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Das Beste das ich mit dem Z2 ausprobiert habe.
Link zu XDA: [ROM][KK][LB,UB][.167] eXistenZ Ultimate | 4.5.0 | Light & Dark | AROMA | OTA | 09/01
- Based on latest Xperia Z2 build.
- All Applications and nearly all features based on latest Xperia Z3 build, others are updated version coming from other Xperias.
- All Applications available in Light or Dark theming (Main theming).
- All Applications FULLY themed, no missing part like the other modders!
- Paranoid Android HOVER.
- Paranoid Android Notification Peek.
- Android L style Card Stack Recent.
- Recent button to clear all Recent.
- New Lockscreen Options with settings (KK, JB, AOSP).
- Network Name and Speed in status bar options.
- Xperia Z3 Display and Brightness Optimizations.
- All Framework changing according to Main theming (Dialog Box, Icons, Toggles, Switchs, Backgrounds, ...).
- All Widgets changing according to Main theming.
- Various Navigation Bar sizes (36DPI 42DPI & 48DPI).
- Various Quick Settings styles (Default KK, Colored KK, AOSP, eXistenZ).
- Various Caller picture sizes (Default & Full Screen).
- Various Boot Animations.
- Various Emojis (Sony, Samsung, Apple).
- Various Home Launcher options (4 Dock and App drawer choices).
- Various Sound Mods.
- Various Screen Off Animations (Fade out, CRT Horizontal).
- Ringtone & Notifications Volumes separated (Optional).
- All Sony's Applications optionables.
- All Google's Applications optionables.
- Various Keyboards choices.
- Various Browsers.
- All Social's Applications optionables.
- Various eXistenZ Widgets (Weather, Clock, On Off Tools, ...).
- Various Camera Add on optionables.
- Various Smalls apps.
- eXistenZ Settings (App OPS, ...).
- And many more...
eXistenZ Ulimate 4.5.0
ältere Versionen
[ROM][KK][LB,UB][.167] eXistenZ Ultimate | 4.5.0 | Light & Dark | AROMA | OTA | 09/01 - Post #2 - XDA Forums
eXistenZ Ultimate v 4.5.0
eXistenZ Ultimate v4.0.0
eXistenZ Ultimate v3.1.5
eXistenZ Ultimate v3.0.0
eXistenZ Ultimate v 2.0.0
eXistenZ Ultimate v 1.0.5
- Ultra Stamina bug fixed.
- Back button with keyboard displayed bug fixed.
- DSP manager bug fixed (Wipe datas of DSP manager in settings after update).
- Self Portrait bug fixed.
- InCallUI and SemcPhone reworked.
- Video Call removed to avoid force closing in some country.
- Settings reworked.
- Black list for Hover added (Settings/Apps/all).
- Black list for Notification Peek added (Settings/Apps/all).
- Network Connection Subscreen with Data switch added.
- SystemUIs reworked.
- Notification Peek holding delay increased to 10s.
- New delete screenshot option with all eXistenZ SystemUIs.
- New eXistenZ SystemUI with Brightness slider.
- New eXistenZ SystemUI with Classic Recent and Clear all button.
- Video framerate increased to 60 FPS like it was previously in older Sony builds.
- D6502 network problems fixed.
- eXistenZ Keyboard added in Aroma (Number row always available).
- New D7 theme in exclusivity.
eXistenZ Ultimate v4.0.0
Based on latest Xperia Z2 build 4.4.4 23.0.1.A.0.167
- Deodexed with latest DSIXDA's kitchen.
- Zipaligned and Debloated.
- All previous mods and options.
- All Sony's Applications are updated to their latest build number.
- OTA Updater.
- CM11 Browser.
- Various emojis (Sony, Samsung, Apple).
- eXistenZ Clock Widget.
- eXistenZ On/Off Tools Widget.
- eXistenZ Calculator Small App.
- eXistenZ Boot Animation.
- Recent App Switcher Small App.
