GPS changes from FaultException
- Moved back to Deadline ioshed as default to fix nandroid
- Added Derteufel's selective LiveOC mod - It will prevent low frequency steps to OC, potentially providing enhanced stability and powersaving
- Fixed potential bug in vfat fs driver
- Fixed bug in ext4 fs driver
- Merged some audio changes from Teamhacksung
- Added touch support in Glitch recovery (incomplete)
- Some cleaning

22/02/2012 - BETA 5 :

- Voice audio through dock, thanks to xcaliburinhand (should fix related issues with Glitch volume boost hack)
- Renamed SmartassV2 governor to "GlitchassV2" to prevent latest NSTools version hanging
- Added FranciscoFranco Conservative governor tweaks for more speed
- Added a DIDLE enabler into screensate scaling script to kill BT in sleep and make DIDLE work with both TOP=ON and TOP=OFF. You'll need to enable screenstate scaling in Glitch menu from recovery in order to get DIDLE to use this (disabled by default). It's mostly for testing purposes - Feel free to report your experience with it.
- Moved back to previous sysinit to prevent the DIDLE enabler script to make the phone hanging on the bootlogo. Also fixes screenstate scaling making the phone unbootable, and some SOD/COD issues for guys using some other tweaking scripts
- Implemented BLN9 port from Derteufel with NSTools compatible sysfs. This way all the unsupported roms will get led notifications, and CMLed haters will hopefully stop to yell..
- The flash-time script has been updated to be able to clean more stuff
- A few fixes on the wifi driver to work better with our devices Please report your experience with DIDLE enabled. It may be required to disable DIDLE on some phones to prevent SOD/COD/softreboots or other instabilities. Also MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A DAMN GB BOOTLOADER !
- Reverted modemctl changes from Teamhacksung - should fix data issues some are having

21/02/2012 - BETA 4.1 :

- Reverted sleep GPIO stuff from THS stock samsung port. Should fix SODs some are encountering.

09/02/2012 - BETA 3 :

- LiveOC frequency steps changed again - Now all steps are using a 200MHz bus by default, so pushing liveOC % will give the same bus speed on all steps
- Default Int voltage for 1GHz set to Samsung's default to fix instability on bad overclocker devices
- Fixed recovery not displaying long lists items as well as cosmetic fixes - updated to latest source from Koush
- Fixed init.d support
- Switched to Tiny SHMEM, better on small devices
- Ext4 optimizations for more speed
- Readahead values tweaked a bit - should be better overall
- Fascinate : Use GB driver for i500 to fix prox/light sensors, and updated RIL init (Thanks to Sbrissen)
- Fsync() enabled again to prevent/limit data loss while experimenting with overclocking, and to (probably) fix the reboot->bootloop issue
- Disabled frame pointer, FIQ debugger, and some more debug stuff, Morfic-like

- Some writeback quickfixes
- Updated wifi drivers with added net fixes and optimizations
- GlitchOndemand polling tweaking for more stability
- Misc tweaks

29/01/2012 - BETA 2 :

- Updated to linux 3.1.10
- A few fixes on LiveOC (Thanks Ezekeel)
- GPU load affecting CPU frequency scaling (200 vs 100MHz) is back
- Removed CFQ and BFQ, and added SIO & the all new flash oriented FIOPS i/o schedulers - FIOPS is now default
- Better VM tweaks
- Fixed GlitchOndemand polling to fix stability issues some are encountering
- i/o-less dirty throttling backport from linux 3.2 (thanks to Franciscofranco)
- Added dynamic writeback & various writeback fixes
- Proportional rate reduction for TCP (thanks Google
- Small fix on Lazy gov from Ezekeel
- Captivate : Port battery charging/fuel gauge code from stock --> Improves (but does not completely fix) phone turning off while
charging for some users (charging death). (Thanks to Pawitp)
- Vibrant : Headset buttons fix (Thanks to FaultException)
- Fixed and now built-in CIFS
- Changed OC steps (1152 step is now 1160, with 200MHz bus, 1440MHz step removed, added 1400 and 1500 MHz steps)
- Moved back to "old" DIDLE implementation for now
- Glitch call volume hack is back
- Various optimization and CPU load reduction in some typical cases
- Verizon Fascinate : fix for boot issue on preview 5 and BETA 1
- Updated USB host driver to build 5

23/01/2012 - BETA 1 :

- Dock audio support.
- Added gamma V1 hack and MDNIE bypass mode.
- Added more governors to play with & tweaked interactive and ondemand.
- DIDLE V2 added back for people who want to mod their framework (It may/will cause sleep of death on some devices, as always)
- Battery charging calculation fix (BLX will now show 100% as default).
- Changed overclocked steps for more stability and easier setup.
- Dm-cache support.
- Updated linux base to 3.1.9.
- Improved memory management and cache handling.
- General speed enhancements.
- Fsync disabled.
- Added an entry in the GLITCH menu (in recovery) to choose between mtp and mass storage USB mode.
- USB host mode (OTG) - updated to build 4, from sztupy - thanks to him and everyone involved in this !
- Bootmode injection fix from pawitp.
- Optimized RWSEM algorithm.
- VM and I/O performance enhancements.
- Added BFQ i/o scheduler.
- More cleaning, various optimizations and power management tweaks.

