- 686
WICHTIGER HINWEIS: Weder ich, noch Android-Hilfe.de, übernehmen eine Garantie auf Erfolg, oder die Haftung für jegliche Beschädigungen an eurem "Acer Iconia TAB A50x". Wenn ihr nicht sicher seit, was ihr macht, könnt ihr hier gerne Fragen stellen, aber wenn ihr danach immer noch nicht genau wisst, was ihr tut: Lasst es bleiben!
- TAB muss gerootet sein HowTo
- ClockworkMod Recovery muß installiert sein HowTo
Flexreaper RF1_rv1: Full-ROM
Acer System Apps: download
Extra Acer-Planer: download
Hinweis: Bei folgenden Einstellungen, sollte ein Haken gesetzt sein:
- Einstellungen/Anwendungen/Unbekannte Herkunft
- Einstellungen/Anwendungen/Entwicklung/USB-Debugging
- Einstellungen/Anwendungen/Entwicklung/Falsche Standorte
Wenn man schon eine Testversion am laufen hat, dann findet man die einzelnen Punkte wie folgt:
- Einstellungen/Sicherheit/Unbekannte Herkunft
- Einstellungen/Entwickleroptionen/USB-Debugging
- Einstellungen/Entwickleroptionen/Aktiv lassen
- Einstellungen/Entwickleroptionen/Falsche Standorte
Full-Backup mit dem ClockworkMod Recovery erstellen
Full-ROM Installieren (Erstinstallation)
Full-Backup wieder zurückspielen
E N D E - E N D E - E N D E - E N D E
(Update vom 13.05.2012)
(Update vom 13.05.2012)
- TAB muss gerootet sein HowTo
- ClockworkMod Recovery muß installiert sein HowTo
- FULL 1.031.00-ROM
- Stock0.019.0 kernel tweaked by civato and sys R/W hack bydrellisdee
- Rooted (su 3.0.7 bin
- BusyBox1.19.4
- Cif , tun modules
- Full deodexed
- zipaligned
- Init.d support
- Tweaks for memory , internet
- Crypted gps optimazation patch
- Native-Add-Hoc wifi support or use this extra Ad-Hoc patch if original doesn't work , flash with CWM
- Native ntfs support
- Development option settings, merci vache
- Little mods to framework and AcerRing by me
- SoftButtons by 55Pegasus
- AcerPrint
- AcerRing , merci vache pour guidée
- Auto script to install correct boot.img thanks to Euclid's Brother
- ASUS Taskmanager
- removed , acer stuff, registration and some other useless stuff
Dev: civato | Homepage: TegraOwners / xda-forum- Stock0.019.0 kernel tweaked by civato and sys R/W hack bydrellisdee
- Rooted (su 3.0.7 bin
- BusyBox1.19.4
- Cif , tun modules
- Full deodexed
- zipaligned
- Init.d support
- Tweaks for memory , internet
- Crypted gps optimazation patch
- Native-Add-Hoc wifi support or use this extra Ad-Hoc patch if original doesn't work , flash with CWM
- Native ntfs support
- Development option settings, merci vache
- Little mods to framework and AcerRing by me
- SoftButtons by 55Pegasus
- AcerPrint
- AcerRing , merci vache pour guidée
- Auto script to install correct boot.img thanks to Euclid's Brother
- ASUS Taskmanager
- removed , acer stuff, registration and some other useless stuff
Flexreaper RF1_rv1: Full-ROM
Acer System Apps: download
Extra Acer-Planer: download
[B]Flexreaper RF1_rv1[/B]
- Auto detection for installing the correct kernel will now also recognize the NEW V4 unlocked ICS bootloader , HC bootloader and V3 ICS unlocked bootloader are also still recognized.
- GPS lto.dat auto update works now correctly , and if it doesn't auto update after 5 days you can do it yourself by using the terminal on the tablet.
How: type in terminal: su (enter) get-gps-lto (enter) and it updates the lto file for quick gps fix.
- Added some tweaks for better battery life , kernel and mount tweaks.
- Google maps and street switch to data so you can uninstall them like any app from market.
[B]Flexreaper RF1[/B]
- Based on 1.031 , 1.033 and 1.041 OTA release.
- Full language support and special optional Acer keyboard for Asian users.
- Tweaked kernel of the 1.033 release as I find it the best.
- Ito.dat gps fix build in kernel and system (patch was provided by waydownsouth )
- New ring layout and build in transparant mod.[/B]
- Optional ring mods ; Dancer and Gasmask.
- New White mod -transparant - MASK menu background (as requested)
- and added the RF1-default look if you want to go back to RF1 look after a mod flash.
- New RED MOD and White Mod see Special MODS and Optimezd WHite mask mods
[B]Flexreaper R14[/B]
- Full Acer OTA 1.033.00 with patched full root and tweaked kernel 1.033.00TW1.
- Stock ICS look , no mods
- All languages supported (parts of 1.031.00 are in the rom)
- Updated all apps.
- Autodetection and still HC bootloader support but ICS V3 unlocked bootloader is recommended.
- New mod : GoldRing Gold Rastermenu background , Blue buttons , Battery% , transparant mod
[B]Flexreaper R13[/B]
- Full deodexed and zipaligned like always.
- Look of R13 see screenshot.
- Acer Planner added as default system/app
- Optimized tweaks
- Apps updated
- Autodetection for ICS (0.3.12) V3 unlocked bootloader users and HC (3.01) bootloader users.