- Toggle Slider Small App.
- Xperia Z2 Backup Wizard (App)(Light themed).
- Xperia Z3 Backup Wizard (App).
- Xperia Z2 Calculator (App)(Adaptive layout according to NavBar size).
- Xperia S Cosmic Flow Live Wallpaper.
- Xperia Z2 Experience Flow Live Wallpaper.
- Xperia Z2 Live Wallpaper Picker (App).
- Xperia Z2 Location Based Wifi (App).
- Xperia Z2 Music Widget with particules (Xperia Z2 style, Xperia S style, Full Screen).
- Xperia Z2 On/Off Tools (Widget).
- Xperia Z3 Clock Widgets.
- Adapted to work with Z2 Clock Widgets.
- Xperia Z3 Dual Shock Manager.
- Xperia Z2 Package Installer (App).
- Xperia Z2 Photo Slide Show (Live Wallpaper).
- Xperia Z2 Photo Widget (Widget).
- Xperia Z3 Calendar (App).
- Light & Dark widget.
- Full current month displayed on widget.
- Xperia Z3 Clock (App).
- Xperia Z2 Music Visualizer (App).
- Xperia Z2 Photo Editor (App).
- Xperia Z2 Simple Home (Launcher).
- Xperia Z3 Skin Core (App).
- Xperia Z3 Small App Launcher (App).
- Adapted to show 5 small apps in a row.
- Xperia Z3 Small Apps (Timer, Small Browser, Calculator, Touch Block, Active Clipper).
- Xperia Z2 Auto Pairing (App).
- Xperia Z3 Skin Manager.
- Xperia Z3 Widgets (Camera, Top Contact, Weather, Tools).
- Xperia Z3 DLNA (App).
- Xperia Z2 Note (App & Small App).
- Xperia Z Note (App, Widget & Small App).
- Xperia Z2 Sketch (App).
- Xperia Z2 Xperia Link (App).
- Xperia Z2 Sony Entrance (App & Widget).
- Xperia Z2 STM10 Sound Recorder (App).
- Xperia Z2 Tasks (App).
- Xperia Z2 Chinese Keyboard (App).
- Xperia Z2 Japanese Keyboard (App).
- International Xperia Keyboard (App).
- Xperia Z2 Camera and Panorama Camera.
- Xperia Z2 Camera Common.
- OnePlus One Camera.
- Xperia Z2 AR Effect (Camera add on).
- Xperia Z3 Ar Fun (Camera add on).
- Xperia Z3 Creative Effects Camera (Camera add on).
- Xperia Z3 Sound Photo (Camera add on).
- Xperia Z1 AR Effet for Line (Camera add on).
- Xperia Z1 AR Effect for Sanrio (Camera add on).
- Xperia T2 Self Portrait (Camera add on).
- Xperia Z2 Background Defocus (Camera add on).
- Xperia Z2 Multi Camera (Camera add on).
- Xperia Z2 Face In (Camera add on).
- Xperia Z2 Info-eye (Camera add on).
- Xperia Z2 Live on Youtube (Camera add on).
- Xperia Z2 Voice Balloon (Camera add on).
- Xperia Z2 Time Shift Camera (Camera add on).
- Xperia Z2 Conversations (App)(Saving Cost Option).
- Xperia Z2 Email (App).
- Light & Dark widget.
- Xperia Z2 LiveWare Manager (App).
- Xperia Z3 Intelligent Engine.
- Xperia Z3 Smart Backlight.
- Xperia Z3 Smart Rotation.
- Xperia Z3 Smart Calling.
- Xperia Z3 Image Enhancer.
- Xperia Z2 My Xperia (App).
- Xperia Z2 Phonebook (App)(Call Recorder).
- Xperia Z2 Play Anywhere (App).
- Xperia Z2 Wifi Display (App).
- Xperia Z2 Podcast (Movie Add on).
- Xperia Z2 Sony Select (App & Widget).