25/12/2011 - V14

- Compatible with Teamhacksung's ICS/CM9 builds 10 or higher.

- Now using linux 3.0.8 base from the Nexus S drop
- Upstream synced to the latest from THS (TVout, cleanup, 3.0 port..)
- Reverted to stock CM LED Notifications (fixing all the previous problems some users encountered with BLN) / No more BLN app needed, enabled by default.
- Removed Voodoo Color, and back to stock implementation.
- Added support for a new low power mode on wifi chipset, enhancing signal reception and stability, at the cost of a bit higher power consumption.
- Back to NEON mfpu for now
- Full support for init.d scripts
- Readahead value back to 1024 for better results (SDcard read Cache)
- Fixed headset buttons
- Fixed randomly freezing softkeys
- Big cleanup and rewrite of some stuff
- Removed the 200MHz lock when the GPU is active for battery life. Depending on your launcher and/or widgets, you'll get some slowdowns. Change min freq to 200 to fix it.

Major additions, ported from Ezekeel's work on the Nexus S (thanks Morfic !) :

You will need NSTools app, available for free on the market, or here :

- Added "LiveOC" system, giving access to GPU/bus overclocking on the fly, per 1% step.
- Added "Custom Voltage" control, giving access to ARM and Internal voltage undervoling and overvolting. (This makes the previous leakage system obsolete, which is now removed.)
- Added "Battery life eXtender" mod, allowing the user to limit the maximum charge percentage to preserve the battery life (not the battery runtime obviously)
- Added support for DIDLE V2, a very low power mode that will help battery life in many idle/semi-idle cases.
- Lazy governor sysfs, to enable or disable the frequency ramping up when screen is off (to end tasks quicker to sleep faster).

A guide will come soon to explain the new awesome OC system and its possibilities.


- Fixed GPS issues.
- Moved to Nexus S Framebuffer (stock colors, no more color adjustment available).


- Added color adjustments to Nexus S framebuffer.
- Dock audio stuff back in.
- Cleanup.

This kernel is a preview, and more features will come in the final version (more governors & schedulers, etc.).

Keep in mind CM9 is at early stages of development and contains many bugs still.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
[KERNEL][ICS] STOCK+ Team kernel for Onecosmic ICS [Voodoo Sound+CM Color+OC+NEW GOV]


[SIZE=+3]for Onecosmic ICS ROM[/SIZE]

Here we are with our new child which is a ICS kernel for Galaxy S (GT-I9000)

We decided to support Onecosmic ROM as for now it is rock stable and well made and configured one. In our opinion best for now for daily use.
If you dare, test this kernel on other ICS ROM's
but no warranty and support from us in this case.


++ STOCK+ ICS Kernel v51 - build date: 29 Dec 2011++

  • Features - Change Log - Instruktionen - rtc;

IRC Channel:
freenode Web IRC (qwebirc)

##icssgs <- yes, double ## (we switched channel)

GitHub Stock+ Kernel


Alpha Build 51
- Fixed updater script
- Default speed is set to 1.2Ghz (default to CPU in Galaxy S)
- Two new Governors added MinMax and Lazy (ported from Galaxy Nexus, not visible for user as they are hiding under other governors names. its google trick)
- Default governor set to MinMax (which should be best solution when u need speed and battery life)
- Cm Color included (find app attached to this post)
- Acpi fixes
- Voodoo sound included

Problem solutions!

- Menu key not working after flashing -
Reboot phone and try again, if still not working please post PM to me.

- Force closes after flashing new kernel -
Do a factory reset and clear caches.

- Bootloop after flashing -
You probably went from GB rom, do a factory reset, clear caches and flash again.

Greets goes for: Onecosmic, nushor, $omator, Dfolt and rest of hard working Devs!

