- 208
WICHTIGER HINWEIS: Weder ich, noch Android-Hilfe.de, übernehmen eine Garantie auf Erfolg, oder die Haftung für jegliche Beschädigungen an eurem "Acer Iconia TAB A50x". Wenn ihr nicht sicher seid, was ihr macht, könnt ihr hier gerne Fragen stellen, aber wenn ihr danach immer noch nicht genau wisst, was ihr tut: Lasst es bleiben!
4.4.4 TegraOwners Omni-ROM
(Update vom 01.10.2014)
Dies ist eine Testversion und nicht für den täglichen Gebrauch freigegeben. Wenn man bereit ist das ROM zu testen, dann muss man damit rechnen, dass vieles nur eingeschränkt bis gar nicht funktioniert.
- 4.4 OmniROM based
- Cameras
- WIFI/Bluetooth
- Audio
- Storage
- 2D/3D acceleration
- HDMI/w sound
- ART works
- exfat/ntfs/btrfs mounting
- system partitions types supported: ext4/btrfs/f2fs
- hardware rotation lock switch
- a501 gps/3g support
- usb huawei 3g support
- sound boost
- custom dpi without affecting google apps
- gpu oc
- usb audio support
- full hw codecs
- can boot from data/system/cache btrfs/f2fs/ext4 fstypes
- kernel t67
was noch zu tun ist:
- dock not supported
- usb ethernet menu
- handle usb modem zerocd(usb modem mode switch)
- tell me more?
was man wissen sollte:
- komplett wipen, wenn ihr von einer anderen ROM kommt!
- Tablet UI gibt es nicht mehr, nur Phablet UI
- wipe data, wenn ihr von einer anderen Custom ROM kommt
- install rom zip
- install gapps
- reboot
- ein paar Minuten warten
v20 - omnirom sync
- Bluetooth updates
- localization updates
- storage/mounting updates
- ui smoothness update
- moved zram(swap) activation to fstab from init.d
- includes t67 kernel - wifi update
- fix a bug in the hw codecs code
v19 - performance menu wakelocks tab update
- omnirom sync
- update floating window
- add option to open notification in floating window(long press on the notification)
- add battery saver mod in battery menu
- DRM plugin Widevine now working you can check with DRM Info app
- fix huawei ril path build.prop
v18 - performance menu wakelocks tab update
- added switch for navbar layout switch
- fixed camera recording
- added mic switch option in the tegraowners menu
- small ui tweaks
- audio hal update
- massive kernel update - usb, memory, cpu, sleep, i2c, rtc, micswitch control, ubuntu updates
v17 - kernel - increase voltages for 216(775) and 1600(1435)
- kernel - add support for pc mouse/keyboard emulation(use https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=remote.hid.keyboard.client)
- kernel - ubuntu updates
- kernel compiled with 4.7 compiler
- soft reboot option in reboot menu
- wakelocks tab in performance menu
- navigation buttons to the left(might need to reset if you edited them)
- rework google's calculation on the phablet bar dropdowns calculations... they were slow causing lag
v16 - omnirom sync 19.08.14
- reworked recent apps memory bar, button and settings I hated the round shit...
- kernel update
- fixed gps
- fixed google+ app
- added alternative wifi fw option(works only on some chips)
- fixed volume buttons orientation swapping option
v15 - omnirom update 11.08.14
- kernel update to accommodate new options in performance menu
- performance menu improvements
- UI performance improvements
- enabled google 4.4 location provider
v14 - omnirom update
- kernel update t61 - - new wifi driver
- usb_modeswitch for switching usb modems have to use it manually...
- better ui performance
- WIP custom trebuchet added - has tablet mode and dock disable function
- codecs update
- supersu update
- patched fake id
- wifi update
- audio update
- huawei modem fixed
- updated gapps
v13.1 - added audio.r_submix.default
- kernel update t60 - backport f2fs up to 3.16 RC 20.07.14
v13 - 4.4.4 update YEEEEE!!!
- fix ext4 sdcard mount with no selinux... stupid google forcing this...
- new approach to the video hal/libs backward compatibility
- updated backlight hal
- updated 4.4 UI resources that were not updated since JB
- kernel update - cpu cache workarounds - ubuntu update
- dalvik ram optimizations
v12 - 4.4.3 update
- settings dual panels
- improved improved UI performance
- updates to a501 3g/gps
- disabled selinux
- added a donate button in the about menu
- updated kernel t58
- updated wifi config
- updated sync framework
- updates to interactive governor
- l2tp vpn fixed
- bluetooth improvements
- audio hal improvements now runs at 48000 rate how 4.4 likes it
- removed netflix init.d script
- changes to storage permissions
- read ahead to 512kb from 2mb
- chromecast fixes seams to work fine now
v11 - external storage btrfs and f2fs should be fixed...