- Xperia Z2 Xperia Lounge (App).
- Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact Home (Multi DPI Navbar support):
- Default size.
- Small Icons size.
- Small Icons size with 6 shortcuts.
- Small Icons size with 6 rows in app tray.
- Small Icons size with 6 shortcuts & 6 rows in app tray.
- Xperia Z2 SystemUI.
- Default not colored style.
- Colored style.
- AOSP style.
- eXistenZ style.
- eXistenZ style with invisible Power button at top right.
- Xperia Z2 Dialer.
- Call recording added.
- Adaptive size according to navigation bar size.
- Normal and Full screen caller.
- Xperia Z2 Wallpapers & Sounds.
- Xperia Z2 Themes.
- Sony Album (App).
- Sony Walkman (App).
- Adaptive Settings background color according to main theme.
- Sony Movies (App).
- Aneurysm Theme v2.0 (By me).
- Sappy Theme v2.0 (By me).
- Optimizations and Options (added or removed) in many apps.
- Full SD Card access by Applications.
- Xposed Installer (App).
- Xperia Xposed (Xposed module).
- Blurred SystemUI (Xposed module).
- GEM Xperia (Xposed module).
- Xperia Z2 Settings and eXistenZ settings.
- Accounts displayed in new individual subscreen.
- eXistenZ settings displayed in new individual subscreen.
- New Lockscreens settings in Personalization.
- Performance control settings.
- Various Xposed settings.
- Autostarts settings.
- App OPS settings.
- Various Informations settings.
- Status Bar settings (Network name and Network speed).
- Recent View settings (Card stack or default view, ...)
- Notifications settings (Hover and Notification Peek).
- And many many more things...
eXistenZ Ultimate v3.1.5
- Xperia Z3 Main Camera.
- Xperia Z3 Multi Camera Add on.
- Xperia Z3 Back Up & Restore.
- Xperia Z3 Touch Block.
- Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact Clock Widget.
- Xperia Z2 Clock Widget.
- Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact Weather Widget.
- Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact Top Contacts Widget.
- Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact Headphones Selection.
- Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact Sound Enhancement.
- Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact Experience Flow Live Wallpaper.
- Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact SuperStamina & UltraStamina.
- Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact Home (Multi DPI Navbar support):
- Default size.
- Small Icons size.
- Small Icons size with 6 shortcuts.
- Small Icons size with 6 rows in app tray.
- Small Icons size with 6 shortcuts & 6 rows in app tray.
- Xperia Z3 Sound Enhancement bugs fixed.
- Xperia Z3 Settings bugs fixed.
- Xperia Z3 Email bugs fixed.
- Xperia Z3 Image Enhancer bugs fixed.
- Xperia Z3 SystemUIs bugs fixed.
- International Xperia Keyboard with Numbers row always available (Optional).
- JB Lockscreen without Unlock Hint (Optional).
- KK Lockscreen without Unlock Hint (Optional).
- Various optimizations and framework bug fixed.
- OTA Updater support added.
- Based on previous eXistenZ Ultimate.
- Based on Xperia Z3 build 23.0.A.2.93.
- Xperia Z3 Bluetooth Unlocking.
- Xperia Z3 Calculator.
- Xperia Z3 Clock Widgets (Adapted to work with Z2 Clock Widgets).
- Xperia Z3 Dual Shock Manager.
- Xperia Z3 Experience Flow Live Wallpaper.
- Xperia Z3 Intelligent Engine.
- Xperia Z3 Smart Backlight.
- Xperia Z3 Smart Rotation.
- Xperia Z3 Smart Calling.
- Xperia Z3 Image Enhancer.
- Xperia Z3 Keyguard and Lockscreen.
- Xperia Z3 Calendar Application.
- Xperia Z3 Clock Application.
- Xperia Z3 Skin Manager.
- Xperia Z3 Small Apps.
- Xperia Z3 Small Apps Manager.
- Xperia Z3 Auto Pairing.
- Xperia Z3 DLNA Application.