Visit us for latest and most updated web page with ROM/Kernels and ICS port releases at

Onecosmic's ICS RC1 builds for Galaxy S (GT-i9000) / Galaxy S(B) (GT-i9000B) / Captivate (SGH-I897) / Vibrant (SGH-T959)



Warrning!: if previous kernel was not from Onecosmic line, then expect issues! (try to do backup before using this kernel on different rom than base onecosmic Rc1), if you got issues, do backup, clean dalvik cache, if this not helps, then do full reset. Roms/kernels are incompatible with each other somehow messing settings.

Attached Files
AriesParts.apk (19.6 KB, 187 views)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Deepthrow
Neuer Kernel von Semaphore für CM9
[KERNEL][CM9] Semaphore ICS 0.5.1 by stratosk / xda

Dieser Bereich befindet sich noch im Aufbau!


Last kernel for this year :p

  • Features & characteristics:

- based on pawitp's 3.0 kernel port

- currently running with onecosmics initramfs (init-files support ?)

- no OC/UV tweaking ability yet (besides ADC/RAM undervolting which is not changable)

- using linaro 4.5 toolchain: more efficient
- hardfloat: up to 40% more performance in certain situations
- several hardening features enabled [re-enabled memory randomization, stack-protector, dis-allowed access to devmem, devkmem]: more security against attacks & data theft attempts etc.
- battery polling set to 30 seconds: less polling = less overhead = less work to do for the CPU = (in theory, here marginally) more battery
- timer slack subsystem: in certain workloads less battery consumption
- parts of CK-patchset: more efficient memory usage
- alternative memmove & memcopy implementation: more efficient in certain workloads
- improved USB writing performance
- FIX: less data loss and corruption when removing microSD cards [-> already sent to upstream kernel]
- quiet binder [no unnecessary error-messages in dmesg anymore]
- FIX: pmem: buddy free memory corruption -> no memory corruption in this case anymore [-> already sent to upstream kernel]
- lib/crc; crc32 improvements
- cpu scheduler tweaking & improvements: smoother phone [maybe some less high benchmark scores - others are higher]
- undervolted ADC + RAM: less battery consumption
- unaligned cpu accesses: more performance in certain cases
- more governors: ondemand, ondemandX, interactiveX, smartassV2 [ondemandb currently not available]
- Deep Idle V2 port from Ezekeel: less battery consumption when cpu is busy (working - but needs more testing)

Changes for alpha 5:

- activated deepidle v2 by default [slightly lower performance & maybe some barely noticable higher latency]
- optimized CFLAGS
- [upstream] GPIO aries fix

  • Troubleshooting:

- short battery runtime when using ondemand governor: use ondemand for smoother operation, ondemandx in case for old ondemand behavior with better battery life

- media process is going crazy, the phone is not usable: known ICS problem: adb shell -> killall
[more info: forum post on that problem]

- phone is only showing 1 GHz - it doesn't downclock, gets hot and reboots on its own: stupid phone issue [seemingly not everyone has this - currently under investigation]:
1) flash the kernel & modules through cwm
2) flash the kernel [boot.img] only a 2nd time through heimdall (does Odin also work ?)
via heimdall flash --kernel boot.img
after that it should work

- with which ICS ROMs is this compatible with ? according to feedback it works, make sure that you upgraded from samsung stock to onecosmic and not from teamhacksung build to onecosmic's ICS port - otherwise camera and other stuff might not work

- feel like wiping /cache partition or have trouble with some apps ? wiping of /cache & dalvik cache has been disabled due to potential association of data loss (contacts, apps, system state, etc.) - so do it manually from recovery

- where is superuser / root gone ? this is an issue for some ROMs - currently under investigation what causes this [need feedback]

  • Awesome sauce

Link to NEO-ICS_3.0.8_a5 branch

  • kudos to:

- Tk-Glitch, sixstring & Efpophis, ...
- DerTeufel
- teamhacksung
- pawitp
- nikademus
- all others who are working on the GT-i9000, Telus Fascinate, Captivate, Vibrant, Fascinate phones :)

die ersten Kernels

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Sollte man wenn man den Kernel flasht vorher ein cleaning-script ausführen? Wenn ja welches?

Edit: Habe den Kernel jetzt mal einfach so geflasht. Wenn ich anschließend SmartassV2 einstelle, welches I/O sollte ich dazu benutzen um max. Akkulaufzeit zu erhalten?

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich oder übernehmen keine Haftung dafür! Ihr seid für euer Handeln selbst verantwortlich!!!

[KERNEL][CM9][I9000] Mackay kernel 0.41
Thread By Developer: kasper_h / xda

Dies ist ein CM9 Kernel mit einigen zusätzlichen Features,
er basiert auf dem CM9-Kernel von pawitp.