- external storage btrfs/f2fs/ext4 can now binary execute also
- reworked a501 gps/modem ril/ril service
- kernel t57
- made new wip camera wrapper
- updated stagefrighthw
- added xmesg - dmesg alternative
- updated device permissions
- updated lockscreen notification
- updated app circle sidebar
- updated theme implementation
- rework gallery thumbnail handling
- omniswitch floating window option
- added suspersu pre-installed
- improved video performance
- introducing new gapps
v10 - improved tegra powerhal...
better awake/sleep freq control
better optimizations to interactive governor tunnables
maximum sleep cpu freq is now 816mhz from 216mhz since it might cause delayed wakeup
powerhal will not spam logcat like before
without interactive governor selected the powerhal will mostly do nothing since its dependant on it...
- new btrfs/f2fs tools implementation into the rom
- button bar dimension adjustment
- rom now supports external storage f2fs type
- lowmemorykiller optimizations built into the rom
- a501 attempt to fix issues with 3g getting out from sleep by skipping the restore network selection and letting modem handle it(UNTESTED)
- all google location overlays are active
- use cache partition to dexopt system apps
- newer apns database for 3g
- updated lockscreen notifications
- updated floating window implementation
- update chromium lib for java7
- themes implemented
- improved quiet hours
- improved lockscreen notifications
- fixed weird lag around the rom
- removed trebuchet since we don't need its wallpaper hack
- kernel update and enabled zcache into it
- removed format data in aroma... seams to be causing some issues... use twrp format menu to format data to you fstype likening
- same as twrp install, its now a rar containing zip install and md5 file so that twrp can validate the zip
- update omnirom base
- update terminal
- set selinux to permissive by default
- add warning to the last sound boost
- make taskmanager app work in landscape
- bionic tegra2 optimizations
- better multi user support
- floating apps implementation similar to samsung... using App Circle sidebar in settings
- kernel update t55
- make Circle Memory Indicator a little more readable in recent apps
v8 - update lockscreen blur/notification settings AGAIN
- update terminal
- update power hal
- update sepolicy
- add healthd config
- add custom trebuchet based on launcher3
- update animations menus
- update immersive mode
- modify internal/external readahead to 1024kb from 2048
- update bluetooth
- improve gpu performance
v7 - update lockscreen blur/notification settings
- better libs optimizations
- better gpu optimizations
- add option to format(really format) data to ext4/btrfs/f2fs during installation
- kernel update to t54(
- fix cpu/boost control permissions
v6.1 - fix lockscreen notifications disabled FC
- fix openssh
- kernel t53 (backport f2fs 3.14 over 300 patches)
- add support for system/data/cache f2fs
- f2fs tools included in the rom
- recovery add-on zip with f2fs tools (recovery does not support f2fs so... you can format partition in it from adb shell in recovery "mkfs.f2fs /dev/block/mmcblk0p8" for data, cache f2fs not recommended since recovery uses it and doesn't support f2fs) - download in stuff to know section
v6 - drop acer prebuilt ril option for a501
- a501 pin keypad should be fixed
- updated android terminal
- permission fix for bluetooth
- speedup cache regeneration by ~200%
- more battery "icon" options
- add animation options(listview included and more)
- add clock font change option
- omniswitch rework update
- lockscreen blur options(in security options)
- lockscreen notifications(in security options)
- kernel update to t52(nothing special just ubuntu updates for 3.8 and newer compiler)
v5 - support btrfs cache
- add hardware info in about settings
- new boot animation
- boot animation performance improvements
- improve gpu performance
- fix android terminal
- readd task manager app
- improve bionic performance
- tegra power hal improvements
- add sms menu in settings
- add gps lto downloader service
- new kernel update t51
- netflix experimental fix(reboot after installing netflix)
v4 - add back tegraowners menu
- gpu oc added in tegraowners menu
- sound boost added in tegraowners menu
- custom dpi added in tegraowners menu
- booting with data or system as btrfs added
- automount btrfs external storage
- usb sound card support added
- a501 gps/3g added back, aroma 3g selections works again
- full hw codecs should be working now
- removed signal icon if no 3g is selected
v3 - should improve 3d and vsync performance all-around
- improve launcher performance
v2 - kernel update to t50
- add ntfs mounting
- add hardware rotation lock switch support
- improved 3g ril support
- add overflow menu button (3 dotted menu)
- battery in quick titles can be flipped for temp/voltage/battery condition state
- gps for a501 can be tested by replacing system\lib\hw\gps.tegra.so with gps.tegra.so.a501
- updated clock menus
- added omniswitch
v1 - kernel update to t49 -
- fix gapps fc ( I suggest the gapps I recomanded )
- fix youtube hd
- fix HDMI
- fix boot animation thanks Shev_t
- multi window added in recent apps long press
- add clock options
- add back torch functionality
- added back legacy rils functionality... you may try a501 and huawei rils by editing build.prop
- optimized bionic for tegra2(eat me neon!!!)