[B]Flexreaper R12.5[/B]
- DSP manager removed and replaced with Equalizer(data/apps) , now it works and no sound problems.(you can switch between FX and Equalizer)
- GPS logging dissabled so it won't store unwanted log files (Thanks maris)
- Script in init.d for temp files (exchange service) removing on sdcard (hope it works , but that is the script so you can always use script manager , script is in system/etc/init.d)
- New layout
- New mods and settings active bar problem solved caused by mods
[B]Flexreaper R12[/B]
- New kernel for HC bootloader users built in (messed up boot.img gone for 99%)
- DSP audio MANAGER added
- Sony Bravia Engine (better gallery quality)
- Optimized tweaks
- New framework-mod and ring layout
- 2 New wallpapers
[B]Flexreaper R11[/B]
- NEW release R11 Full 1.031.00 based rom with tweaked kernel
- All apps updated to the latest
- New AcerRing layout and small framework mod full ICS color with battery % mod included
[B]Flexreaper R10[/B]
- full 0.022.00 rom with tweaked kernel
- Added modules for cif support
- Asus weather widget added and Supernote added in extra system apps
- Blue clock matching buttons
- new acerring layout and new extra mods
[B]Flexreaper R9[/B]
- Rebuild and new kernel tweaks
- Auto detection for correct boot.img (HC or ICS bootloader by Euclid)
- Asus Taskmanager added
- Acer ring optimized
- Wifi Optimized
- ICS modules added (if they work ?)
[B]Flexreaper R7[/B]
- NewAuto script to install correct boot.img depending if you are using the patched ICS bootloader or not (@ Euclid'sBrother)
- Facelock removed (maybe later a 100%)
- added cube calculator (removed the android one)
- added touchscreen fixer in data
- New market (GooglePlay or PlayStore ?)
- Lumiread2 and LiveWallpapers are now included in base rom
- TiTanium Backup updated
- all apps updated........Based on 0.019.00
- TiTanium, ACERRing
- Flashplayer in data
[B]Flexreaper R6[/B]
- Facelock working
- TiTaniumBackup working
- ICS blue Bootanimation
- Cleaned out rom and tweaks
- removed bash and nano for now
- Development settings available (@Vache)
- wifi optimazation tweaks (quicker connection when coming from sleep)
- better wifi Ad-Hoc support
- GoldenRing by civato design
- Updated Busybox to 1.19.4
- Added TiTanium backup in data
- Auto script to install correct boot.img depending if you are using the patched ICS bootloader or not (@ Euclid'sBrother)
[B]Flexreaper R5[/B]
- added Acer ring (Thanks vache for the tips)
- acer print
- Added Facelock
- new build based on new leak Acer_A500_0.014.00_WW_GEN1
- Changed keyboard sound so the crackling sound is gone for 99%
[B]Flexreaper R4[/B]
- fixed Sod problem and system mounting thanks to sp3dev & drellisdee
[B]Flexreaper R3[/B]
- Build in patch bywaydownsouth so the system can be turned to rw or ro by using the following command in terminal :
-setprop system.mount rw
-setprop system.mount ro
Hinweis: Bei folgenden Einstellungen, sollte ein Haken gesetzt sein:
- Einstellungen/Anwendungen/Unbekannte Herkunft
- Einstellungen/Anwendungen/Entwicklung/USB-Debugging
- Einstellungen/Anwendungen/Entwicklung/Falsche Standorte
Wenn man schon eine Testversion am laufen hat, dann findet man die einzelnen Punkte wie folgt:
- Einstellungen/Sicherheit/Unbekannte Herkunft
- Einstellungen/Entwickleroptionen/USB-Debugging
- Einstellungen/Entwickleroptionen/Aktiv lassen
- Einstellungen/Entwickleroptionen/Falsche Standorte
Full-Backup mit dem ClockworkMod Recovery erstellen
(1) in das CMR booten
(2) backup and restore
(3) Backup
(4) warten bis das backup erstellt wurde
(5) reboot system now
----------(2) backup and restore
(3) Backup
(4) warten bis das backup erstellt wurde
(5) reboot system now
Full-ROM Installieren (Erstinstallation)
(1) ROM runterladen und auf /sdcard ablegen
(2) in das ClockworkMod booten
(3) Mounts and Storage > Format /system, /data, /cache
(4) wipe data/factory reset
(5) install zip from sdcard > choose zip from sdcard > rom-zip-Datei suchen und auswählen
(6) warten bis die Installation durch ist
(7) reboot system now
----------(2) in das ClockworkMod booten
(3) Mounts and Storage > Format /system, /data, /cache
(4) wipe data/factory reset
(5) install zip from sdcard > choose zip from sdcard > rom-zip-Datei suchen und auswählen
(6) warten bis die Installation durch ist
(7) reboot system now
Full-Backup wieder zurückspielen
(1) in das ClockworkMod Recovery booten
(2) wipe data/factory reset
(3) Mounts and Storage > Format /system, /data, /cache
(4) backup and restore > Restore > gewünschtes BackUp wählen
(5) warten bis die Installation durch ist
(6) reboot system now
----------(2) wipe data/factory reset
(3) Mounts and Storage > Format /system, /data, /cache
(4) backup and restore > Restore > gewünschtes BackUp wählen
(5) warten bis die Installation durch ist
(6) reboot system now
E N D E - E N D E - E N D E - E N D E
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