- 120

Rom is provided as is, without warranties or official support. You flash it because you want to, nobody forces you to do this.
It is provided for free and without any obligations for either the user or the developer(me). If you paid for it (except donations made by you from the goodness of your heart ) ask for refund.
You are free to use the whole rom or parts of this rom without asking for my permission for every reason you want/need as long as you post some credits for my work and all the other devs
involved in this project and a link to either my website: http://baadnwz.eu or here. Optional you can send me a link with your work to baadnwz at gmail dot com .
If you are using this rom you are not making me any favors and I have no obligations to customize the rom to your liking , modify it to fit better your needs
or resolve bugs you encounter - however constructive feedback made in a civilized manner is always welcomed
> 50 000 DOWNLOADS
Thanks obyn for hosting
Used RCSMix Roms as base for start. all credits to them.
Downloads can only be done through http://www.baadnwz.eu
Splitted in 2 version. Stable (this thread) and Nightly - the one with shinny new things but UNSTABLE.
This rom should be your daily driver!
Final AutoBackUp Script for ALL VERSIONS - TESTED and WORKING for Apps ONLY (not app data) - thanks tlex
Don't do any wipes before using the script! Just follow the steps WITHOUT any wiping and you WILL HAVE a CLEAN FRESH ROM Installed with all your apps on boot every time you flash!
Downloads can only be done through http://www.baadnwz.eu
Splitted in 2 version. Stable (this thread) and Nightly - the one with shinny new things but UNSTABLE.
This rom should be your daily driver!
Final AutoBackUp Script for ALL VERSIONS - TESTED and WORKING for Apps ONLY (not app data) - thanks tlex
Don't do any wipes before using the script! Just follow the steps WITHOUT any wiping and you WILL HAVE a CLEAN FRESH ROM Installed with all your apps on boot every time you flash!
A2SD CM7 HBOOT - cm7 hboot from alpharev.nl - the one with 130 mB for /system
- 1 gB ext2/3/4 partition
A2SD+ STOCK HBOOT - stock hboot - the one with 250 mB for /system
- 1 gB ext2/3/4 partition
You get:
- Latest ACE S 2.50
- Official Android 2.3 from HTC
- Rooted
- Deodexed
- Busybox - Latest
- Bash
- Nano
- LZMA Compressed Kernel - thanks snq-
- Hacked OC/UV kernel. - thanks snq-
- Full EXT2/3/4 Support thanks snq-
- Full Working Camera including 720p - huge thanks snq-, he is a god
- CRT TV Animations - thanks capychimp & robocik
- Super Big More Quick Settings, with Task Manager - thanks robocik and capychimp
- Sense 3.0 insertions - thanks capychimp & robocik
- Sense 3.0 Weather Sounds
- Sense 3.0 Lockscreen with ICONS
- Sense 3.0 Weather with vids and sounds
- Sense 3.0 lookalike Rosie - translucent
- Sense 3.0 Wallpapers
- Sense 3.0 Streak Live wallpaper
- Sense 3.0 Usb Menu
- Sense 3.0 Task Managerk manager, Brightness Level, Audio Level - thanks robocik
- Latest Market Apps Version
- Adfree
- More Locale
- Market Access
- optimization for speed and less memory usage
Thanks to the following developers (not in a specific order)
capychimp, robocik, snq-, ownhere, coutts, melethron, Leedroid, Sub501, NeoPhyTe.x360, coolexe, obyn, Racle, sibere, droidzone, ClassicalDude, Benee, Muxeu, AlphaRev Team and all others who contributed somehow to Desire community.
Thanks alot to donors- don't forget to mention ur xda usernamecapychimp, robocik, snq-, ownhere, coutts, melethron, Leedroid, Sub501, NeoPhyTe.x360, coolexe, obyn, Racle, sibere, droidzone, ClassicalDude, Benee, Muxeu, AlphaRev Team and all others who contributed somehow to Desire community.
If i forgot anyone please PM ASAP:
- Herezor, gh0ztuk, malachay, lparcshinoda, lexynet, looeee2 fwiw, narse, CerB, ptr_hamilton, Flashmaniac, ozjubb x2, b-george, awolbriggy, DesireStein, Mr.Stylo,schandra1480, m0nn3
- scarFortyFive, SilverHawk2, _anonymous, greatluis, merlin699, gyako. Alex.Killer, mickey555, trevfee, jimmy-fix-it, eric.a.bardu, shricker, mini-cheffe, p0mm3s, artie16, aleksb, Drbee79
- Sylaan x2, VVV850, bobdaba, Achetaton, jgk31,Yod-b, robbycz, vespa180, Anakha56 x2, P.x., pexon, toppi, umber, henhoy, Wonderwuzi2000, Vandamos, sheik_yerbouti, malabisabe
- gazpa, ipeople, Odinbear, ofaessler, 777ace, -DjipOner-, sauroneczek, maximus1965, frying_fish, diecorroder, yopus, Genjurosan, imopen, erwinbuiv, CdTDroiD. bakaq, revthanki, Pitiklin
- tanclo, deal, burgeis, Showbizz, Sobat, john-au, Mikepe22, nfuse, zackie, Ultraschorsch, artymarty, shadowgolf, gesichterparty, hudl, psych0f0x06, F0l3ert, klemisha, OFFWiTYuRHeD
- andreixpert, jimmytheflea, Alex.Killer, grahamkdt, shura_k, steveathome, osoelpeligroso, Gl4d0s, 9600pro87, frenzy500, tinnef, hurin8, Kaotika, compo29, OFFWiTYuRHeD, Soulfly999
- spacemanr, hairykewell, www.roms-au.com, xk315, teknokid, TractorMatty, SepticStreets, svisilian, mayurh, pumpkinpatch
If you like the rom and use it every day, give it a start here on thread
Also if you like the rom so much you can also use this as your avatar
baadnwz's custom ROMs
Also if you like the rom so much you can also use this as your avatar

baadnwz's custom ROMs
Froyo InsertCoin had over 100 000 downloads, GB InsertCoin has more that 25 000.
I am very grateful for every donation you make

Thank you all!
I am very grateful for every donation you make

Thank you all!
Chef of InsertCoin Roms for Bravo and Pyramid
I own Pyramid and Bravo
Over 100 000 Gingerbread Roms Downloaded!
I am very grateful for every donation you make

Quelle: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1016940
So, hier ROM 2
Scheinbar ist die InsertCoin Version mittlerweile auch schon recht weit
So, hier ROM 2
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