- added creepy omnirom boot animation
v0 - init release
- Bluetooth updates
- localization updates
- storage/mounting updates
- ui smoothness update
- moved zram(swap) activation to fstab from init.d
- includes t67 kernel - wifi update
- fix a bug in the hw codecs code
v19 - performance menu wakelocks tab update
- omnirom sync
- update floating window
- add option to open notification in floating window(long press on the notification)
- add battery saver mod in battery menu
- DRM plugin Widevine now working you can check with DRM Info app
- fix huawei ril path build.prop
v18 - performance menu wakelocks tab update
- added switch for navbar layout switch
- fixed camera recording
- added mic switch option in the tegraowners menu
- small ui tweaks
- audio hal update
- massive kernel update - usb, memory, cpu, sleep, i2c, rtc, micswitch control, ubuntu updates
v17 - kernel - increase voltages for 216(775) and 1600(1435)
- kernel - add support for pc mouse/keyboard emulation(use https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=remote.hid.keyboard.client)
- kernel - ubuntu updates
- kernel compiled with 4.7 compiler
- soft reboot option in reboot menu
- wakelocks tab in performance menu
- navigation buttons to the left(might need to reset if you edited them)
- rework google's calculation on the phablet bar dropdowns calculations... they were slow causing lag
v16 - omnirom sync 19.08.14
- reworked recent apps memory bar, button and settings I hated the round shit...
- kernel update
- fixed gps
- fixed google+ app
- added alternative wifi fw option(works only on some chips)
- fixed volume buttons orientation swapping option
v15 - omnirom update 11.08.14
- kernel update to accommodate new options in performance menu
- performance menu improvements
- UI performance improvements
- enabled google 4.4 location provider
v14 - omnirom update
- kernel update t61 - - new wifi driver
- usb_modeswitch for switching usb modems have to use it manually...
- better ui performance
- WIP custom trebuchet added - has tablet mode and dock disable function
- codecs update
- supersu update
- patched fake id
- wifi update
- audio update
- huawei modem fixed
- updated gapps
v13.1 - added audio.r_submix.default
- kernel update t60 - backport f2fs up to 3.16 RC 20.07.14
v13 - 4.4.4 update YEEEEE!!!
- fix ext4 sdcard mount with no selinux... stupid google forcing this...
- new approach to the video hal/libs backward compatibility
- updated backlight hal
- updated 4.4 UI resources that were not updated since JB
- kernel update - cpu cache workarounds - ubuntu update
- dalvik ram optimizations
v12 - 4.4.3 update
- settings dual panels
- improved improved UI performance
- updates to a501 3g/gps
- disabled selinux
- added a donate button in the about menu
- updated kernel t58
- updated wifi config
- updated sync framework
- updates to interactive governor
- l2tp vpn fixed
- bluetooth improvements
- audio hal improvements now runs at 48000 rate how 4.4 likes it
- removed netflix init.d script
- changes to storage permissions
- read ahead to 512kb from 2mb
- chromecast fixes seams to work fine now
v11 - external storage btrfs and f2fs should be fixed...
- external storage btrfs/f2fs/ext4 can now binary execute also
- reworked a501 gps/modem ril/ril service
- kernel t57
- made new wip camera wrapper
- updated stagefrighthw
- added xmesg - dmesg alternative
- updated device permissions
- updated lockscreen notification
- updated app circle sidebar
- updated theme implementation
- rework gallery thumbnail handling
- omniswitch floating window option
- added suspersu pre-installed
- improved video performance
- introducing new gapps
v10 - improved tegra powerhal...
better awake/sleep freq control
better optimizations to interactive governor tunnables
maximum sleep cpu freq is now 816mhz from 216mhz since it might cause delayed wakeup
powerhal will not spam logcat like before
without interactive governor selected the powerhal will mostly do nothing since its dependant on it...