- Xperia Z3 LifeLog Application.
- Latest Sketch Application.
- Xperia Z3 Sony Entrance Application.
- Xperia Z3 Sony Select Application.
- Xperia Z3 Sound Enhancement.
- Xperia Z3 Super Stamina.
- Xperia Z3 Ultra Stamina.
- Xperia Z3 Task Killer.
- Xperia Z3 Tasks.
- Xperia Z3 Themes.
- Xperia Z3 Sounds & Ringtones.
- Xperia Z3 Wallpapers.
- Xperia Z3 Widgets.
- Xperia Z3 Home Launcher.
- Xperia Z3 Ar Fun Camera Add on.
- Xperia Z3 Art Filter Camera Add on.
- Xperia Z3 Sound Photo Camera Add on.
- Xperia Z3 Timeshift Video Camera Add on.
- Xperia Z3 Timeshift Camera Add on.
- Xperia Z3 Conversations Application.
- Xperia Z3 Email and Exchange Applications.
- Xperia Z3 Liveware Manager.
- Latest Walkman Application.
- Latest Album Application.
- Latest Video Application.
- Xperia Z3 Screen Recording.
- Xperia Z3 Setup Wizard.
- Xperia Z3 Settings.
- Xperia Z3 Simple Home.
- Xperia Z3 Movie Creator Application.
- Xperia Z3 Update Center.
- Latest Xperia Lounge Application.
- Latest Xperia Xposed.
- Latest GEM Xperia Xposed.
- Latest NUT Dual Recovery.
- Xperia Z3 SystemUI.
- eXclusive Aneurysm theme v2.0
- eXclusive Sappy theme v2.0
- And many more...
- Based on previous eXistenZ Ultimate.
- Update of all Intelligent feature and Smart calling bug fixed.
- Invisible Power Off button removed of all SystemUI (except one added in Aroma).
- Double tap on Status bar to turn screen off added in all SystemUI.
- Refined text inside Notification button in eXistenZ SystemUI.
- New Speakers & Headphones options in Aroma:
- Default.
- Stereo Notifications and In call Speakers.
- Same above with Soft volume boost.
- Same above with Loud volume boost.
- New Sounds mods in Aroma:
- Viper4Android
- New Volume & Dialog box options in Aroma:
- Default
- Ringer and Notification Streams separated - 24 volume steps for medias - Expandable volume.
- Ringer and Notification Streams linked - 24 volume steps for medias - Expandable volume.
- New screen off animations options in Aroma:
- Default - Fade out.
- CRT Horizontal.
- CRT Vertical.
- Stock Camera option in Aroma.
- Walkman updated to build 8.4.A.3.1
- Navbar mod.
- Settings background according to main theme.
- Portrait Retouch updated to build 3.0.A.0.17
- China Photo Editor updated to build 19.2.A.0.3
- Complete 320 DPI support.
- Real AOSP Lockscreen in Aroma options:
- Background can be changed using Xposed lockscreen module.
- Full screen Album Art.
- Sony Camera launcher added.
- All Xperia Z2 variants supported.
- Working X-Reality for Unlocked bootloader.
- Host tweaks added.
- Call recording indicator added.
- Aroma installer icons updated.
- More I can't remember...
- Based on latest Xperia Z2 build 4.4.2 17.1.2.A.0.314
- Deodexed with latest DSIXDA's kitchen.
- Zipaligned and Debloated.
- All Sony's Applications are updated to their latest build number.
- New setting: Performance Control.
- New setting: Xposed Installer & Modules.
- New setting: Autostarts.
- New setting: App OPS.
- New setting: Proxy Settings.
- New setting: Notification History.
- New setting: Phone, Battery and Wifi Informations.
- New setting: Usage Statistics.
- OTA Updater.
- CM11 Browser.
- Various emojis (Sony, Samsung, Apple).
- eXistenZ Clock Widget.
- eXistenZ Weather Widget.