12 August 2012 - ICS_Final

Additions since previous stable version:
s5pc110_battery: fix charging display for car dock
fix freeze when max frequncy is set to 800 MHz
fixed charging-autostart bug, now the device stays off, and powers on properly (thanks DerTeufel)
Updated to linux version 3.0.39

General features:
Build using the July Linaro toolchain
O3 optimization
Updated to linux kernel version 3.0.39
Mackay kernel bootsplash
Based on a single initramfs & using bootloop detection to prevent bootloops
Mackay recovery (based on CWM recovery v6.0.1.1)

Governors added:
SmartassV2 (default)
Optimized ondemand/conservative parameters

SIO (default)

Added functionality:
Bigmem (384MB; XLmem of 396 available as well)
Adaptable vibration intensity (by setting /sys/class/timed_output/duty)
Improved SD-card read/write speed under windows
Call volume hack (using Settings>Advanced to set volumes)
Reduced battery polling interval

Changelog: [KLICK]
Changelog: [KLICK]
Changelog: [KLICK]
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
_Trainer_ schrieb:
Ich schaffe mit der Rom leider noch keinen ganzen Tag. Wohl eher 3/4. Ich hoffe, das pegelt sich noch ein.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk

@Hallo Trainer, mache mal einen im CWM Mod unter Advanted and Debugging Meny ein Wipe Battery Stats, möglicherweise behebt es schon dein Problem!

eddyRS schrieb:
Der Neo Kernel geht, den nutze ich. Hat auch für meinen Geschmack die beste performance

Edit: Als ich gestern schlafen ging war der Akku bei 87%, galaxy im flugmodus. Heute morgen wache ich 10min vor Arbeitsbeginn auf, kein wecker , Galaxy war aus und Akku so tot das es nicht mal den Boot geschafft hat. Seit dem laden auf 100% alles normal bis jetzt trotz starker Benutzung.

Gesendet mit der

@ Hallo EddyRS, Phänomen passiert immer mal wieder nach einem Neu flashen eines Roms.
Was Ich Trainer empfohlen habe, kann auch in deinem Fall Sinn machen.

Ja, der Neo Kernel scheint wirklich die beste Performance zu haben.
Ich ein Thema was Gut zur Diskussionsplattform ICS Kernel Übergreifend passt.
Vielleicht hilft es jemanden: Mir hat Swpe Beta den Akku leergesaugt. Dachte schon es sei ein Kernelproblem. Ich warte auf ein Update von Swype ....
Ich hab ihn vorhin über den multiupload link vom sgs aus gezogen und dann auch gleich hier gepostet vor der installation ...
Nein, warte lieber. Ich hab schon Alpha7. Wurde aber noch nirgends offiziell gepostet von Zacharias.
Wenn du unbedingt was neues testen willst kannst du dich per PM bei mir melden sofern du mir versprichst nirgends Bugs zu posten solange Zach den nicht selber irgendwo zu Verfügung stellt ...
Sunra, bist Du ein Beta Taster?

Kannst Du Uns bezüglich den Zacharias Kernel immer auf dem laufenden halten?

Sorry noch mal, habe im Eifer das Gefechts (mehrere Seiten zum editieren gleichzeitig auf) den Überblick verloren!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
quasimodo schrieb:
Sunra, bist Du ein Beta Taster?

Kannst Du Uns bezüglich den Zacharias Kernel immer auf dem laufenden halten?

Ich teste alles was bei 3 nicht am Baum ist :biggrin:

Ich gebe News immer gerne weiter wenn ich gerade aktiv bin und Zeit habe.
Natürlich steht es mir nicht zu ohne Absprache Code weiterzugeben der mir nur persönlich anvertraut wurde ...
So soll das Sein, Loyal dem Entwickler gegenüber sollte man immer sein. Das Lob ick Mir!:thumbup:
sunra schrieb:
Nein, warte lieber. Ich hab schon Alpha7. Wurde aber noch nirgends offiziell gepostet von Zacharias.
Wenn du unbedingt was neues testen willst kannst du dich per PM bei mir melden sofern du mir versprichst nirgends Bugs zu posten solange Zach den nicht selber irgendwo zu Verfügung stellt ...

Danke dir für das angebot. Wollte nur fragen da ich hier regelmäßig die Augen offen halte nach neuem, aber bin mit meinem Kernel momentan glücklich und wenn es noch keine Erfahrungsberichte gibt dann warte ich wohl. Wollte sowieso erstmal eine zeit lang bei meinem jetzigem "Setup" bleiben um mal dauerhafte Einschätzungen machen zu können. Alle 2 Tage neu flashen bringt einem ja nichts um zu guxken wie sich was dauerhaft verhält.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Einsteiger0815

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