- new btrfs/f2fs tools implementation into the rom
- button bar dimension adjustment
- rom now supports external storage f2fs type
- lowmemorykiller optimizations built into the rom
- a501 attempt to fix issues with 3g getting out from sleep by skipping the restore network selection and letting modem handle it(UNTESTED)
- all google location overlays are active
- use cache partition to dexopt system apps
- newer apns database for 3g
- updated lockscreen notifications
- updated floating window implementation
- update chromium lib for java7
- themes implemented
- improved quiet hours
- improved lockscreen notifications
- fixed weird lag around the rom
- removed trebuchet since we don't need its wallpaper hack
- kernel update and enabled zcache into it
- removed format data in aroma... seams to be causing some issues... use twrp format menu to format data to you fstype likening
- same as twrp install, its now a rar containing zip install and md5 file so that twrp can validate the zip
- update omnirom base
- update terminal
- set selinux to permissive by default
- add warning to the last sound boost
- make taskmanager app work in landscape
- bionic tegra2 optimizations
- better multi user support
- floating apps implementation similar to samsung... using App Circle sidebar in settings
- kernel update t55
- make Circle Memory Indicator a little more readable in recent apps
v8 - update lockscreen blur/notification settings AGAIN
- update terminal
- update power hal
- update sepolicy
- add healthd config
- add custom trebuchet based on launcher3
- update animations menus
- update immersive mode
- modify internal/external readahead to 1024kb from 2048
- update bluetooth
- improve gpu performance
v7 - update lockscreen blur/notification settings
- better libs optimizations
- better gpu optimizations
- add option to format(really format) data to ext4/btrfs/f2fs during installation
- kernel update to t54(
- fix cpu/boost control permissions
v6.1 - fix lockscreen notifications disabled FC
- fix openssh
- kernel t53 (backport f2fs 3.14 over 300 patches)
- add support for system/data/cache f2fs
- f2fs tools included in the rom
- recovery add-on zip with f2fs tools (recovery does not support f2fs so... you can format partition in it from adb shell in recovery "mkfs.f2fs /dev/block/mmcblk0p8" for data, cache f2fs not recommended since recovery uses it and doesn't support f2fs) - download in stuff to know section
v6 - drop acer prebuilt ril option for a501
- a501 pin keypad should be fixed
- updated android terminal
- permission fix for bluetooth
- speedup cache regeneration by ~200%
- more battery "icon" options
- add animation options(listview included and more)
- add clock font change option
- omniswitch rework update
- lockscreen blur options(in security options)
- lockscreen notifications(in security options)
- kernel update to t52(nothing special just ubuntu updates for 3.8 and newer compiler)
v5 - support btrfs cache
- add hardware info in about settings
- new boot animation
- boot animation performance improvements
- improve gpu performance
- fix android terminal
- readd task manager app
- improve bionic performance
- tegra power hal improvements
- add sms menu in settings
- add gps lto downloader service
- new kernel update t51
- netflix experimental fix(reboot after installing netflix)
v4 - add back tegraowners menu
- gpu oc added in tegraowners menu
- sound boost added in tegraowners menu
- custom dpi added in tegraowners menu
- booting with data or system as btrfs added
- automount btrfs external storage
- usb sound card support added
- a501 gps/3g added back, aroma 3g selections works again
- full hw codecs should be working now
- removed signal icon if no 3g is selected
v3 - should improve 3d and vsync performance all-around
- improve launcher performance
v2 - kernel update to t50
- add ntfs mounting
- add hardware rotation lock switch support
- improved 3g ril support
- add overflow menu button (3 dotted menu)
- battery in quick titles can be flipped for temp/voltage/battery condition state
- gps for a501 can be tested by replacing system\lib\hw\gps.tegra.so with gps.tegra.so.a501
- updated clock menus
- added omniswitch
v1 - kernel update to t49 -
- fix gapps fc ( I suggest the gapps I recomanded )
- fix youtube hd
- fix HDMI
- fix boot animation thanks Shev_t
- multi window added in recent apps long press
- add clock options
- add back torch functionality
- added back legacy rils functionality... you may try a501 and huawei rils by editing build.prop
- optimized bionic for tegra2(eat me neon!!!)
- added creepy omnirom boot animation
v0 - init release
TegraOwners Forum
(Ihr müsst euch im TegraOwners Forum registrieren, um die Custom ROM runterladen zu können)
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