- eXistenZ On/Off Tools Widget.
- eXistenZ Calculator Small App.
- eXistenZ Boot Animation.
- Recent App Switcher Small App.
- Toggle Slider Small App.
- Xperia Z2 Backup Wizard (App).
- Xperia Z2 Calculator (App)(Adaptive layout according to NavBar size).
- Xperia S Cosmic Flow Live Wallpaper.
- Xperia Z2 Experience Flow Live Wallpaper.
- Xperia Z2 Live Wallpaper Picker (App).
- Xperia Z2 Location Based Wifi (App).
- Xperia Z2 Music Widget with particules (Xperia Z2 style, Xperia S style, Full Screen).
- Xperia Z2 On/Off Tools (Widget).
- Xperia Z2 Package Installer (App)(Fixed layout).
- Xperia Z2 Photo Slide Show (Live Wallpaper).
- Xperia Z2 Photo Widget (Widget).
- Xperia Z2 Calendar (App).
- Xperia Z2 Clock (App).
- Xperia Z2 Music Visualizer (App).
- Xperia Z2 Photo Editor (App).
- Xperia Z2 Simple Home (Launcher).
- Xperia Z2 Skin Core (App).
- Xperia Z2 Small App Launcher (App).
- Xperia Z2 Small Apps (Timer, Small Browser, Calculator, Touch Block, Active Clipper).
- Xperia Z2 Auto Pairing (App).
- Xperia Z2 Widgets (Camera, Top Contact, Weather, Tools).
- Xperia Z2 DLNA (App).
- Xperia Z2 Note (App & Small App).
- Xperia Z Note (App, Widget & Small App).
- Xperia Z2 Sketch (App).
- Xperia Z2 Xperia Link (App).
- Xperia Z2 Sony Entrance (App & Widget).
- Xperia Z2 STM10 Sound Recorder (App).
- Xperia Z2 Task Killer (App).
- Xperia Z2 Tasks (App).
- Xperia Z2 Chinese Keyboard (App).
- Xperia Z2 Japanese Keyboard (App).
- International Xperia Keyboard (App).
- Xperia Z2 Camera and Panorama Camera.
- Xperia Z2 Camera Common.
- OnePlus One Camera.
- Xperia Z2 AR Effect (App).
- Xperia Z2 Art Filter Camera (App).
- Xperia Z1 AR Effet for Line (Camera add on).
- Xperia Z1 AR Effect for Sanrio (Camera add on).
- Xperia T2 Self Portrait (Camera add on).
- Xperia Z2 Background Defocus (Camera add on).
- Xperia Z2 Voice Balloon (Camera add on).
- Xperia Z1 Time Shift Camera (Camera add on).
- Xperia Z2 Conversations (App)(Saving Cost Option).
- Xperia Z2 Email (App).
- Xperia Z2 LiveWare Manager (App).
- Xperia Z2 My Xperia (App).
- Xperia Z2 Phonebook (App)(Call Recorder).
- Xperia Z2 Play Anywhere (App).
- Xperia Z2 Wifi Display (App).
- Xperia Z2 Podcast (Movie Add on).
- Xperia Z2 Sony Select (App & Widget).
- Xperia Z2 Xperia Lounge (App).
- Xperia Z2 Home Launcher (App)(Various Options)(Adaptive layout according to NavBar size).
- Xperia Z2 SystemUI (Various Options).
- Xperia Z2 Dialer (Various Options).
- Xperia Z2 Wallpapers & Sounds.
- Xperia Z2 Themes.
- Sony Album (App).
- Sony Walkman (App)(Adaptive layout according to NavBar size).
- Sony Movies (App).
- Aneurysm Theme (By me).
- Sappy Theme (By me).
- Optimizations and Options (added or removed) in many apps.
- Full SD Card access by Applications.
- Xposed Installer (App).
- Xperia Xposed (Xposed module).
- GEM Xperia (Xposed module).
- Many more I can't remember... (I will update that later)
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